My Liver Experience in Jiu Shu World

Chapter 185 Reaching an agreement, finally reaping the rewards

After all, it is quite difficult to obtain a powerful and suitable magic weapon.

Naturally, it is necessary to take a look at Wang Chen's current abilities to determine his ultimate pursuit.

This is also the main reason why Taoist Priest Four Eyes wants to meet Wang Chen.

After all, if you don't know Wang Chen's specific level of weapon refining, if you just blindly set a high standard and fail to meet it in the end, it will only embarrass everyone.

As an experienced Jianghu who is well versed in the ways of the world, Taoist Master Simu will naturally not be so reckless.


Uncle Master.

Yes, Xiaochen.

In the living room, Wang Chen saw his uncle, Taoist Master Four Eyes.

Originally, he planned to continue to gain experience in the Liver Refining Technique, but since his uncle had spoken in person, he had to give some face.

After all, his relationship with Taoist Priest Four Eyes is quite good.

If he really needs help, and it's within his ability, he won't mind helping.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes first exchanged simple greetings with Wang Chen for a while, and then began to tell his true purpose.

Xiaochen, I'm looking for you this time mainly because I want to ask you for a favor.

After hearing Taoist Priest Simu's words, Wang Chen immediately spoke.

Uncle Master, there is no need to be so polite in our relationship.

As long as I can help, I will never refuse.

Since you said so, I won't hide it.

This time I meet you, mainly because I want to ask you to help me refine a magic weapon.

Upon hearing this request, Wang Chen relaxed instantly.

If it had been about other things, he might have thought about it for a while longer.

But helping to refine magic weapons is just experience points delivered to your door.

If you can specifically ask for help in refining it, it will definitely not be a low-level magic weapon.

The experience gained is definitely far more than the current lowest level magic weapon - the Bagua Magic Mirror.

Not only can you gain weapon refining experience points, but it can also help improve the combat effectiveness of Taoist Priest Four and increase your own background.

Wang Chen naturally had no reason to refuse such a good thing that killed two birds with one stone.

Therefore, he spoke directly without thinking.

Uncle Master, what magic weapon do you want me to help you refine?

As long as you send over the drawings and materials, I will start refining immediately.

Wang Chen is very confident.

Although his weapon refining skills are not at full level yet.

But with his current ability, there is no problem at all in helping to refine a magic weapon.

Even a spiritual weapon is not impossible.

What level of magic weapon I refine depends mainly on you.

Taoist Priest Simu was very happy to see Wang Chen being so confident.

After all, he would be happy to get a more powerful magic weapon.

Uncle Master, I'm not bragging to you.

As long as you have the drawings and materials, there will be absolutely no problem in refining the magic weapon.

Wang Chen once again made a promise.


After hearing what Wang Chen said, Taoist Priest Simu also cheered loudly.

He was very clear about Wang Chen's nature.

Since Wang Chen dares to say this, he is absolutely sure.

I want your help in refining a demon-slaying sword!

In the past, Taoist Priest Four Eyes also had two preparations in mind.

If Wang Chen's weapon refining skills were relatively average, then he would invite help in refining a mid-grade magic weapon.

But if Wang Chen's weapon refining skills are strong enough, then he will directly tell his ultimate goal.

After finishing speaking, Taoist Priest Four Eyes still looked at Wang Chen.

After all, the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword is a top-quality magic weapon.

In terms of its lethality against monsters and monsters, it is not inferior to spiritual weapons.

The difficulty of refining can be imagined.

However, its power is fully worthy of its name.

Taoist Master Four Eyes himself also knows a little bit about the art of refining weapons, or it can be said that the vast majority of cultivators have one or two skills like that.

Of course, the standard is relatively average.

If you usually refine one or two mid- to low-level magic weapons, you may not have any problems.

But if you want to refine a magic weapon, it's a little bit difficult.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes has a certain interest in the art of weapon refining.

The reason is also very simple, that is because after improving the level of weapon refining, you can earn a lot of money and resources.

But it's obvious that Taoist Priest Four Eyes doesn't have much talent in this area.

Even if you are very interested, it will look like you will be able to refine and refine a high-grade magic weapon in the end.

