My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 93: 【magical effect】

The yin energy on the demon crystal immediately poured into the Tongyou jade pendant, and was transformed into strands of pure spiritual power, which flowed into Lu Li's body.

Less than an hour later, Lu Li felt a swelling in his head.

Even Lu Li was surprised by the speed of such absorption.

If you cultivate in a cemetery to absorb yin, it will take at least four or five hours to complete a day of cultivation.

Because the Yin Qi in the cemetery is getting thinner and thinner, I can't absorb it in one place for a long time.

Must absorb for a while and change to another place.

Or slow down the absorption speed and wait for the Yin Qi to automatically gather to reach a balance.

But no matter which one it was, compared with the demon crystal, it was instantly turned into scum.

The yin qi in the demon crystal can be mobilized and absorbed by himself, almost continuously, Lu Li can let go of his courage and absorb it with the fastest absorption speed.

There are no terrain restrictions in the cemetery.

It is very convenient.

"The only downside may be that there are too few."

Lu Li looked at the demon crystal in his hand, and he could sense that the yin energy on the demon crystal, after an hour of uninterrupted absorption by him, had obviously decreased!

It's about 7% to 8%.

"That is to say, a single demon crystal is only enough for me to absorb it for about 13 or 4 days."

Although thirteen or fourteen days is not too long, Lu Li knows that his absorption speed will become more and more in demand as his strength level increases.

By the time I reach 800 points, I am afraid it will only take seven or eight days to absorb a single demon crystal.

What about waiting for 900 o'clock?

What about 1000 points?

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but think of the four monster corpses that Xia Bing brought back to the Lingmeng tonight.

Among the four monster corpses, there are still four monster crystals!

"If only it was mine."

Lu Li shook his head and sighed.

"I don't know what they will do with the four demon crystals."

"It would be nice if I could buy it from them."


Buy from them?


Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but pat his head, and suddenly realized: "Since the spiritual core of the second-order spiritual beast can be purchased, then the demon crystal should also be available."

After all, there should be a lot of monsters in this world. After these monsters are killed, those monster crystals will definitely flow into the market.

Thinking of this, Lu Li hurriedly touched his phone.

It turned out that he only had a calling card in his pocket.

Only then did Lu Li remember that his mobile phone broke when he was fighting against that white-skinned demon.

At that time, Lu Li only wanted to save the taxi driver, so he used gravity to save him.

As a result, I couldn't take care of the phone, and it fell to pieces.

Only this phone card is left.

Thinking about it, Lu Li could only give up for the time being.

"Looks like it's time to buy a new phone."

Thinking about it, Lu Li had no choice but to put the demon crystal into the different-dimensional space.

It was late at night, and Lu Li, who had been tired all day, slowly closed his eyes.

soon fell asleep.


In the early morning, it was not yet dawn.

Raoshui River Bridge, within the iron wall.

Chen Luoxing, the captain of the city guard team in Raoshui Town, came to the bridge, and the city guard members along the way saw him and saluted him respectfully.

Chen Luoxing nodded to them one by one.

He came to the middle of the bridge, where there was a temporary elevator.

Take the elevator and descend to a platform on the river.

In the middle of the platform, there is an extremely rich purple air mass, and on the side of the platform, there is an instrument, and a man wearing white gloves who is operating the instrument.

It was the head of the Lingmeng branch. At this time, his lips were already a little chapped, and his eyes were bloodshot.

But he still stared at that cloud of purple air.

The white glove of his right hand has been taken off, revealing a hand covered with blue fluorescent blood vessels. His fingers are pressed against the crystal on the instrument and moved slightly from time to time.

Every time I moved my finger, a flash of blue light like lightning shot out from the instrument, which was then absorbed by that cloud of purple air.

Chen Luoxing watched quietly from the side.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that the White Gloves Minister left the instrument after emitting the last blue light.

"As minister, it's hard work."

Chen Luoxing looked at Minister Ren with a lot of respect in his eyes.

