My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 91: 【Monster】

The ape-faced monster flew away, and the red crystal also fell into Lu Li's hands.

Feeling the strong evil spirit in the crystal, Lu Li couldn't help but look up at Xia Bing in front of him.

Seeing that Xia Bing was also looking back at him.

He also looked at the red crystal in Lu Li's hand.

Seeing her looking at the red crystal in her hand, Lu Li thought she wanted to take it.

However, Lu Li thought too much.

Xia Bing just looked at the red crystal in Lu Li's hand, then looked at the slain white-skinned monster on the ground, and asked, "You killed this monster?"

There was some surprise in his tone.

Lu Li didn't deny it either, but nodded.

Seeing Lu Li's admission, Xia Bing was also quite surprised.

She naturally knew Lu Li's strength.

When Lu Li went for a physical examination yesterday, she found out from Liao Hong, and she also knew that Lu Li's test result was a 700-point spiritual power index!

From 198 to 700 points, the result itself surprised Xia Bing.

But it was just an accident.

It's far less shocking than Lu Li's killing of a monster with a black iron level today.

It seems that there are many unknown secrets on Lu Li.

Thinking about it, Xia Bing said: "You have done a good job in killing the monster this time, and the Lingmeng and the city guards will give you corresponding rewards. This monster's corpse will be taken away by the Lingmeng. As for the monster in your hand, you can Choose to keep it to yourself."

Seeing that Xia Bing did not intend to take away the red crystal, Lu Li was also relieved.

Originally, he was afraid that Xia Bing would be interested in Yaojing.

Now it seems that I think too much.

At a level like Xia Bing, she must have played against a very demon, and the existence of such demon crystals should be commonplace.

That's why I didn't want to **** it from myself.

Thinking about it, Lu Li was not polite, and directly put the "demon crystal" in his pocket.

He then thanked Xia Bing, saying, "Thank you, Captain Xia, if you hadn't come to rescue me, I'd probably be a corpse by now."

Hearing this, Xia Bing just said: "This is my duty, even if you don't have the badge given by the Spiritual Alliance. As a member of the Spiritual Alliance, it is my duty to get rid of the monsters in the safe zone and protect the civilians. "

Seeing Xia Bing's awe-inspiring appearance, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little respect.

However, Lu Li still said: "In any case, I still have to thank you. If you need any help from me in the future, as long as it is within my power, I will not refuse."

Lu Li is not a person who knows his kindness without repaying it.

After all, in order to save herself, Xia Bing even destroyed her expensive-looking motorcycle.

Lu Li naturally doesn't have that much money now, so he can't afford it, so he can only find a way to repay him in the future.

When Xia Bing heard this, she shook her head.

She didn't say much on this topic, but asked Lu Li about Yaoyi.

Lu Li didn't hide it, and told her one by one how he discovered those monsters in the villa near the abandoned elementary school.

Of course, things about yin qi were omitted in the middle.

At this time, the driver saw that everything was safe, and could not help but ran up to complain to Xia Bing.

In this accident, he was the most wronged.

Inexplicably, he was involved in such a dangerous incident. Not to mention his life was almost lost, and the car that he depended on for survival also blew up.

He felt a pain in his heart.

Fortunately, Xia Bing said that the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard will give him some compensation.

After receiving Xia Bing's promise, the driver was overjoyed.

Because he knew that the compensation from Lingmeng was never stingy.

Although the driver didn't know Xia Bing, he recognized Xia Bing's outfit of the Lingmeng martial artist team.

Moreover, judging from the style of Xia Bing's clothes and the badge on her chest.

She seems to be the captain of the Lingmeng warrior team!

Then her words are more credible!

Ignoring the happy expression on the driver's face, Xia Bing was more concerned about what Lu Li said about the bewitching.

At this moment, the siren of Lingmeng came from a distance.

Four or five black cars approached.

It's the reinforcements from the Spirit Alliance.

The comers are all warriors from the Spirit Alliance, including Liao Hong and others.

However, when the warriors of the Lingmeng League saw the corpse of the white-skinned monster lying on the ground, they all showed expressions of horror:

"This, this is demonic!?"

"Let me see, it's really, really demonic!"

"Captain, what's the situation?"

Everyone asked.

Xia Bing also nodded and said, "It's a monster."

Hearing the words, everyone suddenly became confused.

Seeing their reaction, Lu Li couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Because Xia Bing was too calm when dealing with Yaoyi just now.

Therefore, he gave Lu Li a feeling that the strangeness is a very ordinary existence.

But after listening to these Spirit Alliance warriors, I realized that Yaoyi's entry into the safe zone is no trivial matter.

In the past, there have been too many news of monsters attacking human towns, and every time it was a very large-scale casualty.

The murderous name is out there.

Most of the human beings talk about demons.

Even the taxi driver's hair stood on end when he heard it: "You mean, the one who chased us just now was a monster?"

Xia Bing saw everyone was in a hurry, and she also spoke to calm everyone.

He added: "The strange thing must be reported to the director and the minister immediately. Zhang Hu, you go to inform the people of the city guard, let them send additional personnel, and cooperate with us to find the remaining demonic remnants.

"Liao Hong, you will return to the Spiritual Alliance first with the monstrous corpse and the two of them.

"The others followed me to Sanyang Town."

"Yes! Captain!"

Everyone was ordered to act.

After Xia Bing glanced at Lu Li, he took the warriors of the Spiritual Alliance to the town in front of him.

Continue to search for traces of monsters. UU reading www. uukanshu. com


On the way back, Liao Hong developed a strong interest in the fact that Lu Li could actually kill a monster by himself.

Along the way, I asked questions.

Lu Li had to explain to him briefly while concealing some details.

After hearing this, Liao Hong couldn't help but sweat for Lu Li.

"You're lucky this time. You must know that if Yaoyi is really ruthless, spiritual practitioners of the same level may not be able to defeat them."

Liao Hongdao: "However, you did a good job in breaking through the monsters' lair this time, and you killed another monster. The Lingmeng will give you corresponding rewards and send someone to protect your personal safety 24 hours a day."


Lu Li nodded.

What he is most worried about is actually the revenge of these monsters in the future.

After all, the other party has seen his appearance.

Lu Li had seen a monster on the street of Raoshui Town before, which meant that they could sneak into Raoshui Town.

If they are targeted, it will be very dangerous.

It doesn't matter that Lu Li is targeted, but if his family is implicated, Lu Li will blame himself very much.

So hearing Liao Hongshu said that someone would protect him, Lu Li was a little relieved.

However, Lu Li knew that as long as those monsters were not eliminated, he would not be able to live in peace after all.

Also, there was one thing that Lu Li didn't tell Xia Bing.

Because even Lu Li himself wasn't quite sure.

That is, among the monsters that appeared today, it seems that there was no white-skinned man in black that I saw on the streets of Raoshui Town that day.

If Lu Li's guess is correct, then in Raoshui Town, there are probably more than this group of monsters!

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