My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 184 The discussion between the brothers and the ambition of Taoist Master Simu

No rush, I'll talk to your master first.

Taoist Priest Simu spoke quickly and said to Wencai.


Wencai was also stunned when he heard what Master Shishu Taoist Priest Simu said.

For so many years, Taoist Master Shimu's arrangements in Yizhuang have been the same.

As long as you bring customers here to rest, you will go to rest immediately after settling the customers.

After all, it is quite tiring to travel around with a group of customers continuously.

Not to mention Taoist Priest Four's method of driving away corpses, which is more tiring than normal corpse driving.

It is precisely because of this that when Taoist Master Simu arrives at Yizhuang at this point, he will go to rest as soon as possible.

A lot of the time I don’t even eat.

Now that this arrangement was suddenly interrupted, Wencai was understandably shocked.

But the greatest advantage of literary talents is that they listen to advice.

At least when in front of him, he was very obedient.

Okay, uncle.

The room is still there, I'll go and clean it up first.

You can go anytime you want to rest.

Yeah. So good!

Uncle Master loves you so much.

Taoist Priest Simu was also quite happy to hear the arrangements made by his nephew Wencai.

He couldn't help but caress Wencai.

Uncle, I'm going to get busy.

Seeing Taoist Master Simu take action, Wencai's expression changed and he immediately ran away.

After suffering many losses, even a pig can become a sperm.

Although Wen Cai is not very smart, he can still learn from this experience.


Seeing Wencai leaving quickly, Taoist Master Simu just laughed twice and did not continue to caress him.

After all, he had his own purpose in coming here this time.

In the face of serious matters, he can still restrain his temper.

Without much delay, he quickly headed to Uncle Jiu's room.

Taoist Priest Simu is still very familiar with the place of Yizhuang.

No one is needed to guide the way.

Dong dong dong.

Arriving outside Uncle Jiu's room, Taoist Priest Simu pretended to knock on the door.

If it had been the past, he would have just opened the door and walked in.

But this time things are different.

Uncle Jiu sent a message and told Taoist Master Simu that there were good things here.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed over in such a hurry.

Seeing the treasure's face, he was still willing to abide by a little more rules.

come in.

As the owner of this Yizhuang Dojo, he is also a master of setting up various formations with his own hands.

When Taoist Master Four Eyes entered Yizhuang, Uncle Jiu naturally knew about it.

If it didn't even have this effect, Uncle Jiu wouldn't be able to go out to slay demons without worry.

As senior brothers who have known each other for many years, Uncle Jiu is very clear about the nature of Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

Moreover, although this time it was a benefit to him, it was also a win-win situation.

There is no need to pay too much attention to false etiquette.

After all, Wang Chen later refined so many Bagua Magic Mirrors, and it was still a little difficult for him to handle them all by himself.

Senior brother, do you have any good treasures for me?

After Taoist Priest Simu opened the door and came in, he immediately asked.


Looking at the disfigured junior brother, Uncle Jiu also sighed.

However, he didn't sigh too much and spoke immediately.

That's it!

Uncle Jiu pointed to the Bagua Magic Mirror on the table and said.

This is……

As a direct disciple of Maoshan, Master Simu is naturally knowledgeable.

Looking at what Uncle Jiu was pointing at, he recognized it at a glance.

But there was an indescribable feeling in my heart.

After all, when he first received the message from Uncle Jiu, he thought there was some awesome treasure.

The result turned out to be a Bagua Magic Mirror.

This thing is good, but it's a little bad.

But I can't say it, it's kind of good.

After all, it is also a magic weapon, and it is definitely more powerful than those magic weapons.

But among the magic weapons, this thing is only the most common type.

It is more aimed at ghosts, zombies and the like, but it is not very lethal to other monsters.

And the Eight Trigrams Magic Mirror is just like its name.

Relatively crispy.

Once the mirror at the core is broken, the entire magic weapon is basically useless.

It is precisely because of these reasons that the grade of the Bagua Magic Mirror is not very high.

For today's Taoist priests with four eyes, the Bagua Fu Demon Mirror is useless.

It is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

But it was a magic weapon after all, so he didn't say much.

Senior brother, why did you think of giving me this magic weapon?

