My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 192: 【The joy of licking the bag】

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Lu Li stepped forward quickly, and took out a quaint little bag from Shark Head Yaoyi's body that had been frozen into a popsicle.

Think about it, it's quite heavy.

However, Lu Li did not rush to open the packet.

Instead, he groped for a while on the monstrous corpse, and found another black dagger.

After confirming that there was no other valuable thing on this Yaoyi, Lu Li turned his head and said to Jiang Xiaogu, who also ran forward: "It's not safe here, let's get out of here first."

Jiang Xiaogu nodded.

The two immediately ran towards the direction Jiang Xiaogu came from.

And not long after Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu left.

Two figures of "Lingmeng Warriors" holding amethyst weapons were also long overdue.

Looking at the frozen corpse and the shark-headed corpse, the two couldn't help but look at each other.

They all saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"It's late."

"I didn't expect that the old shark was really killed by a human hairy boy?"

"It's not a hairy boy. Look at this battle, at least the strength of the late silver level or above can be done. The little lizard also said that the moves that man used, even his spiritual tool rosary was shattered. ."

"If that's the case, why is the old shark chasing him? Besides, we followed him all the way. The ground is full of traces of the old shark's moves, but the human has been chased and killed."

"indeed so."

The man was also puzzled.

If the old shark is chasing down a human boy whose strength is not as good as his.

How did that young man use such a wide-ranging spiritual skill?

"Unless, that boy encountered strong aid."

Judging from the fighting on the ground.

It does not seem to be intense, indicating that the old shark was killed in a short period of time.

Although the strength of the old shark is equivalent to the level of the bronze level four or five stars in the human level, but with the blessing of the spiritual tool, it can at least exert a strength that surpasses the bronze level seven stars.

This kind of strength can actually be instantly killed by the opponent.

It shows that the opponent's strength is definitely above the silver level!

Both demons knew that in this ruin, in addition to the two gold-level humans who had been deadlocked with them for a long time, there was another silver-level female captain.

However, the female captain was using psionic gloves.

Judging from the situation at the scene, the person who killed the shark-headed monster was obviously someone who was good at using ice-type spiritual skills.

The two demons really didn't know that there was still such a number one person in the ruins.

"It seems that there is more than one silver-level powerhouse among humans."

"This matter, we must go back and report it to the leader. I am afraid that the human reinforcements outside have begun to come in one after another, and we can't delay it any longer."

With that said, the two demons looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Then immediately headed back to the circuit.


Above the sea of ​​bones, in the depths of darkness.

Two figures, a man and a woman, rushed over the bones.

After a long time, the leading boy stopped, panting.

The two were Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu.

The two ran on the sea of ​​bones for more than half an hour, and Lu Li tried to lead Jiang Xiaogu towards the thinner direction according to the concentration of yin in the air.

The thinner the Yin Qi, the further away from the Blood God Tree.

Those monsters treat the Blood God Tree as a treasure, and they must have all gathered under the Blood God Tree at this moment.

"It should be safe here."

Lu Li said in a low voice.

Then he came to the wall, and sat down directly without caring that there were skeletons on the ground.

Jiang Xiaogu also came to sit beside Lu Li.

It was pitch black all around,

Jiang Xiaogu and Lu Li leaned against each other, their arms against their arms. In the darkness, they could only hear each other's heartbeat and breathing.

The two sat quietly in place for a long time.

After confirming that there are no other sounds in the distance.

Really relax.

Hearing Lu Li's relieved voice, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help lowering his voice and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

The two did not take out the night pearl. In the dark, Jiang Xiaogu could only confirm Lu Li's current state based on the temperature and breathing sound.

"I'm okay, ah no, I'm okay, I'm a little dizzy."

Lu Li pretended to be.

Taking advantage of the situation, he leaned his head on Jiang Xiaogu's fragrant shoulder.

Feeling the softness of Jiang Xiaogu's body and the fragrant lotus fragrance, Lu Li couldn't help but relax a lot, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Seeing Lu Li's movements, Jiang Xiaogu's cheeks couldn't help but get hot.

But she didn't mind, she raised her hand and touched Lu Li's face.

The slender jade fingers pressed on Lu Li's temple, and said softly, "Then let me rub it for you?"

As he said that, he gently rubbed Lu Li's temples.

Feeling the softness of Jiang Xiaogu's fingertips, Lu Li couldn't help being slightly stunned.

He thought that Jiang Xiaogu should know that he was joking, and just took the opportunity to wipe the oil. I didn't expect Jiang Xiaogu to take it seriously.

Come to think of it, she should have been frightened by the appearance of frost all over her body after she pulled out the Yan Mo sword.

