My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 50: 【Introverted Bubble Girl】

The Minister of White Gloves asked the two to go back and think about it.

And instructed the two of them, "I hope you are outside and don't tell others about the Awakened. This is also a kind of protection for you."

"At the same time, I also sincerely hope to see the two of you back here tomorrow."

With that said, the minister called Xia Bing, the captain of the Lingmeng martial artist team outside the door.

The Minister of White Gloves is still gentle and humble towards his subordinates: "Captain Xia Bing, please take them to a level."

"Yes, Minister."

Xia Bing saluted respectfully, and then took Lu Li and Liu Yufeng away.

Go back to the second floor to do the registration.

After registering the information, Xia Bing took two badges engraved with the Lingmeng logo.

He handed it to the two and said, "This is a gift from the minister to the two of you."

"There is a locator on this badge. If you encounter any danger, or if you need help from the Spirit Alliance, you can open the hidden compartment in the badge like this. There is a button here, press and hold for five seconds. , we will receive the signal and organize the nearest Spirit Alliance members to help you."

Saying that, Xia Bing demonstrated how to open the hidden compartment in the badge.

Then he handed the two badges to Lu Li and Liu Yufeng.


Liu Yufeng cherished the badge in her hand and looked at the beautiful patterns on the badge. Her eyes flashed with joy.

Lu Li also accepted the badge, but his face did not show much turbulence.

Although Xia Bing said that this was a meeting gift, he also knew that if he really pressed this button, it was basically equivalent to joining the Spiritual Alliance.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with joining the Spirit Alliance.

Although there are many top cultivator organizations in the world, the Lingmeng is undoubtedly the one closest to the bottom human beings.

Infiltrated into every aspect of the lives of ordinary humans and spiritual practitioners.

The martial arts hall is funded by Lingmeng; pharmacies are funded by Lingmeng; schools, Lingwu classes, and student awards are all funded by Lingmeng...

Compared with other forces, the Spiritual Alliance is obviously more close to the people.

This is also the lifelong inspiration of most students, and it is the reason why they joined the Lingmeng when they grew up.

Even if people cannot join Lingmeng as a martial artist, they will try their best to get into a good university and enter Lingmeng to work as ordinary people. For ordinary humans, this is the most decent job they can do.

Of course, the development of ordinary people is not limited to this one.

There are many things in the world that ordinary people can do.

Thinking about it, Lu Li and Liu Yufeng had already been sent to the gate of Lingmeng by Xia Bing.

"You two walk slowly."

Xia Bing was sent here, and after saying goodbye, she turned around and returned to the Spirit Alliance.

Lu Li and Liu Yufeng walked out of the Spiritual Alliance side by side.

"Student Lu Li? Can I... add your Qiuqiu number?"

At this moment, Liu Yufeng spoke timidly.

Her character was inherently introverted and sensitive, so she seemed cautious when talking to Lu Li.

Lu Li naturally did not refuse: "Of course you can."

After all, it remains to be seen whether Lu Li himself is an Awakener, but Liu Yufeng is a genuine Awakener.

Although judging from her current awakened ability, creating bubbles doesn't seem to have much effect. But who can be sure what the future holds?

Thinking about it, Lu Li took out his mobile phone.

Added Liu Yufeng's Qiuqiu number.

and remarked their real names to each other.

"Power system, Lu Li."

Seeing that Lu Li was willing to add him as a friend, Liu Yufeng couldn't help showing a smile on his face. After seeing Lu Li's name, he was even more surprised, and said, "Lu Li, it turns out that you are this Li, such a special name. Li Yu Yue Longmen, the meaning is really good."

suddenly praised.

In his previous life, Lu Li was often noticed because of his name, and he was used to it.

But most people think that their name is the carp of koi. This is the first time I have heard the saying that the carp leaps over the dragon's gate.

Lu Li was a little embarrassed, and praised back: "Your name is also very nice, Yufeng, it sounds very good..."

"Lu Li is really good at complimenting people..."

Liu Yufeng was very embarrassed after being praised, and his face quickly turned red.

Lu Li smiled and said, "I'm telling the truth, it's really nice. It sounds like the name of a very beautiful girl."

"Let's make you laugh, classmate Lu Li..."

Liu Yufeng listened to Lu Li's words, but lowered his head a little in inferiority, and said, "I know my name is very dirty, but I'm very sorry for letting you say such things against your heart..."

As Liu Yufeng spoke, his voice gradually decreased.

When Lu Li saw it, he was stunned.


I didn't say anything against my heart, it was really nice.

Isn't this girl a little too inferior?

Lu Li had met many introverted people in his previous life, but this was the first time he had met someone as sensitive as Liu Yufeng.

Lu Li could only say: "Your name is not earthy, it sounds nice. Yufeng Yufeng, Yushu Linfeng, it sounds like a handsome man and a beautiful woman. If you say it's earthy, it may be an aesthetic problem."


After being praised by Lu Li, Liu Yufeng's face turned even redder, and he could not help but ask carefully, "Really?"

Lu Li smiled and asked, "Otherwise? Did someone say your name is not good?"

"Well, yes... When I was a child, my classmates didn't speak well..."

Liu Yufeng said, as if remembering some bad could not help lowering her head.

"How can you believe what a child says?"

Seeing her like this, Lu Li couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Does the child have the aesthetic ability to say another thing? Sometimes, people who say such things just want to get your attention?"

"No... Many, many classmates say so..."

Liu Yufeng looked even more autistic.

Hearing this, Lu Li was stunned and thought, this girl must have been bullied by her classmates when she was a child?

This kind of thing happens all the time.

If you can't integrate into the group, or offend a certain child, you will be bullied.

Lu Li also experienced it when he was a child.

Besides, Liu Yufeng's character is inherently introverted and sensitive. The development of this character does not happen overnight. It may be due to family or social circle.

After thinking about it, Lu Li softened his tone and said, "I think they might have teamed up to bully you, so they said that on purpose. Trust me, your name sounds nice, and those who bullied you might be Because of jealousy of you?"

Hearing this, Liu Yufeng seemed to have remembered something from Lu Li's words.

She didn't speak, just shook her head.

"It's okay, it's all over."

Lu Li reached out and patted her shoulder and said, "Also, you are now an awakened person, right? And those students who bullied you are all ordinary people. Even if there are a few talented ones, then you are awakened. The identity of the people is also much stronger than them.”


When Liu Yufeng heard the words, she just nodded slightly.

She could hear that Lu Li was encouraging her, but she also had to admit that what Lu Li said really gave her a lot of confidence.

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