My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 52: 【Popular Goddess】

"Xiaogu, why are you here?"

Lu Li couldn't help being a little surprised.

When he came to Jiang Xiaogu, Lu Li discovered that there were more than a dozen physics-related textbooks and workbooks on the table, and Jiang Xiaogu was marking the contents of the textbooks on the books.

This reminded Lu Li of the math textbook and workbook that Jiang Xiaogu sent him after school in the afternoon.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaogu made comments to make it easier to understand when he was reviewing.

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help feeling warm.

In the previous life, Lu Li was relatively introverted, and a large part of the reason why he gradually became cheerful was because of Jiang Xiaogu.

"Brother Jiang Xu said that you beat Lai Jingxuan because of your running, and were taken away by the Lingmeng people. I came here specifically to congratulate you."

Jiang Xiaogu said with a smile.

"Congratulations for what? Congrats, did I beat your classmates?"

Lu Li couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Xiaogu shook his head and said, "Of course not this."

Hearing this, Lu Li was slightly surprised: "You, do you know why I was taken away by the people of the Lingmeng?"

"you guess."

Jiang Xiaogu had a smile in his eyes, noncommittal.

Lu Li immediately understood. It seems that Jiang Xiaogu should know about the Awakened.

Otherwise, he wouldn't come to his house specially to wait for him.

Just thinking about it, Jiang Xiaogu asked in a very ordinary tone, "Is it the power department?"

Sure enough, she knew.

Lu Li just nodded.

"My master found out a long time ago that some students have awakened, and I should have found out. The last time I asked you what university you want to study for, he actually told me to go to Luoyang. Humph, you were already awakened at that time, Right?"

Jiang Xiaogu deliberately made a coquettish look.

Of course, she didn't really blame Lu Li for not telling her the truth, she was just teasing Lu Li.

After all, this kind of thing, if it were her, she would definitely hide it first. Wait for others to expose it first, and then decide whether to say it yourself.

Lu Li also knew that Jiang Xiaogu was joking, but smiled helplessly: "I wasn't sure at that time either."

"Then you are sure now, how about it, are the people from Lingmeng eager to give you an olive branch?"

"It's not that urgent, but I'm also thinking about it."


Jiang Xiaogu was slightly surprised: "I thought you would agree directly."

Lu Li said: "They also asked us to think about it first."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaogu also nodded and said, "Well, this is indeed the style of the leaders of the Spirit Alliance. They want others to join them willingly. But sometimes there are exceptions."

"Then they should have given you an olive branch too, right?"

Lu Li asked.

Although Lu Li doesn't know if Jiang Xiaogu has become an Awakened, but with Jiang Xiaogu's talent, he might be better than an Awakened, how could the Spirit Alliance not win over?

Jiang Xiaogu also nodded: "Throw it away."

"Then you joined?"



Lu Li was slightly surprised. Didn't Jiang Xiaogu still receive rewards from the Spirit League before? Why not join the Lingmeng?


Jiang Xiaogu originally wanted to say something, but she hesitated for a while, then shook her head and said, "This, I'll tell you after you make a choice whether to join the Spirit Alliance."

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

But soon, he seemed to want to understand something and asked, "Could it be that you have joined another force?"

"you guess."

"Again? Mysterious."

Although Jiang Xiaogu didn't say it, Lu Li also knew that Jiang Xiaogu had already joined other forces.

After all, she already has a master, so she must have joined the force of her master.

She just didn't know which force her master belonged to.

Jiang Xiaogu didn't say anything, and Lu Li didn't ask much.

Jiang Xiaogu also deliberately changed the subject and asked Lu Li, "By the way, Brother Jiang Xu said that Lai Jingxuan is very hostile to you, what's the matter?"

Speaking of Lai Jingxuan's matter, Jiang Xiaogu's pretty face clearly flashed a trace of displeasure.

"It's alright, maybe I had a holiday with him before."

Lu Li couldn't say why, he didn't remember what happened to him and Lai Jingxuan.

In his previous life, he had never even heard of Lai Jingxuan's name.

"Have a festival? Why didn't I hear Brother Jiang Xu mention it?"

