My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 132: 【Extremely thrilling】

Chapter 132 [Extremely thrilling]

hours later.

Lu Li was closing his eyes and resting, but he was suddenly awakened by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

The footsteps were hurried.

Lu Li couldn't help but open his eyes, turned his head to look over there immediately, and saw more than a dozen students hurriedly running towards the dormitory building, as if something had happened.

"What happened?"

Lu Li couldn't help but be surprised.

He turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaogu beside him, but saw that Jiang Xiaogu was still in a state of cultivation.

However, the turbulent feeling of the spiritual power in her body has stabilized a lot.

I don't know if she succeeded or failed.

Lu Li took another look at the yin qi in Jiang Xiaogu's body, and found that due to the blazing sun and warm jade, there was almost no yin qi in Jiang Xiaogu's body, not only did it not increase, but even the original yin qi was dissipated.

Thinking about it, Lu Li looked back at the other students running, and couldn't help but be curious.

What happened in the dormitory.

"Lu Li!"

At this time, Chen Xu's voice came from a distance.

Seeing the direction of the bridge head, Chen Xu quickly ran towards it.

"Chen Xu, what happened? Why are you running over there?"

Lu Li couldn't help but ask.

Chen Xu came to Lu Li, glanced at Jiang Xiaogu, found that Jiang Xiaogu was still cultivating, and said to Lu Li, "I heard that someone in Building 3 went mad and injured many students."


Lu Li was stunned.

Chen Xu nodded and said: "Yes, it is said that he suddenly went mad, and indiscriminately attacked the people around him. Ye Ming's cousin was also there, and his face was scratched. After he heard about it, he ran over. It depends on the situation. If I don't talk about it, I'm going to go too."

With that, Chen Xu said goodbye to Lu Li.

Continue to run towards the dormitory building.

"Suddenly crazy?"

Looking at Chen Xu's back, Lu Li couldn't help but think about watching the fun in the past.

However, he still had to look at Jiang Xiaogu and couldn't leave, lest something go wrong with Jiang Xiaogu's cultivation.

Just had to stay put.

At this time, his own mental strength also recovered a little, and Lu Li continued to use the breathing technique to concentrate on his practice.

While cultivating, he carefully felt the fluctuation of spiritual power around Jiang Xiaogu.

It didn't take long.

Lu Li sensed that Jiang Xiaogu's body temperature was slowly rising.

He opened his eyes in surprise, looked at Jiang Xiaogu, and saw that the skin on Jiang Xiaogu's body was slowly turning rosy.

Temperatures continue to climb.

"what happened?"

It was the first time that Lu Li saw such a situation, and he couldn't help but panic.

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu's smooth forehead, crystal beads of sweat began to ooze.

The originally calm face also began to show a painful expression.

"Going crazy?"

Seeing such an increase in body temperature, Lu Li's subconscious thought was to go crazy.

The spiritual power in Jiang Xiaogu's body was also turbulent.

It was just the calm before the storm just now.

Lu Li hurriedly searched for relevant information in his mind, but he never found any information that matched Jiang Xiaogu's situation at this time.

"Could it be the reason for the insufficient supply of spiritual power?"

Lu Li knew that when breaking through, he needed a lot of spiritual power. If the supply of spiritual power is insufficient, various situations can easily occur.

Lu Li felt the aura of the world around him, and found that it was because he and Jiang Xiaogu had been practicing here for a long time.

The aura was not as strong as before.

However, nonetheless.

It should be enough for Jiang Xiaogu to break through.

Is it just normal?

Lu Li had never experienced a breakthrough from 900 points to 1000 points, so he didn't know the situation at all.


Lu Li was thinking, but at this moment Jiang Xiaogu suddenly gave a sound of Yingning.

The sound seemed painful.

Brows tightened.

When Lu Li saw it, his brows could not help but wrinkle, and he felt inexplicably anxious.

After thinking about it, Lu Li still took out a jade bottle from a different dimension. This is the pure spiritual power that Lu Li collected in the cemetery some time ago.

Feeling the pure spiritual power in the bottle, I thought, this spiritual power has been absorbed by those who are breaking through, and it should be of great benefit.

