My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 17: 【weird】

Lu Li could feel that the spiritual energy transformed from this purple energy was much stronger than the evil energy absorbed in the cemetery!

Absorbing one strand of purple energy is equivalent to absorbing seven or eight strands of red energy.

Although I still don't know what this purple qi is, I think it should be a variant of yin and evil qi.

The most important thing is, such a good thing, in the middle of the river, there is a thick lump!

"What would happen if you absorbed all the purple energy at the bottom of the river?"

Just thinking about it makes me want to try.

Thinking about it, Lu Li continued to activate the jade pendant to absorb the purple energy.

There wasn't much purple energy in the first place, it was just a small amount of the exaggerated purple energy in the middle of the river escaping.

Lu Li quickly absorbed it very lightly.

However, just when Lu Li wanted to absorb it all in one go.

Lu Li suddenly sensed the movement of Yan Mo Dao! The Yan Mo Saber was in a different dimension, and even if Lu Li didn't take it out, he could still feel it.

It did vibrate just now.

This was the first time Lu Li felt its vibration after he got it.

Just as he was in doubt, he saw the purple energy in the middle of the river suddenly move in the distance.

A trace of rich purple air stretched out towards the purple air mass absorbed by Lu Li, and the speed was extremely fast!

Lu Li was startled.

Immediately cut off the connection with that purple qi.

He saw that the purple air that extended out had reached the river below his feet in an instant, and then, the purple air spread up in the direction of Lu Li.

This movement made Lu Li immediately back a few steps to the side.

A coldness from the soul swept over at once.

Lu Li knew that most of the time he was in trouble, so he didn't dare to stay long, so he ran away immediately.

At the same time, I also saw a young boy around seven or eight years old who was playing with mud on the ground with a plastic shovel.

Lu Li was afraid that he would be implicated, so he went up to hug him and ran away quickly.

"Ah! What are you doing? Put me down!"

The little boy was startled by Lu Li's sudden action and shouted.

This movement also attracted the attention of people on the side of the road.

Lu Li suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, thinking that these people should not be surrounded, if anyone gets involved and something happens, it is very likely that they will die!

However, Lu Li was actually overthinking it.

When Lu Li ran out more than 100 meters, Lu Li looked back again.

However, he found that the purple energy only spread to the shore, and after failing to find the target, it quickly shrank back.

Lu Li watched it return to the river.

Then, after leaving a faint purple air in place, he returned to the middle of the river.

The purple energy that remained in place was exactly the same concentration as when Lu Li first saw it.

Lu Li immediately understood.

"The purple qi on the shore, is that thick purple qi staying here on purpose?"

Lu Li's guess was correct.

Because soon, on the far side of the river, he also saw a few clusters of faint purple.

This shows that there are many places in the purple air it deliberately left on the shore.

But what is the use of these purple energy?

"Is it like a trap, waiting for humans or other creatures to step on it?"

Lu Li faintly felt that there might be something at the bottom of the river.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put the child in his arms down.

No matter what the purple energy was, Lu Li didn't dare to absorb it any longer.

Although a single strand of purple energy can stand up to seven or eight strands of red energy, Lu Li could feel that this cloud of purple energy is far more dangerous than the evil energy in the cemetery!

Before investigating clearly what these purple qi are and what is at the bottom of the river, it's better not to think of it.

"Brother Li?"

At this moment, the little boy that Lu Li put down seemed to recognize Lu Li and called out tentatively.

Lu Li also noticed that the child looked a little familiar.

"Who are you, Lao Lu?"


The little boy nodded.

Lu Li remembered that this child was the child of his uncle's house in the same alley in his old house.

Lu Li's family now lives in a new house. When Lu Li was in junior high school, he had already moved.

And this kid, Lu Li didn't know his name either, and his family's surname was not Lu, but Xu. It's just that his parents always call him Lao Lu Lao Lu, it seems to be his nickname, and Lu Li also calls him that.

Lu Li remembered that Lao Lu's parents seemed to be a divorced and reorganized family.

He also has an eleven- or twelve-year-old sister at home.

Lao Lu looked at Lu Li and asked, "Brother Li, why did you suddenly hug me and run so far?"

"It's okay, I'm just kidding with you."

Lu Li touched his head and saw that he was holding a plastic bucket in his hand. There seemed to be something translucent in the bucket, and he asked, "What's in your bucket?"

