My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 306 Plan and Accident

But Hua Yunlan didn't care, instead she shook her head and said:

You and I both know that the number one genius in Qinghe County has not been seen for three years... There is a high probability that he will never come back. Yun Xin, you have an engagement with him, and you are not already married, so why waste your time!

There was a wry smile on his face, but a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

This person's name is Hua Yunlan, but he is a direct disciple of the Hua family in Fucheng.

The Hua family is one of the most powerful martial arts families in Fucheng, and there are also martial arts ninth-level masters sitting in the family!

And that nine-level master is also the vice president of the martial arts academy, but he is also the vice president, and his status is far higher than that of Ye Wuji!

Qingming Martial Arts Academy has one dean, but there are more than ten vice-principals, and the nine-fold master of the Hua family is also called the first vice-principal.

Of course, although Ye Wuji's strength is a bit weaker, he is still the dean's confidant after all, and most people don't want to offend him.

However, the Hua family entered the martial arts academy as a representative of the aristocratic family in Fucheng, and their relationship with the dean Mao Wangchen is on the opposite side.

It's just that Mao Wangchen, as an aristocratic family, has unparalleled strength, so the firepower of the aristocratic family is generally aimed at Ye Wushuang and others...

Chen Xi giggled, stepped forward and pulled Ye Yunxin back: I'm sorry, Uncle Hua, Sister Yunxin and I still have things to do, so I won't chatter with you, Uncle!

Then he hurriedly dragged Ye Yunxin out!

Although Chen Xi is young, he also knows that no answer is appropriate when dealing with these brown candies, and the best way is to ignore him!

Ye Yunxin also said hastily: My sister and I haven't eaten yet, so we won't chat with Brother Hua any more.

You two sisters, please go ahead!

Hua Yunlan smiled slightly, and didn't say much, but when he watched the two walk away, his smile froze and his face became cold!

This little niece of Chen Fan didn't inherit his uncle's talent in martial arts, but he inherited this annoying character!

Although Chen Xi's alias is Ye Chenxi and he is active as the Ye family, but for a family that is really powerful enough, it is easy to find out his identity!

Chen Xi lived in the Baiyun Gym for a few years, so many people know about it!

The so-called pursuit of Ye Yunxin, of course, is not because Hua Yunlan is really emotional for this woman, but the other party has the halo of Chen Fan's fiancee, but it makes him possessive!

Hmph! How long do you think you can be arrogant? Chen Fan is dead, you are just a corner, the daughter of the patriarch of the small sect, and your uncle is just a vice president without any real power. How dare you resist me?

The Ye family's base camp is not in Fucheng, and even if it is, after all, there are no masters above Jiuzhong, but it is not enough to fight against the Hua family.

Hua Yunlan sneered and walked out the door, but someone was already waiting at the door.

Hua Shao!

Hua Yunlan nodded: How about it, is the arrangement ready, are people watching?

The man nodded:

Don't worry Hua Shao, Ye Yunxin has just arrived at the fourth level of martial arts, and that little girl has just practiced martial arts. I sent hidden masters to track her down, and they won't be able to find her.

However, this is Fucheng after all. It's not good to use it in the street... After all, Fucheng still has the final say of the Wuyuan, and Ye Wuji is one of the vice presidents anyway. Although his strength is average, but if you It's too much, I'm afraid...

Hua Yunlan narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly:

Do you really think I'm going to be strong on Ye Yunxin? Do you really think your young master is so stupid?

The man was taken aback when he heard the words, and rubbed his head: Then what do you mean, young master...

Hua Yunlan swept her fan away, full of confidence:

Have you ever heard of a hero saving the beauty? Since I have the conditions, I must make full use of them. I don't believe that with my intelligence and natural strength, I can't impress a little girl in her early twenties!

Hearing this, the man quickly gave a thumbs up: Tall, it's really tall!

He turned around quickly, but rolled his eyes quietly.

This Hua Yunlan used the power of the family to engage in her own private affairs, but it was a bit dirty, but she was just a domestic servant, but there was no need to offend Hua Yunlan...


That Hua Yunlan is really annoying. Relying on the power of the family, she is amazing. He is almost thirty years old and has not yet been promoted to the Grand Master. How can he compare with Uncle!

After Chen Xi practiced martial arts, he naturally knew more about Chen Fan's rumors.

Ye Yunxin laughed, and scratched the little girl's nose:

Brother Chen Fan is a peerless genius who can't be found in the entire Daqian. If you compare him with others, there is no comparison at all!

In fact, this Hua Yunlan is already a sixth-level warrior, and his strength is not simple. In the martial arts academy, he is also a genius warrior who has entered the Mingyue Building!

