My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 131: 【Omen of Breakthrough】

Chapter 131 [Omen of Breakthrough]

On the bridge, in the fog.

Lu Li walked in the fog for a long time.

Not far ahead, I saw Jiang Xiaogu and Ye Ming who were waiting here.

Seeing Lu Li coming out of the fog, Jiang Xiaogu was a little worried at first, but at this time he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Busily greeted him: "Lu Li, what did Minister Ren tell you?"

"It's okay, just ask me something related to the Spirit Alliance."

Seeing Jiang Xiaogu's worried appearance, Lu Li felt a little uneasy in his heart. He reached out and patted her on the shoulder, saying, "Don't worry."

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said, "Okay.... I thought he would embarrass you."

"I didn't do anything, why did he embarrass me?"

"You... anyway, don't do risky things in the future..."

Jiang Xiaogu was slightly speechless.

However, she didn't say anything about what she noticed Lu Li's movements just now.

Both Lu Li and Ye Ming thought that Jiang Xiaogu's adventure meant that Lu Li insisted on coming to the middle of the bridge on a foggy day.

Lu Li also smiled awkwardly and said, "I see, I just came over to take a look out of curiosity."

"Anyway, let's go back first."

Ye Ming was on the side, trembling with cold.

He felt that he was not far from a cold.

Since he entered the second year of high school and his strength exceeded 200 points, he has never caught a cold again, but he has a hunch that after returning this time, he will probably catch a cold.

Chen Xu didn't speak, but he had already started to sniff.

When Lu Li saw it, he walked with a few people towards the bridge head with some dumbfounded laughter.

The four of them walked in the fog for a few minutes before they saw the Spirit Alliance warriors guarding here.

Going forward, I saw several students cultivating here.

These students are top students in major schools.

The yin qi here is not so heavy, as long as you keep using spiritual power to keep warm, you will not feel cold.

Ye Ming and the others expressed their desire to practice here.

Ask Lu Li about their plans.

After Lu Li asked Jiang Xiaogu, he planned to return to the small pavilion by the river to practice.

The four separated.

Although cultivating at the bridgehead, the yin energy entered the body faster, but Jiang Xiaogu told Lu Li that although each student could only receive five anti-cold pills.

But some students don't plan to maximize their practice.

They would choose to practice in places where the yin was not so heavy, and then sell the anti-cold pills to students from wealthy families.

Lu Li couldn't help but wonder how much one anti-cold pill could sell for.

Jiang Xiaogu thought for a while, and then said, "Maybe, it's 10,000 yuan a piece. I don't know. I just heard from my classmates."

"One thousand and one."

It doesn't seem to be a lot either.

Of course, that was for the current Lu Li.

For ordinary students, if they sell two coins a day, that would be a full income of 140,000 yuan in seven days!

This is quite a lot of income.

For a student with a 180-point spiritual power index, 140,000 can buy them a lot of low-level medicines to aid their cultivation, as well as a small amount of nutrient solution.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but ask Jiang Xiaogu, "Then why don't you buy some?"

Jiang Xiaogu shook his head and said, "It's not necessary. Cultivation should be done step by step. The daily intake of spiritual energy in the body is so much. If it exceeds the limit, it will cause problems over time. And I'm about to break through, so I can't be in a hurry. "

"I see."

Lu Li also nodded.

Then there was no more doubt.

Started to practice breathing with Jiang Xiaogu, and began to practice with closed eyes.

While cultivating, Lu Li began to discover a use for the blazing sun and warm jade.

That is, it will help itself drive away the yin qi. When it uses the breathing method to practice, because of the existence of the blazing sun and warm jade, the yin qi will hardly be absorbed into the body by Lu Li.


Such a result would actually be a weakening for Lu Li, who owns the jade pendant.

Moreover, Lu Li also noticed that when he used the Tongyou Jade Pendant to absorb Yin Qi, the Blazing Yang Nuan Jade would also greatly reduce the absorption speed of the Tongyou Jade Pendant.

In the same way, because of the reason of the jade pendant, when it absorbs yang energy, it will also have a repulsive force.

It's just that there is too little yang here, so Lu Li can't feel much resistance.

Thinking about it, Lu Li put the blazing sun and warm jade into the different dimension space.

With the disappearance of the blazing sun and warm jade, the warmth also disappeared, and Lu Li began to feel a hint of coldness.

The most obvious feeling is Jiang Xiaogu.

She even had a slight fluctuation in her breathing rhythm because of the sudden cooling down.

But it was just a moment, and she quickly adjusted.

Continue to practice steadily.

The two of them practiced for four hours.

Only then did Lu Li slowly get out of his cultivation state.

When I opened my eyes and looked at the time on a huge LED screen in the distance, I was surprised to find that I had practiced for four full hours!

In such an environment with such sufficient spiritual energy, after practicing for so long, I felt that my spiritual power had bottomed out.

Lu Li was surprised.

"The university version of breathing is so amazing?"

Yesterday, Lu Li used the breathing method and the occasional jade pendant to open the seclusion. After practicing for more than two hours, his mental exhaustion reached its peak.

With the university version of breathing method, the mental consumption is indeed reduced a lot.

The specific reason is the slight difference between the two versions.

In addition, Lu Li applied the knowledge of the four editions of the breathing method to the university version of the breathing method.

According to this breathing method, the training progress is indeed about 30% higher than that of simply using the jade pendant.

"However, the limitation of pranayama is the demands on the environment."

If you are cultivating at home, according to the concentration of the spiritual energy in your home, even if you practice for 24 hours, it is estimated that you will not be able to reach the upper limit of mental energy consumption.

Only in the place where the concentration of aura is higher than Lingshan can you finish the practice in four hours.

This is the case with a little bit of yin assistance.

"If you really want to use the breathing method to practice, you need at least on Lingshan, or the practice room of Lingmeng."

Of course, these are not as convenient and fast as the jade pendant.

Thinking about it, Lu Li closed his eyes and felt the spiritual force in his body.

I saw that the spiritual power group in my body had grown to the edge of a limit, and there was a sense of emptiness in my body.

"It will break through immediately."

Thinking, Lu Li opened his eyes.

He glanced at Jiang Xiaogu beside him.

However, he saw that Jiang Xiaogu did not wake up with him this time.

Lu Li carefully felt the spiritual power around her, and then felt that the spiritual power emanating from Jiang Xiaogu's body also felt a sense of emptiness.

This is a sign of a breakthrough!

"Is Xiaogu also going to break through?"

Surprised, Lu Li couldn't help but enter the state of spiritual vision to observe the condition of Jiang Xiaogu's body.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaogu's body has accumulated a certain degree of Yin Qi.

Seeing this, Lu Li quietly used the Tongyou Jade Pendant to take away part of the yin qi in her body, so that the yin qi would not hurt Jiang Xiaogu.

The reason why Jiang Xiaogu didn't get out of his cultivation state for four hours was because Lu Li had been quietly doing this.

Feeling the change of spiritual power in Jiang Xiaogu's body, in order not to let the Yin Qi continue to disturb Jiang Xiaogu, Lu Li took out the blazing warm jade from the different dimension space.

With the warmth of the blazing sun and the warm jade, the yin qi was dispelled for Jiang Xiaogu.

Taking advantage of this warmth, Lu Li also sat on the futon, and while protecting Jiang Xiaogu's breakthrough, he closed his eyes and slept, slowly recovering his mental strength.


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