My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 193: 【Fox Charm Girl】

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Bright red fruit, in the dark cave, flickered and dimmed.

Red light illuminated the outlines in the cave.

It also illuminated the seven standing figures.

These figures are all monsters with the characteristics of beasts!

And this fruit was being held in the hands of a coquettish woman with a tear mole at the corner of her eye.

The red light on the fruit reflected on the bewitching face of the woman with tears mole, showing a bit of a strange color.

If you look closely, you can find that the woman with the mole has a pair of fox ears on her head, and behind it, there is a fluffy and thick tail.

But his coquettish face was full of seriousness and indifference.

On the other hand of the fox girl with tears mole, she was holding a sword with amethyst inlaid on the hilt.

Although the sword only has a little amethyst decoration, it looks more delicate and powerful than the spiritual weapon whose entire weapon is made of amethyst.

"Boss, do you really want to continue eating the demon fruit?"

"Boss, you have already eaten six, even if you are from the bloodline of the Demon King, I am afraid that you will not be able to withstand the impact of the demon power brought by this demon fruit!"

"Leader think twice! My Red Blood Tribe still needs your leadership!"

All the demons respectfully persuaded the fox girl with tears in front of her.

An old ape Yaoyi who looked a little older also persuaded: "When the old demon king followed the training of the demon clan and obtained this kind of demon fruit from the large-scale ruins, he was already at the initial stage of prodigy realm (diamond level).

"Strong as a demon king, and only after eating nine demon fruits, he didn't dare to try again.

"And the leader, you are no more than the peak strength of the four poles (silver level). Although you are the daughter of the old demon king, six is ​​the limit. If you take the seventh, you are very likely to explode and die! I hope you think twice, leader. Then go ahead!"

Facing the admonitions of the demons.

The fox girl with a teary mole at the corner of her eye was still expressionless.


The fox girl with tears mole looked at the bright red fruit in her hand, and her lips were lightly opened, but there was an unquestionable heroic and decisiveness in her tone: "My limit is not here!"

"That old guy dares to take three demon fruits that are beyond his strength, what should I be afraid of?"

"If you are afraid, back off!"

After speaking, the fox girl with tears mole directly put the dark red fruit into her mouth under the surprised eyes of the demons.

Knowing that it is very likely to explode and die, but still dare to take the seventh demon fruit.

This resolute courage made the demon servants admire and worry at the same time.

She looked at the fox girl in front of her with a complicated mood and closed her eyes.

Feeling the demon power in her body began to become violent!

Violent demonic power swarmed in the fox girl's body.

The fox girl's fair face quickly showed pain, and scarlet blood flowed out of Qiong's nose!

Swish swish!

The sharp nails stretched out from the fox girl's fingers, and the terrifying demon power shocked every sensed demon!


The demons looked terrified.

At this time, the fox girl's body is like a time bomb.

As long as she couldn't bear the demonic power of that demon fruit, she would explode and die immediately.

The explosive power is comparable to the self-destruction of a human with gold-level strength!

It can be said that within a radius of ten miles, there is almost no possibility of survival for those whose strength is not at the gold level!


The demons didn't show any signs of flinching.

The leader is so resolute, what reason do they have to back down?

At this time, the three "Lingmeng warriors" dressed up in strange costumes also returned with three big bags on their backs.

Seeing the pained appearance of the leader Fox Girl, they were all surprised.

After being stopped by the old ape Yaoyi, they all calmed down consciously.

All did not back down.

There is admiration in the eyes!

Only the youngest boy, called the little lizard, had the intention of retreating.

But he was grabbed by the shoulders of the demon warrior beside him and stared at him coldly.

Cold sweat suddenly oozes out on the little lizard's forehead.

He once heard from the demons that there was a general of the demon clan who exploded and died after eating a demon fruit that exceeded his own strength! Directly killed tens of thousands of demons!

The little lizard knew that it was definitely not a story to scare him, but it actually happened!

Because, now, the demon power on the leader Fox Girl in front of me seems to explode at any time!

In the hesitation, fear, admiration, worry and other emotions of the demons, they spent dozens of minutes.

The violent demon power on the fox girl has been rising.

When climbing to the top, the demon power began to overflow uncontrollably.

Even Yang Ming and Ren Xingfeng, who were far apart, sensed this unusual demon power.

"What are those monsters doing?"

Yang Ming frowned and asked.

Ren Xingfeng frowned and shook his head.

Without waiting for the two to react, they soon sensed that the demon power no longer climbed, but began to disappear.

"Go and see?"

Yang Ming proposed.

However, Ren Xingfeng frowned and said, "Let's wait and see what happens, and in a while, I will be able to completely force the demon poison out."

Hearing this, Yang Ming also nodded.

The two of them watched the change.

In a deep cave in the distance.

A pair of golden fox eyes suddenly opened.

The powerful blood energy burst out from the body of the fox girl with tears mole, and released it without hesitation!

