My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 8: 【Enma】

"Unfortunately, there is too little yin and evil energy near my house, and it will be absorbed in a few seconds. I wonder if there will be more yin and evil energy in the cemetery?"

When it comes to yin and evil energy, one naturally thinks of cemeteries.

Near Raoshui Town, there is a mountain, and there is a cemetery.

However, as the night passed, it seemed a little risky.

After all, this is a world where spiritual energy is revived. Who knows if there will be any unclean things in the cemetery?

"Let's find a chance to visit during the day."

Lu Li put the jade pendant into his clothes and placed it against his chest.

As long as you don't inject spiritual power into this jade pendant, it's just an ordinary necklace, and you can't see any peculiarities.

Thinking about it, Lu Li opened the card drawing interface again.

"Since the ten consecutive normal draws have been cleared, the next step is the advanced card draws!"

Lu Li took a deep breath.

Then start the advanced card draw directly!

As 10,000 learning points were deducted, the system interface immediately entered a gorgeous card drawing screen.

This time, the special effects of the card drawing screen are different. The card backs of the cards are still exquisite, but the background has various light effects flying around, giving people a very tall feeling.

Lu Li also calmed down and said in his heart, "Turn over!"

Just thinking about it...


At this moment, the card vibrated violently, and a burst of dazzling golden light radiated from the card.

The card was also slowly turned over in this dazzling golden light.

On the front of the card is a card border made of golden crystal, which is quite exquisitely carved.

It is a card like a luxurious artwork.

Far more refined than the white, green and blue three-color cards drawn before.

In the middle of the gorgeous frame, there is a long white-handled black-scabbard sword with a golden scabbard on the scabbard.

[Congratulations on drawing the "Equipment Card: Yan Mo Knife"! 】

[Using this card, you can equip the "Enma Sword"! Legendary knife sharp enough to cut everything, even space! 】

["Mall" adds a purchasable item! 】


Lu Li looked at the Yan Mo Dao in the illustration. In the unexpected, there were also some surprises!

This knife, just by looking at the illustration, you can feel its cold and domineering!

Moreover, this is a golden quality card!

According to the order of rarity of "white, green, blue, purple and gold" when playing games in the previous life, then this gold card is probably a rare card of the SSR level!

【Do you use this card? 】


Lu Li didn't hesitate too much, so he answered directly.

Can't wait to see what this SSR weapon looks like.

I saw that card turned into a splendid golden dust.

The golden dust drifted and swirled in the air.

In the end, it landed in front of Lu Li, condensed into a dao sword that was about one meter three in length, and was already in its sheath!

With the appearance of the unsheathed Yan Mo Saber, the temperature in the entire room, and even the entire house, seemed to drop a lot!

However, the weather at the end of February was rather cold.

The Lu Li family's attention was on the TV series, and they didn't have too much doubt about the reason for this unusual coldness.

"This knife is a bit handsome!"

Looking at the Yan Mo Dao in front of him, even if it was put in its sheath, there was still a hint of cold air.

Invisibly revealing a domineering!

The size of this Yan Mo sword is also much longer than the regular Tai sword.

"However, I like this kind of big and long!"

Lu Li thought about it, then immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed the Yan Mo Dao floating in front of him.

When Yan Mo Dao started, a feeling like an electric current suddenly penetrated from Lu Li's hands into his body and rushed to his forehead.

Then I felt a tingling in my head.

The pain didn't last long.

A few seconds later, Lu Li opened his eyes again, and a series of memories about how to use the Yan Mo Dao instantly appeared in his mind.

"I see!"

Lu Li's eyes were full of excitement: "How can space be torn apart so easily!?"

Mastering the method of use, Lu Li couldn't help but think, the Yan Mo Saber in his hand suddenly disappeared into the air without warning!

As if it had never appeared.

Only Lu Li knew that the Yan Mo Saber didn't really disappear, but was put into a different dimension space that could only be entered by using the Yan Mo Saber.

This is the most basic function of Yan Mo Dao.

The holder can also control a certain amount of space power.

Using this power of space, a crack in a different dimension can be created in an instant. Put the Enma Sword in it.

And as Lu Li's mind moved again, the Yan Mo Dao appeared out of thin air in his hand again.

After another thought, he put the Yan Mo Dao into the different-dimensional space.

Take it out, put it in again...

Like a child who harvested toys for the first time, Lu Li played with it repeatedly.

It's not that he is too boring, repeating an action.

But he can only play like this.

Although this Yan Mo Saber is powerful and can tear space, the ability that Lu Li currently has is only to put it in and release it.

Lu Li also tried to pull the Yan Mo Saber out of its sheath.

However, when the blade was pulled out a little bit, a coldness that seemed to come from the abyss of the cold spread instantly!

This coldness is incomparably piercing!

Fortunately, Lu Li discovered this in time, and quickly put the Yan Mo Saber that he had pulled out a little back into the sheath.

Otherwise, if this coldness spreads to his family downstairs, whether they will find out is of secondary importance, but it is very likely to accidentally hurt them.

