My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 18: 【family】

The sunset is like blood.

Lu Li returned home.

Lu's mother had already prepared the meal, and Lu's father and sister Lu Ling also went home long ago, waiting for Lu Li to come back for dinner.

Lu Li looked at the fragrant food on the table, which was extremely rich, but his face was a little embarrassed.

When I was eating Xiao Mi with Lao Lu just now, Lu Li deliberately saved his stomach for dinner. However, after walking all the way back, his stomach was naturally full.

Now, looking at the table full of food, I can't provoke much appetite.

But he still insisted on using the rest of his stomach to finish dinner.

During the meal, Lu Ma began to ask Lu Li and Lu Ling the results of today's physical examination.

"96 points, up 3 points from last month."

Lu Ling took the lead in taking out her medical examination form, and said, "I just said that it's still early, so there's no need to go every month. Basically, the increase is two to three o'clock every month. Today, our head teacher also said that there will be a semester. Just give her once."

Mother Lu took it over and took a look, then handed it to Dad Lu.

"Should I go for a medical examination or go? Isn't it a lot to go up three o'clock? Back then, your brother went up at two or two, and it was only in the third year of high school that it started to go up a lot."

"I'm different from him."

Lu Ling muttered.

Her grades are much better than Lu Li's, both in terms of cultural grades and cultivation grades.

If it is said that Lu Li used to test frantically on the edge of the passing line, she was able to stabilize at around 80 points in every subject.

She was also a little proud in her heart.

After hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand to squeeze her baby-fat cheek, and said, "What do you mean, what do you mean by being different from me?"

"Ah, it hurts! Let go!"

Lu Ling patted off Lu Li's hand in pain: "Why are you pinching me? It's a fact!"

"Xiao Li, don't bully your sister."

When Lu Ma saw it, she couldn't help but say angrily.

Seeing that the two had stopped, he asked Lu Li, "Then Xiao Li, what about your grades?"

Hearing this, Dad Lu and Lu Ling couldn't help but look at Lu Li.

Lu Li also reached into his pocket and took out the medical checklist, and said, "I've gained a lot this month, maybe more than 40 points."

"It's more than forty o'clock?"

Lu Li's speech was astonishing, and the whole family was stunned for a moment.

Lu's father and Lu's mother just looked at each other in dismay, but Lu Ling looked in disbelief: "How dare you brag about this kind of thing! Let me see."

Lu Ling dodged the transcript in her brother's hand.

After taking a look, a pair of beautiful almond eyes suddenly widened: "How is that possible?!"


Lu's father and Lu's mother also didn't quite believe Lu Li's statement.

They all know what it means to increase the spiritual power index by more than 40 points in a month.

A student in Raoshui Town who had an increase of 40 points in a month was admitted to Kamikaze Wuda, one of the top ten famous schools in China last year!

What is the concept of Kamikaze Wuda?

All the students trained there can become spiritual practitioners, and they are all pillars of the country. Later, they are all rich and famous.

Lu Li had only risen by about 5 points in the previous month, how could it have suddenly risen by more than 40 points?

However, when Mother Lu received the transcript from her daughter, she glanced at it and was shocked.

"Old Lu, look."

Dad Lu also saw it, and his unsmiling face couldn't help but be surprised, and said, "198 o'clock, I remember it was 158 o'clock last month?"


Ma Lu couldn't help looking at Lu Li and asked, "Little Li, how did you do it?"

"Is there something wrong with the testing equipment?"

Lu Ling couldn't help but question.

When Lu Li heard this, he looked at his sister with a wicked smile and asked, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Maybe, the machine will always break down."

Seeing Lu Ling's unconvinced and stubborn look, Lu Li smiled even more happily, and said, "Then let's bet, if the machine isn't broken, you won't be allowed to eat snacks for a month."

Lu Li knew that Lu Ling couldn't control his mouth the most.

Whenever there is any snack at home, Lu Ling can always finish it within a few days, unless she doesn't like the snack.

The key is that Lu Li also doesn't like the snacks she doesn't like.

Therefore, when they were young, the two often fought each other because of the uneven distribution of the spoils.

When Lu Ling heard this, she was a little speechless. She naturally didn't want to believe that Lu Li really had such a high spiritual power index, but what if?

She doesn't want to be without snacks for a month!

"it is true."

At this time, Dad Lu spoke first.

Dad Lu looked at Lu Li's medical examination list and said, "The spiritual power index may be wrong, but other physical examination values ​​are not wrong. Judging from the numerical value, Xiao Li's spiritual power index is indeed around 198."

With the increase in the spiritual power index, various physical abilities of the body will also improve, which Lu Li also noticed.

After all, Dad Lu was well-informed, so Lu Ling couldn't refute his words.

In any case, her brother's strength has become stronger, and she is also happy for Lu Li in her heart.

But when she saw Lu Li's arrogant smile on his face, her happiness was swept away, and the baby fat on her face widened again.


Ma Lu's face was full of joy, and she said, "Our Hanjiang Wuda in Fengcheng seems to only need 200 points of spiritual power last year. Does that mean that our little carp can take the Hanjiang Wuda exam?"

When Dad Lu heard this, there was an unnatural smile on his face, and he said, "Yeah, as long as you reach 200 points in the next three months, you can pass the test."

"Cut, Hanjiang Wuda is just the worst Lingwu University in Fengcheng. And it's very expensive! The tuition fee for a year is 100,000!"

Lu Ling couldn't help but pour cold water.

Of course, she was targeting Lu Li, who asked Lu Li to tease her with a mean smile at this time.

"One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand. As long as Xiao Li can get into Lingwu University, it will be worth spending more money. Right, Lao Lu."

With an unstoppable smile on her face, Mother Lu asked Father Lu who was beside her.

"Yes, yes, hehe."

Dad Lu's smile was a little reluctant.

But Ma Lu was immersed in joy and didn't notice the change in her husband's expression.

However, Lu Li noticed the change in his father's expression.

He couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter, Dad?"

"Uh, it's okay, I'm happy for you."

"Of course I'm happy. Our Lu family also has a Wuhan University student. Your grandfather and the others know that, and the appointment is very happy! No, I'll call your grandma and grandma now and ask your grandma to go to the temple tomorrow to make a vow."

Mother Lu got up with a smile and went to get her phone.

Dad Lu also stood up and said, "I'm full, you eat first, I'll go out for a walk."

After speaking, he also went out. Lu Li saw that when his father went out, he took out a cigarette from his pocket.

Lu Li remembered that his father usually only smoked when he was at work and when relatives came to the house.

Usually at home, he doesn't smoke.

Is he troubled?

Lu Li couldn't help thinking of an incident in his family in his previous life. He spent a lot of money. As a result, Lu Li borrowed from relatives all the tuition fees for Lu Li to go to university.

Is it because of that?

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