My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 307 Reminder

Hua Yunlan's original intention was to stop these people and let Ye Yunxin escape.

The two naturally have to be grateful to themselves and deeply remember that they saved them.

Afterwards, he pretended to be seriously injured, so he didn't have to worry about not having a chance to win the attention of the beauties.

Unexpectedly, the plan was only halfway through, and before Ye Yunxin and the others could evacuate, all the assassins he sent were instantly killed.

And looking at the clothes that the woman in the sky is wearing, his heart is like an ice cellar!

Xiuyilou, it's the people from Xiuyilou! The order of the prefecture needs to be maintained by the warriors of Xiuyilou?!

He was full of bewilderment and anxiety.

Very worried, the person saw his connection with those assassins!

The Hua family is certainly powerful in Fucheng, but compared with the Embroidered Clothes Emissary, there is no comparison at all.

It's not that any of the embroidered clothes messengers is stronger than my grandfather, but the meaning represented by the embroidered clothes messenger is not comparable to my grandfather's.

On the other side, Ye Yunxin held Chen Xi in his arms and heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the corpses all over the place, each of them looked pale, but he had never seen such a terrifying scene!

Although the two are warriors, they have never experienced battles, and they have never seen a dead person...

The woman in the embroidered dress who was standing still in the sky turned her head and glanced at Ye Yunxin and the two, before flying away!

Chen Xi couldn't help but asked Ye Yunxin:

Who is this sister? Why does she want to save us?

Ye Yunxin also shook her head with a wry smile.

The two of them obviously didn't know the existence of the embroidered clothes messenger!

Seeing the embroidered emissary leave, Hua Yunlan breathed a sigh of relief, her panic dissipated, but her anger welled up in her heart.

These people were all sent by him, and every death would be a big loss to him!

Not to mention, the opportunity he originally wanted to create to impress Ye Yunxin was broken!

He suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, turned his head pale, and held a wound on his waist, Yun Xin, are you all right?

Ye Yunxin shook her head with a complex expression.

But at this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded in the distance, but it was a team of arresters rushing over!

Hua Yunlan was also shocked: These guys came so fast, could it be that the embroidered clothes envoy summoned them just now?

The policeman arrived early, but interrupted Hua Yunlan's chance to get along with the second daughter again.

The second daughter was directly arrested and sent back to the martial arts academy.

When Ye Wuji heard that his niece was assassinated in the street, he was naturally very angry!

Also immediately send someone to investigate the matter.

When Ye Yunxin and Chen Xi talked about the special woman who saved her, Ye Wuji's expression was also very delicate: If what you said is true, that person should be from the Xiuyi Building...

The two daughters both looked blank: What is the embroidery building?

Ye Wuji said: It is a core elite organization of Daqian, and those who can enter it are the elites of the elites... Anyone who comes out will be stronger than me!

He said with a delicate expression:

Back then Chen Fan made an exception and joined the person from the Embroidery Building. I guess this person may be Chen Fan's old friend in the Embroidery Building.

Ye Yunxin and Chen Xi were also taken aback when they heard the words, and then came to their senses.

The embroidered clothes envoy said that they were maintaining order in the prefecture, but they should actually help them for Chen Fan's sake!

And soon, Grandma Rong also rushed back.

It's all old and incompetent. They failed to protect the young lady and frightened the young lady!

However, Ye Yunxin shook her head: I never thought that someone would be so bold to do something in the streets of Fucheng, how could I blame you, mother-in-law!

Ye Wuji personally only has the eighth level of martial arts, and even the Ye family doesn't have a ninth level martial artist at all.

Naturally, it was impossible to find a bodyguard with an eighth level martial art for Ye Yunxin!

I thought Fucheng was safe enough, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Ye Wuji frowned deeply:

Fortunately, that kid Hua Yunlan happened to meet you guys and acted fast, otherwise Yunxin and you two would be in danger. It's hard to believe that he would be Hua Wenbin's grandson...

Hearing Grandma Rong's expression was a little subtle, and then said:

Actually, the reason why this old man was able to get rid of the enemy so quickly and return was because he met a senior woman in embroidered clothes who helped me. She killed the person who attacked me with a single blow... That senior, before leaving, also let me I warned Miss, beware of Hua Yunlan...

Several people were startled when they heard this!

Ye Wuji also narrowed his eyes.