Moreover, it is impossible to ensure that it will be of high quality every time. Sometimes if you are unlucky, it may be a mid-grade magic weapon.

The great swords in his dojo were basically made by himself.

One can imagine the level of his weapon refining skills.

Uncle Master, have you gathered the materials?

Wang Chen naturally knew the name of the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

This thing has many levels, including the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword at the magic weapon level and the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword at the magic weapon level.

There are even demon-slaying divine swords at the level of spiritual weapons and Taoist weapons.

The prototype of this treasure is the three-five evil-slaying male and female swords of Tianshi Mansion.

That thing was the top-notch immortal weapon left behind by Master Zhang Tianshi.

Generally nature cannot be copied perfectly.

But the power of this magical weapon is indeed extraordinary.

Therefore, there are some weapon refiners from Tianshi Mansion who want to imitate and reproduce this fairy weapon.

Although they all failed.

But there are also some inheritance left from it.

In the end, the entire cultivation world relied on these legacy developments to produce all the drawings from magical weapons to Taoist weapons.

As a weapon refiner, Wang Chen naturally understands the origin of the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

But if you want to refine a magic weapon of this level, in addition to your own level of refining, you must also have enough materials.

As for the magic weapon drawings, Wang Chen is not too worried.

After all, this thing was originally discovered by the entire cultivation world, and even some casual cultivators may have it, let alone Maoshan's direct descendants like Taoist Master Four Eyes.

It's still a little worse.

Upon hearing Wang Chen's question, Taoist Priest Simu immediately answered.

He likes the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword very much.

The great swords he refined were imitations of the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

Unfortunately, my own weapon-refining skills were really stretched, and in the end I only made some magic weapons that didn't play much role.

However, he still collected a lot of materials for refining the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

It's just that it's not quite there yet.

But there is only one material missing.

If you give him a little more time, it will be absolutely easy to gather all the materials.

In this way, I will collect the materials first, and you continue to do your own thing.

After I have collected all the materials, I will ask you to help me refine them.

After some pleasantries and exchanges, Taoist Priest Simu also fully understood Wang Chen's level of weapon refining.

Naturally, he made his goals clear and made an agreement.

Okay, uncle.

As long as you gather the materials, you can come to me to refine the magic weapon at any time.


After the agreement was made, Taoist Priest Simu didn't waste Wang Chen's time anymore and immediately stood up and left.

And Wang Chen himself left just as quickly to do his own things.

After all, his current weapon refining skills have not reached full level yet, so he cannot waste his time.

This time, if it weren't for the special invitation from Taoist Master Si Mu, who he has a close relationship with, Wang Chen wouldn't have been able to delay the liver experience.


Junior brother, are you leaving now?

In the room, Uncle Jiu also said a little surprised.

It's not dark yet.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes actually spoke directly and said that he was leaving immediately.

How could this not surprise Uncle Jiu?

After all, Taoist Priest Four Eyes brought customers with him this time.

Although with the strength of the four-eyed Taoist priest, it is not impossible to take customers on the road during the day.

But the consumption is much greater than at night.


Seeing the surprised expression of his senior brother Jiu Shu, Taoist Master Simu spoke directly and firmly.

After all, the sooner he gathers the materials to refine the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword, the sooner he can obtain the Demon-Slaying Divine Sword.

Inspired by this situation, Daoist Priest Simu naturally did not want to waste time.

A little more consumption is not a big deal, he can completely bear it.

But the materials in the hands of others may not always be waiting for you.

Taoist priest Simu naturally wanted to settle down as soon as possible.

To avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although Taoist Priest Four Eyes likes to watch the excitement, he doesn't like that the excitement is about him.

People who can cultivate to the level of Earth Master are very determined in their hearts.

Now that the decision has been made, there is no need to delay.

After saying a few words of farewell to Uncle Jiu, he immediately left with thirty Bagua Magic Mirrors.

Of course, his customers also followed.

After all, the business has been taken over, so it must be completed.

This is not only related to his reputation, but also has something to do with cultivation.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes will naturally not mess around.

Anyway, it will take some time to invite other friends and colleagues.

