My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 7: [First come 1 shot with 10 qualities! 】

It was late at night when Lu Li finished reading the two breathing techniques.

During the period, Lu Ling brought a plate of sliced ​​apples.

When Lu Ling saw that Lu Li was really reading a book, she was a little surprised.

I thought that Lu Li was really studying hard and wanted to take the college entrance examination.

It turned out that Lu Li was watching the basic breathing method for elementary school students!

Thinking of going to Lingmeng for a medical checkup tomorrow, Lu Ling only felt that most of her brother was just cramming again.

As for the meal, Lu Li said that he would be admitted to Chang'an Luoyang. . . .

It's good to listen to it as bragging.

if you serious you lose!

She shook her head, put down the fruit plate, and went out again.

Naturally, Lu Li didn't know what Lu Ling was thinking. Right now, his whole body was focused on the breathing method for elementary school students. And as the study deepened, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at this primary school student's version of the breathing method, Lu Li often sees numbers such as [Learning Point +23], [Learning Point +50] and so on.

It's all about the perception of the high school students' version when watching the primary school students' version of the breathing method.

And after reading the whole book, a huge learning point popped up in front of me:

[Learning point +5125]!

[Learning point +42]!

Seeing the growth of this learning point, Lu Li couldn't help but open his eyes!

"Five thousand points!"

Not only 5,000, but when looking at the primary school version, the learning progress of the high school version also reached 44.84%, generating 1367 learning points!

When Lu Li watched the high school version before, there were some things that he couldn't understand, and these contents were answered in the elementary school version.

He thought that this breathing method is also a book that has been carefully arranged by experts and can be developed step by step.

It will be better understood if you learn the elementary school version first, and then the junior high school version.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but focus on the breathing method for junior high school students.

Then he couldn't wait to open it.

After reading it for a while... Sure enough, when reading the junior high school version, the learning point kept jumping wildly.

This time, the primary school version and the high school version increase the learning progress together.

And as the junior high school version was read by Lu Li, the system gave more than 5,000 learning points at one time!

In the third edition of elementary, junior and senior high school, the breathing method has reached more than 50% of the learning progress!

Lu Li's understanding of breathing has been elevated to a whole new level.

And the total learning point also came to 17358 points!


Lu Li, who used to draw a card for 500 learning points and lived with his fingers, felt as if he had mastered a huge sum of money all at once!

However, he soon woke up.

After all, these learning points are obtained by reading the basic breathing method, and there are only three books of this kind.

I'm afraid it won't be easy to get this kind of book in the future.

You still have to keep your mind steady and don't waver!

"Well, let's do the advanced lottery first!"

No matter how you can't make waves, there are more than 10,000 learning points, and it is reasonable to have a high-level lottery.

Even if you think about it carefully, with 10,000 learning points, if you draw it normally, you can draw 20 times!

If you can't draw good things, wouldn't it be a big loss?

But...what if the draw is good?

What if?

Lu Li felt that he had begun to understand the psychology of the dog betting players in the game.

All in all, let's try the advanced one first!

No matter how bad the reward is, it should be much better than the normal draw.

Thinking about it, Lu Li took the fruit plate downstairs and cleaned it.

Downstairs, my parents and my sister are watching TV, which seems to be a modern fantasy drama.

However, in this world, fantasy dramas should be called realistic dramas.

No problem!

Lu Li didn't care too much. Compared to watching TV, drawing cards was obviously more attractive.

After washing the fruit plate, Lu Li went to the bathroom by the way.

After going to the bathroom, wash your hands, wash your face...  

Before drawing the card, the sense of ritual must be done!

After doing all this, Lu Li went back to his room.

Close the door and open the card draw page.

Lu Li thought about it for a while, but decided to try the water with ten rounds of ordinary pumping.

He did what he said, Lu Li directly spent 5,000 learning points, and the first one hit the ten consecutive draws!

In an instant, ten cards were turned over at the same time.

A burst of white light, green light, and blue light appeared one after another.

In the end, seven of the ten cards had white crystal borders, the rest had two green crystal borders, and one blue crystal border.

Judging from the sophistication of the crystal frame, blue is obviously the most rare card. Green is next, and white is the least rare.

And the cards with white borders are all micro potion cards.

Lu Li counted it: Life Potion*1, Experience Potion*3, Ether Potion*2.

Like the life potion, the ether potion can only last for ten minutes.

In the other two green cards, there is also a potion card: [Consumption Card: Experience Potion (a small amount)].

There is also a green card, which is [Facility Card: Small Gathering Spirit Array]!

With this card, you can choose any location and place a Spirit Gathering Array.

However, Lu Li did not directly use this spirit gathering array.

He has some understanding of this spirit gathering formation, which is the formation method that can gather the spiritual energy of the surrounding world.

This kind of formation is easy to be noticed by others. If others find out that there is a spirit gathering formation at home, it will be difficult for me to explain it clearly.

After all, my family is so ordinary, I can't afford such an expensive array as the Spirit Gathering Array.

When others see it, they will inevitably be suspicious.

My strength is still shallow now, so it's better to keep a low profile.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but set his eyes on the only blue card!

This is the highest quality card Lu Li has drawn, and it is also a very special card type [Equipment Card].

[Equipment Card: Tongyou Jade Pendant]!

[Using this card, you can equip "Tongyou Jade Pendant", and wearing this equipment can transform the evil spirit into spiritual power. 】

Judging from the illustration, it is a faint blue jade, connected in series with a black rope.

"The evil spirit, it sounds a little scary."

Lu Li couldn't help but think of a scene: the night is dark and the wind is high, the silent cemetery, the gloomy wind howls......

Thinking about it makes me feel a little intimidating.

Of course, it's just a thought. After all, it's a blue card, and it's definitely a good thing.

Thinking about it, Lu Li did not hesitate, and immediately used this equipment card.

As the cards disappeared, Lu Li felt a sudden chill in his chest.

The faint blue jade pendant was automatically hung around his neck like this.

At the same time, Lu Li's mind was also filled with a burst of information. UU reading was filled with a series of information about this jade pendant, all of which were memories such as how to use it.

When Lu Li opened his eyes again, his eyes suddenly became more enlightened.

"So that's the case, this Tongyou jade pendant is actually so powerful?!"

Lu Li couldn't help but follow the method he remembered and poured his own spiritual power into the jade pendant.

When the spiritual power was linked with the jade pendant, Lu Li's vision changed instantly.

The whole world seems to be covered with a faint blue curtain!

In this blue screen, Lu Li could see a lot of red light dust floating in the air.

Lu Li knew that these light dusts were the so-called evil spirits.

Lu Li gently recited the formula, and the jade pendant with a secluded hole in his chest suddenly emitted a faint blue light.

These red light dusts suddenly converged towards the Tongyou Jade Pendant as if they were being pulled.

into the jade pendant.

At the same time, the whole house, and even the evil energy within five meters outside the house, was absorbed by the jade pendant.

The yin and evil energy absorbed was also quickly refined by the jade pendant, and finally turned into a cool breeze and flowed into Lu Li's body.

The coolness entered the body, and Lu Li suddenly felt that the spiritual power group in his body showed obvious signs of growth!

"So strong!"

Lu Li's eyes lit up.

When I practiced the breathing method just now, I meditated for more than ten minutes before I felt a significant increase.

And this jade pendant through secluded, just a few seconds of perspective, it makes me feel significantly increased.

When I was cultivating by myself, it was still the speed of my cultivation with the blessing of the experience potion!

In other words, within a few seconds of this secluded jade pendant, it absorbed the effect equivalent to ten minutes of cultivation!

It's really powerful!

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