After sitting down, Taoist Priest Four Eyes immediately asked.

Although the relationship between them is very close, they will not give away a magic weapon for no reason.

If it was given to Jiale, he could barely understand it.

After all, as an elder, it is barely reasonable to give some gifts to the younger generation.

But they are senior brothers, and their relationship is indeed good, but they don't just give away a magic weapon directly.

come on.

Upon hearing Taoist Priest Four's inquiry, Uncle Jiu stood up and walked towards a box nearby.

At the same time, he also said hello.

Upon hearing this, Taoist Master Simu immediately stood up and followed.



The moment Uncle Jiu opened a box, Taoist Master Simu immediately exclaimed.

In the entire box, there are actually Bagua Fu magic mirrors.

Although this thing is among the magic weapons, its grade is considered to be relatively low-level.

But no matter how low-level it is, it is still a magic weapon!

In the entire cultivation world, that is considered very precious.

Now in this box, there are actually twenty pieces of Bagua Magic Mirrors placed.

How could this not surprise Taoist Priest Four Eyes?

Twenty magic weapons suddenly appeared, which was quite explosive even in the entire cultivation world.

Brother, this...

Yes, they are all magic weapons - the Bagua Magic Mirror.

Before Simu Dao could finish his long words, he was directly interrupted by Uncle Jiu.

“Inside these boxes are all Bagua Magic Mirrors.

A total of two hundred and twelve pieces!


As soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, Taoist Priest Simu was shocked again.

Twenty magic weapons appeared at the same time, which were extremely explosive existences.

Now more than two hundred magic weapons appear at the same time, which is unheard of in the entire cultivation world.

These are all refined by your nephew.

Uncle Jiu sat back on the chair and spoke directly.

Is this all refined by Xiaochen?

Although Uncle Jiu has three apprentices, Taoist Priest Four Eyes is very aware of the talents and qualities of the three nephews.

It would be great if Wencai and Qiu Sheng could avoid causing trouble. Refining more than two hundred magic weapons would be a joke.

Only Wang Chen's nephew, Taoist Master Simu, thought it was possible.

After all, during the time they spent together, he already had a very deep understanding of Wang Chen's talent and strength.

It was possible to draw so many small five thunder talismans in the past, but now it is not impossible to refine so many magic weapons.


This is just a magic weapon, there are more magic weapons over there.

But all of them are low-level mahogany swords.

Uncle Jiu touched his chin and said again.

Wang Chen had refined so many low-level magic weapons, the Taomu Sword, and now they were placed in another warehouse dedicated to storing supplies.

Only magic weapons were eligible for him to receive in his room.

After all, the value gap between the two is too big.

After a slight pause to allow Taoist Priest Four Eyes to adjust, Uncle Jiu continued.

I invite you here this time, in addition to giving you a magic weapon.

The main thing is to sell and dispose of all the remaining Bagua Magic Mirrors.

This is a bit difficult.

After hearing Uncle Jiu's words, Taoist Master Simu said a little embarrassed.

These are more than two hundred magic weapons. Even a top sect like Maoshan needs the strength of people from all walks of life to digest them.

But that kind of movement was really too big.

If you want to deal with it quietly, unless it is three or five items, it is more or less the same.

But if there are really only three or five pieces, Uncle Jiu doesn’t need to bother him.

You also know that if you want to improve your weapon refining technology, you will definitely need a lot of practical work.

This essential thing is all kinds of weapon refining materials.

That's why I want to get rid of all these magic weapons and exchange them for more refining materials.

After hearing Uncle Jiu's words, Taoist Priest Simu's brows relaxed a little.

He was very familiar with Wang Chen, his nephew.

If it weren't for Wang Chen's help, he might not have been able to successfully break through the Earth Master bottleneck.

Now that he, a master uncle, is needed to help, he will naturally not refuse.

Besides, if we really talk about it, it is not completely impossible to deal with these magic weapons.

After all, it has been so many years since he came to Maoshan to serve as a teacher.

Although he is not as strong as Uncle Jiu, he still has some friends after traveling all over the country for so many years.

It can still be done by asking those friends to help digest some magic weapons.

Besides, this is a win-win situation, and others are unlikely to refuse.

