My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 9: 【Kamikaze Wuda】

This time, Lu Li didn't sleep for long.

The math teacher quickly picked him up and punished him.

After all, the whole class listened very carefully, and only Lu Li was sleeping, which was too eye-catching.

Lu Li couldn't, so he had to bite the bullet and take another four classes.

After all, the last two classes are physics classes, the class teacher's class, he doesn't dare to sleep in the class teacher's class.

He persisted for a few hours, and when the get out of class bell rang, Lu Li fell back to sleep and didn't eat lunch.

After eating lunch, Jiang Xu, who was at the same table, brought a packaged meatball and kway teow soup to Lu Li.

Seeing that Lu Li was still sleeping on the table, Jiang Xu had no choice but to shake him up.

Seeing Lu Li's sleepy look like a dog, he couldn't help but tease: "Did you go to steal chickens last night?"

"Stealing your sister, I stayed up late last night and read a book all night."

Looking at the kway teow soup brought by Jiang Xu, Lu Li was not polite, he picked up his disposable chopsticks and started eating.

"real or fake?"

Jiang Xu couldn't help laughing, his tone was full of disbelief: "You really started to get angry and try to be strong?"

"Why are you lying? Bring me a history test paper, and I'll give you an 80 on the spot to open your eyes."

While Lu Li was eating the kuey teow, he couldn't speak clearly.

"Isn't 80 points easy?"

Jiang Xu couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and said, "I didn't expect that your enthusiasm for these three minutes would last quite a long time."

"Real men must last."

As Lu Li said that, he picked up his mobile phone and continued to search the world for information on the Internet while eating.

Although he has read the history book, he still has a lot of things he doesn't understand, and the textbook can't answer him.

For example, the cemetery near Raoshui Town.

He plans to go to that cemetery after his physical examination this afternoon.

However, Lu Li searched and searched, and saw that there was indeed a haunted news in that cemetery.

Legend has it that there will be mysterious shadows in that cemetery at night.

There was also a young couple who ran for a tryst in the nearby woods, only to be attacked by the shadow.

It was also reported by local TV stations.

However, this news is already three years ago.

After all, when this kind of thing happened, no one dared to go to that area at night in the past three years.

Looking at the news, Lu Li also finished eating the Kuey Teow soup, and his drowsiness has basically disappeared.

He got up and went out to throw out the trash.

This kind of **** with soup and water can't be thrown in the trash can in the class, it can only be thrown into the trash can in the corridor.

When Lu Li left the classroom, he saw the trash can at the end of the corridor.

There is the direction of the three-year class next door.

Although Class Two and Class One are only separated by a wall, the gap between the two versions is huge.

The students in the first class are all the top students in the top row of the grade.

And the second to the thirteenth classes are all ordinary classes, and the students' grades are uneven.

Many ordinary class students will feel inferiority complex when they meet top class students.

When Lu Li went to throw out the garbage, he glanced at the classroom.

I saw a classroom full of students. Even during the lunch break, the desks of the students were filled with various exam papers and practice questions.

The students in the class still look similar to what they remembered in previous lives.

"It seems that after the aura is revived, the rules of the school's classification are still the same as in the previous life. Classes are divided according to the results of cultural courses?"

Of course, there may also be people with excellent academic performance in the previous life, which is also excellent in spiritual talent.

Lu Li thought to himself.

Just when Lu Li just threw out the garbage.

A cheerful female voice suddenly sounded: "Hi! Lu Li!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lu Li couldn't help but turn around unexpectedly.

I saw a cute girl in a school uniform in a classroom, waving to him with a face of surprise.

The girl looked full of energy and had a more playful and cute style. After she saw Lu Li, she trotted towards Lu Li.

Lu Li also recognized her: "Hi, Xiaogu."

The girl's name is Jiang Xiaogu.

She was the girl Lu Li had the best relationship with in high school, although Lu Li didn't know many girls of the same age in high school.

The reason I got to know her was because I played a game with Jiang Xu once.

Jiang Xu brought a girl to form a team together.

And this girl is Jiang Xiaogu.

Jiang Xiaogu is Jiang Xu's cousin. She is said to be her cousin, but she is actually just the same ancestor. After five generations, the blood relationship is almost negligible.

They can still be relatives even now, thanks to the good relationship between their parents.

