My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 183 Wow! Golden legend! There is a change

As a disciple of Maoshan, Wang Chen naturally did not want to break this rule.

After all, this also has many benefits for Maoshan.

Besides, Wang Chen himself doesn't really want to cause trouble for himself.

That will delay your own cultivation.

It is enough for fishing law enforcement to collect some weapon refining materials, there is no need to do something thankless.

He is not the kind of person who insists on pursuing excitement.

It's just that he was a little unhappy about asking Wang Chen to let go of those who had thoughts about him.

It is precisely because of this that he pretends to be a newbie who knows nothing and gives others a chance to take the bait.

If he really didn't come, he would have no choice but to leave.

After all, you cannot delay your own practice for a small gain.

Anyway, one's own strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and after the various skill levels are improved, various benefits will be at your fingertips.

Wang Chen gave the opportunity like this, so those who followed naturally had ideas.

People who can commit robbery and murder without any capital are naturally very courageous.

It was impossible to be completely frightened by Wang Chen's previous actions.

Not to mention Wang Chen pretending to be a newbie now, as long as the benefits are sufficient, even when facing a powerful opponent, those hyenas would dare to rush forward and give him a fight.

People without such courage and mentality would not dare to come out and do such a thing.

Of course, not everyone continued to follow.

Some veterans who have been around for a long time have noticed something is wrong.

After thinking for a moment, he stopped slightly.

Plan to continue to wait and see.

If Wang Chen's strength is terrifying enough, then they will immediately turn around and run away.

If Wang Chen's strength was average, he would be killed and cheated by others.

Then they can also have a mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind.

This risk is much smaller.

Being able to survive this kind of life of licking blood from the edge of a knife for a long time naturally means your brain is relatively flexible.

Sensing that more and more people were surrounding him, Wang Chen was not prepared to wait any longer, but was planning to take the initiative.

Because in his perception, those who can come have basically surrounded him.

The rest are watching from a distance, and there is no use in continuing to wait.

After all, when others come up to attack, Wang Chen will definitely need to take action.

Anyway, it’s no longer attractive, so there’s no need to waste time.


Before those hyenas could take action, Wang Chen took the lead in attacking.

Although most of Wang Chen's previous energy was spent on talismans.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have other abilities.

With the blessing of the golden finger panel, his own talent is not bad.

If you don't know how to take advantage of such a huge advantage, then you are not worthy of being a time traveler.

I haven't used other abilities before, just because the Xiaowu Lei Talisman is too convenient.

There is no need to waste more energy on troubles that can be easily solved.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen always used the Xiao Wu Lei Talisman when he faced enemies in the past.

After all, the difficulty level for him to draw the Xiaowu Lei Talisman was too low.

At least it's more convenient and simpler than using other abilities during the battle against the enemy.

But this time it's different.

Wang Chen was ready to touch the corpse.

If you directly use the Xiaowu Lei Talisman to attack, there is no way to control the intensity of the attack.

When the time comes, all kinds of treasures will be destroyed by the Xiaowu Lei Talisman, and this time's calculations will be in vain.

Wang Chen didn't want to encounter this situation.


Now that we have taken action, there is no need to keep it.

He directly attacked the hyenas surrounding them.

A total of fifteen people were knocked away by Wang Chen.

With Wang Chen's powerful soul perception ability, he can naturally handle these guys easily.

The intensity of the attack can be said to be controlled just right.

It not only makes them unable to resist, but also prevents them from destroying the treasures they may carry.


Wang Chen's actions directly caused those who had not left the cultivator trading market to take a breath of cold air.

Especially those old Jianghu people who had ideas but eventually backed down.

At this time, they were all thankful in their hearts.

This time's caution really paid off.

While these guys were rejoicing, Wang Chen began to pack away the trophies unhurriedly.

This time no one dared to think otherwise.

Even Wang Chen's movements are still like a newbie.

He had already known that no one would take the bait, and Wang Chen did not deliberately waste time.

On the contrary, it is a relatively quick last-ditch attack.


When he touched the corpse of a young cultivator, Wang Chen was a little surprised.

This time it was actually a big deal.

It can be said to be a golden legend!

You must know that in this world, all kinds of stored treasures are extremely precious.

If you are not the head elder of a large sect, then you don’t even think about it.

Even many elders don't have any treasures to store.

Those top sects can only ensure that the leader has one stored treasure.

This can be regarded as a status symbol.

Therefore, storage treasures are scarce, and it is impossible for those cultivators in the cultivation world to carry all their treasures with them.

Either there is a special treasure hiding place, or there is a short-term hidden warehouse.

Of course, most of them will use all their resources to improve their own strength.

After all, in a world of cultivation where the jungle prevails, only strength is the most real.

Why are those big sects able to control the market and formulate rules?

It's not because their fists are hard enough and their strength is strong enough.

Investing in yourself is always the most promising approach.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen's fishing law enforcement this time is just a two-pronged shot.

It’s best if you have something to gain, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have something to gain.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been able to just let go of those hyenas that hadn't stepped out of the trading market.

Although there are rules and regulations!

But the main thing is that the benefits outweigh the costs.

If the benefits are high enough, Wang Chen won't have other ideas.

This unexpected gain was originally just a supplement.

But Wang Chen found a storage bracelet on a hyena.

This can be regarded as a monster explosion artifact.

It was true that Wang Chen was a little confused.

A mere little Karami who is a late-stage mage can actually possess stored treasures.

This is just a little abnormal.

However, after thinking for a moment, Wang Chen happily accepted the storage bracelet.

Although the space for this treasure storage is not large, for Wang Chen who has no storage treasure yet, it is indeed a top-notch treasure.

