My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 133: 【Crazy】

Chapter 133 [Crazy]

"What happened over there?"

Hearing the screams of girls from the dormitory building, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but look back in surprise.

It can be seen that many students and staff have already run over.

Lu Li was also puzzled.

Is there someone else going crazy over there?

Or is it some other reason?

After thinking about it, the two packed up their things and ran towards the dormitory building.

When I arrived at the spot where the screams appeared, I saw that there were already hundreds of students watching.

The person who screamed was a girl who looked quite tall.

I saw a **** wound on the girl's arm. The wound looked like it was bitten out!

The Lingmeng and City Guard staff were dressing her wound with bandages and iodophors.

The girl was afraid of pain, so she couldn't help crying.

"Xiaoman, it's okay, it's okay, just bear with it."

The girl's best friend saw that she was crying so badly, she couldn't help putting both weapons in her hands on the ground, and then came forward to comfort her.


At this moment, a few meters in front of the crying girl, there was a petite girl who was pinned to the ground by three members of the city guard.

The petite girl kept twitching on the ground, and a strange low growl came out of her throat.

Sounds pretty scary.

The tall slender girl heard the petite girl's low growl, which made her cry even louder.

"What's going on here?"

Jiang Xiaogu frowned as he looked at everything in front of him.

When Lu Li saw it, he also felt weird.

Because looking at the injury on the part where the girl was bitten was too scary.

It's almost like gnawing away the other's flesh and blood!

How much hatred can the two have to be so cruel?

At this time, I heard the onlookers talking about the students:

"Another crazy one."

"This is already the second one."

"It is said that the two girls were good girlfriends, right? How come their personalities have changed drastically after sleeping?"

"Like the boy just now."

"Look, she's being held down and still so fierce."

"And the girl's arm was bitten, so scary."

The students were apprehensive.

Looking at the classmates who are closest to him, they all have lingering fears.

I listened to the people around me.

Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but look at each other.

Then he looked at the petite **** the ground, saw her struggling on the ground, and let out bursts of low roars.

That appearance, as if not a normal person, but a beast with only the desire to attack!

"What happened? Why did you suddenly go mad?"

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but wonder.

Lu Li was also not very clear about the specific situation.

However, he could feel a very strong Yin Qi from the petite girl who was pressed to the ground.

Her body was filled with purple yin qi, which spread out along all her blood vessels.

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but guess: "Maybe it has something to do with the Yin Qi here."

"It has something to do with Yin Qi?"

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but be surprised.

"I'm just guessing, let's see first."

Having said that, Lu Li began to glance at the crowd, and soon saw Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu who were also watching.

He reached out and waved at them.

Then he stepped forward and met with Jiang Xu and the others.

"Lao Jiang, what's the situation here?"

Lu Li asked involuntarily.

"Don't you know?"

Jiang Xu said: "Another person went mad. The situation was similar to that of the previous man. He was sleeping in the square. After waking up, he suddenly shot at the people around him."

"However, the man just scratched a few students with his fingernails. This time, this one is even more vicious, and he still used bites! That girl is also unlucky, and the wound hurts to look at."

Jiang Xu said, and couldn't help but tut.

Chen Siyu also nodded and said, "Some people said that these two people were like this because they had ingested too much yin qi, but they didn't take the anti-cold pills in time to disperse them."

Jiang Xu also nodded his head as if pounding garlic, and said, "That's right, these two seem to have sold the anti-cold pills to those students from well-off families this morning."

"Is that so?"

Lu Li couldn't help but fell into thought.

When he looked at the petite girl just now, he had some guesses.

Now, it seems that his guess is correct.

These purple yin qi will not only precipitate in the human body, but also make people lose their minds and attack people when they see them.

But before, after ingesting a lot of yin qi, people swallowed the anti-cold pill to disperse yin qi in time.

Only these two students, who were not afraid of death, sold their cold protection pills to others, thinking that they would freeze and pass.

Ultimately harming others.

"Well, but, this is just everyone's guess. What exactly is the situation, we will wait for the results of the investigation of the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard."

Jiang Xu said.

I saw a few Lingmeng staff dressed in special dresses coming in a medical car.

After they got out of the car, they directly used the needle to take out a bottle of medicine.

After it was installed, it was inserted into the neck of the petite girl.

The liquid medicine was injected, and the petite girls slowly stopped making noise.

Finally fell asleep.

After the girl fell asleep, they took out the stretcher, put the **** the stretcher and took it away.

The Lingmeng warriors also dispersed the students who were watching the scene for them.

And he said to the students: "From now on, students can't sell the anti-cold pills in their hands. The anti-cold pills are related to the life and health of themselves and others. If there is any non-compliance, after it is discovered, those who buy pills and sell pills, All are regarded as giving up the qualification to cultivate in the cultivation area."

Hearing this, the students couldn't help but look at each other in dismay, and there was a lot of discussion.

Now the Lingmeng people don't mean to blame those students who have already bought and sold the anti-cold pills, but all the students know that they just don't mention it for the time being.

If this happens again.

I'm afraid they will all have to be disqualified.