Many relatives are like this. If the relationship between parents is good, the relationship between children will naturally be good. If the relationship is indifferent, you may not know that so-and-so in the same village is actually your cousin or cousin when you grow up.

Lu Li once went to visit relatives with his parents and found out that a person who often fought with him when he was a child turned out to be his cousin.

It was very embarrassing.

"You didn't go home at noon today?"

Jiang Xiaogu came to Lu Li and asked with a bright smile.

Because Lu Li's home is only ten minutes away from the school, Lu Li in the past usually didn't stay at the school at noon.

Jiang Xiaogu's family is in a similar situation. However, she is a student in the top class, so basically she stays at school every noon to review her homework.

"No, I'm too lazy to go home. Anyway, I have class in the afternoon."

Lu Li looked at Jiang Xiaogu's pretty face without makeup, and remembered her appearance with makeup eight years later. In comparison, her style has changed a lot.

Now she is a young, playful and lovely type, and in the future, she will be a beautiful lady in the workplace.

However, she is beautiful and can easily control any style.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but ask, "Don't you need to review?"

In the previous life, Jiang Xiaogu spent almost the entire second semester of high school reviewing, writing questions, and didn't even have time to play games.

"Come out to get some air, I'm almost vomiting every day I'm doing the questions."

Jiang Xiaogu said a little dejectedly, and stuck out his tongue.

If other boys saw her expression, they would think she was extremely cute, and their hearts sprouted. But Lu Li was too familiar with her. In the previous life, the two worked in the same city after graduating from college, and they saw each other often, so they didn't have any special feelings for her.

Instead, what he is thinking about now is which book to read when he returns to the classroom later.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said, "Then take it easy, I'll go back to the classroom first."

"Ah, you're leaving so soon, why don't you chat with me. Recently, for the college entrance examination, I've been doing quizzes every day. After school, I have to practice with my master, so I don't even have time to play games with you guys!"

Jiang Xiaogu said with a dejected expression.


Lu Li didn't remember what kind of master Jiang Xiaogu had.

However, Lu Li knew that Jiang Xiaogu's family was very rich, so it didn't seem strange that he hired a spiritual master for her.

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said, "Yes, the college entrance examination is coming soon. Master hopes that I can take the 'Kamikaze Wuda' exam. Because my master also graduated from Kamikaze Wuda."

"Kamikaze Martial Artist?"

Another word unfamiliar to Lu Li.

Jiang Xiaogu nodded proudly and said, "Yes, Kamikaze University is the best Lingwu University in Baiyue Prefecture, and it's also the top ten Lingwu University in the country!"


In Baiyue Prefecture, UU Kanshu is where Lu Li is now.

After reading geography and history books, Lu Li also had some understanding of the map plate of Huaxia Kingdom.

China is divided into nine states.

Chaofeng County, where Lu Li and the others are located, also known as Fengcheng, is within the boundary of "Baiyue Prefecture" on the southernmost coast of the Huaxia Kingdom.

Come to think of it, as the best Lingwu University in Baiyue Prefecture, Shenfeng Wu Daneng should be at the same level as the two most famous Lingwu universities in Luoyang, Chang'an.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaogu was actually preparing to go to a school of this level.

Lu Li couldn't help but ask, "If you want to take the entrance exam to Kamikaze University, what grades do you need?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help thinking for a while, and replied, "Kamikaze Wuda? Last year's minimum standard seemed to be 800 spiritual power index, right? And the correct answer rate of the college entrance examination paper is over 90%."

"The correct rate of the college entrance examination paper is more than 90%? So exaggerated?"

The corner of Lu Li's mouth couldn't help twitching.

If the score is above 90%, the total score of the 750-point college entrance examination must be above 675?

"Is it exaggerated?"

Jiang Xiaogu blinked his beautiful big eyes, and seemed to be a little puzzled, and said, "Isn't it very easy to answer with a correct rate of 90% or more? The more difficult one should be the 800 spiritual power index, right?"

Simple is okay.

Lu Li was ashamed.

However, thinking that the top scorer in the college entrance examination in the previous life had a score of 725, a shortfall of 25 points, then in this world of revived spiritual energy, it does not seem that it is a strange thing for scholars to get a full score.

Although it is very difficult to get full marks in the composition test.

"By the way, Lu Li, have you decided which university you want to go to in the future?"

At this moment, Jiang Xiaogu asked suddenly.

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