My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 130: 【Lingmeng idea】

Chapter 130 [Spiritual Alliance Concept]


Lu Li turned around in confusion and looked at Ren Xingfeng.

Jiang Xiaogu and others couldn't help but look back.

Ren Xingfeng just nodded, and then said to Jiang Xiaogu and the others, "You three can go."

"Minister Ren, is there any problem?"

Seeing that Ren Xingfeng wanted Lu Li to stay, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but ask with a frown.

Jiang Xiaogu noticed just now that Lu Li made a small gesture when they were not paying attention.

She didn't know what Lu Li did, but at this time Ren Xingfeng suddenly appeared and left Lu Li alone, most likely because she noticed Lu Li's movements.

She was afraid that Ren Xingfeng would be detrimental to Lu Li.

When Ren Xingfeng saw Jiang Xiaogu's reaction, he couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Then he glanced at Lu Li and couldn't help but suddenly smiled, and said, "Don't worry, I just asked him a few questions."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but look at Lu Li.

Lu Li didn't know what Ren Xingfeng was going to say to him, but he knew that Ren Xingfeng had a gentle personality, and there was no reason for him to act unfavorably.

Then he nodded and said to Jiang Xiaogu and the others, "You go to the bridge first, I'll be here soon."

"Then...then be careful yourself."

Lu Li said so, and Jiang Xiaogu didn't know what to say.

You can only leave first with Ye Ming and the others.

Looking at Jiang Xiaogu and the others walking into the fog.

Ren Xingfeng couldn't help turning his head to Lu Li with a meaningful smile: "It seems that the apprentice of Pavilion Master Cheng cares about you very much..."


Hearing this, Lu Li was slightly shy and said, "It's okay."

Jiang Xiaogu stood up and spoke for himself immediately, and Lu Li naturally saw it in his eyes.

However, it was the first time that Lu Li heard Master Jiang Xiaogu's surname.

The surname is Cheng, and he is also the pavilion owner of Fengxiao Pavilion.

Although Lu Li didn't know what kind of organization Fengxiaoge was, he thought that being able to cultivate such a powerful apprentice as Jiang Xiaogu would naturally not be weak.

"If you can be seen by Pavilion Master Cheng and accepted as a closed disciple, you will definitely have a bright future in the future."

Ren Xingfeng's tone was full of respect for Pavilion Master Cheng, which made Lu Li even more curious about what kind of person Jiang Xiaogu's master was.

Ren Xingfeng looked at Lu Li and said with a smile, "I have already heard Captain Xia tell you about your killing of Yaoyi and exposing Yaoyi's dens. After the Yaoyi disturbance passes, the Lingmeng and the City Guard will definitely reward you. ."

Hearing this, Lu Li just smiled lightly: "I'm just protecting myself."

Ren Xingfeng also nodded and smiled: "In any case, it's also a good thing for the people that you eradicate the monster. We will not treat you badly. If you have any requirements, you can ask me or Captain Xia at any time. The alliance will try to satisfy you."

"I don't have any requirements for the time being."

Lu Li originally wanted to say that if the spirit alliance doesn't want those monster crystals, he can give them to himself.

But think about it, forget it, after saying this, Ren Xingfeng will definitely ask himself what he wants these demon crystals to do.

Although Ren Xingfeng knew the existence of the jade pendant on his body, he did not know the specific function of the jade pendant.

"You can tell me anytime you think about it. By the way..."

Ren Xingfeng seemed to remember something and said, "Captain Xia told me that you went to the Spiritual Union to find me a few days ago? Did you think about it clearly, do you want to join the Spiritual Union?"


Lu Li nodded.

After weighing the pros and cons, only Lingmeng was the most suitable for Lu Li.

The Spirit Alliance has the highest compatibility. After joining the Spirit Alliance, in theory, members of the Spirit Alliance can choose to join other second forces besides the Temple after graduating from university.

However, this also caused Lu Li to have some doubts.

Lu Li said: "However, before I officially join the Spirit Alliance, I have to understand a few things first."

"Want to ask how Lingmeng will train you?"

Ren Xingfeng thought that Lu Li would ask this question. After all, this is also the question that almost all the students with high talent and the newly awakened people are most concerned about before joining the Spirit Alliance.

No one wants to become stronger, and joining any forces is all to make themselves stronger.

So as to achieve a class jump.

However, Lu Li's answer was beyond Ren Xingfeng's expectations.

"It's one of the minor issues, but it's not my main issue."


Ren Xingfeng was surprised.

Then, with an expression of willingness to hear it, he said, "Okay, you ask."

"I'm actually very puzzled. Why does the Lingmeng give unconditional subsidies to all students for their cultivation?"

"If it's just for the purpose of cultivating future high-quality reserve members for the Lingmeng, in fact, like other forces, only select students with high talent to sign contracts first, and then train them. In this way, high-quality reserve members will not be lost."

"Or, do you believe that with the reputation and compatibility of the Spiritual Alliance, most students will be willing to join the Spiritual Alliance?"

This was Lu Li's question all along.

He didn't know what the Lingmeng was planning.

Of course, Lu Li did not have any opinion on the operation mode of Lingmeng. On the contrary, he felt that they were very close to the people. This was also one of the biggest reasons why Lu Li was willing to join Lingmeng.