He is highly valued in the family, but there is no comparison with Chen Fan!

The age difference between Ye Yunxin and Chen Xi is actually less than ten years.

So the two have quite a common language.

Leaving the outer courtyard of the Martial Arts Academy, he found a restaurant nearby, and after eating, he came out of the restaurant.

Suddenly several men in black appeared in front of the two of them!

These people are all masked, with weapons in their hands, and they are menacing!

Although the two girls are both martial arts practitioners, they were all shocked when they had never seen such a scene before!

But at this time, behind the two of them, a figure sprang out!

But it was an old woman in a plain cloth gown, she was Ye Yunxin's personal bodyguard, Granny Rong!

Although Grandma Rong didn't show herself publicly, she has been quietly following behind Ye Yunxin.

At this time, Grandma Rong looked stern, but she frowned at one of the men in black:

My young lady is the direct niece of the principal Ye Wuji of the Martial Academy. Who are you and what is your purpose?

The masked man who was stared at by Grandma Rong sneered at this moment.

His whole body is full of aura, giving people tremendous pressure, and he is also a strong master!

He didn't answer, but raised his hand and drew his sword, and the mighty force of heaven and earth pressed down on them.

Grandma Rong also urged the power of heaven and earth to stop her, with a serious expression on her face.

Miss, leave this to me, you go first!

Ye Yunxin nodded in the middle, and then took out a glowing talisman from her waist pocket, and her true energy entered it, and immediately pulled the little girl Chen Xi to run wildly!

The streamers on the two of them flickered, but they inspired some kind of special light, and the speed was astonishingly fast!

The master assassin raised his eyebrows. Immediately ordered the younger brothers around him: You chase, I will stop this old woman!

Then he slashed at Granny Rong with a horizontal knife...


A remote alley.

Ye Yunxin guarded Chen Xi behind her, surrounded by spiritual light, and looked palely at the men in black in front of her.

These people generally have more than four levels of strength, but they are about to catch up with the two!

Ye Yunxin herself is only in the third level, and if it weren't for the various life-saving talismans given by Ye Wushuang, she wouldn't be able to sustain it at all.

At the other end of the alley, Hua Yunlan looked at this scene with a sneer, but her eyes were shining brightly.

Then the waist and crotch long sword came to the alley surrounded by two warriors behind him!

Who dares to mess around in Fucheng in broad daylight?!

As he led people forward, he also raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had only noticed the appearance of Ye Yunxin and the two: Yun Xin? Is it you?

Seeing someone coming, Ye Yunxin hurriedly said, Senior Brother Hua, help!

Hua Yunlan looked at the men in black around him coldly: It's against you, dare to attack my martial arts disciples in Fucheng, are you tired of your life!

But he drew his sword abruptly, and stepped on a strange step, obviously mastering a special step.

Its steps are ghostly, and between actions, it raises its sword and slashes forward!

With the sword in hand and down, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal!

After all, Hua Yunlan is a genius warrior from the Mingyue Building of the Wuyuan Academy, so he is naturally very good at dealing with ordinary warriors of the sixth level and below.

In the blink of an eye, several figures fell to the ground!

With the arrival of Hua Yunlan, the rest of the men in black were also in a panic.

But a man in black rushed towards Ye Yunxin's two daughters with a knife.

Yunxin be careful!

Hua Yunlan rushed over, but blocked Ye Yunxin with her body.


Bloodstains flashed on his body, but he shouted angrily, and the sword light in his hand was lingering, knocking back the man in black!

Ye Yunxin was also dazed, and gave Hua Yunlan a somewhat complicated look.

But Hua Yunlan endured the injury and rushed out again. Jian Guang shot again and again, and quickly repelled the men in black!

But soon, the figures shifted, and many people in black came to the alley again. Hua Yunlan stood in front of Ye Yunxin and the two of them with a horizontal sword:

Yun Xin, you go first, I'll block you here!

Hua Yunlan had just finished speaking, and Ye Yunxin and Ye Yunxin hadn't left yet, when they suddenly felt a terrifying pressure coming from the sky.

He looked up.

But I don't know when, above the sky, a woman in embroidered clothes appeared in front of everyone!

A silver knife slowly floated in front of her.

Disturbing the order of the prefecture, damn it!

The woman stretched out her hand, and the moment her hand was on the handle, black light suddenly rippled.

Chi Chi Chi!

A streak of black light pierced the air, and a roar sounded.

After Chen Xi and Ye Yunxin stared in astonishment and amazement, the people in black all over the place turned into corpses and pieces of flesh!

The timeline is pushed forward a few days. ps: Once again I wish you all a happy Chinese Valentine's Day

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