Minister Ren just retreated into a gossip array on the platform, sat down, closed his eyes and rested, and said, "In about two days, the first stage of repair will be completed. After that, it's Captain Chen and you guys. The work is over. The people from Fengcheng came to talk yesterday, if there is another moth this time, the ruins will be taken over by the people from Fengcheng."

"Understood, please rest assured as Minister."

Chen Luoxing nodded.

He also received a message from Fengcheng headquarters.

If they didn't open the ruins in the last two months.

The people from the headquarters will take over the ruins.

At that time, the treasures in the ruins will have nothing to do with them.

Naturally, he could not accept this fact.

"Also, my subordinate Xia Bing said that there are other monsters in the town. These monsters are most likely to come to the ruins."

Minister Ren closed his eyes and said.

Chen Luoxing nodded and said, "Well, I have already asked my elite team to investigate. Even if I can't find it, I will never let them interfere with our repair plan."


Minister Ren just sneered and shook his head, saying, "They want us to quickly repair the passage of the relic. They all know that this relic is brand new and has not been reclaimed, and will definitely fight for it regardless."

"Don't worry, as long as they dare to come forward, I, Chen Luoxing, will surely come and go!"

Chen Luoxing said with a stern expression.

But Minister Ren didn't take it seriously, and said, "It's better to be vigilant. The large-scale ruins in Phoenix Mountain ten years ago were only because of the appearance of Yaoyi, so many powerful people in the headquarters fell. Once Yaoyi entered the ruins, it would To get stronger, have to defend. Also, we don’t know when and in what form they will appear.”

Hearing Minister Ren talking about the large-scale ruins ten years ago, Chen Luoxing couldn't help but turn serious.

Chen Luoxing knew that Minister Ren was a witness to the large-scale ruins ten years ago.

This is also the reason why Chen Luoxing hired him to be the minister.

Although Chen Luoxing has never experienced such a large-scale ruins, but from the descriptions of others, it is known to be extremely tragic.

Two diamond-ranked, a dozen gold-ranked, and over a hundred silver-ranked human powerhouses entered together.

In the end, there were only less than 30 people who survived. Among these 30 people, more than half were seriously injured and dying, and the remaining half were also injured in various degrees.

It can be said to be quite tragic.

It is also from his experience that Minister Ren has such concerns.

Thinking about it, Chen Luoxing nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll let my subordinates grow snacks."

When Minister Ren heard the words, he also nodded.

After that, he stopped and concentrated on running his own exercises and recuperating.

Chen Luoxing also turned to leave after observing the purple air mass for a while.


The next morning.

The mobile phone store hadn't opened yet, so Lu Li had to come to the classroom early to read.

This time, Lu Li only had two books in his schoolbag.


With a different dimension, Lu Li no longer needs to go to school with a schoolbag as heavy as a snail shell.

As long as you get stuck in the blind spot of other students, put your hand into the schoolbag, and take out the book from the different-dimensional space, you can change the book at any time.

Very convenient.

When Jiang Xu came to class in the morning, he could see from a distance that Lu Li had arrived early and was reading the book carefully.

I was also quite emotional in my heart.

My roommate, after all, has transformed from a scumbag, and began to act more and more like a scholar.

Jiang Xu's emotion didn't last long.

He soon found out that the book Lu Li was reading was not a textbook at all, but a fantasy novel, and he turned the book very quickly.

Turning over and over, occasionally picking up a bottle of Fanta and taking a few sips.

Such a presumptuous look.

Jiang Xu said in his heart, "It's over, I haven't seen him for two days, and we're back before Jiefang-Jiefang."

Moreover, Jiang Xu also discovered a miraculous phenomenon.

That is, after Lu Li finished reading a novel, as long as he put his hand into his schoolbag, he would soon find a new book.

After two classes in the morning, Jiang Xu saw that Lu Li had dug out no less than seven novels that were different from each other in his schoolbag!

How did that shriveled schoolbag hold so many books?

Jingle cat's treasure bag?

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