Feeling the full concern in Jiang Xiaogu's words, Lu Li, who took the opportunity to wipe the oil, couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

However, being pressed and rubbed by Jiang Xiaogu a few times was indeed a lot more comfortable.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaogu's action was obviously a little too intimate.

Lu Li had already rested his head on Jiang Xiaogu's shoulder, and Jiang Xiaogu's movement of reaching out and rubbing Lu Li's temple almost made the two face each other.

Lu Li could feel Jiang Xiaogu's hot breath falling on his face.

very warm.

There is a sweet smell.

Lu Li felt that as long as he leaned forward a little, he could kiss him!

Gu Dong.

Lu Li couldn't help swallowing.

To be honest, for a moment, Lu Li wanted to kiss him.

But thinking about it, I held back.

In such an occasion, if Jiang Xiaogu knew that this kind of thought was in his head, he would probably feel that he was in a hurry regardless of the occasion?

"Cough, I'm much better."

Lu Li couldn't help sitting up straight.

Jiang Xiaogu asked with concern: "Do you have a headache every time you use this trick? Does it consume a lot of mental energy?"

Jiang Xiaogu knew that spiritual skills not only consumed spiritual power, but also consumed a lot of spiritual power.

Although the spiritual skill seems to be very fast, it is actually a very complicated process. The spiritual power needs to travel between the meridians in the body, using one's own body to complete the extremely complex spiritual power matrix, and finally release it.

You can imagine how irritating it is.

This is also one of the reasons why you cannot learn spiritual skills and exercises if you are not at the black iron level.

Because it is too complicated and consumes a lot of mental power.

Lu Li has just stepped into the spiritual power and spiritual power of the 900-point spiritual power index, and using the kind of spiritual skill that can kill even bronze-level monsters is inconceivable in itself. It is conceivable that the consumption must be greater!

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Lu Li couldn't help but wonder whether he should laugh or cry, and could only say something to comfort him.

Then, a quaint little bag covered with frost was taken out from the different-dimensional space.

It was the quaint little bag that was just taken off from the shark head Yaoyi.

As for the black dagger found just now from that Yaoyi, it was a weapon with high-level runes engraved in it.

It is not as good as a spiritual weapon like the Amethyst Sword, but it is also a handy melee weapon.

Jiang Xiaogu also noticed Lu Li's movements. In the darkness, he could see that the small bag that Lu Li took out was glowing with blue light.

Lu Li brushed off the frost on the packet.

Open it.

I saw that in the small bag, there were many jade bottles and jars, as well as more than forty spirit stones.

That dandan blue light emanated from these more than 40 spiritual stones.

"Is this what you just got from that Yaoyi?"

Jiang Xiaogu was slightly surprised when he saw the number of spirit stones inside.

Although she is a master who is not short of money, she was a little surprised to see so many spirit stones in her bag.

In particular, there are more than a dozen bottles of medicinal herbs and nutrient solution in the bag.

This strange, go out, actually bring so many things.

However, thinking that they have been in the ruins for so many days, bringing more pills and spirit stones on them can be considered as a precaution.


Lu Li also nodded, he didn't expect this monster to be so rich.

After leaving the ruins, these more than 40 spirit stones are exchanged for money, which is a huge sum of money!

Lu Li couldn't help but sighed with emotion. He worked diligently to kill relic creatures and sell spiritual power bottles. How could killing demons and licking bags get money fast?

However, hunting monsters is too risky.

High income also comes with high risk.

To Lu Li's surprise, three crystals of gold, green, and orange were stored in this violence.

"Spiritual core!"

"It looks like it's a spiritual core with three attributes: gold, wood, and fire!"

To upgrade the sword heart, you need to consume 10 spiritual cores of each of the five attributes.

Although Lu Li had already killed the relic creatures, he had obtained five purple spiritual cores.

But I don't know what attributes these purple spiritual cores are, and whether they can be used as the spiritual cores for upgrading Jianxin.

And these three are really useful!

"Tread through the iron shoes and there is nowhere to be found."

The corners of Lu Li's mouth twitched, and he accepted it happily.

However, the fly in the ointment is that in this strange bag, there is no such thing as a practice method.

Kind of a pity.

Although Lu Li might not be able to learn the secrets of its exercises, each exercise has an upper limit of 10,000 learning points. Even if you just read it once, you will have thousands of learning points in your account.

As for those pills.

Jiang Xiaogu took them out and looked at them one by one, and then told Lu Li: "Except for the common condensing pills and healing pills, these four bottles are all high-level pills! Look, these are Huiling Pills and Huichun Pills. They are all high-level pills that are close to one-star pills."

"One-star medicinal pill?"

It was the first time that Lu Li heard that medicinal pills were also rated as star.