The two humans in the distance were startled.

After all, both of them have seen real monster powerhouses, and they are all too familiar with this kind of breath!

"This, this is... demon blood?"

"Did that monster leader break through to gold-level strength?"

Yang Ming was extremely shocked.

He is the captain of the monster hunter team, and he knows the characteristics of monsters very well.

But when Yaoyi can emit blood, it means that the opponent at least has the strength equivalent to the gold level of human beings!

No one knows what it means to be a gold-level demon better than him.

What's more, it's still a monster holding a strange spirit weapon!

"Never let her leave the ruins alive!"

Ren Xingfeng also gritted his teeth and began to frantically stimulate his spiritual power to force the demon poison out of his body.

If a gold-level monster is placed outside, it will definitely be a scourge to mankind!

What's more, there is some kind of treasure in the dragon cave.

If that treasure falls into Yaoyi's hands, its strength will probably climb a level higher.

It is even more troublesome!

And this time.

the other side.

All the demons watched their leader wake up, and their expressions became exciting!

"Blood Melting Realm (Gold Level)! The leader succeeded!"

All the demons are showing ecstasy!

"Congratulations to the leader for breaking through the blood fusion realm!"

"Congratulations to the leader for breaking through the blood fusion realm!"

"Congratulations to the leader for breaking through the blood fusion realm!"

Even the old ape Yaoyi was surprised: "Actually, relying on the seventh demon fruit, I broke through the blood fusion realm in one fell swoop! No... worthy of being the daughter of the old demon king! My red blood tribe, Could it be that there will be a demon king someday?!"

But when the fox girl heard the words, she raised her jade hand lightly.

Instruct the demons to keep quiet.

The demons suddenly quieted down, but they still couldn't stop their ecstasy.

Only the fox girl's face, after feeling her own changes, just smiled.

That self-confidence and courage made all the demons admire them.

"I just broke through, and I still need to get used to it a little bit. When I get used to the new power, I will kill those two human spiritual practitioners with me!"

The fox girl said, a stern look flashed on her heroic and coquettish face!


The demons are surging with passion!

They have wanted to kill those two gold-level humans for a long time!

They were a strange line, and there were more than 20 people who entered the ruins. If you count the monsters who are responsible for making noises and attacking the west, they were also involved in the ruins by the black hole. There are at least more than 60 monsters in the ruins.

However, these monsters were all killed by the two gold-level human spiritual practitioners.

Only these ten monsters with wounds are left alive!

The demons have long hated these humans!

I wish I could eat its flesh and eat its blood raw!

And that moment is not far away!

"Boss, all the fruits on the tree have been picked by me!"

At this moment, the three Yao Yi dressed in warrior uniforms immediately stepped forward and kneeled on one knee respectfully in front of the fox girl.

Then put the three bags on the back on the ground.

The mouth of the bag opened, revealing a full of red fruits.

Seeing these bright red fruits emitting a strong demonic aura, except for the fox girl who just broke through the blood-melting realm, the other demons are all coveted!

But soon, he became suspicious again:

"Everything? Why just so much?"

"That half-demon said that there are at least four or five thousand fruits on the tree that have not been picked, and these three bags don't look like four or five thousand fruits!"

"what happened?"

In the face of the questioning of the monsters, the three warriors dressed up as monsters quickly explained: "When we got there, there was only so much left on the tree. It seems that it has been picked by someone."

"Have you picked it? Could it be eaten by the half-demon who are still in the ruins?"

"How is that possible? If you eat one of these demon fruits, you will have to suffer a tremendous amount of demon power. Those half demons are not real demon blood after all. Most of their strength is around the black iron level, which is equivalent to my demon clan' The strength of Metamorphosis Realm', such strength, can eat two at most, if you eat too much, you will definitely not be able to withstand the impact of the demon power and explode and die!"

"That is how the matter?"

"Could it be that they were taken off by those half-demons and then hidden?"

"We must find it out. That demon fruit is of great significance to our demon clan. If we can bring it back, our Red Blood Tribe will definitely get the attention of the demon king!"

"Yes! Find it!"

"The purpose of our trip is for that demon fruit! How can we watch it fall into the hands of half demons and humans?"

The demons were talking a lot.

Obviously, they all attached great importance to the fruit of the Blood God Tree.

And when the fox girl heard it, her coquettish face was still calm and solemn.

Looking at the three demon warriors who returned, she couldn't help but ask, "Where's the black shark?"

Hearing this, the three warriors all looked at each other in dismay, and they were all a little scared.

A demon said: "Old Shark he... was killed by a human teenager."

Hearing this, all the demons were surprised: "Human youth?"

"A student?"

"how is this possible?"

Listening to the questions of the demons, the talking demon just nodded.

You must know that the black shark is the strength of the initial stage of refining the dirty (three bronze level), with the power of the amethyst sword, even a human cultivator with a bronze level six stars can be evenly matched, how could it be a human being? Teenage kill?