When Chen Xi heard this, she also frowned and said immediately:

Let me just say, what happened today is too coincidental, it's like watching a play... We just bid farewell to Hua Yunlan, and after being attacked, we happened to meet him again!

Although he is young, he has a lot of eyes!

Ye Yunxin also nodded immediately:

Hua Yunlan's actions are indeed somewhat deliberate!

Fucheng has a population of tens of millions. As the largest city in Qinghe County, it is ten times larger than the second Yandu City. It is divided into more than ten districts, each of which is larger than an ordinary city!

It is so simple to meet by chance!

Ye Wuji frowned when he heard the words, Hua Wenbin is the first vice president of the Martial Academy, and he has always been at odds with me, especially recently...Could it be a situation set up by the Hua family?

He turned his head and looked at Ye Yunxin and the two solemnly:

The two of you don't leave the martial arts academy during this time. As the vice president, I can provide Xiaoxi with an entry permit...Xiaoxi, you stay in the martial arts academy for the time being. If you have any questions about martial arts practice, just ask Aunt Yunxin !

Chen Xi is not a disciple of the martial arts academy, so it is reasonable to say that he cannot stay in the martial arts academy for a long time, but Ye Wuji is the vice president after all, so naturally he still has some privileges.

Ye Wuji turned and left after speaking.

Leaving Ye Yunxin and the two of them staring at each other, Chen Xi muttered dissatisfiedly: I still have a game to play tomorrow...

Ye Yunxin smiled wryly and shook her head: Don't hit me yet. When I turn around, I will naturally be explained by you. Now, let's stay in the martial arts academy.

Chen Xi nodded. Although she is small, she is not a willful child who doesn't understand reason, but if she complains, it is naturally impossible for her to insist on going out!

But being able to enter the martial arts academy in advance is also a very good opportunity for her.


Hua Yunlan pretended to be injured and lay down at home.

It's a pity that at the last moment of being handsome, the embroidered clothes emissary suddenly appeared, otherwise Ye Yunxin would definitely remember me forever... But I also saved her life, and I was injured because of her? Isn't it normal for her to come to see me?

As long as Ye Yunxin will come to visit, then there will naturally be a chance for the relationship to develop!

How did he know that Ye Yunxin had been reminded a long time ago, and she was also wary of him.


Depressed, Hua Yunlan lay at home for a few days.

He couldn't wait for Ye Yunxin's care and comfort for a long time, and even Ye Wuji didn't send anyone to come to express condolences.

No way, I was injured to save them, and I fell in love with me directly without saying that I really fell in love with me. It's okay to send a gift and express condolences, right?

His heart was extremely depressed.

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded from outside the room.

As the pride of my Hua family, you've become like this for a woman... It's really outrageous!

Hearing this voice, Hua Yunlan immediately jumped off the bed and knelt on the ground: Grandpa taught me a lesson!


The door was open.

A man walked into the room slowly, but he was a middle-aged man.

This person is also the Patriarch of the Hua family, and the first vice president of the Martial Academy, Hua Wenbin!

He snorted coldly:

Ye Wuji can't be arrogant for a few days! Recently, in Yandu City, the Ye family is being suppressed by foreign big families, and its power is constantly shrinking. Ye Wuji promoted Chen Fan, and even paid a big price. It has been confirmed that I will not come back... Ye Wuji is already a rootless duckweed!

I collected a lot of black information about him, contacted the five vice presidents, and I am confident that he will be dismissed...

After saying this, Hua Yunlan's complexion also changed abruptly: That Ye Wuji is Ye Yunxin's uncle, if my Hua family is against her, I will have no chance to pursue her...


Hua Yunlan's body flew suddenly, smashing the big bed behind her into pieces!

Hua Wenbin said bluntly:

Trash! The Ye family is down, Ye Wuji is down, it would be nice if the women of the Ye family snatch it! In the society of warriors, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say! How stupid!

Hua Yunlan gave a wry smile. She didn't want to explain all the things she wanted to explain, but she just bowed her head honestly and didn't dare to say more...

Today's content is suspected of breaking chapters, so I plan to post two more chapters. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be a little less... ps: Thank you for the rewards from the following bigwigs this week: Zanarkand, Ye Luozhi Qiuye, Four Seas Whale Song, Xue Haiyuan, Shuyou 20210617180818975, Huang Qingyi, Reader 1196734759740088320, Eat Melon and Fruit , book friend 2019070722

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