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said, "Yeah, the highest level of pills that ordinary people can buy is high-level pills. And the pills that can go to the stars will only come into contact with them after they really step into the ranks of spiritual practitioners. Among the top ten famous schools, there are many majors in ancient medicine refining and spiritual medicine. These majors are all delicious majors in Lingwu University.”

"I see."

Thinking about it, the doctor industry, no matter where it is, is a sweet and pastry industry.

In this world of spiritual qi recovery, people not only have to cultivate, but also face the threat of monsters and spirit beasts at any time, and they will be injured or even killed at any time.

Even in the usual battles and competitions that don't hurt your life, you will be injured.

It is conceivable that in such a world background, the status of doctors and pharmacists is naturally much higher than that of ordinary occupations.

Speaking of professional.

Lu Li didn't think about what major he wanted to study in the future. In fact, he didn't even know what majors in Lingwu University.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaogu picked up two other jade bottles that were obviously much more delicate from the small bag.

"Look at this, this is the 'Jieyin Pill', this is a genuine one-star pill, it is said that after taking the Jieyin Pill, the body will become a constitution that can directly absorb yin qi within a month, and by absorbing yin qi, You can form yin beads in your body!"

Speaking of Yin beads, Jiang Xiaogu picked up another exquisite jade bottle, and saw that there were two pearl-sized beads glowing slightly red in the jade bottle.

"This is the Yin Pearl! This is the real precious thing. After being absorbed by a person with a strength of black iron or above, it can greatly increase the spiritual power. Its value is far more than a one-star medicine pill! I didn't expect that this monster actually has two a piece!"

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but look at the two Yin beads in surprise.

He couldn't help asking: "Then why didn't he absorb it himself and keep it until now?"

"Perhaps, he wants to sell it. This yin pearl can not only be absorbed directly, but also a precious material for refining medicine. It is very popular in the refining circle! Being able to sell above the market price.”

"How much money can be sold?"

When it comes to money, Lu Li is no longer sleepy.

"I'm not very clear, but it must not be lower than this number!"

Jiang Xiaogu said, stretched out three fingers and raised them in front of Lu Li.

"thirty million?"

"How is that possible?! And you're talking about Huaxia coins, which are currencies that are traded between ordinary people and low-level spiritual practitioners. Advanced spiritual practitioners are all traded with spirit stones."

Jiang Xiaogu paused for a while, then said again: "One Yin Pearl can be exchanged for at least 300 low-grade spirit stones! That is the price of three high-grade spirit stones!"

"Three hundred...that many?"

Lu Li couldn't help but be surprised.

If the market price is 1 million for a low-grade spirit stone, 300 is ...... 300 million!

And here are two Yin beads, that is, 600 million!

Six hundred million!

Become a billionaire in seconds!

Of course, the price of Lingshi is like the exchange rate of currencies between countries in the previous life.

is subject to change at any time.

A spirit stone worth 1 million today may sell for 950,000 in the next second. Of course, it may also become 1.05 million.

But not too bad.

Jiang Xiaogu also nodded and said: "Jie Yin Pill itself is a one-star pill, and the price of a one-star pill is at least fifty spirit stones. The price of Yin beads is naturally high. The quality of the Yinzhu is excellent, and it is definitely worth the price of 300 low-grade spirit stones."

Jiang Xiaogu explained: "The fineness of Yinzhu is based on its color. The redder UUkanshu, the better the fineness."

Lu Li glanced at the yin beads in the jade bottle.

Indeed, the red above is almost black.

After all, it came out of a bronze-level monster body.

The three words bronze level are worth hundreds of millions in themselves.

"I understand."

As Lu Li said that, he poured one out of the jade bottle and handed it to Jiang Xiaogu, saying, "Well, this is yours. I'll keep the rest first, and I'll give it to you later when I go out."

Jiang Xiaogu also had a share of the credit for beheading that shark-headed monster.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lu Li to take all the spoils for himself.

"I don't need the others, I only need this."

Jiang Xiaogu was not polite, took the Yinzhu from Lu Li's hand, Zhan Yan smiled and said, "This is the first time I have seen such a fine Yinzhu, so I took it out of this ruin as a souvenir for Master. "

Hearing this, Lu Li also nodded.

He knew that Jiang Xiaogu was not short of these things. After all, with such a powerful and mysterious master, he probably would not be short of anything, right?

Although he has been in the ruins for so long, Lu Li has harvested a lot of good things.

But these good things add up, I am afraid they are not as precious as the jade pendant that Jiang Xiaogu gave him!

And this protective jade pendant, Jiang Xiaogu gave four!

One was on Lu Li, and the other three were given to Lu Li's family.

Speaking of souvenirs, though.

Lu Li couldn't help but put everything into the different-dimensional space, and then looked at the different-dimensional space, filled with red fruits that flickered like a heartbeat...

I seem to have brought a lot of "souvenirs" from this ruin.

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