Could it be that the human boy also has the strength of three bronze stars and also has a spiritual tool in his hand?

Or is it simply the strength of a bronze-level six-star?

No, it can't be!

This is Raoshui Town, not a first-tier city like Yangcheng! Not even the main urban area of ​​Fengcheng! It's just a border town!

How could such a talented student exist in such a place?

Even if there are such talented students, they have long been picked up by the forces of the big city and brought to a better environment for further study.

It can't be a chance to come to this small Raoshui town for vacation, right?

When the fox girl heard this, she even raised her eyebrows. She raised her snow-white chin slightly and asked loudly, "What's going on?"

"Little lizard, tell me, you have seen that boy."

A warrior monster pushed the little lizard out.

The little lizard stood timidly, then nodded and said: "Yes, he is indeed a human boy, but he is very powerful, and he will use a powerful explosive method. Only when I meet the shark head, he will kill me. The beads were shattered."

Saying that, the little lizard took out a handful of broken purple crystals from his pocket.

"how is this possible?"

All the demons couldn't help but be surprised when they saw the broken Buddha beads.

That Buddha beads, but a string of genuine spiritual tools!

Although the strength of the little lizard is not strong, it can't even reach the black iron level, but the spiritual power shield displayed by him, even if it is the strength of human bronze level, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with.

It turned out to be shattered!

The little lizard continued: "Also, even if the Buddha beads shattered, the old shark was still blown to pieces."

In the case of being protected by Buddhist beads, it was fried to the bone?

When the demons heard the words, they were even more surprised.

A demon couldn't help but asked suspiciously: "If that's the case, why is the old shark dead and you still alive?"

When the fox girl heard the words, she also nodded. Obviously, she also had the same doubts.

The little lizard continued: "That human boy, after failing to hit a blow, immediately fled. The old shark soon followed."

The fox girl was puzzled: "Why are you chasing after you know that you are lost?"

The little lizard also shook his head, he didn't understand, but he still expressed his guess: "Although the human boy is powerful, his own strength does not seem to be strong, it should be the same as me, who has just stepped into the black iron level. "

"Black iron level?"

"Absolutely impossible! How can a mere black iron level be an opponent who is a bronze level three-star and still holds a spiritual weapon?"

This statement does seem absurd.

Only the leader, the fox girl and the old ape, fell into contemplation after listening to it.

The knowledge of the fox girl and the old ape is obviously much richer than that of other monsters.

In many cases, the cultivation level is not the only factor in the decisive victory.

Not to mention.

Now is the time of awakening.

Among human beings, there will be a group of awakened ones.

This is God's care for mankind.

And the strength of the Awakened cannot be measured by empiricism.

was thinking.

The little lizard seemed to remember something again, and said, "By the way, there is one more point. Before the old shark went to chase the human boy, there was another figure on another hill at the scene. I wonder if the death of the old shark will cause it about him."

"Someone else?"

"This makes sense. How could a black iron-level boy kill the old shark? There must be human reinforcements!"

"Yes! Chief, when we went to find the old shark's body, we also saw the traces of the ice field left by the human powerhouses. The human powerhouses outside should have entered this mansion one after another, and we must take action."

"Now that we have this demon fruit, as long as we eat it and our strength increases greatly, those two gold-level humans will no longer be a threat!"

"Yeah, just wait for the leader to adapt to his strength, we will..."

The demons are talking.

But I saw that the teary mole fox girl suddenly squinted.


She turned quickly to look into the distance.

That was the direction when the little lizard and the other two demon warriors came.

When the demons heard the words, they couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

There, suddenly there was a "sudden"!

It seems that a figure has run away!

"Want to go?"

The fox girl with tears mole snorted coldly, and pointed out the long sword with amethyst inlaid in her hand, and the sword body suddenly unsheathed, turned into a purple light, and shot in the direction where the figure fled.

The demons also immediately set off and chased out.

But in the distance, a figure covered in black hair was covered by a burst of purple light!

It was the long sword with amethyst embedded in it, hanging in the air, emitting a purple-red light.

Looking at the figure covered with black hair, all the demons were surprised: "Half demon?"

"This breath, on the other side of the hill at that time, was him!"

The little lizard pointed at the black-haired half-demon.

"bring it here."

The fox girl's cold voice came.

All the monsters stepped forward and saw the black-haired monster grabbing it.

Send it to the fox girl.

"I, I'm human...don't, don't kill me..."

The black-haired half-demon is also like other monsters, babbling and repeating that he is a human being.

"What is he saying?"

The fox girl asked, looking at the little lizard beside her.

Little lizards not only have super-sensing powers, but also have the ability to communicate with half-demon.

The little lizard said, "He's saying something begging for mercy."

Hearing the words, the fox girl raised her golden eyes lightly, looked at the black-haired half-demon, and said coldly, "Ask him, where are the remaining 4,000 demon fruits?"

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