My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 40: 【The storm is coming】

When Lu Li woke up, it was already after one o'clock in the afternoon.

Someone asked him to get up to eat in the morning and at noon, but he was so sleepy that he didn't even get up.

Lu Ling originally thought that Lu Li was playing games until it was too late, so he didn't get up.

As a result, when she was called by her mother upstairs to ask Lu Li to eat, as soon as she entered Lu Li's room, she saw that Lu Li's room was filled with all the books from elementary school to high school.

There are more than 100 books, stacked high, and the pictures are a bit spectacular.

Thinking that Lu Li actually studied so seriously and took out so many books.

Lu Ling's hateful words that had already reached his lips, he swallowed them all at once.

So when Lu Li woke up, he was quite surprised to find that his old sister didn't say a few sarcastic words because he slept in for the first time.

Liu Shiting advised Lu Li not to study hard, and not to stay up too late.

And also very actively wanted to feed Lu Li.

Lu Li politely declined.

After all, Liu Shiting is a guest, so there is no reason to let the guest cook to entertain her.

However, Liu Shiting still insisted on helping Lu Li.

Lu Ling also found that she was young, and today seems to be a little different.

"Tingting seems to have become a little sticky to the land carp."

"Is it an illusion?"

Lu Ling shook her head, no matter how she thought about it, she thought it was impossible.

In my sister's eyes, her brother's appearance is very ordinary. Similarly, in the eyes of the elder brother, the younger sister is also very ordinary.

So, when she thought that her childhood might be interesting to her brother, Lu Ling subconsciously felt that it was impossible!

She believed that she couldn't be so bad with her small eyes!

Lu Li naturally didn't know what Lu Ling was thinking, otherwise he wouldn't mind inserting the chopsticks in his hand that were stirring the noodles directly into her nostrils.

Lu Li made the noodles and ate it on the table.

Originally, he planned to go to the second-hand market today to see if he could find a middleman in the black market, and then sell the spiritual power bottle in his hand.

But now apparently time is running out.

I had to temporarily dismiss this idea.

"Anyway, there will be time to go in the future, so I'm not in a hurry."

After thinking about it, I decided to go and practice today's amount first.

After eating the noodles, Lu Li washed the dishes and went back to the room. He told Lu Ling and Liu Shiting not to disturb him, and then locked the door.

He lifted the carpet covering the teleportation circle and was preparing to teleport.

Only then did Lu Li think of bringing a few more bottles.

As a result, seven or eight bottles were already placed on the desk.

There are still life potions, swiftness potions, and ether potions.

Lu Li had forgotten which two bottles of spiritual power were filled, so Lu Li had to open them one by one to take a look.

As a result, when he finished twisting all the empty bottles.

When I found two of the bottles with spiritual power, I was surprised!

"Why so much less?"

Obviously, the two bottles were filled with pure spiritual energy yesterday?

Lu Li confirmed it again and found that the pure spiritual power in the two bottles was indeed reduced by about half!

Lu Li quickly understood the reason.

"It's all lost..."

This soda bottle can't completely lock the spiritual power.

Yesterday I couldn't see that its spiritual power was being lost because the time was too short. But after twenty hours or so, it seemed obvious.

In other words, the plan to sell the spiritual power bottle was in vain...

"No, there must be another way."

Lu Li turned on his mobile phone and made a query.

He quickly found the answer: "use jade!"

"Jade can store spiritual power and make it last for a long time. The better the quality of jade, the longer the capacity and time it can store spiritual power!"

However, jade itself is not cheap.

Although there are alternatives, namely glass bottles, the storage effect of glass bottles is actually not much different from that of plastic bottles.

There are also people who have done experiments on the Internet and have also written papers.

Lu Li found CNKI in this world, found this paper, and found it later.

The person who published this paper is a man named Chen Yan.

Open Chen Yan's other thesis works.

Chen Yan, published a total of 4725 academic papers! Published 12 books!

