My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 51: 【friend】

Seeing that she seemed to listen.

Lu Li continued to pat her on the shoulder and said, "You are different from them, you don't need to live in their shadow. Be confident and do yourself the way you want. That's the most important thing."

"Yeah! I see!"

Lu Li's encouragement was indeed effective.

After listening to Lu Li's words, a lot of light gradually appeared in Liu Yufeng's eyes, and he was no longer so timid when talking to Lu Li.

However, her voice was still soft and soft, she said, "Thank you, classmate Lu Li, I feel much better, no one has ever told me this before..."

"That's for sure."

Lu Li couldn't help laughing and said, "You look so introverted, it's really hard to find someone who would talk to you like that."

Lu Li was also like this when he was a teenager. He was more introverted and had few friends.

The best friend, Jiang Xu, is mostly just gossiping with each other. heart to heart? That's so embarrassing, don't say goodbye.

However, after I met Jiang Xiaogu, I had several heartfelt exchanges.

That was also the rare time Lu Li confided his heart to others when he was a teenager in his previous life.

Therefore, Lu Li can still understand Liu Yufeng's mental state at this time.

And Liu Yufeng was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and blushed: "I...I don't know how to communicate with others...I'm afraid that I will say the wrong thing and make people unhappy... .."

Lu Li said: "Everyone will say the wrong thing, correct it instead of running away. Even if you become an awakened person in the future, you should face the situation of communicating with more people. At that time, if you are too introverted , is even less worrying than saying the wrong thing."

Listening to Lu Li's words, Liu Yufeng also nodded lightly.

"Well...I see..."

Although she thought of having to communicate with more people in the future, she felt a headache and timidity, but as Lu Li said, she should correct her mistakes, not escape.

These are all things that must be experienced in the future.

After she figured it out like this, I wonder if it was an illusion, but she felt a lot more comfortable in her heart.

As if the depression in my heart for many years, at this moment, a ray of light shines.

She looked up at Lu Li, and couldn't help but ask, "Student Lu Li, then...will you join the Spirit Alliance?"

"Spiritual Alliance? Maybe."

In Lu Li's heart, he was still inclined to join the Spirit Alliance.

However, he didn't want to make a decision so quickly.

Even though the minister also promised, after joining the Spiritual Alliance, he can still do business as usual, he just needs to obey the call of the Spiritual Alliance.

"Perhaps? Classmate Lu Li, don't you...don't you want to join the Spirit League?"

Liu Yufeng was obviously a little surprised.

From her point of view, being able to join the Spiritual Alliance is the dream of many students, so why would they hesitate?

"It's not that I don't want to."

Lu Li didn't want to talk too much about this topic with Liu Yufeng. After all, he was also afraid that Liu Yufeng would be a big mouth and tell the white-gloved minister something he shouldn't have said.

Thinking about it, Lu Li asked back, "What about you? Will you join?"

"Of course I want to join in!"

Liu Yufeng was obviously very excited, and the decibels of his voice increased a little, and said, "That's the Lingmeng. I can't believe in my dreams. I can actually join the Lingmeng! My parents will be very happy when they find out!"


Seeing Liu Yufeng being so excited, Lu Li also smiled.

Joining Lingmeng, this is the most simple dream of a student in this world.

However, Lu Li still intends to go back and check the other top forces. The most anticipated may not be the most suitable for you.

"Old fish!"

Just as Lu Li was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a familiar male voice in front of him.

Lu Li looked up in surprise.

He saw far ahead, two students in school uniforms, a man and a woman, running towards him.

It was Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu.

Because they were worried about Lu Li, Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu didn't wait for the Lingshi device to close, so they carried their schoolbags and took the bus to Lingmeng to see what happened to Lu Li.

As a result, as soon as he got off the bus, he saw Lu Li talking to a long-haired girl at the gate of Lingmeng from a distance.

The two looked closer, only to see Liu Yufeng with a pure and lovely appearance.

Jiang Xu was originally worried about Lu Li, but at this time he couldn't help complaining, how could he be able to hook up with a beautiful girl wherever he was at the same table?

"Old fish, what's the situation?"

The two ran to Lu Li and asked while panting.

In fact, they probably guessed why Lu Li was taken away, because Lu Li ran very fast. In the morning, Wu Shichao was taken away because he punched through the wall of the women's toilet. If Lu Li was taken away, the reason must be the same as Wu Shichao.

However, they didn't know that Wu Shichao and the other students also went back to their respective homes at this time.

"It's okay, it's a long story."

Knowing that Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu were worried about him, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little warmth in his heart.

He told them what happened today.

Of course, it is an adapted version. The Minister of White Gloves said that the existence of the Awakened cannot be revealed. Although many people may have discovered the existence of the Awakened, he can only obey when they say it should be kept secret.

Lu Li only said that when he was running, his spiritual power suddenly soared, and Lingmeng felt that something was wrong, so he took him away.

Shocked the two of them for a while.

After dispelling their worries, both of them couldn't help but cast envious glances.

"You, just broke through 400 points like this?"

"From 200 points to 400 points?"

The two felt that they had pinched a whole lemon, and it was sour in their hearts.

Lu Li smiled bitterly and said, "Yeah, I was surprised too."

"Is this a surprise?"

Jiang Xu's face was contorted with envy, and he said, "I'm so worried about you that I ended up letting me run over to see you show off?"

Lu Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Who is this?"

At this moment, Chen Siyu on the side noticed Liu Yufeng and couldn't help asking.

Lu Li and Liu Yufeng looked at each other, Liu Yufeng couldn't help blushing, Lu Li coughed dryly, and said, "This is Liu Yufeng from No. 2 Middle School, my friend."

"your friend?"

Jiang Xu was stunned: "You actually have friends that I don't know?"

Lu Li pouted and said, "Bullshit, there's more you don't know."


Liu Yufeng summoned the courage to take the initiative to greet these two Lu Li's friends.

Seeing that Liu Yufeng was so active, Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu also reported their families, and the three of them got to know each other.

It was only during the mutual introduction that Lu Li knew.

It turned out that Liu Yufeng was a student in the third class of Raoshui No. 2 Middle School.

Class 1 is a class of top students with extremely good academic I can't see that such an introverted girl is still a top student.

The four chatted for a while, then got on the bus together.

Back to Raoshui Town.

After getting out of the car, they parted ways.

On the way home, Lu Li saw many stores on the street, most of which were closed.

The sky is clear and bright, but there are very few people on the street, which is a bit weird.

Listening to Jiang Xu, it was because the city guards issued an announcement that the recent time would be more dangerous. Residents were advised to go out less, and various stores were also asked to temporarily close. Only some martial arts halls and pharmacies are still open.

Most of the vehicles on the street are some high-end brand-name cars, and the license plates also show that they are out-of-town cars.

These people from other places are obviously rushing to the ruins at the bottom of the Raoshui River.

And these people are definitely not ordinary people.

It is also right for the City Guard to let the residents go out less at times like this.

Thinking about it, Lu Li and Jiang Xu separated at the crossroads.

Everyone goes home.

When Lu Li returned to his house, he unexpectedly found that in front of his house, there was a small yard full of potted flowers planted by his mother.

Jiang Xiaogu was sitting at a table with a stack of books on it.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaogu held a delicate pen in her hand. She carefully flipped through the physics textbook on the table, and from time to time she used the pen to write on the book. Seriously.

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu at his doorstep, Lu Li couldn't help being a little surprised.


When Jiang Xiaogu heard the sound, he raised his head slightly and looked towards Lu Li.

After seeing Lu Li, her face burst into a beautiful smile without knowing it: "Lu Li, you are back."


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