My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 305 Ye Chenxi


The outer government of the Martial Arts Academy.

As a preparatory institution directly under the Martial Arts Academy, this is also a well-known holy place for warriors in Fucheng!

When Yan Lincu came to Fucheng and joined the martial arts academy, he laid his foundation here.

At this time, in the foreign palace, in a certain training ground!

Twelve or thirteen-year-old boys and girls were boxing with the instructor.

All the training is some basic strength training skills!

The teenagers and girls who can sign up are either talented warriors with enough talent.

Either he is a disciple of a martial arts family with a good enough family background.

Of course, those families or forces that are truly top-notch will also have their own separate training methods, so they won't come here!

So there are more of those small families who are tall or not, or middle or not!

The instructor nodded and looked at the surrounding boys and girls punching in style, and kept nodding. After a long while, he clapped his hands and signaled everyone to stop for a while:

Okay, today's teaching is over for the time being. Before the free training, I want to inform you that next week will be our New Beginner Disciple Competition! There will be three places for each class? Does anyone want to sign up for the competition?

As soon as his voice fell, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl raised her hand, and following her raising her hand, several teenagers and girls also raised their hands.

A total of seven or eight people!

New martial artists, because of their young age and strong desire to compete, all attach great importance to such opportunities!

The instructor looked at the person who raised his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said: Yun Feiyan, Yu Haoran, the two of you have the fastest progress in cultivation, so you should occupy the first two places. As for the third person...

His eyes switched back and forth on the remaining people, and finally stopped on the first little girl who raised her hand!

Ye Chenxi, it's just you!

As soon as this remark came out, there were disappointing sighs from teenagers and girls.

I'm not convinced, instructor. It's Ye Chenxi again. It's too unfair. Ye Chenxi's talent is terrible. She is lucky to join our elite class. How can we get her to join the elite class?

It was a fat boy who stood up.

Ye Chenxi frowned, and hummed:

What's wrong with my talent? It's not a problem to beat you five with one. If you think I'm not worthy of participating in the sparring, then you challenge me. If you beat me, I'll give you the chance!

The chubby dun'er blushed when he heard the words, I don't bully little girls!

Ye Chenxi sneered, and before she could refute, a girl beside her said rudely:

Fatty man, how good do you think your talent is? Chen Xi usually works so hard. Although her talent is not good, her martial arts are not bad at all. Even the instructors recognize her. Why do you refuse to accept her!

Yeah yeah!

There are only a few little girls in a class, but they stand together with the same hatred and blame the little fat man!

Ye Chenxi let out a haughty hum.

The instructor had a big head, cleared his throat, Quiet, be quiet, if anyone disagrees with the list I selected and wants to challenge, they can do it at any time!

That little fat man's expression froze, a little aggrieved, but he didn't really challenge him!

He was purely displeased with the little girl, but actually he couldn't bear to beat her up.

Ye Chenxi rolled her eyes, too lazy to look at him.

The instructor also nodded and looked at this scene. Ye Chenxi's root talent is indeed not good, but she worked hard enough and was active enough, so she was not pulled down by her peers too much when she first started practicing martial arts.

Since there is no objection, let's make this list like this! Next, let's enter the free time.

The boys and girls began to move freely, chatting one by one, getting together, practicing martial arts and chatting...

At this time, a beautiful girl in her early twenties walked in from outside, and as she entered the training ground, all eyes from the training ground cast her over!

Even the instructors who taught boxing stopped their work one after another and nodded to the young woman!

The young woman nodded slightly, and then went to the front of Ye Chenxi's team, and said a few words to the instructor...

The instructor taught directly:

Ye Chenxi, your sister is looking for you, so you should go back early, and don't forget to review and consolidate today's boxing skills...

Ye Chenxi wiped the sweat off her brow, said goodbye to the little sisters, walked out of the square, and followed the young woman.

Wait until the two disappear in the training ground.

The little fat man couldn't help but said:

Hmph, who the hell is Ye Chenxi? The instructor always gives her a little trouble, obviously her talent is not very good...

Although he is young, he still has a gossip heart.

Especially Ye Chenxi's talent in martial arts is mediocre, but she can enter the core class of the martial arts academy, and all kinds of soups and elixirs are enough!

And the instructors sometimes treat them differently, which naturally makes some people even more upset.

What are you chattering about, practice hard, tomorrow I will check your progress again, if you can't practice well, don't blame me for being rude!

The instructor's fierce voice sounded, and the whispering boys and girls were shocked, and they didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore!

Meanwhile, off the training ground.

The little girl, Ye Chenxi, was walking out holding Ye Yunxin's arm, constantly complaining about her companion's annoying little fat man.

Ye Yunxin looked at the girl with a smile, nodded frequently, and agreed with the little girl.

The so-called Ye Chenxi is actually Chen Xi!

Chen Xi lived in Ye's house for several years, and later came to Fucheng together with Ye Yunxin. The two spent a lot of time together, and their relationship is naturally very good.

And the little girl doesn't talk about martial arts talent, but she is smart and well-behaved, and Ye Yunxin likes it very much!

The two chatted.

Chen Xi suddenly asked again: Uncle, is there any news from him?

Seeing the girl's big eyes flickering, Ye Yunxin's smile froze, she shook her head and said:

Not yet, but my uncle is the vice president of the martial arts academy. He said that brother Chen Fan is not dead, he should just be trapped somewhere...

But that being said, the loneliness, sadness and worry in her tone could not be concealed.

The truth about Chen Fan's disappearance was known to no one other than the Pu family.

On the contrary, Cheng Caiying knew that Wujianmen had assassinated Chen Fan before he disappeared, so now Xiuyilou and Wuyuan generally believe that Chen Fan was either in a desperate situation, or was captured alive by Wujianmen!

Even the probability of the latter is higher!

Maybe brother Chen Fan is with us, but for some reason, he can't meet us...

Her gaze was determined!

She can always feel that in Fucheng, someone is taking special care of her and protecting her secretly.

With disappointment and surprise on Chen Xi's face, he stretched out his hand and squeezed Ye Yunxin's palm.

When I become stronger and become a master, I will definitely save my uncle!

Ye Yunxin laughed and shook her head when she heard the words.

The higher one's own cultivation base is, the more one understands Chen Fan's strength, and the more one can feel the terrifying speed of his strength development!

And although Chen Xi has special care from the Ye family and works very hard, the probability of being promoted to a grandmaster in this life is extremely low.

Of course, it may be said that his savvy is excellent, and the latecomers will prevail.

The two walked side by side, hand in hand, in the outer palace.

She didn't know about the drastic changes in Yandu City in the past few days, and Ye Wushuang also deliberately concealed the news, so she didn't know that the Ye family had been suppressed by others in the past!

The two walk between.

A young man with a feather fan, as elegant as jade, came to the two of them: Hey, isn't this the little princess of the Ye family in Yandu City? Why... come to see Sister Chenxi again?

When this person appeared, both Chen Xi and Ye Yunxin froze.

Ye Yunxin narrowed her eyes:

Senior Brother Hua was joking, how dare Yun Xin call herself a princess... But you, Senior Brother Hua, ran to the outer mansion every three days and appeared in front of us every now and then. It's a bit of a coincidence...

The man smiled slightly, unfolded the jade fan in his hand, waved it lightly twice, but looked at Ye Yunxin with burning eyes:

What is the reason, Yun Xin, don't you know?

An angry look flashed across Ye Yunxin's face, and she said firmly, Yunxin has a long-standing marriage contract, Senior Brother Hua loves Yunxin so much, I can't afford it!

The content of the new volume has not been decided yet, the name of the volume is tentative, and may be changed in the future

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