Every time Lu Li broke through in the cemetery before, he used this spiritual power to break through.

It shouldn't be a problem to use it for Jiang Xiaogu.

Thinking of this, Lu Li no longer hesitated and started to activate the gravity technique.

Controlling these spiritual powers little by little, they lead them to Jiang Xiaogu's breath.

The compatibility of pure spiritual power is very strong, and it was easily absorbed by Jiang Xiaogu.

However, Lu Li was afraid of problems, so he didn't dare to give too much, he only dared to transmit it one by one.

And carefully observed the changes in Jiang Xiaogu's body.

After observing for more than ten seconds, Lu Li felt the slight change in the fluctuation of spiritual power in Jiang Xiaogu's body.

The originally violent fluctuation feeling is slowly getting smaller.


Lu Li was surprised.

"It really is the reason for the insufficient supply of spiritual power!"

Quickly increase the intensity of transmission of spiritual power.

And with the pure spiritual power being ingested by Jiang Xiaogu in large quantities.

The frown on Jiang Xiaogu's face gradually relaxed.

Lu Li also slowly let out a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, it was really because of the problem of spiritual power supply that caused Jiang Xiaogu's spiritual power disorder.

I heard Jiang Xiaogu's talk about breakthrough so lightly, and thought that breakthrough was a very simple thing for her.

"Also, Xiaogu doesn't seem to be prepared for this breakthrough?"

Lu Li couldn't help thinking.

Because, when he was cultivating just now, Lu Li didn't sense any sign of Jiang Xiaogu's withdrawal from the practice.

And generally, when you want to break through, shouldn't you take the drugs that assist the breakthrough first?

But Jiang Xiaogu did not.

"Is it for this reason?"


In other words, Jiang Xiaogu's breakthrough was most likely triggered unintentionally.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but continue to observe Jiang Xiaogu's body changes.

Later, it was discovered that although the fluctuation of the spiritual power on Jiang Xiaogu's body was stable, the temperature on her body did not mean to drop at all.

Instead, it has been maintained at a temperature that seems to have a high fever.

Lu Li could see that Jiang Xiaogu's crystal clear face was covered with an attractive pink.

It looks delicate and dripping.

"This fever should be normal?"

Lu Li was also not sure.

Just wait and see.

Fortunately, the temperature on Jiang Xiaogu's body began to show signs of cooling after ten minutes.

At the same time, Lu Li also felt that the spiritual power in Jiang Xiaogu's body was slowly precipitating.

Slowly no longer emanating from the body.

Another hour passed.

Lu Li couldn't feel the aura of spiritual power in Jiang Xiaogu's body at all.

The spiritual power in Jiang Xiaogu's body seemed to have disappeared.

Obviously, he could feel that a lot of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was being absorbed by Jiang Xiaogu, but Lu Li could not feel the change of spiritual energy in Jiang Xiaogu's body.

Lu Li knew.

This means that Jiang Xiaogu's breakthrough has been successful.

Now Jiang Xiaogu has entered the ranks of the 1000-point spiritual power index!

According to the book, after reaching 1000 points of the spiritual power index, the spiritual aspect in Jiang Xiaogu's body is no longer a spiritual power group, but a spiritual power vortex.

Spiritual power will become introverted, unless Jiang Xiaogu takes the initiative to release spiritual power, it will be difficult for others to directly sense Jiang Xiaogu's spiritual power.

The skin on Jiang Xiaogu's face at this time also became more delicate and smooth.

Although there are still sweat stains, it is indeed obvious that it is different from the previous one.

This reminded Lu Li of two adjectives "like jade congealing fat" and "white skin better than snow".

With Shangjiang Xiaogu's already exquisite facial features, it is simply beautiful.

Once people see this face, it is difficult to look away.

Lu Li quietly admired Jiang Xiaogu's face.

By the way, he cut off the spiritual power supply of the spiritual power bottle in his hand, and received it into the different-dimensional space.

At this time, in the different dimension space, six used jade bottles have been stored!

During this over an hour.

Lu Li not only used up six spiritual power bottles, but also used the jade pendant to absorb Yin Qi from time to time, and then absorbed it for Jiang Xiaogu.