But in just such a short time, the two-meter space around Lu Li was covered with frost!

"This knife is too dangerous!"

I don't know what kind of situation it will be like if it is completely pulled out.

Lu Li didn't dare to try again.

At this time, he also had a thin layer of frost on his eyebrows.

This Yan Mo Saber, although powerful, is not something he can control now. If he uses it forcefully, he is afraid that he will be frozen into a popsicle.

Lu Li had to put it into a different dimension first.

As the Yan Mo Dao disappeared, the coldness in the air also faded.

"I'm still too weak now. I'd better wait until I'm strong enough in the future, and then try to use the Yan Mo Saber."

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

He couldn't help remembering that when he drew the Yan Mo Dao just now, it seemed that a new purchasable item had been added to the system mall.

"Could it be that this Yan Mo sword can also be purchased repeatedly?"

Lu Li couldn't help but open the store page.

Soon, he realized that he was thinking too much.

Equipment cards cannot be purchased in the mall. There are only potions and the facility card in the mall.

A small amount of potion costs 800 learning points, while a small amount of potion and spirit gathering array costs 2,000 learning points.

An additional purchasable item in the mall is a golden card.

[Equipment Card: Kenshin]!

[Use this card to get Kenshin! Kenshin can help you better control the sword! 】

[80,000 learning points are required for purchase! 】

"Eighty thousand points?! Wang Defa?!"

Lu Li's eyes narrowed.

You actually need 80,000 study points to buy it. This price is too expensive, right?

The advanced card draw is only 10,000 yuan once, but this Kenshin costs 80,000 yuan!

Nima is outrageous!

However, I thought that this thing was put on the store shelf when I got the Yan Mo Dao. It means that this sword heart is a matching item with the Yan Mo sword.

Only by possessing the sword heart can the true power of the Yan Mo Sword be exerted.

It should be so.

Although it was outrageous, I thought that I might not be able to draw a gold card every time in the future, so the 80,000 yuan should be bought as a guarantee.

And now I only have 2358 study points.

It's still a long way off.

At my current reading speed, I can read at least ten textbooks a day.

One book is calculated according to 400 learning points, one day is 4000 learning points!

As long as you watch it for 20 consecutive days, you can almost buy Kenshin.

Not too long.

There are 98 days before the college entrance examination, so I have time.

Thinking about it, Lu Li started to read.

Found a high school mathematics book from the desk.

Read it carefully.

As a result, while reading, Lu Li realized that he couldn't understand it at all!

This math book is not the same as the previous life. Although the theory is similar, Rao is Lu Li, who has the memory of the previous life. After reading the entire high school mathematics, he only got 130 learning points.

The learning progress is only 26%!

It seems that with 4,000 study points per day, I still overestimate myself.

However, Lu Li was not discouraged, and continued to read physics and chemistry.

These two books are equally difficult to learn.

After all, these three subjects all require a certain foundation to learn.

Lu Li also relied on the accumulation of knowledge from his previous life to be able to understand a little bit.

"It seems that if you want to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well in this world, you still have to start from the knowledge of junior high school..."

Thinking of this, Lu Li began to rummage through his middle and high school books in his room.

However, only a few scattered copies can be found.

Most of the books were given to the juniors by Lu Li, intentionally or unintentionally.

Lu Li had to read one book at a time.

I kept flipping through until three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, and then I was so sleepy that I fell asleep.

Lu Li probably never thought that he, who used to have unsatisfactory grades in high school, would one day stay up until three or four o'clock in order to review and read books.

It was a rather amazing experience.

Recalling the contents of the book, Lu Li slowly entered his dream.

In a short dream, he dreamed of the high school in his previous life.

In the dream, there are classmates who brag about each other and play games together; there is a disgusting school bully; there is a teacher who likes to ridicule students;

Everything, UU Reading seems to be very far away, and it seems to be close at hand.


The dream was shattered by the voice of my mother calling for dinner.

Lu Li struggled on the bed for a while before slowly waking up tiredly.

When he walked out of the room, he happened to see Lu Ling who had just woken up.

Lu Ling saw that her elder brother didn't wake up from sleep, and the dark circles on his face were still heavy.

For some reason, she couldn't help but think of the scene when Lu Li closed the door yesterday afternoon. Looking at Lu Li's sleepy appearance, she thought of the word "kidney deficiency".

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little hot on her cheeks.

Although he is an unreliable old man, he is still old after all...

Naturally, Lu Li didn't know what his old sister was thinking, so he just went downstairs like a walking corpse.

After taking a shower and having breakfast, I felt much more refreshed.

After stuffing the books needed for today's class in my school bag, I put several books to review, and then I went to school.

This morning is a math class and a physics class.

I thought that I had reviewed all high school mathematics and physics last night, so I can learn a little bit more by attending the class today.

As a result, when it was time for class, Lu Li couldn't stand it any longer, so he fell asleep.

When my tablemate Jiang Xu saw it, he couldn't help shaking his head and scolding with a smile: "I'll just say that you are hot for three minutes. Sleeping hard during class time, do you still want to be a scholar?"


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