My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 194: 【Dramatic changes and sudden changes】

"Is this the fruit of the Blood God Tree?"

Above the sea of ​​bones.

Jiang Xiaogu looked at a dark red fruit that Lu Li conjured out of thin air, and his pretty face couldn't help showing surprise.

"Spiritual fruit?"

Feeling the evil aura emanating from the fruit, Jiang Xiaogu, who had seen many rare elixir, saw at a glance that it was a kind of "Spiritual Fruit".

"There is actually a spiritual fruit on the Blood God Tree?"

Jiang Xiaogu was surprised.

Lu Li was also a little surprised: "Is this the Spirit Fruit?"

Lu Li had already heard of the existence of the Spirit Fruit from Ye Zhun and Jiang Xu.

According to Ye Zhun, spiritual fruit is very rare. It is a fruit naturally bred from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After taking it, it can improve a certain physique, turning a waste wood into a genius in one second.

With such a magical fruit, most people can't buy it if they want to buy it.

Only by reaching bronze-level strength and status like Ye Zhun's uncle did, would he have the channels and qualifications to bid with others.

At that time, when Lu Li heard it, he only thought that the Spirit Fruit was a kind of high-quality thing.

In the end, Jiang Xiaogu said that the fruit of this Blood God Tree is the Spirit Fruit!

It made him a little surprised.

To say that the fruit of the Blood God Tree can improve one's physique... That's true.

Lu Li had seen the black-haired monster eat the fruit in the cemetery, and his strength had skyrocketed by several grades.

However, that improvement comes at a price.

It will be covered in black hair, and it will become a delirious lunatic.

Because of this, Lu Li never associates the fruit of the Blood God Tree with the spiritual fruit that sounds very tall.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaogu also nodded and said: "On the surface, the characteristics of the fruit of the Blood God Tree are indeed in line with the characteristics of the yin-type spirit fruit described in the book. However, it seems that it should be relatively low-level. The kind of spiritual fruit."


"Well, although there is no systematic grading of spiritual fruits in the world today, my master discovered through research on ancient texts that there are grade differences between spiritual fruits. This can be seen from the aura emanating from the fruits."

Jiang Xiaogu said, took the fruit of the Blood God Tree from Lu Li, looked at it for a while, and then said, "Although the yin qi on the fruit of the Blood God Tree is strong, it is far less intense than the normal spirit fruit."

Hearing this, Lu Li looked at the fruit of the Blood God Tree in Jiang Xiaogu's hand, and couldn't help thinking of the tree heart fruit that was stored in the heart of the tree stored in his other dimension.

That tree heart fruit is indeed richer than the blood **** fruit of a whole tree in terms of the yin that it emits.

So, the blood **** fruit in the heart of the tree is the real high-level spirit fruit?

That Venerable Black Dragon is actually using the real high-level spiritual fruit to cultivate the secondary spiritual fruit of a whole tree?

Just as Lu Li was thinking about it, he heard Jiang Xiaogu say, "Furthermore, this is a yin-type spirit fruit, its value will be greatly reduced."

Afraid that Lu Li would not understand, Jiang Xiaogu explained: "Everyone's physique is related to the five elements. And this five-element affinity will affect the properties of the spiritual power naturally generated in our body.

"And when we reach 1000 points of the spiritual power index and officially become spiritual practitioners, our spiritual power will change again, and on the basis of the original five elements, it will begin to show the yin and yang attribute bias.

"If your five elements are fire, and the yang attribute bias value in your body reaches more than 50.1%, then you are yang fire attribute.

"If the yin attribute bias value reaches more than 50.1%, it is the yin fire attribute.

"And our human physique, more than 90% of people, are yang attribute bias.

"There are very few people with a Yin attribute bias, so the demand is naturally far less than that of the Yang attribute or the ordinary five-element spirit fruit.

"Things are rare and precious, so the value of this yin-type spirit fruit is naturally much lower than that of ordinary spirit fruit."

Hearing this, Lu Li also nodded: "So it is."

The understanding of Yin and Yang attributes in his heart has also deepened a lot.

Then he seemed to think of something, and asked: "So, the reason why those people will mutate after eating the blood **** fruit is because they are all yang-biased constitutions, and the side effects are caused?"

Jiang Xiaogu shook his head and said, "Accidentally ingesting a spiritual fruit that is not of its own nature will indeed have a negative effect on the body. But at most, it will explode and die, but there is no example of mutation."

"It's okay to explode and die at most..."

Lu Li was ashamed.

Exploding and dying, how can it be more serious than mutation?

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Lu Li's face ashamed, "So the fruit of this Blood God Tree is indeed quite special, and..."

Lu Li was puzzled: "And what?"