After careful calculation, Jiang Xiaogu probably consumed at least ten bottles of his pure spiritual power!

The spiritual power required for the breakthrough of 900 to 1000 points is evident!

Think so.

Lu Li felt that the spiritual energy that had been rushing towards Jiang Xiaogu between the heavens and the earth slowly calmed down at this moment.

Then, I saw Jiang Xiaogu's long eyelashes move slightly.

Opening his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes seemed to be brighter than before, as if hundreds of millions of stars were injected into them.

After Jiang Xiaogu woke up, he sensed the changes in his body, and he was first surprised.

Then he noticed Lu Li beside him.

"Lu Li...... have you always been by my side?"

Jiang Xiaogu looked at Lu Li, his eyes moved slightly.

"Yeah. Congratulations on your successful breakthrough."

A smile appeared on Lu Li's face.


Jiang Xiaogu nodded, feeling the changes in his body.

When he looked at Lu Li again, in addition to joy, his eyes were more moved: "Thank you Lu Li, you were helping me just now, weren't you? You were helping me dispel the yin qi, as well as those other than spiritual qi. Spiritual power, it's all your doing, right?"

Facing the problem of Jiang Xiaogu.

Lu Li was slightly taken aback.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Li still nodded.

At this time, even if he said no, Jiang Xiaogu would not believe it.

Moreover, Lu Li was not afraid that Jiang Xiaogu would know about the Tongyou Jade Pendant.

If there is anyone in this world that Lu Li trusts the most, apart from his own family, Jiang Xu and Jiang Xiaogu are the most worthy of his trust. So letting them know some of their secrets is fine.

"Lu Li, thank you."

Jiang Xiaogu's heart was very moved, and his nose couldn't help but feel a little pantothenic acid.

Just as Lu Li was about to say no thanks, when he saw Jiang Xiaogu suddenly move his body over, he threw himself up!

Throw Lu Li directly to the ground!

Lu Li was stunned.

I just felt full of softness, and a fragrant fragrance came to my nostrils.

Then, he felt that Jiang Xiaogu was holding him tightly.

However, he also understood Jiang Xiaogu's excitement at this time. The process of breaking through is extremely dangerous, and she must have been flustered when she broke through.

Thinking about it, Lu Li also reached out to hold her and patted her on the back.

It was so silent for a long time.

Only then did Jiang Xiaogu recover from the mood of the rest of his life.

The two got up from the ground, and after they separated, Jiang Xiaogu's pretty face quickly turned red.

"Thank you Lu Li, I was really scared just now, and I don't know how I entered the breakthrough state. I know that the medicinal pill to assist the breakthrough is on But no matter how hard I struggle, I wake up. Don't come. I thought I was going to fail, and I was very flustered. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened."

When Jiang Xiaogu mentioned it now, he was still a little scared.

After all, once the breakthrough fails at this juncture, the consequences are no small matter.

She is different from ordinary people, and she is highly expected by many, many people.

Her family is also very opposed to her coming to this steel building at such a critical moment.

But she insisted on coming.

Because she has no problem with confidence.

This confidence almost hurt her.

Fortunately, Lu Li was by his side.

Although she came here, a large part of the reason was because of Lu Li.

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu's flustered appearance, Lu Li reached out and stroked her head, saying, "It's all right, it's over. Don't be afraid."

Lu Li clumsily coaxed the girl.

It made Jiang Xiaogu's face look even redder.

She gently pushed away Lu Li's hand and muttered, "Why are you coaxing a child?"

"Uh, is there any?"

Lu Li was slightly embarrassed.

Then what should I say at this time? Don't all male protagonists in anime like to touch their heads to kill?

Lu Li muttered in his heart.

And at this time.

A scream suddenly came from the dormitory building!

Then, there was a sudden burst of noisy human voices, as if something serious had happened.


(PS: I have been very busy with work in the last three days. At the end of the year, the annual holiday is coming soon, and many accumulated things have to be done before the holiday. Therefore, there are relatively few updates these days _(:з」∠ )_, ahem, let me adjust.)

(Re-PS: If there is no accident, there will be an update in the early morning, I will live first!)

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