My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 147: 【Team of 4】

Chapter 167 [Four-person squad]

Lu Li also came downstairs.

When the students saw Lu Li coming downstairs, they were all hesitating, their eyes dodged a little.

It was as if he had done something wrong and was embarrassed to face Lu Li.

Lu Li ignored them and went straight to Yi Yao and the other three surviving warriors.

Squat down and ask them about their injuries.

Yi Yao was not injured at all, but was in a coma caused by the exhaustion of spiritual power and the loss of power.

After waking up, there is not much of a problem, just need to replenish spiritual power.

The injuries of the other three warriors were much more serious.

Even after taking the wound medicine given by Lu Li, the wound still looked shocking.

Fortunately, Lu Li sucked all the yin around here yesterday, otherwise, the wound would be infected by yin and it would be more difficult to heal.

When the three warriors saw Lu Li, one of them recognized Lu Li's face, and couldn't help but say in surprise, "You, the student who was brought back to Lingmeng by Captain Xia Bing some time ago, killed the monster?"

What the martial artist said was naturally the white-skinned monster that Lu Li was chased and killed on the road some time ago, the first time he beheaded.

Because of that incident, Lu Li was considered a small celebrity in the Spirit Alliance.

"Well, it's me."

Lu Li also nodded.

Then he reached for his pocket.

At this time, the other students around listened, but they showed expressions of astonishment!

"Kill Yaoyi?!"

Everyone looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

Although they all knew how powerful Lu Li was, after all, Lu Li killed a giant lobster yesterday that other warriors couldn't deal with.

But killing strange creatures is completely different from killing monsters!

Growing up listening to the terrifying legends about Yaoyi from the mouths of adults, everyone has a natural fear of monsters.

Even the warriors of the Lingmeng and the City Guard are very afraid of Yaoyi.

In their minds, those who can kill monsters are almost heroes.

No one would have imagined that this person who seemed to be about the same age as him was actually such a hero!

Everyone could not help but look at each other.

Look at Lu Li again.

I just feel that Lu Li, with a Tang Hengdao pinned to his waist, is majestic and imposing!

At the same time, he was also ashamed for the moral kidnapping of Lu Li a few hours ago.

Even Jiang Xu was slightly surprised when he heard the words of the warriors.

Although Lu Li had already told him that he had beheaded a monster, it was in the ruins.

Listening to that warrior now, did Lu Li already kill a monster when he was outside the ruins? !

When did Yaoyi become so easy to kill?

"Thank you for saving us. I'm Li Yang, a member of the 25th Division of the Lingmeng Warrior Team. If it wasn't for you, we would all have died under the gnawing of relic creatures!"

The warrior named Li Yang hurriedly thanked Lu Li.

However, he was injured and could not make a salute.

The other two warriors also respected Lu Li.

The grace of saving lives is like re-creation.

Although their Spirit Union warriors fought bravely, they were still flesh and blood. In the face of life and death, who would dare to say that they were not afraid of death?

It's just the responsibility, let them put life and death in the second place.

Lu Li also respected them very much. He took out a few small jade bottles from his pocket and said, "If you want to thank them, you can leave it until you leave the ruins. This is a healing medicine, so take it first."

Hearing this, the three of them were not polite and took the small jade bottle from Lu Li.

Lu Li distributed two bottles to each of them.

One bottle is a wound medicine, and the other bottle is a condensing pill.

In addition, he also gave Yi Yao a bottle of Lingling Pill.

"Thank you, my body is fine now."

Yi Yao thought it was a healing medicine, and was embarrassed to pick up Lu Li's Spirit Condensing Pill.

Lu Li all said: "This is for restoring spiritual power."

"Restore spiritual power?"

Yi Yao was surprised and glanced at Jiang Xu beside him.

Jiang Xu smiled and said, "I forgot to introduce you, this is my roommate and my best buddy, Lu Li! I told you about him. He said that he can restore his spiritual power, so he can, eat it. Bar."

Hearing this, Yi Yao hasn't opened his mouth yet.

"This is."

The martial artist Li Yang on the side poured out the elixir from the small jade bottle and said in surprise, "Is this a condensing elixir?"

Hearing this, the other two warriors were also slightly surprised.

They are all pouring out the medicinal pills in the small jade bottle.

Seeing the rich spiritual power on the white jade-colored elixir, they all showed surprises: "It's really a condensing elixir."

"Condensing Pill?"

Yi Yao was puzzled. Obviously, she didn't know what the Spirit Condensing Pill was.

After all, the drugs for increasing spiritual power in the market are basically nutrient solutions, spiritual nutrient solutions, barrier-breaking nutrient solutions, and healing nutrient solutions.

The production method is also much simpler than that of medicinal pills. As long as there are raw materials, the assembly line is completed.

And medicinal pills need to be specially refined by an alchemist, and the cost is naturally much higher.

