My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 164: 【food】

Chapter 166 [Food]

"Well said old fish, this kind of people should not be used to them."

Lu Li and Jiang Xu returned to the roof together again.

As soon as he sat down, Jiang Xu couldn't help but gave Lu Li a thumbs up.

Hearing what Lu Li said downstairs just now, Jiang Xu felt extremely relieved!

Originally, he was worried that Lu Li was too good-natured and would suffer.

Now it seems that he still doesn't know enough about his roommate.

When Lu Li heard this, he just shook his head and said, "Some of what they said is right. It's really not a good thing for us to stay here."

Hearing this, Jiang Xu couldn't help but be stunned, and said, "Don't pay attention to them, they are just making an excuse and wanting you to take risks. What kind of hunger? It's not that you can't eat raw fish, are you still afraid of parasites? Really hungry, They even dare to eat those stinky shrimps and crabs on the ground, and are they afraid of raw meat?"

Listening to Jiang Xu's exaggerated description, Lu Li couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "It's not about the food. And Minister Ren and the others, they don't know what's going on right now. Anyway, after your friend wakes up, we'll leave here. "

Hearing this, Jiang Xu had no choice but to nod and ask, "Where are we going then?"

Lu Li said, "Go find Xiaogu and the others."


Jiang Xu nodded, looking at Lu Li's solemn expression, thinking he was worried about Jiang Xiaogu and the others, he couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, Xiaogu and the squad leader are protected by bronze-level spiritual practitioners, so they are much safer than us."

"I know."

Lu Li just looked at the direction outside the city gate and said, "I was thinking about how we will leave this ruins in the future."

"Uh, haven't Minister Ren and the others already gone to find a way?"

"Then why hasn't there been any movement yet?"


Jiang Xu certainly understood what Lu Li was thinking, but he did not dare to admit it, and was unwilling to admit it.

If something happened to Ren Xingfeng and the others, then in this ruin, these weak students would only have to wait to die.

"The people outside the ruins should think of ways to save us, right?"

Jiang Xu suddenly thought of this and asked Lu Li.

"Definitely, but I don't know if they can do it."

Lu Li thought pessimistically.

If you were someone else, you might believe that someone outside will come to your rescue.

But Lu Li watched the teleportation array get blown up by his clone with his own eyes!

Of course, Lu Li's clone doesn't have that power.

It was the black-skinned monster at that time, who used the magic power to mobilize the eyes of the teleportation formation.

And the array eye is fragile, and will be blown to pieces by Lu Li's clone.

If the array eye is not taken out, no matter how strong the attack by the outsiders, it will be difficult to destroy the teleportation array.


At this time, Jiang Xu seemed to think of something, pointed his finger down, and said, "When we leave, do we want to take them with us?"


Lu Li shook his head.

did not speak.

Jiang Xu immediately understood.


"If you want to go, take me with you."

At this moment, behind the two of them, there was a deliberately suppressed voice.

The two turned their heads to look and saw Wu Shichao standing there.

Wu Shichao walked towards Lu Li, and when he got close, he whispered, "I know you guys are going to get rid of them and bring me with you. At critical moments, I'm much more useful than your roommate."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xu couldn't help frowning.

When Jiang Xu heard this, it was tantamount to sowing discord.

Wu Shichao ignored Jiang Xu, but looked at Lu Li and said, "We used to have a bit of a holiday. But now, at this time, we should put personal grievances behind and work together to have a better chance of survival. You can also rest assured that I will never become a burden to you. If I drag you down, I will die directly and will never cause you trouble!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xu couldn't help but look at Lu Li.

Lu Li has also been looking at Wu Shichao.

That's all for now. Although Wu Shichao gave Lu Li a very bad impression in the past, it can be said that he is a violent maniac and a mansion!

But, he was right.

His combat power was indeed much stronger than Jiang Xu.

Moreover, Chu Chi also noticed that after yesterday's battle with the strange creature, the aura of spiritual power emanating from Wu Shichao's body became a little stronger.

Just like a Super Saiyan, as long as he can't kill him, he will always improve his strength.

At that time, if they encounter any danger, Wu Shichao will protect the back row, and Lu Li will not have to worry about Jiang Xu's safety.

It is also much easier to deal with.

After thinking about it, Lu Li nodded and said, "I can only take you one more."