After all, for a human master, the increased combat effectiveness of a magic weapon is quite considerable.

Even though this magic weapon is more aimed at ghosts and zombies.

But as long as the price is slightly cheaper, other masters will never mind having one more magic weapon.

No matter what, the magic weapon is also a foundation.

I also know some friends. If they want to do it without making a big fuss, they can only handle about thirty magic weapons at most.

Taoist Priest Simu thought for a moment and finally gave his promise.

That's it.

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu was quite satisfied.

Being able to handle more than thirty magic weapons is already pretty good.

These magic weapons can also be exchanged for a lot of materials, which is enough for Wang Chen to consume for a period of time.

Besides, he not only informed Junior Brother Four Eyes, but also Junior Brother Qianhe.

As soon as he left Maoshan, he went to join Taoist priest Qianhe in the imperial court. His connections were much stronger than Taoist priest Shimu.

Even though he had successfully separated from the imperial court before, his relationship with the imperial court was not particularly good.

But that was just the relationship with the imperial court.

Other cultivators who rely on the imperial court to make a living will not care so much.

There are still a few people who really want to go all the way with the imperial court.

It's just that the others don't have such a strong background, and it's not like Taoist Master Qianhe who just met a suitable reason.

It is still difficult to completely break away from the court.

But there is no problem at all in maintaining a good relationship with Taoist Master Qianhe.

After all, the elders of Maoshan had heard some rumors about the matter of standing up for Taoist Qianhe.

Besides, there is no need to refuse such a good thing as getting a magic weapon.

In terms of personal connections, Taoist priest Qianhe can be said to be far ahead.

It's just that Master Qianhe is still looking for a suitable place to sit and has not settled down yet.

The speed is naturally a little slower than that of the four-eyed Taoist priest.

Taoist Master Four Eyes and Uncle Jiu discussed quickly and finally settled the matter.

I'm going to rest first.

After finishing this serious matter, Taoist Master Simu also yawned.

Originally, he was a little tired from leading the customers, not to mention that after receiving the message from Uncle Jiu, he rushed over without stopping.

I didn't even take a good rest during the trip.

Now that everything has been discussed, it is natural to have a good rest.

Bring this Bagua Magic Mirror with you.

When you go back, take one with you too.

Seeing his junior brother Taoist Master Four Eyes turn around and prepare to leave, Uncle Jiu immediately spoke.

If it were a normal situation, he would certainly not give away a magic weapon casually.

But things are different now.

There are too many magic weapons here, and Wang Chen himself is still refining them.

At that time, the number of magic weapons will only increase.

There is absolutely no problem in giving one as a gift to someone close to you.

Of course, he had already discussed these with Wang Chen before.

After all, no matter how you put it, these magic weapons were refined by Wang Chen.

Even if he is a master, he still needs to respect Wang Chen's opinions.

Wang Chen naturally could not refuse this.

After all, he has very good senses about his uncle, Taoist Master Four Eyes.

Just one or two magic weapons are nothing at all.

When the level of weapon refining is improved in the future, he will not be stingy even with spiritual weapons.

After all, if something really happens, you have to rely on the help of these close people.

To strengthen their combat effectiveness is to strengthen one's own combat effectiveness.

This was the reason why Wang Chen contributed various Corpse King Pills in the first place.

It is precisely because of this that Uncle Jiu will make a promise here.

Not urgent.

Taoist priest Simu waved his hand and said casually.


Time passed quickly, and soon it was afternoon.

Taoist Priest Simu, who had rested beautifully all morning, also planned to meet Wang Chen.

Although the Bagua Fu Demon Mirror can be regarded as a magic weapon, for the Taoist Priest Four Eyes at this time, it is a bit low-level.

Naturally, he wanted to possess a more powerful magic weapon.

If it were before, he would naturally not have such thoughts.

It would be nice to have a magic weapon, what else do you want, a bicycle!

But now that he has a nephew like Wang Chen who is proficient in weapon refining, he naturally has some ambitions.

He provided the materials himself and asked Wang Chen, his nephew, to help him refine a magic weapon that was most suitable for him.

If you want to achieve this goal, you naturally need to meet Wang Chen and understand the specific situation.

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