Therefore, most of the students only knew about the existence of medicinal pills, but did not understand the effect of real medicinal pills.

And the knowledge of the three warriors is of course much wider than that of the students.

Li Yang explained: "This condensing pill, the main effect, is the same as the spiritual power nutrient solution, it is used to enhance the spiritual power. But the medicinal effect of the condensing pill is better, and it also has a certain effect of healing and invigorating qi. If you put it on the market, the price is four or five times higher than the ordinary spiritual nutrient solution!"

"Four or five times?!"

"Isn't that one for more than 200,000?!"

Hearing this, the students were amazed.

If there are more than 200,000 pieces, and four pieces are taken out at once, isn't that the price of close to one million?

Lu Li's handwriting shocked the students.

They are not big rich people, they are just ordinary people with better talents than ordinary students. One million is not a small amount of money to them.

Even Lu Li himself was a little surprised.

"Is it so valuable?"

Lu Li only knew that this Spirit Condensing Pill had the same effect as the nutrient solution, but Lu Li had never drank the Spiritual Nutrient Solution, nor did he know the difference between the Spiritual Nutrient Solution and the Condensing Spirit Pill.

However, although a million is not a small number.

But in Lu Li's Spirit Gathering Jade Bottle, there is an immeasurable amount of pure spiritual power stored.

That value, 1 million is just a drizzle.

Thinking about it, Lu Li said to Li Yang and the others, "Anyway, let's take a rest first, the dangers in this ruin are far from over, and if you buy more time to recover a little bit, you will have a better chance of surviving in the ruins. ."

Hearing Lu Li's words, the four of them no longer shied away.

They all took the condensing pills.

Start running the breathwork and slowly recover your strength.

Yi Yao was the first to get out of the cultivation state, because her injuries were basically due to excessive consumption of spiritual power.

Now, taking the Spirit Condensing Pill, one hour of digestion time will replenish most of the spiritual power in the body.

In addition, his own strength has also been greatly improved.

"This condensing pill is indeed much more powerful than the nutrient solution!"

Yi Yao couldn't help expressing her excitement.

When the other students saw it, they all cast envious glances.

Such expensive and good things, they have no chance to eat them.

The students who were starving and dizzy couldn't help but imagine in their minds, after taking this medicine pill, would it have a satiety effect?

And after Yi Yao recovered.

Lu Li told everyone that he was going to leave and find a large army to join him.

Hear this.

All the students looked complicated.

Thinking of what Lu Li said a few hours ago, I felt ashamed.

Even the man and woman who spoke first were speechless at this time.

When Lu Li saw it, he didn't bother to say anything more to them.

The purpose of his trip was not for them. On the contrary, he felt that being with them might cause trouble.

As for the three warriors, their injuries would not be able to leave for a while, so Lu Li did not take them away.

I just promise that if I find a large group of people, I will bring them here.

In exchange for a sound of gratitude.

After that, he took Jiang Xu, Yi Yao and Wu Shichao to form a team of four and left together.

The four walked cautiously in the rotten town.

Jiang Xu and Lu Li walked ahead, looking for the way.

On the way, when the four encountered a relic creature, they would try their best to avoid it.

If he couldn't avoid it, Lu Li would use thunder to kill him.

That neat and tyrannical strength really stunned Yi Yao!

Even Jiang Xu and Wu Shichao, who had already seen Lu Li's greatness, were surprised.

Especially Wu Shichao.

Originally, Wu Shichao thought that by joining the team, he could help Lu Li to a certain extent.

So act confident.

As a result, Lu Li's calm and decisiveness along the way made him have to conduct a new round of scrutiny on Lu Li.

In his heart, the thought of challenging Lu Li could no longer arise.

Lu Li has this level of strength, and he still challenges a fart!

Wu Shichao had every reason to believe that if Lu Li got serious and fought against him with all his strength, he would definitely not be able to last a second in Lu Li's hands.

Because when Lu Li was beheading those shrimp soldiers and crab generals, he was also a one-hit kill.

It's like pinching an ant to death!

Lu Li also became more and more skilled.

Actual combat is the best teacher.

From the beginning, Lu Li struggled to deal with one or two ruined crabs, and now he can kill each other with a single knife, which is all the experience accumulated bit by bit.

The current land carp is already very familiar with the weaknesses and weaknesses of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Even if you encounter the giant lobster, you can kill it in a short time.

Of course.

The reason why it can be so easy is mainly because these relic creatures are purely brute force attacks.

Even if they have a very powerful yin qi around them, they will not use this yin qi.

This is also the reason why Lu Li can be so relaxed.

If these relic creatures are like monsters, with the same intelligence and ability to use yin as humans, then it will be quite difficult to deal with.


Everyone has come to a street.

"This street, I remember, Yi Yao and I passed by here at that time, look! The footprints here."