When Lao Lu heard the words, he seemed proud to take out the contents of the bucket and show it to Lu Li.

A simple and honest smile appeared on his face: "It's a slime, isn't it pretty? My sister gave it to me."

I saw that Lao Lu was holding something like jelly, QQ bombs.

Lu Li thought it was really a slime creature, and he still had some expectations. When he saw this thing, Lu Li couldn't help but laugh and cry.

This is just a rubber toy, it looks smooth and transparent, and it feels soft when you pinch it. Lu Li also played when he was a child.

"Well, it looks good. Then you keep playing, I'll go first."

Lu Li said and was about to leave.

"Okay, bye Brother Li."

"Well, by the way, don't play by the river in the future, go to play near your door, you know?"

With good intentions, Lu Li still reminded the neighbor's child.

As a result, Lao Lu pouted and said unhappily, "My parents are fighting at home, and my sister asked me to come out to play by myself."


Domestic violence, is this?

Hearing what Lao Lu said, Lu Li remembered that his parents did mention it in his previous life, saying that Lao Lu's parents got divorced later.

Originally, the divorced families were reorganized, and each brought a child. Now, listening to Lao Luyi, their family seems to have a really big problem.

But Lu Li couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't take care of other people's family affairs.

He had to say: "Then don't play by the river. The river is very dangerous. You can go to the south of the city to play."


Old Lu nodded obediently.

Such a well-behaved and obedient child has such a pair of parents, and Lu Li felt a little emotional.

So I asked him, "Do you want to eat Xiaomi?"

When Lao Lu heard the words, he nodded ignorantly: "I think."

Xiaomi is a local snack. It is a bit like dumplings, but it is filled with tofu and minced meat. It is salty, sweet and salty. It is eaten with sweet and vinegar. It is very delicious. Not too expensive.

When Lu Li was in school, he often didn't eat lunch in the school cafeteria, but went to eat Xiao Mi.

Lu Li took Lao Lu to the one he frequented the most, and ordered Xiao Mi for six yuan and a bowl of meatball soup for eight yuan.

Lu Li was also very greedy for this sip. Later, when he went to school and work in a big city, it was difficult to eat this kind of hometown's delicious food. Today, it still tastes like it used to be.

One bite after another, the last bowl of meatball soup with minced celery was eaten.

Just a comfort.


During the meal, Lu Li also learned about his family's situation from Lao Lu's mouth. Only then did he realize that his parents' domestic violence started very early.

His father likes to gamble, and when he runs out of money, he flips the money at home.

In the beginning, it was just a small gamble without too many contradictions. Later, I often gambled until I ran out of money to take it home. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com His mother hid the money on purpose.

As time goes by, conflicts grow, and they often fight each other.

When Lu Li heard this, he was quite helpless. It was hard for gamblers to persuade him. Living in this kind of home, ignorant and ignorant, he could still be happier.

His older sister is eleven or twelve years old, so she should be a lot more sensible, so she doesn't want his brother to hear this kind of quarrel and let him come out to play.

Lu Li didn't know what to say to Lao Lu, so he could only say something like "you should study hard in the future".

Lao Lu ate delicious food and was in a good mood. He said with a smile that he would definitely study hard in the future and earn money to support his sister and mother.

Not including his father.

Lu Li just smiled and encouraged him.

It was already five o'clock when the bill was over, and the sunset was very red.

Lu Li took him home.

When he arrived at his house, he saw Lao Lu's father sitting at the door smoking a cigarette.

Seeing Lao Lu, his father's eyes were a little fierce, and he seemed to dislike his son.

Lu Li greeted him, "Uncle Xu."

"Ah, it's Lu Li."

"I'll bring Lao Lu back."

"Excuse me, the meal is ready, come in and eat together?"

"No, I've already cooked it at home, I have to go back."

Lu Li wanted to say something.

But what can you say about other people's family affairs? Saying that was counterproductive. The other party thought that Lao Lu had spread the scandal of his family and caused Lao Lu to be beaten and scolded.

Thinking about it, Lu Li walked home after saying hello.

I have to go to school tomorrow, and give the class teacher the spiritual power test list.

Compared with other people's housework, joining the Lingwu class and improving his spiritual power index are what Lu Li should consider now.

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