My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 19: 【A precursor to the 4th Awakening Wave】

Lu Li couldn't remember what happened that year.

After all, at that time, he didn't care about the family's financial affairs.

Only vaguely remember that it seems to be related to Dad's colleague?

It seems that we still have to find some time to ask clearly.

Moreover, he also needs to find a way to make some money.

According to Lu Ling, Lingwu University, the worst university in FC City alone, has a one-year tuition fee of 100,000 yuan.

If there were other good universities, wouldn't the tuition be higher?

Moreover, not only tuition fees, but also in the future when you enter the university, you will also need money to pay for other expenses that will be used in the school.

In the previous life, Lu Li was very poor when he was in college. Because he had no money left, he was forced to go out to do some part-time jobs every month, and he did not dare to fall in love because he was afraid of spending money.

In modern society, although the poor can have enough to eat, more money is needed for things other than food and clothing.

It's impossible not to make money.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but start thinking about how to make money.

Judging from the current situation, I have to review, study, and cultivate every day, and I basically don't have much time to engage in business affairs.

Moreover, as he became more and more familiar with the world, Lu Li felt more and more that even if he had the memory of his previous life, it would not be easy to make money, at least it would take a lot of time and energy.

You may not have time to do it yourself.

Unless, sell the potion given by the system?

From the current point of view, the potion output given by the system is quite large.

There are seven bottles of potions in a ten-shot draw. The most important thing is that memory potions can be purchased with only 100 learning points.

With the magical function of the potion, it must be very popular.

"However...the existence of the system must not be exposed. If you sell these potions, how to explain the source of the potions is a big problem."

If you are not careful, you will be watched.

It seems that buying potions is not feasible in the short term.


Lu Li seemed to think of something, and his eyes lit up.

"When I was in Lingmeng today, Xiaogu said that as long as you reach 300 points of spiritual power, you can get supplies at Lingmeng!"

Think of this.

Lu Li immediately took out his mobile phone and searched for Lingmeng rewards.

I quickly found the answer I was looking for.

It turned out that the so-called rewards were the rewards set up by Lingmeng to subsidize the students.

Before the age of 24, as long as everyone reaches 300 spiritual power index and is recognized by Lingmeng, they can receive a one-time reward of 100,000 yuan and a bottle of spiritual power nutrient solution; and a monthly subsidy of 10,000 yuan.

When the spiritual power index reaches 400, you can receive another 200,000 yuan and a bottle of nutrient solution, and the monthly subsidy will increase to 15,000 yuan.

And so on, until reaching 1000 points of spiritual power index, becoming a real spiritual practitioner.

And the so-called "recognized by Lingmeng" actually means participating in the spiritual power test in Lingmeng.

"That is to say, from 300 to 1000 spiritual power index, you can receive a total of 3.6 million yuan, as well as 8 bottles of nutrient solution, and a monthly income of 40,000 yuan!"

Get rid of these periodic rewards.

It means that as long as you become a spiritual practitioner, you can earn 40,000 a month while lying down!

My parents wake up early every day and stay in the dark every day, and their salary for a month of hard work is only about 4,000 yuan each.

As for spiritual practitioners, the subsidy for a month is 40,000 yuan.

This gap is really outrageous.

"Here, after all, is still a world where spiritual energy is revived."

Lu Li sighed in his heart.

At the same time, he also understands that if he wants to make money, he doesn't need to do anything special, he just needs to improve his cultivation.

Although he didn't know if he could raise his cultivation to a thousand points before the college entrance examination.

But three hundred points, four hundred points, and even eight hundred points should all have a chance.

Lu Li also checked the top ten famous schools in China.

It was found that the admission standards of these ten schools are not very different. The first ranked Shendu Wuda University requires a hard condition of 850 points of spiritual power index.

In other Lingwu universities, the basic requirement is around 800.

The Kamikaze Wuda that Jiang Xiaogu is going to take the exam is ranked seventh, and requires an 800 spiritual power index.

From the evaluation point of view, each of the ten famous schools has its own strengths and characteristics, and each has its own focus and characteristics. The reason why Shendu Wuda is 50 points higher than ordinary famous schools is also because of its special status.