With the stored treasure, this can be considered a protagonist!

It was nearly twenty years after he came to this world that he had his first stored treasure.

Compared to other senior time travellers, he is indeed a bit stretched.

But there is no way around it. The treasures stored in this world are indeed too scarce.

If you want to successfully refine a storage treasure, the first condition is that your own weapon refining skills must pass the test.

This is only the most basic condition. Only when this condition is met can you continue.

The second point is to have a material with the power of space.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the weapon refining technology is, it will only be a skillful woman unable to make a meal without rice.

Of course, if your own strength is strong enough and you can control the power of extracting space by yourself, then the second point is not particularly troublesome.

After all, you can control the power of space by yourself, you just need to prepare materials that can carry the power of space.

But this is easier said than done.

If you want to control the power of space on your own, you must either have extreme talent in this area.

Either his own strength can break through the Heavenly Master and reach the tribulation.

But in this day and age, masters in the Tribulation Stage have basically never appeared.

Wang Chen has only seen it in various experience notes, which simply describe the records of masters who have transcended the tribulation period.

In this era, even masters at the Heavenly Master level are about to become legendary masters.

During the Tribulation Period, I am afraid that only one or two old antiques may exist in the cave heaven paradise of those top sects.

The path to controlling the power of space on your own is basically impossible.

It is precisely because of this that stored treasures are so scarce.

Now that he had harvested a stored treasure, Wang Chen was naturally quite excited.

Even if he knew that there might be big trouble behind this storage treasure.

But he still did not choose to give up this storage treasure.

Wang Chen calmly mixed the storage treasures with other treasures and wrapped them together.

Then he calmly continued to touch up the corpses of the last two people.

After doing all this, he climbed on the paper horse and left.

The whole process can be described as light and rainy, as if nothing happened.

After leaving the periphery of the cultivator trading market, Wang Chen speeded up and returned quickly.

With his speed and his exaggerated soul perception ability, he naturally doesn't have to worry about anyone being able to track him.

Wang Chen still has this bit of confidence.


There were no surprises on the journey back, it was smooth sailing.

It didn't take long for Wang Chen to successfully arrive at the Yizhuang Dojo in Renjia Town.

After getting everything into Yizhuang, Wang Chen began to carefully examine the loot this time.

After inspection, the harvest was not satisfactory.

This is also normal.

After all, if you were really rich, how could you risk your life?

It is considered very lucky to have a golden legend with a stored treasure.

Wang Chen didn't dare to expect too much.

People should still be content with what they have.

After completing the inspection, Wang Chen took the storage bracelet and went to the weapon refining room.

He planned to refine this storage bracelet again.

This can also better cover up the trouble behind this treasure.

Even if you can't completely eliminate all troubles, you can push the time back.

What Wang Chen lacks now is time.

He only gets stronger as time goes by.

This will also buy you more time to grow.

If the stored treasures were not too scarce, Wang Chen might have simply abandoned them.

Even if it is a magic weapon or even a spiritual weapon, he will simply discard it.

After all, with the blessing of the golden finger panel, he was confident that as long as he was given a little time, he could definitely refine the magic weapon and spiritual weapon that best suited him.

But storage treasures are different.

This thing depends on luck, if you miss it, you will probably have to wait for a long time.

And the convenience of storing treasures is an irresistible temptation.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen accepted the treasure without hesitation even if he knew there was trouble.

After arriving at the weapon refining room, Wang Chen simply adjusted his mentality, and then immediately started to take action.

Refining is not refining the weapon, and the difficulty factor will be much smaller.

With Wang Chen's current level of weapon refining, there is no problem at all.

When the temperature of the furnace rose, Wang Chen immediately threw the storage bracelet into it.

Use your own mana and soul power to quickly refine and process this storage bracelet.

At least the appearance will change slightly.

After about ten minutes, Wang Chen's refining was finally completed.

A storage bracelet that looked completely different from before appeared in Wang Chen's hand.

Of course, this is just the appearance, the inside is still exactly the same as before.

There is only 1.5 cubic meters of storage space.

But for Wang Chen now, it is more than enough.

Using this storage bracelet is better than carrying a backpack like before.

He had an idea before, and when he officially left Yizhuang, he would specially make a magical weapon that looked like a backpack.

In this way, you can better ensure your own reserves of talismans.

But I never expected that before that time came, there would be unexpected surprises delivered to my door.

This also made Wang Chen abandon that idea directly.

Who still uses that low-level backpack when there are treasures to store?

After refining the storage bracelet, Wang Chen once again devoted himself to the skill and experience of liver refining.

After all, so much material has been purchased now. If it is not used, it will be a waste.

Wang Chen, who had already thoroughly explored the Bagua Magic Mirror, found it easy to refine it.

Without spending too much energy, he successfully gained more than 3,000 experience points.


In the following days, Wang Chen once again resumed his hard living habits.

The experience value of weapon refining is increasing every day.

Apart from eating, sleeping and recovering, all the remaining time and energy were devoted to it.

It’s not crazy!

In this crazy life, Wang Chen's weapon refining skill level and experience value naturally increased by leaps and bounds.

However, Wang Chen's completely immersed life only lasted for five days before it was broken by foreign objects.


Dong dong dong!

Early that morning, there was a sudden knock on the door of Yizhuang.

After Wencai opened the door, he saw Taoist Master Simu and several of his customers.

Without any hesitation, Wencai immediately warmly welcomed Taoist Priest Four Eyes in.

After settling those customers, Wencai went to prepare a room for Taoist Priest Four Eyes as usual, but was directly blocked by Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

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