Therefore, Lu Li believed that since he wanted to join the Spiritual Alliance in the future, he would become a member of the Spiritual Alliance.

At least understand the true operating philosophy of Lingmeng.

"So that's what you wanted to ask."

After Ren Xingfeng heard Lu Li's words, his expression gradually became serious. At the same time, when he looked at Lu Li, his eyes also showed appreciation.

He said: "Lingmeng subsidizes students and provides convenience to the public, not for the purpose of cultivating preparatory members for Lingmeng. Even, whether these students are willing to choose Lingmeng in the end is not something that Lingmeng needs to consider."

Hearing this, Lu Li was stunned.

He subconsciously thought that Ren Xingfeng was lying.

But what Ren Xingfeng said next made Lu Li unable to help but turn serious.

Ren Xingfeng said: "Since the beginning of its establishment, Lingmeng has not existed for its own growth. It is for the sake of all awakened ones and the future of all mankind!"

"You were born in a safe and prosperous environment since you were young, but you must remember that such an environment was not given to you by God. It was created by countless human pioneers with blood and will."

"In this world that has undergone great changes, the journey of mankind is far from reaching the end; the so-called safe zone is not absolute safety; if human beings want to truly gain a foothold in this changing and turbulent new world, they need to be more fearless. The living and the dead stand up."

"So Lingmeng will not interfere with the choices of spiritual practitioners. But when danger inevitably comes, what Lingmen can do is to give more people an environment to grow up and give them weapons to protect themselves."

"This is the concept and original intention of several founders when they founded Lingmeng, as well as now and in the future."

Ren Xingfeng spoke to Lu Li in a serious tone.

Between the words, that unquestionable sense of belief.

Lu Li just listened, and his heart couldn't help surging with enthusiasm.

It seems that I really saw the scene of countless ancestors resisting spirit beasts and aliens outside the Infinite Great Wall, sacrificing their lives to protect the fire of mankind.

Ren Xingfeng also said at this time: "If you really make up your mind to join the Lingmeng, these will also be required courses for you. After that, whether you choose to stay in the Lingmeng to do things or join other forces, seek more diversity. Spiritual alliance will respect your choice. But no matter how you choose, I hope this concept will always be planted in your heart.”

"I see."

After hearing all this, Lu Li also nodded with a serious expression.

Although he still hadn't really understood the weight of Ren Xingfeng's words, Lu Li was more certain in his heart that his choice was correct.

The Spirit Alliance is the most worthy force to join.

"Do you still have any questions?"

Ren Xingfeng also continued to ask at this time.

Lu Li shook his head, he had no problem.

He understands that no matter what force he joins, the benefits are all his own.

So this was his only problem, Lu Li said with a serious expression: "I have no problem. Minister, I want to join the Spirit Alliance!"

Ren Xingfeng looked at Lu Li's serious eyes, and returned to a peaceful smile. He nodded and said, "Okay, after you leave here, I will let someone find you."


Lu Li nodded.

Then, Ren Xingfeng began to briefly talk to Lu Li about Lingmeng's "Awakened Plan".

The Spirit Alliance will arrange mentors for all newly awakened people.

And there are captain-level warriors who are specially responsible for newly awakened people, teach students to practice, and master their own abilities to fight.

In addition, you can also use the special training room of Lingmeng, and there will be additional training subsidies every month.

Ren Xingfeng also said: "There are three Awakened people in your school who have joined the Spirit Alliance, you can also communicate with them to understand the situation. However, I heard that you beat up a power system Awakened person in your school yesterday. for a while."


Hearing this, Lu Li was slightly embarrassed.

Of course he knew that Ren Xingfeng was referring to Wu Shichao.

Lu Li shrugged slightly and said, "I'm not the kind of person who likes to pick things I know."

Ren Xingfeng just nodded and smiled and said: "I also know the situation of the awakened person, his cultivation method is quite special, and the captain in charge of him has already reported it to me. This matter is that he was wrong in the first place, and the Lingmeng will also Give him the punishment he deserves."

Ren Xingfeng said and asked, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Lu Li shook his head: "No more for now."

"Well, then go back. Your three friends are still waiting for you not far ahead."

Ren Xingfeng pointed to the place where the weapon was shrouded in front.

Lu Li's eyes could see far away in the environment surrounded by weapons, and he could see that there were indeed three vague figures in the distance.


Saying goodbye to Ren Xingfeng.

Then trot away in the direction of the bridge.

Ren Xingfeng looked at the figure of Lu Li gradually receding.

He also reached out and pressed the button on one of the in-ear headphones in his ear, and said, "I don't have a situation here."

"I saw it all, but the student who is talking to you seems to be facing the teleportation array just now and doing something small in his clothes."

In the headphones, Yang Ming's slightly lazy voice came.

Yang Ming was in the monitoring room at this moment, with Erlang's legs crossed.

In front of him was a split screen of more than 100 surveillance images.

In the room next to him, there are four Spirit Alliance warriors staring at the monitor and scrambling to operate the computer.

Ren Xingfeng said: "There is nothing wrong with him, at least it can't be related to Yaoyi."

"You believe him so much? Okay, I have sent other people to other suspicious points. You can continue to perform your teleportation array recovery operation."

"Well, if there is any situation, let me know at any time."

"To understanding."

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