It is located in Luoyang Shendu, at the foot of the emperor.

Those who come out of this school will be the pillars of the country in the future.

After learning about this, Lu Li also had some general outlines of these schools in his heart.

However, an 800-point spiritual power index is still quite far from Lu Li.

The current task is to improve the strength first.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put down the tableware and prepared to go back to the room to continue reviewing the textbook.

He decided to finish first the easy-to-learn liberal arts such as history, geography, and Chinese.

I'll go to the science book later.

However, the old textbooks in the past, because in the past few years, Lu Li has been missing several books.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but look at the old girl who was burying her head in the meal.

He couldn't help asking: "Lu Ling, do you still keep your junior high school books?"

Lu Ling was still sulking, glanced at Lu Li, and asked, "Why?"

Lu Li smiled and said, "Lend me to review and review."


Hearing this sentence, Lu Ling remembered that my old brother said yesterday that he was going to review.

She didn't believe it yesterday.

But today I learned that Lu Li's spiritual power index had skyrocketed.

She couldn't get up, but she couldn't forget Lu Li's mean smile just now, and pouted, "It's in the warehouse, go find it yourself. The books for the first year of junior high school are all in the old house."

Saying that, she pointed to the small room under the stairs.

Hearing her talk about the old house, Lu Li couldn't help thinking that the books from his elementary school years and some comic books he loved to read when he was a child were all in the old house.

Although the content of elementary school is not reviewed, it does not affect the college entrance examination.

There is no need to review.

But for Lu Li, who has a learning system, every book is worth reading.

Moreover, elementary school books are shorter and easier to understand!

"We have to find some time to go back to the old house to have a look."

Lu Li thought about it, and went to the warehouse to look for it.

He quickly found Lu Ling's junior high school books, and at the same time, he also found all the books from his first and second year of high school.

In addition, there are a bunch of extracurricular fiction books of 200,000 to 300,000 words.

Lu Li didn't refuse anyone who came, and put all the books in a cardboard box and went upstairs together.

After drinking the remaining half bottle of Fanta (memory potion), the bubbles made Lu Li shudder.

The memory buff is also stacked.

"The soda provided by this system, has the bubbles not disappeared until now?"

After all, it is a system, and the rewards given by the system cannot be viewed with real experience.

Thinking about it, Lu Li opened the history book of junior high school and continued to understand the history of this world.


at this time.

Chaofeng County, Phoenix City.

Inside a huge crystal technology building.

In the conference hall with nearly 100 people, a young man wearing a Lingmeng leader costume and white gloves was playing his PPT on the virtual projection screen.

And gave his speech:

"In recent months, there have been more and more students whose spiritual power index has suddenly skyrocketed in the medical examination reports of students at UU Reading's major bases in Fengcheng."

"The number this month has reached a record high. Even in Raoshui Town, where the spiritual energy is relatively poor, there were two cases."

"Among them, there are three students in our Phoenix City. For the second time, there is a sudden increase in spiritual power."

"There are more and more examples all over the country, and even the entire Blue Star. I think this is most likely a precursor to another awakening!"

In the PPT, the student data model diagram of each town in Shiokaze County is listed.

Key students are shown with photos.

In the territory of Shangrao Water Town, the photo of Lu Li is impressively listed.

However, compared to the situation of other people who skyrocketed by more than 100 points at a time, Lu Li, who only increased by 40 points, seemed mediocre.

And the other people in the conference hall who were also wearing Lingmeng leader's costumes were all in an uproar when they heard the middle-aged man's words.

"Awakening tide? How is it possible?"

"Isn't there always this kind of skyrocketing spiritual power?"

Everyone looked at each other and whispered.

A voice sounded: "What do you mean, just based on a few sets of data, we can conclude that the wave of awakening is coming? Are these people who have skyrocketed their spiritual power all awakened?"

Hearing this, the young man nodded and said, "It's not impossible, and in recent months, this kind of skyrocketing situation has concentrated on people between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four. The three awakening waves are basically in this age group, so I deduce that this is a precursor to the fourth awakening wave! The fourth awakening wave is coming!"


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