Jiang Xu stepped forward and motioned for everyone to come and see.

Yi Yao also stepped forward to look at it, nodded and said, "Yes, I also remember that at that time you accidentally slipped and fell, and this footprint was left at that time."

Hearing this, Jiang Xu coughed twice in embarrassment.

Yi Yao looked at his embarrassed look and couldn't help but smile.

"Cough, then next, go over there."

Jiang Xu pointed to the depths of the street ahead, surrounded by fog.

With that said, Jiang Xu turned to look at Lu Li, wanting to ask Lu Li's opinion.

However, he suddenly felt a gust of wind whizzing past behind him, and he saw Lu Li's figure suddenly disappear in place, and when he reappeared, he was already on a piece of soft land a dozen meters away.

Cold light flashed.

Lu Li raised his knife and dropped it, and a shrimp soldier suddenly cut his waist in two.

After being stepped on by Lu Li, he took off the acupuncture on his head and put it into the different dimension space.

Jiang Xu and the others also rushed forward.

He looked around cautiously.

Lu Li said: "No, just one."

"How do I feel, there are more and more relic creatures in this town."

Jiang Xu looked at the corpse of the shrimp soldier on the ground and frowned: "When we fled all the way to the city wall before, we didn't encounter any relic creatures on the road. How can we go back and encounter them often?"

"It means that those relic creatures haven't climbed out of the ground before."

Lu Li said, and put away the Tang Hengdao in his hand.

Then he looked at where Jiang Xu was pointing just now.

Seeing this, Lu Li's eyes froze.

"There is a situation!"

Hearing this, Jiang Xu, Wu Shichao, and Yi Yao suddenly became vigilant.

Jiang Xu pulled out his short sword and asked, "What's the situation?"


As Lu Li said that, he took the brunt and ran up quickly.

Jiang Xu and the others followed closely behind.

When everyone came to the place that Lu Li said, they found that there were corpses everywhere, shrimp, soldiers, crabs, humans, all over the ground, and it looked very tragic.

In the fog, there were still more than a dozen humanoid zombies with no life breath.

"This, what's going on?"

Jiang Xu looked at everything in front of him and was extremely surprised.

Because the number of human corpses here is more than 30, and the dozen or so are still standing, so gloomy, they are not alive at first glance.

"Are those people from the big army?"

With so many people, there is only that possibility.

Among the large troops, there are bronze-level masters.

With the protection of bronze-level masters, so many people died.

So what kind of powerful enemies did they encounter before they died?

Only the corpses of shrimp soldiers and crab generals were found at the scene, and no corpses of the level of giant lobsters were found.

Thinking about it, the zombies in front also noticed Lu Li and the others.

They made a dry sound of **** ho and rushed towards the four of them.

Most of these zombies are armed with rune swords.

"Back off."

Lu Li said to Jiang Xu and the three of them without looking back.

Then he rushed up with the knife.

With Swift Shadow Step, these zombies' attack methods are useless.

Looking terrifying, it is actually worse than those shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

As soon as the Heavenly Induction Technique is used, these zombies are directly fixed in place.

With the knife in his hand, he chopped off several heads.

Even if they were directly killed by controlling the sword with the Heavenly Induction Technique, they would not have the consciousness of dodging, and were easily killed by Lu Li.

There were only two warrior zombies clearly above the black iron level, and Lu Li took a little effort to kill them.

The entire battle took a few seconds.

A zombie was missed, and with the cooperation of Jiang Xu and Yi Yao, he was successfully killed.

Yi Yao's freezing ability can definitely be called an ace support ability.

Jiang Xu almost effortlessly cut the zombie into two pieces.

Only Wu Shichao was on the side, staring blankly.

The big crab claw in his hand seems to be just a decoration.

He felt like a jerk.

He clearly said not long ago that he was more useful than Jiang Xu, but in reality he gave him a slap in the face.


At this time, Lu Li also pointed to the corpse pile, a tiger-headed corpse that was divided into two parts.


The three of them were shocked when they saw it.

Lu Li nodded and said, "Well, that's why so many people died here."

Having said that, Lu Li looked around, making sure that there were no acquaintances among the dead, so he felt relieved.

The demon crystal in this demonic body has long been taken away.

It seems that after those people killed Yaoyi, they left quickly.

Judging by the temperature of the corpse, it seemed that the battle took place a few hours ago.

was thinking.


"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

A loud roar sounded.

Suddenly it sounded from the direction Lu Li and the others came from!

Hearing this voice, the four Lu Li couldn't help but turn their heads to look, and were extremely surprised.

"This voice?"

Lu Li remembered this sound. When he and Liu Yufeng were in the tower, he heard the sound of the beast roar.

The sound came from the other side of the city wall.

Explain, that is the sound from the direction of the Crystal Palace!

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