My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 39: 【Crazy review】

With the existence of the black market, only a few words of information can be found on the Internet.

But in reality, it's no longer a secret.

Lu Li also heard about it.

There is such a black market more than 300 kilometers west of Raoshui Town.

There, somewhere between the safe area and the dangerous area.

The so-called safe area is an area protected by the state and the city guard, in an orderly manner, and not invaded by spirit beasts.

And the dangerous area is an extremely dangerous and impossible zone.

The Infinite Great Wall separates the safe zone from the danger zone.

And the so-called black market exists in that kind of place.

In the black market, the price of buying and selling things is generally much cheaper than the outside world. The nutrient solution of 50,000 yuan can be bought in the black market for only 40,000, or even more than 30,000.

And no purchase information will be recorded.

At the same time, no one can guarantee that the things they buy can actually be used.

Genuine goods, fake goods, parallel goods, it is all up to you to distinguish.

Once the money is paid and the goods are delivered, there is no chance to go back.

What Lu Li likes is its secrecy.

As long as it is handled properly, no one will find out that they are selling spiritual power bottles.

Although there are people who sell things anonymously on the Internet, but no one else has used this kind of spiritual power bottle, so naturally they won't believe it or buy it.

Moreover, when the time comes to send things over, you have to fill in the information, even if you fill in false information, the other party will have a way to locate you.

There is still a risk of exposure.

The black market is much simpler.

However, Lu Li had only heard of the existence of the black market, and had no idea of ​​the exact location of the so-called black market.

And from the distance of more than 300 kilometers, even if he knew the location, Lu Li, who had to go to school, couldn't go.

Lu Li has such troubles, and others naturally have them too.


The middleman came into being.

The so-called middleman is actually an intermediary, a person who earns errands and makes the difference.

In every town, there are such people, who hide in various second-hand markets all the year round.

Since these intermediaries have always pursued the principle of only helping to sell, not to buy, the city guards and the major drug dealer groups have relatively loose control over them.

There were also some commercial secrets, which Lu Li didn't know much about.

After all, his purpose was just to sell the spiritual power bottle in his hand.

After understanding the information he wanted, Lu Li decided to go to the second-hand market for a look after finishing his training in the cemetery tomorrow.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to review the textbook.

This time, he began to review the textbooks from his elementary school years.

Elementary school textbooks are extremely simple to review. With memory potions, as well as the memory and comprehension ability of one's own 300-point spiritual power index, such textbooks are simply not easy.

It took only ten minutes to read the Chinese in the first volume of the first grade.

Because there really wasn't any content.

Although the content of the textbook is different from the previous life, the core of the teaching is the same. Primary school Chinese is to teach students literacy, and at the same time increase students' reading comprehension and composition skills.

After Lu Li finished reading, the system also gave the settlement:

[Learning point +91]!

[Ascension +1]!

"You became proficient at 91 o'clock?"

In surprise, Lu Li opened the system interface.

Sure enough, the learning progress is directly 91%, which means that 1% of the progress is equivalent to 1 learning point.


What is commendable is that there is 1 spiritual ascension point, and it only takes ten minutes to read the whole book.

"However, it's still too little."

If it weren't for the fact that he still had 1 spiritual point, he would not be willing to continue reading.

Thinking about it, Lu Li had to continue to open the second volume of the first grade.

This time, he read faster, just like when he read novels in his previous life, he glanced at it briefly, and then turned the page after getting a general idea.

In this way, it takes only ten minutes to read an elementary school Chinese book.

Lu Li read twelve books in a row.

All studies are above 90%.

It was also time to finish dinner.

After having dinner with his family and Liu Shiting, Lu Li returned to his room.

This time, he opened the elementary school mathematics textbook.

Mathematics is a pain point for Lu Li. Since he was a child, he has been unable to do mathematics. Although simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is still no problem, when it comes to equations, he was very fond of playing and didn't listen to lectures much when he was a child.

If you want to review mathematics in junior high school and high school, the basic theory of elementary school mathematics cannot be bypassed.

