My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 92: 【Monster Crystal】

After returning to Lingmeng with Liao Hong, Lu Li took notes in Lingmeng.

After that, he stayed in the Spirit Union.

Lingmeng also sent several Lingmeng warriors with a spiritual power index of more than 800 points to secretly protect Lu Li's family.

until night falls.

Xia Bingcai returned to the Spirit Alliance with the four demonic corpses.

After Xia Bing got the assistance of the city guards in the afternoon, he mobilized the monitoring equipment and found the whereabouts of the monster through clues.

And sent a large number of people to search for several nearby towns and forests.

Finally, in a cave, I found these eerie hiding places.

After that, there was a fierce battle, and during the battle, Xia Bing and others killed four Yaoyi.

But in the end, the ape-faced Yaoyi and another black-haired Yaoyi escaped.

However, although the two escaped, they were both seriously injured.

In a short period of time, there will be no storms.

The search will continue, and it will be a matter of time to find them.

When Lu Li heard the news, the big stone in his heart fell slightly.

However, in order to verify his previous thoughts, Lu Li still went to check the four monster corpses brought back by Xia Bing.

Later, I discovered that these four Yaoyili did not have the white-skinned Yaoyi I saw in the streets of Raoshui Town that day!

This shows that Lu Li's guess is correct.

Near Raoshui Town, there is indeed a second group of monsters, and the target of the other group of monsters is likely to be the ruins under the Raoshui River!

Lu Li quickly told Xia Bing about this.

After Xia Bing heard this, her face became solemn.

She also said that she would report this matter to the Fengcheng Guards Headquarters.

Because of the Yaoyi thing, it was originally the negligence of the guards, and they failed to find out about the Yaoyi crossing the border.

After explaining this, Xia Bing drove Lu Li home in person after she was busy with everything.

He also gave Lu Li the other four Lingmeng badges.

Three ordinary badges, one clearly engraved better.

Xia Bing said: "The badge you used today is for one-time use, and now it only has a positioning function. This one can be used unlimited times, you can keep it. The other three Lingmeng badges are for your family. ."

"However, you can't tell them it's because of something weird, just say that it's the importance the Spirit Alliance places on you."

"Until the monstrous thing is resolved, don't tell anyone about the monstrous thing. This is also a kind of protection for you and your family."

"Also, don't leave Raoshui Town for a short period of time, and don't leave the place under surveillance. If there is any special situation, just use the help button in the badge. The nearby Lingmeng warriors who secretly protect you will immediately appear to assist you."

"You can also call me. If I'm nearby, I'll come over immediately."

While driving, Xia Bing instructed Lu Li in detail.

After hearing this, Lu Li nodded and accepted the four badges.

And sincerely thanked: "Thank you Captain Xia."

Xia Bing said with an indifferent and serious expression as always: "This is my duty."

As for her answering style, although Lu Li was somewhat used to it, he couldn't help but wonder whether to laugh or cry.

In the past, I only thought that she was inhumane, but today Lu Li's impression of Xia Bing has indeed changed a lot. She has a cold-hearted personality, and she is very serious and responsible, so the entire Spirit Alliance and the City Guard are very willing. Follow her command.

There are two completely different behavior styles from that white-glove minister.

Speaking of the Minister of White Gloves, Lu Li heard from Liao Hong that the Minister had hardly stayed in the Spirit League these days.

I've been dealing with the ruins.

Speaking of this matter, Liao Hong also reminded Lu Li that he must attend the Lingwu class tomorrow afternoon.

He has something very important to announce to the students in the Lingwu class.

Lu Li guessed from Liao Hong's description that the things to be announced this time are most likely related to the ruins.

I just don't know what to announce.

Lu Li has long been very curious about the situation in the ruins, and naturally he will not miss it.


Xia Bing also sent Lu Li to the door of Lu Li's house.

After saying goodbye to Xia Bing, Lu Li returned home.

The family was waiting for Lu Li to come home for dinner.

Seeing Lu Li returning home, they came up to inquire about the situation.

They were all taken care of by Lingmeng today, and they were all surprised. Even Grandpa Lu Li was asked to send a better attending physician for his injuries.

Lu Li didn't know that the people of the Lingmeng Alliance actually did this for themselves.

Even if this is a means to win over people's hearts, it has to be said that it is very useful.

According to what Xia Bing said, Lu Li explained to his family that Lingmeng attached great importance to him and attracted him.

When the family heard the words, they were all stunned.

There was a look of joy on his face.

They did not doubt the veracity of what Lu Li said. After all, Lu Li was an Awakener, and he had reached 700 points. With such a proud talent, it was normal for him to be attracted by the Spirit Alliance.

Not only did she have no doubts, but Lu Ma also urged Lu Li: "Of course you have to join the Spiritual Alliance. What's the hesitation? How many people dream of joining the Spiritual Alliance, stupid son."

Dad Lu gave Lu Ma a blank look and said, "Xiao Li has his own ideas, so don't be a military advisor. Xiao Li, follow your own ideas and do what you think is right, and the whole family will support it. you."

Listening to his parents' words, Lu Li nodded with a wry smile and said, "Dad, Mom, don't worry, I know what to do."

Speaking of which, Father Lu and Mother Lu didn't say anything more.

After all, in any case, Lu Li's future is promising, and it is a big happy event for the family.


After Lu Li had eaten with his family, he went back to his room.

After returning to the room, Lu Li first checked everything in his room.

Check to see if the Lingmeng League or the City Guard are in your room, what cameras are arranged to monitor you or something.

The result was not what Lu Li expected.

There are really two cameras in my room.

Except for the two more cameras in the room, there is no sign of being passive.

Passing Lu Li in other places felt nothing, mainly because of the teleportation array under the carpet in his room.

This is a big secret of Lu Li, which cannot be discovered.

Fortunately, the carpet has no signs of being passive.

After checking his room again and confirming that there was nothing unusual except for the two cameras, Lu Li returned to his desk.

Picked up the book, flipped through a few, and then turned off the light and went to bed.

As soon as he got into bed, Lu Li covered his head directly.

Then he took out the red demon crystal he got from the white-skinned monster from his pocket.

He held it in his hand and observed it carefully.

The demon crystal was in the dark bed, exuding a faint red light.

Sometimes bright, sometimes dim.

Like the beating of a heart.

It seems that there is a certain life form in this demon crystal.

Extraordinarily weird.

However, there is nothing that is related to Yin Qi that is not weird. Lu Li has been cultivating in the cemetery for so many days, and his courage has already surpassed before.

Feeling the rich yin energy contained in the demon crystal, Lu Li began to link the jade pendant.

Try to absorb the Yin Qi on this demon crystal.

The suction force is activated.

The red yin qi was instantly pulled out, absorbed by the jade pendant, and then transformed into bursts of pure spiritual power.


(PS: It’s the end of the month. It seems that there are double monthly passes. Everyone who has a monthly pass should vote for the host! In addition, please also recommend votes!)

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