My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 41: 【Wu Shichao】

"Old fish, did you see it on the way to the school? Over the river."

Jiang Xu was having a heated discussion with the two girls at the front table.

Seeing Lu Li coming, he hurriedly asked.

"I see, such a big change, I can't see it if I'm blind."

Lu Li put the bag full of textbooks on the desk.

Jiang Xu nodded and said, "It wasn't that high yesterday afternoon. It was built up and capped in one night."

The girl at the front table also nodded and said, "When my dad got off work last night, when he passed the Raoshui River, he saw a lot of spiritual practitioners helping to build the barrier."

Jiang Xu said, "Obviously there is something in there that cannot be known to others."

Hearing this, the girl at the front table deliberately lowered her voice and said, "My dad said it might be a relic."

"My dad said the same thing."

"I don't know what it looks like in the ruins."

Jiang Xu continued to chat hotly with the two girls at the front desk.

Lu Li listened to the whole process.

"It seems that the fact that there are ruins at the bottom of the Raoshui River is no longer a secret."

After all, where the ruins appeared this time, people came and went.

It's hard to keep a low profile.

However, listening to Jiang Xu talking about the Raoshui River ruins, Lu Li couldn't help but think of the black-robed hooded man he saw last Friday when he was onlookers in the south of the city.

That man in black should have known the secret of Raoshui River long ago, right?

At that time, when Lu Li used the jade pendant, the other party clearly noticed it.

Moreover, he also has an evil spirit in him, and there is reason to suspect that he should have also noticed the purple air mass at the bottom of the river.

However, what made Lu Li most curious was what happened to the evil spirit on the other side.

"What are you thinking, old fish?"

At this time, Jiang Xu, who was beside him, noticed that Lu Li was in a daze and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing... You, it seems a little different today."

Lu Li noticed that Jiang Xu seemed to have lost a bit of weight today, full of energy and radiant.

I haven't seen each other for two days, so much has changed.

Hearing this, Jiang Xu couldn't help showing a smug smile and said, "You have discovered this."

Lu Li asked, "Has it exceeded 200 points?"

"Uh, how do you know?"

Jiang Xu originally wanted to do some shit, but Lu Li succeeded in his guess.

Lu Li smiled and said, "Because you have the words 'I broke through' written on your face."

Jiang Xu usually chatted with the girl at the front desk, how could he chat so happily, he almost had to write the word self-confidence on his face.

Considering that his previous spiritual power index was already 196 points, it is not difficult to think of it.

Jiang Xu didn't have to show off anymore, he just felt bored, but seeing Lu Li's faint smile, he guessed: "You must have exceeded 200 points, right? No, I suspect that before you ran a few days ago, you had already broken through. Oh, darling, she deliberately left me behind and ran side by side with the squad leader."

"How could I run side by side with her?"

Lu Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Naturally, he didn't have this idea, he just wanted to see how fast he was.

But from Jiang Xu's perspective, Lu Li was trying his best to catch up with Chen Siyu, and ran side by side with her for a long time.

"Even if you don't have it, but you actually broke 200 points so early, and you deliberately hid it, waiting to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

"You didn't ask me again."

Jiang Xu was at a loss for words.

Lu Li said again: "Then I'll tell you now, I'm already 400 o'clock, don't say I didn't tell you again."

"400 points?"

Jiang Xu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then he said with a look of disbelief, "Don't talk nonsense, but I know, you must be taller than me by now, right?"

"Believe it or not."

Lu Li didn't tell Jiang Xu much, anyway Jiang Xu would believe it sooner or later.

Thinking about it, Lu Li picked up the book and continued to review his mathematics.

In the past few days, he has been studying mathematics every day, and his understanding of mathematics has become deeper and deeper, and he has begun to realize that just reading books and not doing problems will not consolidate knowledge at all.

He decided to start reading the exercise books after reading all the textbooks.

Review until the end of the second lesson.

Lu Li was interrupted by a commotion.

There was a sudden burst of exclamations in the teaching building.

When the students who were still sitting in Class 2 of Year 3 heard this, they immediately walked out of the classroom to see what happened.

Lu Li originally wanted to go out to see what was going on, but seeing the crowd at the door, he thought about it.

He sat back down again and read his book.

I vaguely heard people outside shouting, "It's from the Spirit Alliance!"

"Who is the student who was taken away?"

"It seems to be a student from Class 5."

"I heard that this student punched through the wall separating the men's and women's toilets with one punch this morning!"

"so smart?!"

"Yeah, it scared a lot of girls."

Lu Li couldn't help but feel curious when he heard the people talking outside.

Soon, Jiang Xu returned to class.

As soon as he came in, he said to Lu Li, "Old fish, why are you still sitting? Come and see, that guy Wu Shichao was taken away by the people of the Spirit Alliance!"

"Wu Shichao?"

Lu Li couldn't help but be surprised.

This Wu Shichao was the one who pulled Lu Li out of the bus when Lu Li and Jiang Xu went for a physical examination a few days ago, and gave Lu Li his middle finger.

Lu Li never thought that he was actually taken away.

Then he was the one who was talking about the students outside.

Lu Li couldn't help getting up and walked outside. Then he saw Wu Shichao being dressed up by two Spirit League warriors, leading him out of the school gate one after the other.

"It's really him."

This Wu Shichao didn't deal with Lu Li in his previous life. Lu Li vaguely remembered that the grievance between the two seemed to have started in an Internet cafe for a machine.

Or, they had a vengeance earlier.

Lu Li can't remember the Anyway, when he has memories of Wu Shichao, he often provokes himself.

This life is the same.

"Why was he taken away by the warriors of the Lingmeng?"

Lu Li had seen the outfits of Lingmeng warriors in books earlier. Among the guards in Raoshuihe, Lu Li also saw many people dressed as Lingmeng warriors, so he naturally recognized it.

Jiang Xu said, "It is said that he pierced the wall of the women's toilet with one punch."

"Is it really him?"

"This guy, when did his strength become so strong?"

Jiang Xu was no less suspicious than Lu Li.

He walked close to Lu Li, and naturally he was harassed by Wu Shichao. Hearing that the person he hated was so powerful that he could punch through the wall with one punch was unbelievable and at the same time a little uncomfortable.

"There's nothing to see, let's go in."

Lu Li and Jiang Xu returned to the classroom.

Everyone in the class is talking about Wu Shichao.

There have been a lot of things happening recently. The conversations among the students have changed every class, without any repetition.

However, exactly what happened, no one can say why.

On the contrary, Jiang Xu seemed a little persistent.

It seems that he wants to find out why Wu Shichao suddenly became so strong.

Lu Li also wanted to know.

However, what he cares more about is what the Lingmeng people did when they took him away?

The students seemed to acquiesce that it was because Wu Shichao had pierced through the women's toilet that he was taken away by the teacher, but Lu Li faintly felt that things were not that simple.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xu, who was browsing the web page on his mobile phone, suddenly lit up.

Immediately, he held the phone in front of Lu Li and said, "Old fish, look!"

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