"Four thousand seven hundred papers? Damn! What kind of monster is this."

Although Lu Li told himself countless times not to look at people in this world from the perspective of his previous life, he was still shocked when he saw the number of papers.

He remembered that the person who published the most academic papers in his previous life seemed to have only 1,450 papers, right?

So terrifying! Terrible!

There are seventeen related academic papers published by Chen Yan on the spiritual power container, and most of them are from more than ten years ago.

The article Lu Li read was from 16 years ago, and to download this paper, it cost 2,400 yuan to download!

24 pages of thesis, 2400 yuan.

It is equivalent to 100 yuan per page!

Lu Li remembered that the price of a paper on HowNet in his previous life was only 1 yuan per page!

Of course, if you are a college student, you can also use the university campus network to buy papers on the Internet for free.

But Lu Li is only a high school student now. If you want to read this kind of academic paper, you have to spend money to read it.

"Forget it, forget it, look down on it."

Anyway, some people on the Internet directly write their conclusions in vernacular.

In short, it is:

The plastic bottle can only lock the spiritual power for 48 hours, and it will slowly drain;

The glass bottle can lock the spiritual power for 120 hours, and it will also slowly drain;

Ordinary quality jade can lock spiritual power for a whole year or more!

"It seems that we can only get glass bottles."

Thinking about it, Lu Li still carried his schoolbag and put the empty plastic bottle in it.

Although the plastic bottle can only be locked for 48 hours, after all, considering that I have to go to school tomorrow, I don't have so much time to go to the cemetery to absorb the evil spirits. It is always good to store more spiritual power for myself tomorrow.

Thinking about it, Lu Li took out the teleportation stone.

Teleport to the cemetery.

This time, when he came to the cemetery, Lu Li clearly felt that his absorption range and absorption speed had become faster.

Thinking about it, it should be the reason for the bonus of spirit and ascension points.

After cultivating until after five o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Li estimated that it was only after dinner time and returned to his room with eight full plastic bottles.

In the evening, I continued to read and review books.


The next morning, Lu Li woke up early.

Open the eight plastic bottles and absorb the pure spiritual power in them.

When he absorbed the seventh bottle, Lu Li felt that feeling of swelling in his body.

"It's the breaking point!"

Lu Li quickly absorbed the remaining spiritual power.

Unscrew the last spiritual power bottle.

When only half of the spiritual power was absorbed.


There was a feeling of breakthrough in the body again, and the spiritual power spread to the limbs and bones, nourishing every inch of the body.

This time Lu Li clearly felt that the increase in spiritual power and physique in the body was much more intense than when it was 199 to 200 and 299 to 300.

After all, 300 to 400 is a hurdle. After crossing the threshold, the overall strength will be greatly improved.

After two days over the weekend, not only did the strength exceed 400 points from more than 200 points, but I also reviewed tons of books; the learning points have accumulated to 15,723 points!

The harvest is not bad.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lu Li packed his things and went downstairs.

After eating breakfast, he went straight to the campus with his schoolbag on his back.

On the way to the school, Lu Li saw a huge building in the south of the city.

That building, big and bizarre!

Lu Li was sure that before the night before yesterday, this building definitely didn't exist!

"Where is the location of the Raoshui River purple air mass?"

Lu Li immediately thought of what he saw the day before yesterday, the Raoshui River Bridge surrounded by a huge iron wall between the City Guard and the Lingmeng.

So... this building is the iron wall they built again?

At this height, I am afraid it must be 300 meters up, right? !

Where on earth did they get so many iron walls, and they were able to build so high in one day?

Lu Li found that it was too normal for him to think about the world...

Followed Lu Li to the classroom.

It was found that at this time, the whole class was discussing the complete blockade of the Raoshui River Bridge.

The students, and even all the residents of Raoshui Town, all felt it.

The storm is coming!


(PS: It’s Monday again! Ask for a recommended ticket and ask for a monthly pass!)

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