Jiang Xiaogu said: "And according to the book, the spiritual fruit is naturally nurtured by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and cannot be interfered and cultivated by human beings.

"But according to what you said, the Blood God Tree actually bears a fruit like a tree.

"Could it be that this isn't actually a Spirit Fruit?

"Or is it a spirit-like fruit cultivated by the owner of this relic with special means based on the characteristics of the spirit fruit?"

With that said, Jiang Xiaogu and Lu Li seemed to have thought of something.

Invariably, they looked at their feet.

These corpses should be what the ancient book that recorded the life of Venerable Black Dragon said that people were sent to the Crystal Palace after death.

The Blood God Tree is nourished by human flesh and blood.

Man is the spirit of all things.

Obviously, this is the special means.

Although this relic is a small relic, the value of the amount of information contained in a Blood God Tree alone is comparable to that of a real large-scale relic.

Modern human beings can only recover their spiritual energy in thirty-two years.

There is still so much to explore.

Every piece of information from the ancient spiritual world is precious.

That will be an important cornerstone for mankind to continue to explore and move forward in this new era of Reiki.

The two were thinking.

Lu Li suddenly felt the spiritual power in his body, and began to feel a sense of swelling......

Lu Li was all too familiar with this feeling. It was the feeling that the growth of spiritual power in his body reached the peak of a certain stage.

"Has the spiritual power index reached 999?"

Lu Li couldn't help calling out the system panel in front of his eyes, and then he saw in the buff column, the display duration of [Experience Increase (Small)] was 05:47:23.

There are nearly six hours in duration.

"It's coming to the top so soon..."

Lu Li was also surprised.

It seems that he really wants to break through the 1000 points of spiritual power index in this crystal palace.

The difficulty of breaking through 1000 points is not comparable to any previous breakthrough.

A little carelessness can lead to catastrophe.

Jiang Xiaogu accidentally entered a breakthrough state at that time, although she was a near miss in the end, it also made her terrified.

Talents such as Jiang Xiaogu, are frightened like this.

Lu Li no longer dared to neglect.

"What's wrong?"

At this time, Jiang Xiaogu observed the change in Lu Li's expression through the occasional red light on the fruit, and asked with concern.

Lu Li said, "I think I'm about to break through?"


Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help being stunned.

What does it mean to break through...

The last time you broke through was more than ten hours ago!

For a while, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't tell whether Lu Li was joking or serious.

was thinking.



Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook!

The sudden earthquake interrupted both Jiang Xiaogu and Lu Li's thoughts.

Both of them fell to the ground, and it was difficult to get up for a while.

"what happened?"

Both were surprised.

I thought that the big guy in the depths of the Crystal Palace was roaring again, but I didn't hear the dragon's roar.

Between doubts, the intensity of the earthquake gradually diminished.

After about a few seconds, it stopped completely.

Lu Li got up in a hurry, looked around in surprise, then stretched out his hand to help Jiang Xiaogu up from the ground.

But at this moment, the earth trembled again!


The strong tremor made the two of them almost unsteady.

But this time, both Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu heard it.

In the depths of the Crystal Palace, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

Accompanying it, there is also a powerful spiritual power wave turbulent, the movement is great, as if to overturn the entire crystal palace!



At this time.

A boulder fell from the sky, hitting the ground beside Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu!

Countless broken bones flew!

Lu Li hurriedly used the Sky Induction Technique to form a once-strict gravity wall in the air, blocking all the broken bones and stones.

At this time, more and more gravel was shaken off the dark dome above.

boom! boom! boom!

Pieces of boulders fell beside Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu.

Dust bones flying.

Lu Li hurriedly performed the Quick Shadow Step, and while stabilizing his body, he stretched out his arms to embrace Jiang Xiaogu's clenched waist.

Quickly dodge the rubble falling from above.

Jiang Xiaogu also reacted long ago, hurriedly mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, a layer of faint golden light covered his feet, stabilizing his body.

At this moment, a huge boulder as huge as a sharp cone fell from the sky and smashed towards the landing point of Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu!

In the dark, it is difficult to detect.

When Lu Li discovered the boulder, he couldn't avoid it, and was about to use his gravity to block it.

But he heard the sound of Jiang Xiaogu drawing his sword beside him.

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu draw out the black epee, he suddenly picked it up.

Cold light flashed.

Immediately, the conical boulder above was cut in half flatly!


The boulders fell on both sides.

The boulder above is still falling.

Lu Li was also unequivocal. He immediately hugged Jiang Xiaogu tightly, and used his Swift Shadow Step with all his strength to run forward.

In the next second, an even larger boulder descended from the sky, burying the position where the two were standing just now.