Thinking about it, Lu Li took a serious look at this first-grade mathematics book.

With the completion of the math book.

[Learning point +92]!

[Strong body +1]!

It was the first time that Lu Li had mastered a book of mathematics. Unexpectedly, the attribute points given were not Ascension!

"Strong body, does it mean constitution?"

Lu Li was wondering, his body quickly gave him the answer.

A sense of strength suddenly appeared in his body. Although it was very little, it was indeed just as Lu Li thought, it was to enhance his physique.

"Not only your physique, but your strength will also increase a little?"

In other words, can this strong body attribute not only increase endurance, but also increase strength?

Lu Li's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly opened the second volume of the first grade mathematics.

The first grade is all addition and subtraction, which is extremely simple, and they are all at more than 91% of their learning progress.

In the second grade, he began to introduce the concept of multiplication, 66 multiplication formulas, 99 multiplication formulas, all the way, more than 90% of the learning progress.

In the third grade, starting to learn points, rounding, and learning two-digit multiplication by three-digit numbers, it is also more than 90% easy.

The reason why Lu Li failed to reach 100%, Lu Li thinks it is because there are many brain teasers in the book.

This math problem is no longer a simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It requires a certain amount of understanding to solve it.

Lu Li always felt that this kind of brain teaser was very anti-human, so he just skipped it if he was too lazy to figure it out in his mind.

In the fourth grade, I started to teach more things. I started to use rulers and calculate the measurement of angles. I also saw that Lu Li had a big head.

Reading speed has slowed down significantly.

And after reading two fourth-grade math books, the learning progress is only 88% and 86%!

90% can't get up.


Lu Li opened the fifth grade again, and was about to start learning equations. Lu Li read more slowly this time.

But still relying on past life memory, barely maintaining above 85%.

Opening the sixth grade textbook, Lu Li could see more about the knowledge of circles, percentages, and fan-shaped statistics.

I couldn't help but ask myself, why do I read math books and torture myself?

Fortunately, after reading two sixth grade books, I still gave him an increase of more than 80%.

"It's really gratifying that it didn't fall out 80%."

Although the reading process was very painful, he passed all the levels, reaching 80%, and brought him 12 points of strength at one time!

Lu Li clearly felt that his strength had increased a lot.

When he raised his hands and feet, there was a crackling sound.

"It's cool!"

The feeling of this body being lifted is fascinated.

"The math review is over, the next thing is morality."

Morality textbooks are all about teaching people how to behave in the world. UU reading is the content of establishing values. It's all content that you can just memorize.

Following Lu Li read the first book of morality.

[Learning point +99]!

[Spirit +1]!

Another brand new attribute point!

However, the addition of this spirit to his body only caused Lu Li's head to faint, and he didn't feel any special changes.

Lu Li simply read all the other music books, art books, labor books, sports books, and computer books.

Sure enough, various textbooks have corresponding attribute points.

And these books are nothing more than four attributes.

Ascension, strength, spirit, swiftness.

After discovering how to obtain other attribute points, Lu Li was very excited that night. For some books that only needed to be memorized by rote, Lu Li read them directly and quickly, and his speed increased a lot.

In the end, I struggled abruptly until after six o'clock in the morning the next day, when the sun began to dawn, and finally I finished reviewing all the elementary school textbooks.

This crazy review has directly allowed Lu Li to gain 12 points of Ascension, 36 points of physical strength, and 36 points of spirit!

And 7879 study points!

More than 80 books, nearly 13 hours of reading!

It was the first time that Lu Li stayed up so late. In his previous life, he went to an Internet cafe all night, and when he stayed up until four or five o'clock, he couldn't help lying on the computer desk and fell asleep.

Who would have thought that the first time I stayed up until after six o'clock, it was because of reviewing!

Tell it to Lu Ling and Jiang Xu, they won't believe it.

Lu Li looked at the various attribute points in the system panel, the corners of his mouth couldn't help rising, and his eyelids were finally overwhelmed and pressed down.

Lu Li lay on the bed and fell asleep contentedly.

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