"It's a bit of a holiday, I forgot, but it doesn't matter. He probably won't be arrogant in the future."

Lu Li shrugged.

Although Lai Jingxuan made Lu Li unhappy before, but now Lai Jingxuan is only a speed reference unit for Lu Li when he runs.

However, Jiang Xiaogu didn't think so.

After all, Lu Li was targeted by Lai Jingxuan when he had a spiritual power index of 198 points. At that time, Lai Jingxuan had more than 360 spiritual power points.

Even if Lu Li wasn't convinced at the time, he could only hold back.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaogu's charming face showed a bit of anger.

A small calculation was made in my heart.

"Brother Lu Li, you're back."

At this moment, a female voice sounded from the room, Liu Shiting came out of the room with a book of mathematics in hand.

After seeing Lu Li, he said hello.

Lu Li also nodded to her: "Yes, Shi Ting."

"Your schoolbag and books were brought back by a man wearing sunglasses, and I left them at the door of your room."

Liu Shiting said that the person wearing sunglasses was naturally Liao Hong, the instructor of the Lingwu class.

Before Lu Li went to school, he locked the room, only he had the key, so Liu Shiting naturally couldn't get in.

Lu Li nodded and said, "Okay, thank you Shi Ting."


Liu Shiting nodded lightly, then looked at Jiang Xiaogu beside him, smiled, and came to Jiang Xiaogu.

She asked a little embarrassedly, "Sister Xiaogu, can I ask you another question?"

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Jiang Xiaogu smiled and took the textbook that Liu Shiting brought, and motioned her to sit on the stool next to her.

After reading it for a while, she began to solve the problem for Liu Shiting.

Point out the difficulties and draw inferences from one case.

Liu Shiting listened, nodded frequently, her cheeks were flushed, she obviously liked Jiang Xiaogu very much.

[Learning point +3]!

Lu Li listened to Jiang Xiaogu's lecture to Liu Shiting next to him, and his learning points could not help but increase.

Jiang Xiaogu really spoke very well and meticulously.

Since the 100-point increase in all attributes, Lu Li's comprehension ability and memory of mathematics and physics have obviously improved a lot.

I don't know if it's the gain brought by the Swiftness attribute, or other attributes.

Maybe both.

The gain brought by 100 points of all attributes is omnidirectional.

Lu Li felt that if he went all out and showed his strength, he would probably reach 500 points.

Of course, UU reading Lu Li's current real level is still 400 points.

Thinking about it, Lu Li saw that the two women were studying each other's exercises, so he picked up the textbook and workbook that Jiang Xiaogu had already annotated, and then entered the room.

The dozen or so books should have been very heavy, but in Lu Li's hand at this moment, he seemed to be holding a ball of cotton.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his old sister, Lu Ling, walking out of the living room with her math and physics textbooks in her arms.

"Get out of the way, get in my way."

Lu Ling hurriedly pushed Lu Li away and walked quickly towards Jiang Xiaogu.

With a smile in his mouth, he shouted in a super whining voice that Lu Li had never heard before: "Sister Xiaogu, how do you solve this problem?"

Lu Li felt goosebumps all over.

Seeing that Lu Ling and Liu Shiting were both entangled in Jiang Xiaogu to solve the problem, Lu Li was a little bit puzzled.

After all, Jiang Xiaogu is a super talented and talented girl from Raoshui No. 1 Middle School. She is very popular in school at ordinary times. She is the idol of Lu Ling and Liu Shiting, who is like a goddess.

Now that they have the opportunity to ask the goddess for advice, of course they can't miss this opportunity.

"Xiao Li, what are you still doing, hurry up and put things down. There are apples and oranges in the refrigerator. Quickly take them out and peel them for Xiao Gu and the others."

In the kitchen, Lu Ma was wearing an apron and was busy.

After seeing Lu Li, he began to urge.

"Oh, okay, come right away."

Lu Li had to quickly walk up to the second floor.

She took out the key and opened the door.

The reason why I also locked the door in my own house was naturally because I didn't want my family to discover the existence of the teleportation formation.

Although they found out that they had made up their minds, but if they didn't know, it would save a lot of trouble.

Thinking about it, Lu Li moved in all the books at the door.

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