When Lu Li heard the earth-shattering movement behind him, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If he moved slower, he and Jiang Xiaogu would probably be smashed to pieces.


The boulders continued to fall from above.

The battle in the depths of the Crystal Palace was extremely fierce. I didn't know when it would stop. The two continued to stay here. No matter how strong they were, they would be crushed to death sooner or later.

"You must find a safe place as soon as possible!"

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help hugging Jiang Xiaogu tightly.

Pushing the Swift Shadow Step with all his strength, he continued to run forward to avoid the falling rocks.

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help hooking Lu Li's neck with his backhand.

Feeling Lu Li's powerful arm wrapping around his waist, Jiang Xiaogu's cheeks couldn't help but get hot.

He noticed that Jiang Xiaogu's hand was hooked on his neck.

Lu Li thought she was afraid.

After all, boulders are constantly falling all around.

The battle in the depths of the Crystal Palace brought continuous aftermath and caused continuous earthquakes.

In this desperate situation where the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, Rao is Lu Li himself, and he is also a little hurried, not to mention a girl in Jiang Xiaogu?

Although both of them have protective jade pendants on their bodies, the protective jade pendants are only effective when defending against offensive spiritual power or demon power.

In the face of the physical attack of such a boulder landing, it is useless.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said to Jiang Xiaogu, "Don't be afraid, I will take you out of here safely."


In fact, Jiang Xiaogu was not afraid.

Jiang Xiaogu trusted Lu Li very much.

Although the surrounding area was surrounded by dangerous boulders, as long as she was with Lu Li, she always felt inexplicably safe.

After hearing Lu Li's words, Jiang Xiaogu felt even warmer.

Looking up at Lu Li's face, he saw Lu Li's unwavering gaze.

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but think of the scene when he and Lu Li first met when he was a child.

At that time, Jiang Xiaogu was only about seven years old.

When he was a child, Jiang Xiaogu was not surrounded by stars like he is now.

At that time, she had not yet shown her talent in cultivation.

It's just a very ordinary, even introverted girl in the Jiang clan.

Because of his introverted, taciturn and weak personality, he was often bullied by children of the same clan when he played with them.

The most extreme time was when a boy one year older than her ripped off her favorite little skirt when he deliberately bullied her.

She cried so hard that day.

The children of the same clan also laughed at her crybaby, crying at every turn, and never wanted to play with such a crybaby again.

The laughter made her cry even more.

Perhaps the boy panicked, so he went up to cover her mouth and told her not to cry.

An eight-year-old child, who has been practicing breathing for more than a year, is naturally much stronger than a seven-year-old child.

In addition to Jiang Xiaogu's fierce crying, the boy was indiscreet and almost suffocated her.

crucial moment.

It was Lu Li, who was also only seven years old, who stood up, pushed the boy away, and ordered him to stop.

He took off his jacket and put it on Jiang Xiaogu whose skirt was torn.

But because of this, Xiao Lu Li was beaten by the boy.

Later, when Lu Li returned home, Dad Lu found that he was dirty and his eyes were still red.

Papa Lu was so angry that he picked up the hanger and taught Lu Li a lesson.

Lu Li was beaten to the point of crying and begging for mercy.

And Lu Ling, who was only five years old at the time, was on the side and burst into tears when she saw her brother was beaten and cried.

Attracted neighbors have come out to persuade.

But no one noticed that in the far corner, Jiang Xiaogu, who was wearing Lu Li's coat, cried loudly after seeing Lu Li being beaten by his father.

At that time, Lu Li asked Jiang Xiaogu to go back to his house, but Jiang Xiaogu did not go home, but secretly followed Lu Li to the door of Lu Li's house.

I originally wanted to go up and thank Lu Li.

As a result, seeing Lu Li being taught by Dad Lu with her own eyes, she was so frightened that she cried again.

Although Lu Li was beaten very badly by his father.

But Jiang Xiaogu still deeply remembered this little boy of the same age as him, because he was the first one, besides his own brother, he would stand up for himself and protect himself, and because his skirt was torn, he ripped off his clothes. Boys who dress for themselves.

Sometimes, it's the little details that make it even more memorable.

Therefore, when Jiang Xiaogu saw that Liu Yufeng was wearing Lu Li's black sweater yesterday, he couldn't help but shudder.

"After so many years, you are still the same as when you were young."

Jiang Xiaogu thought to himself.

Hearing the sound of the rumbling boulders falling to the ground, and feeling the hot heartbeat in Lu Li's chest, Jiang Xiaogu gently leaned his head up.


The two galloped on the sea of ​​bones for a long time.

At this time, the battle in the distance continued, and there were constant rumblings and falling rocks.

Lu Li only felt that his physical and spiritual energy were almost exhausted.