They all felt threatened.

The city guards also stood up and spoke.

The members of the City Guard are basically from military academies, and their words are far less polite than the warriors of the Spirit Alliance: "You people sleeping on the street with sleeping bags, are there no beds in the dormitory for you to sleep in? So many people look at you, Can you sleep? Put the sleeping bag back for me, and go back to the dormitory if you want to sleep, do you understand?"


The tone of the city guards reminded the students of the scene when they were trained by the military when they first entered high school.

One by one shouted loudly.

Then they started to pack their things and put their sleeping bags.

The students are not in the mood to sleep outside anymore. After all, no one knows if the people around them will suddenly go mad when they fall asleep.

That tall slender girl is an example.

If it wasn't her arm that was bitten, but her throat, it would have ended differently.

For the sake of safety, all the students silently abide by the new rules formulated by the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard.

Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu also brought their sleeping bags and took them back to their rooms.

Jiang Xiaogu also said that he had just made a breakthrough and needed to adjust well, so he was not suitable for continuing to practice.

In addition, Jiang Xiaogu also gave Lu Li two bottles of medicinal herbs and a bottle of nutrient solution.

"Well, for you."

"what is this?"

Lu Li glanced at the small words written on the two medicine bottles: "Ningling Pill, Psychic Pill?"

"Well, after taking this condensing pill, you can get a lot of spiritual power in a short period of time, and you can eat it when you break through. And this psychic pill is a pill to help you break through to 1000 points, and this barrier-breaking nutrient solution is also Same."

Jiang Xiaogu explained to Lu Li and said with a smile: "Originally, I planned to take it before breaking through, but I didn't know what happened just now. After cultivating, I lost control and entered a breakthrough state. , fortunately, I succeeded because you helped me. Then these medicinal pills have no effect on me, so I gave them to you. "

"So... well, then I'll take it."

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Li was not polite, and accepted the two bottles of medicinal herbs and a bottle of nutrient solution.

I also need to break through in the future.


Lu Li had a hunch that Jiang Xiaogu's talent was so high and his breakthrough was so difficult. With his own talent, when he made a breakthrough, it would be even more difficult.

These medicines must be prepared sooner or later.

As for taking advantage of Jiang Xiaogu or not.

Lu Li felt that he had taken advantage of her for so long, not bad this time.

It is still soft and fragrant to eat.

Now that there is still about half an hour before dinner in the cafeteria, Jiang Xiaogu plans to go back to the dormitory room and put his things down.

Lu Li sent her back.

The two came to Building 2 together.

Originally wanted to take Jiang Xiaogu to the elevator, and then waited for her downstairs.

As a result, Jiang Xiaogu suddenly asked Lu Li very charmingly, "Would you like to come and take a look in my room?"

Hearing this, Lu Li was startled.

Generally speaking, when Jiang Xiaogu takes the initiative to say such ambiguous words, there is a high probability that he is amusing himself.

Lu Li had already seen through Jiang Xiaogu.

"Oh, woman. Go."

Saying that, I want to press the elevator.

"Don't take the elevator, take the stairs."

Jiang Xiaogu said.


Lu Li was puzzled.

Jiang Xiaogu patted the backpack behind him and said, "This is not very convenient to take the elevator."

"Is it heavy?"

Lu Li couldn't help looking at Jiang Xiaogu's backpack, and remembered the weight of UU reading when Jiang Xiaogu took it lightly this morning.

Jiang Xiaogu shook his backpack and asked Lu Li, "Want to try it?"

"Try it."

As Lu Li said that, he reached out to pick up Jiang Xiaogu's backpack.

As a result, before Jiang Xiaogu could untie the backpack, Lu Li felt that the heavy sword in the backpack was extremely heavy!

Lu Li needed a lot of strength to lift it up!

Lu Li couldn't help but be surprised.

"It's a little heavy!"

Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but be surprised when Lu Li brought it up so easily: "Is it just a little heavy?"

It stands to reason that Lu Li only has a spiritual power index of more than 700 points.

This kind of strength, although it can be raised, should feel very heavy.

However, although Lu Li's face was surprised, he didn't seem to be struggling too much.

"Alright, do you hop around with such a heavy thing on your back every day?"

It was hard for Lu Li to imagine that Jiang Xiaogu was so calm and indifferent when he usually walked, but he was carrying such a heavy thing on his back!

"I'm used to it. I have to run up and down the mountain with this sword on my back every day. This is the daily task given to me by Master."

Jiang Xiaogu smiled.

Although Jiang Xiaogu said it indifferently, Lu Li could still hear the bitterness behind it.

The image of Master Jiang Xiaogu gradually has the outline of a "strict teacher".

Jiang Xiaogu took off his backpack and let Lu Li carry it on his back, saying, "I'll let you feel it."

With Lu Li on his back, he only felt an incomparably heavy feeling.

This heavy sword probably weighs more than 2,000 kilograms, right?

However, this backpack shocked Lu Li more than the weight of the sword surprised Lu Li.

Because this backpack can withstand such a weight without any signs of damage.

Obviously the materials used are not extraordinary.

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