My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 163: 【Where did you get such a big face? 】

Chapter 165 [Where is such a big face? 】

Seeing that Wu Shichao took the initiative to stand up at this time, Lu Li couldn't help feeling quite surprised.

However, Wu Shichao was also looking towards Lu Li.

"Are you going too? I'll be with you."

Wu Shichao said to Lu Li.

Now that he is talking to Lu Li, his arrogance is completely gone.

And he will stand up, and the reason is very simple.

Because it is safer to follow Lu Li than to follow a bunch of burdensome students!

Although walking outside, it is easier to encounter enemies.

But if you stay in this small house, wouldn't you be stared at by monsters in the dark?

Therefore, in any case, following Lu Li was the clearest way to do it.

And as Wu Shichao asked Lu Li, the other students couldn't help but look at Lu Li.

Obviously, they also hoped that Lu Li would find other troops and bring them here.

But they didn't say so.

He just casts pleading glances at Lu Li from time to time.

Lu Li noticed their gaze and looked up. Everyone who made eye contact with Lu Li couldn't help but lower their heads.

That look.

It's like wanting Lu Li to take risks for them, but not wanting to feel guilty after the accident.

Jiang Xu also noticed this kind of atmosphere, and immediately frowned and said to everyone, "What do you mean? Have you forgotten who saved your life? Now you still want silent moral kidnapping, do you still have any? A little bit of shame?!"

Jiang Xu's words made those people blush and feel ashamed.

They all bowed their heads.

"But, are we going to stay here and wait to die?"

At this time, a girl spoke timidly.

Hearing this, all the students, including Lu Li, couldn't help but look at this girl.

Seeing so many people looking at her, the girl gritted her teeth and summoned up her courage, and said, "If we don't take the initiative to go out to find them, they may think we are dead and abandon us here. What should we do?"

What the girl said was also the voice of other students.

The girl said again: "What if, if they have already found the exit, but can't find us? What should we do?"

"Yes, yes. Don't you feel it? There seems to be a lot less yin around you. Does that mean they have found an exit?"

"Yes, they will definitely leave first."

"Of course, who wants to be in a place like this?"

"That's right! So, you still have to take the initiative to find them!"

The students whispered to each other one by one.

And he continued to cast his eyes on Lu Li.

Jiang Xu and Wu Shichao also looked at Lu Li, waiting for Lu Li's next words.

Seeing that Lu Li was expressionless at this time.

Slowly he said, "Then you can go."

This understated tone made everyone stunned for a moment.



All the students looked at Lu Li in amazement.

Lu Li's expression was indifferent, and he said, "Go to anyone you want, I'll wait for you here."


The boy who started talking was at a loss for words.

The students looked at each other in dismay.

Their purpose was naturally to let Lu Li go.

Just didn't feel ashamed to say it.

But Lu Li would respond to them like this, which they did not expect, and everyone's faces were somewhat embarrassed.

It was the same girl who timidly said, "But, in case you are in danger when you go out."

The girl hesitated, and before she could say a word, she listened to Lu Li directly grabbing the words and said, "Oh, I'm afraid of danger, just be honest."


The girl was momentarily at a loss for words from Lu Li.

The other students were also stunned.

Including Wu Shichao, he looked at Lu Li and was surprised.

Wu Shichao thought that Lu Li would agree, because when Lu Li brought them to this temporary habitat, Lu Li thoughtfully instructed everyone to hide, and arranged for students to take turns to keep watch.

The tone is also very gentle, giving people a sense of security.

Wu Shichao thought that Lu Li would be the kind of good-natured man.

The result was beyond his and other students' expectations.

After Jiang Xu heard this, he nodded again and again and said, "Yes, you also know the danger?"


The girl blushed and said biting her head: "Are you afraid of danger, so you don't do anything? We stay here, and sooner or later we will starve to death. You are so strong, you can deal with a giant lobster alone, we , I can only rely on you!"

As the girl spoke, she couldn't help raising her big tearful eyes to look at Lu Li.

The girl does have some pretty good looks.

It belongs to the kind of beautiful that is so pitiful.

If it is someone else, it is estimated that it is easy to have a protective psychology.

And when he heard the girl say this, Jiang Xu became angry on the spot: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are starving to death and can't make a fire, so you can eat it raw. This is the ruins, do you think it is your kitchen? You know the danger. , still want me to go to danger at the same table? Still pretending to be pitiful! Have you really forgotten who rescued you?"


Jiang Xu said a few words, the stunned girl was speechless and bowed her head in shame.

But the boy who first spoke stood up at this moment and said, "Even if there is a certain danger, he is so strong, as long as he pays a little attention, he will surely be able to save him from danger, right?"


"If you sit here and wait for death, the end result is that everyone will die together."

"Eating raw fish will cause problems."

The other students also nodded silently.

"What's the problem? When you go to eat sashimi, why don't you think there will be a problem? What a bunch of white-eyed wolves, right?"

Jiang Xu looked at these people angrily.

And everyone just looked at Lu Li praying.

However, he saw that Lu Li's whole face was gloomy, and he no longer had the gentle feeling he had before.

Because Lu Li knew that these people, who seemed to be praying, were actually kidnapping him with morality!

Put yourself on the fire.

I had only been hungry for two days, and that selfish feeling was immediately revealed.

He heard Lu Li sneer and said, "So what?"

Lu Li said, "Whether I am strong or not, what does it have to do with you? If I am strong, I have to die for you, right? Haha, where did you get such a big face?"


When everyone heard the words, they were stunned again on the spot.

No one expected that Lu Li would be so rigid.

Not at all as gentle as when they had been brought here.

Even Jiang Xu rarely sees Lu Li's temper.

"Don't say that there is danger outside, even if there is no danger, do you control whether I want to go or not? Do you still want to kidnap me morally? Have you considered whether you are qualified enough?"

Lu Li sneered: "To me, you are just a burden! As a burden, you should think more about how to keep yourself from holding back! Instead of being insatiable!"

"No one is obliged to take care of your emotions and personal safety. Long before you came here, the people from the Lingmeng League told you that there are risks in cultivating here, so you are not for spring outing!"

As Lu Li said that, he glanced at everyone coldly.

This remark was too straightforward, and when everyone heard it, they were all ashamed, bowed their heads, and stopped talking.

After all, he is still a student, not deep in the world, and thin-skinned.

The thick-skinned people also quieted down when they saw that no one else spoke.

"Yes, yes. Originally, Lu Li was not obliged to do this."

At this time, a boy who was obviously younger opened his mouth.

However, his voice was low.

Although he knew it was wrong, the others didn't take a stand, and he didn't dare to speak out loud.

Lu Li looked at them and didn't bother to talk to them.

Greet Shang Jiangxu and continue to walk upstairs.

Originally, when Lu Li heard this proposal, he also thought that he might be able to take the risk and try it.

After all, Lu Li also wanted to find Jiang Xiaogu and Chen Siyu.

Make sure they are safe or something.

With Lu Li's method, even if he encounters a monster stronger than a giant lobster.

You can also use Shadow Step to escape.

But when Lu Li heard about these students, they all wanted to use moral kidnapping to make themselves risky.

Just feel sick!

If it wasn't for the girl Jiang Xu cared about, and a few Spirit League warriors were still unconscious, Lu Li would have wanted to leave with Jiang Xu on the spot.

Those Lingmeng warriors who were injured in order to protect people were still respected by Lu Li, and they were the ones worthy of Lu Li's protection.

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