Jiang Xiaogu also noticed that Lu Li's speed gradually slowed down.

Thinking that Lu Li had been running wildly for so long, and he had to take care of avoiding falling rocks, he must be very tired.

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help feeling distressed, and hurriedly said: "Lu Li, let me down, let me carry you."

"It's okay, a small scene, I can stand it."

It's not that Lu Li didn't believe Jiang Xiaogu's movement skills, but at present, the two of them have been running wild for so long and have never found a safe place.

Moreover, even if a safe place is found, I don't know if there will be any ghostly ambush.

When the future is unknown, it is the wisest choice to let Jiang Xiaogu retain his physical strength as much as possible.


Lu Li's eyes touched the distance, and found that there was a faint fluorescent light there.

Run forward for a long time.

Lu Li finally saw it clearly.

At the end of the sea of ​​bones, there seems to be a bright hole!

Getting closer, Lu Li noticed that inside the hole, it didn't seem like there were falling rocks constantly falling from the sea of ​​bones.

Obviously, there should be some kind of enchantment in the cave, which protects the cave from being destroyed!

If you can hide there, you should be safe.

Thinking of this, Lu Li hurried away.

At this moment, a huge boulder fell from the sky.

Lu Li noticed the boulder, but he gritted his teeth, frantically mobilizing his spiritual power.

Unleash a power-charged blow, all of which are stored on the Swift Shadow Step.

Immediately, like a flash, he rushed into the hole!

In the next moment, the boulder in the sky crashed down!


The hole was instantly buried!

Fortunately, the two have entered the cave.

Although the inside of the cave was shaken from time to time by distant battles, the dome was exceptionally strong, no gravel fell, only a little dust fell.

Safe for now.

Lu Li ran a few hundred meters forward.

I finally felt exhausted and slowly stopped.

After a frantic run, Lu Li's physical energy consumption had already reached its limit.

Now that he relaxes, his whole body suddenly softens. After letting go of Jiang Xiaogu, he lay down on the ground, panting wildly.

"Lu Li, are you okay?"

Seeing Lu Li's situation, Jiang Xiaogu felt distressed.

She asked Lu Li to let go of herself many times, but Lu Li was always very stubborn.

However, thanks to Lu Li's formidable movement skills, the two were able to walk on the sea of ​​bones and avoid countless falling rocks.

"I, I'm fine... How about you, how are you? Are you hurt?"

Lu Li asked Jiang Xiaogu, and then climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

Leaning his back against the wall of the cave, he made a move with his right hand, and a bottle of Coke with a red cap appeared.

Unscrew the cap directly, drink the whole bottle, then take out another bottle with blue cap and drink it.

Seeing the appearance of the physical and spiritual recovery buff, and feeling that both physical and spiritual power were slowly recovering, Lu Li was completely relieved.

Jiang Xiaogu also said with a bit of coquettish anger: "I was well protected by you, of course it's fine. It's you, don't be brave when you're tired!"

When he was above the sea of ​​bones just now, UU reading Jiang Xiaogu felt nothing, but now, seeing that Lu Li was so tired, he knew that he was too tired.

Moreover, he himself was like this, and he didn't forget to care about himself, which made her nose sour and her eyes hot.

Lu Li reluctantly smiled and said, "This is called physical strength reserve. When I can't hold on any longer, then you will carry me, so that our chances of survival will be higher."

Jiang Xiaogu was speechless when he heard this.

However, Lu Li noticed that Jiang Xiaogu's eyes were flushed, and he seemed very remorseful.

"Uh, it's all right, why are you crying?"

Lu Li couldn't help but reach out and wipe her tears with his sleeve.

"Silly Luli, stinky Luli."

Jiang Xiaogu threw himself into Lu Li's arms.

Crying regardless of the image.

Knowing that Jiang Xiaogu was feeling sorry for him, Lu Li couldn't help but feel a little warmer, and said with a smile, "I've been sweating so much, isn't it normal to stink?"

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but raised his head and gave Lu Li an angry look.

He seemed to be blaming him for such a time, but he didn't forget to make a joke.

Lu Li smiled and gently stroked her back.

Jiang Xiaogu didn't say anything about Lu Li, and just let him rest.

At this time, the fighting outside continued.

The two of them stole for a while, and rested for a while on the spot.

After some physical recovery.

Only then did Lu Li get up and observe the situation in the cave.

In this cave, although there is light of night pearls, the brightness is very low.

But not because the night pearl is too dim.

It seems that the cave itself has a barrier that suppresses the light source.

Kind of like what happened in the corridor on the tower before.

Lu Li couldn't help but look into the depths of the cave.

The depths of the cave were even deeper and darker.

Don't know where to go.

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