Seeing that Lu Li agreed, Wu Shichao couldn't help laughing, nodded heavily, and then retreated downstairs.

Jiang Xu also asked Lu Li after Wu Shichao left.

"Really take him?"


Jiang Xu worried and said, "I always feel that he will go wrong."

However, Lu Li shook his head and said, "Don't worry, in this ruin, I believe that he will still be very honest. And when the time comes, I can let go of my hands and feet when he is behind you to protect you."

"All right."

Having said this, Jiang Xu couldn't refute it.

Indeed, as Lu Li said, he himself was worried that he would drag Lu Li down.

However, remembering what Wu Shichao said just now that he would not hold back Lu Li, Jiang Xu was not far behind, and said to Lu Li, "Don't worry, I won't hold you back. If you are in danger, just go up and fight. ,Do not bother me."

"So brave?"

Lu Li couldn't help but smile, and seemed to see through his stubbornness.

"Did you underestimate me? Did you see that I'm almost reaching 300 points. Do you think I've been eating dry food these days?"

Jiang Xu said, and couldn't help showing off his muscles.

The increase in strength made the muscle lines on his body more obvious.

From a little fat man, he transformed into a strong young man.

Fat people are all potential stocks. After losing weight successfully, Jiang Xu also showed some signs of being handsome.

Lu Li joked with him.

Then, taking advantage of no one around, he took a few mung bean cakes from the different dimension space and handed them two to Jiang Xu.

Seeing Lu Li taking out the mung bean cake from his pocket, Jiang Xu couldn't help being stunned.

After busy looking around and making sure no one was there, he asked Lu Li, "Where did you get the food?"

Lu Li just smiled, picked up a piece of mung bean cake, ate it, and said, "Dingdang cat's treasure bag, you said."

"Do you really have it?"

Jiang Xu widened his eyes.

However, Lu Li smiled without saying a word, and just ate the mung bean cake silently.

regain strength.

Jiang Xu was not polite and took a bite by himself.

There was one piece left, which I couldn't bear to eat.

Seeing his little gesture, Lu Li couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you doing? You still keep it for supper?"

Jiang Xu said, "Save it for next time."

Lu Li took out two more mung bean cakes for him, and said, "Fill your stomach first. When your friend wakes up, we'll leave."

"Fuck!? You still have?"

Jiang Xu thought that Lu Li was joking when he said he had a treasure bag, but Lu Li looked like he was taking out the mung bean cake.

No food at all!

The skin of the mung bean cake was very crisp, and when Lu Li took it out, a lot of the meringue fell off.

It's not good for Jiang Xu to feel distressed.

I've been hungry for two days. Seeing Lu Li's waste of food, he's in the mood to pick it up from the ground to eat.

Jiang Xu was busy eating another piece of mung bean cake.

Feel the sweetness in the mouth, with a lot of oily meat, and the aftertaste is endless.

For the first time, he felt that the mung bean cakes that can be seen everywhere on weekdays are so delicious.

However, he still left two pieces in his pocket.

He took out a night pearl in his pocket and threw it away.

Ren Lu Li laughed at him, but he ignored it.

Lu Li noticed a lot of night pearls in his pocket and asked, "Why do you collect so many night pearls?"

"Take it out and sell it for money! This thing, an antique, understand?"

Jiang Xu also lit up a few books in his clothes.

"Did you see that there are ancient writings found in those pagodas. It can be put in clothes to keep warm, and it can be sold for a lot of money in the future."

Jiang Xu said proudly.

When Lu Li saw it, he just didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I can't tell, you are quite business-minded. You haven't figured out how to get out yet, so you just figured out how to go out and make money?"

"No way, UU reading life is not easy, versatile."

Jiang Xu smiled, took out a night pearl, and said, "At the critical moment, I can still support you from behind with this remote support."

As he spoke, Jiang Xu also made a parabolic gesture.

"You keep it for yourself."

Seeing that Jiang Xu was joking, Lu Li smiled helplessly.

In such a depressing environment, is there some laughter?

Spend hours in peace.

When Lu Li was attracting the yin energy between heaven and earth, it was transformed into pure spiritual power and injected into the jade bottle.

There was movement downstairs.

Jiang Xu immediately went to check the situation, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that Yi Yao and several Spirit Alliance warriors had woken up one after another!

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