Just in time to send all these customers back.


After Taoist Master Simu left, Wang Chen's life once again returned to the hard days of the past.

The experience points of the Liver Refining Technique are gained every day.

Even the practice of Kung Fu is no longer as focused as before.

But even so, Wang Chen's own strength is still advancing steadily.

After all, every time you recover, Maoshan Mental Technique will also increase some experience points.

With the blessing of golden fingers, it is so awesome.

If it were another normal cultivator, when his own strength has not returned to its peak state.

Even if you run the technique, it will not increase your own strength.

But Wang Chen is different, he has the blessing of the golden finger panel.

As long as you run the technique, you can increase your upper limit of strength.

Of course, compared to normal all-out cultivation, the growth efficiency in this situation is relatively low.

But to be able to increase one's own strength while gaining experience points in the Liver Refining Skill, a bicycle is not needed.

Wang Chen is not the kind of person who is dissatisfied.


Dong dong dong!

Early that morning, there was a sudden knock on the door of Yizhuang.

Wencai opened the door, and a young man in his thirties appeared at the door.

Wen Cai still knew this young man.

Therefore, without much obstruction, he directly welcomed the other party in.

Of course, during this period, Wencai still asked a little bit.

We roughly know the purpose of this young man coming here.

Wencai didn't waste any time and immediately brought the other party to the living room.

When they just arrived, Uncle Jiu also walked out of the back door.

As the actual layout person of Yizhuang Dojo, Uncle Jiu has very good control over this Yizhuang.

He already knew it when this young man stepped into the range of the formation and knocked on the door.

Uncle Jiu, I have collected some of the materials you asked for and should be able to send them back to Renjia Town today.

After seeing Uncle Jiu, Qing Zhuang immediately said hello.

Then he immediately stated the main purpose of coming here this time.

He is exactly the manpower arranged by Master Ren.

As the person who has experienced Uncle Jiu's ability most deeply, Master Ren is most interested in what Uncle Jiu said before.

Therefore, as soon as the banquet was over, he immediately arranged for people to go to the provincial capital and surrounding provinces and cities to help collect various materials.

Although Mr. Ren only has one biological daughter, there are many people eating with him in this room of the Ren family.

He directly arranged for three of his most trusted distant relatives to go out in person to help collect.

Under this situation, Master Ren's collection efficiency is naturally the highest.

In order to build a good relationship with Uncle Jiu, he directly ordered his distant relatives to send back the collected materials first.

After all, the first time is always more impressive.

If other people send the collected materials back first, it will be a little less rushed by then.

A big businessman like Mr. Ren naturally knows what to do.

Uncle Jiu, I invite you to come to the Ren Mansion for a banquet tonight, and at the same time check whether the materials collected meet your needs.

Qing Zhuang said quickly.

At the same time, he respectfully handed the invitation to Uncle Jiu.

Master Ren has absolutely nothing to say in terms of how he behaves.

But this is normal.

Without this ability, it would be impossible to maintain the basics of Renjia Town even when Feng Shui is being calculated.


You go back and tell Master Ren that I will definitely be there tonight.

Uncle Jiu took the invitation and spoke directly.

It has been some time since the last time I invited the wealthy squires in Renjia Town.

Now that the harvest is finally coming, Uncle Jiu is naturally quite happy.

Uncle Jiu, as an old Jianghu man, is of course very clear about Master Ren’s thoughts.

But he is not exclusive either.

It is definitely impossible to ask others to help you without giving some benefits.

After all, others are not fools.

It really takes time and effort to bring your own dry food.

With the motivation of interests, everyone will be motivated to do things.

Uncle Jiu, who understood this very well, naturally knew what to do.

No matter whether the materials collected by Master Ren tonight are useful or not, he will express it.

He is very clear about the principle of buying horse bones with thousands of gold.

Putting away the invitation, Uncle Jiu headed directly towards the warehouse where the magic weapon Taomu Sword was stored.

This visit, of course, requires a gift.

Those large numbers of low-level magic weapons, peach wood swords, are just very good gifts.

At least for ordinary people like Mr. Ren, this is indeed the case.

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