Chapter 488 The big Elder who vomits blood!

The flames caused by the majestic blast engulfed all the surrounding houses and alarmed the other disciples of Yin & Yang Sect and Elder.

Everyone came to check the situation, and the scene fell into chaos for a while.

Savers have, firefighters have…

But Zhou Wan, the instigator, pretended to be a melon-eater, showing a very surprised look: “What’s the matter? What happened?”

An Elder shook his head and said, “I don’t know, this is where the Son of God lives.”

Zhou Wan was dissatisfied with a cold voice: “What the hell are these saints doing? Our Yin & Yang sect has never been stable. Now that such a big movement is made, are you planning to demolish our Yin & Yang sect’s home?”

Yin & Yang disciples, who were originally dissatisfied with the Son, also complained one after another.

At this moment, another Elder seemed to have thought of something, a light flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice: “You said, could it be the Son who found the ‘Things Beyond the Heaven’?”

Hearing this, everyone except Zhou Wanwan felt reasonable.

Elder discussed with them that the Saint Son definitely had other purposes when he came to the Yin & Yang Sect. Later, the Saint Son was attacked by the “Things of Heaven” to verify their conjecture.

Now that there is such a big movement suddenly, it is hard not to let people think in that direction.

“Look, what’s that?”

At this moment, someone suddenly screamed.

All Elder and Zhou Wan subconsciously looked up and saw a half-human, half-ghost monster crawling out of the house, entangled in flames.

The flame clings to him, like creeping magma.

It can be seen that this half-human and half-ghost guy was seriously injured. While crawling, he roared in pain, just like a ghost crawling out of The Underworld, causing everyone to chill.

“This is……”

Zhou Wan’s eyes widened, and the whole person began to tremble because of his excitement. “‘Things outside the heavens”! This is definitely something outside the heavens!”

He hurriedly shouted to the dumbfounded Elder: “Quick! Catch the aliens!”

Everyone woke up like a dream, and rushed to the monster that crawled out of the flames.

Zhou Wan couldn’t help but laugh, clenched his fists and said excitedly: “Unexpectedly, he would blow up the’Things of Heaven’. If Grandpa knew that I had done a great job, he would be very happy.”

Having said that, he drew his sword abruptly and rushed towards the monster.

In the face of the people who came to encircle and suppress, the big Elder, who almost turned into a monster, almost didn’t vomit blood. He wanted to open his mouth to show his identity, but felt that his throat was blocked by the hot lava, and he could only make two hoarse calls.

And this strange roar made Zhou Wan even more sure that this was something out of heaven.

Almost in an instant, countless Magic Treasures and weapons bombarded away like a violent storm. No one dared to keep their hands.

In desperation, Elder could only resist while trying to break through.

The roar of Magical Item, anger, screams… intertwined with each other, making the former peaceful Yin & Yang sect into chaos.

The battle was fierce. In order to capture the “things outside of the sky”, the Elders, who had conflicts with each other on weekdays, showed unprecedented unity and attacked fiercely.

Zhou Wan even wielded a long sword vigorously.

It’s just that he was a little puzzled in his heart, and he didn’t understand that it was time, why grandpa hadn’t appeared yet.

Zhou Wan didn’t recognize it at all. The monster surrounded by everyone in front of him was the big Elder.

Absurdity and comical are staged in reality at this moment.


On the other side, Chen Mu quietly sneaked into a small courtyard with Wucai Luo.

4. Elder’s residence.

The key given by Wuhualuo made him a little confused, but fortunately there were four Elder tokens on it, so he guessed that the key belongs to the other party.

The shape of the key is a bit peculiar, similar to a meniscus.

There are some fine needle punches on it.

Chen Mu didn’t know which room the key belonged to, so he brought Wu Hua Luo to check it out in person.

At this time, the night wind was quite fierce.

4. The yard where Elder lives is in the west of Yin & Yang Zong.

Although there are few disciples here, it is not as quiet as the bamboo house of the young man, on the contrary, it is extremely noisy.

The sound of the rumbling waterfall makes people’s ears vibrate even more.

Gently break the door open, there are only some simple furniture and supplies in the house, very ordinary.

The only thing that makes people feel inconsistent is a dilapidated marionette toy. Although it is old, it is not covered by dust because of frequent wiping.

In the box next to it, there are several sets of clothes for the little girl.

“This is the daughter of the four Elders?”

Chen Mu roughly guessed, judging from the size of his clothes, he should be about ten years old.


Looking at Wucai Luo, who had picked up half a watermelon and gnawed from nowhere, Chen Mu felt a little helpless: “Can you eat less, I don’t like eating your Big sis fat.”

However, the girl turned a deaf ear to her, her ruddy little mouth was covered with a lot of watermelon seeds, which was as cute as a doll.

“Give me a taste.”

Chen Mu looked a little greedy, and the previous and two Siming exercises were quite exhausting, and he wanted to break a little watermelon to taste.

But as soon as his hand touched the watermelon, he felt a strong killing intent on his face.

It seems that the hair of the girl has become sharp thorns.

Chen Mu hurriedly retracted his hands, and his murderous aura disappeared.

Looking at the cute little girl who is tightly guarding her things, Chen Mu said silently: “I’m your brother-in-law, can’t you taste it? You took the initiative to give the young man a life before.”

Wucai Luo tilted her head, seeing her as air.

Chen Mu sneered: “If you don’t give it to me, then I’ll tell Qingluo, don’t continue to make good food for you in the future.”

Hearing this, Wucai Luo was stunned and fell into entanglement.

After hesitating for a long time, the girl took off a watermelon seed from her lips and put it in Chen Mu’s mouth. Then she held the big watermelon with satisfaction and walked to the side, and ate it comfortably.

Chen Mu: “…”

Well, it seems that getting food from foodies is probably harder than picking stars from the sky.

Chen Mu shook his head and continued to look around.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, no other secret passages or secret rooms were found, and there were no sealed boxes.

“Strange, what exactly does this key open?”

Chen Mu rubbed his chin and looked at the key in his hand, puzzled.

Is it just decorations?

He looked down at the girl who was sitting on the stone bench outside the house and eating melon.

The other party squeezed her lips and ate while looking at the little red fruit next to the waterfall, as if thinking about whether to pick two and try it.

“Really an invincible foodie.”

Chen Mu smiled, and after a joke, he was going to continue to check other rooms to see if there were any clues. But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly fell on the waterfall and squinted his eyes slightly.

“I don’t know if there is any space behind this waterfall…”

After turning his mind, Chen Mu suddenly kicked the stone under his feet towards the waterfall. As the water splashed out, the stone disappeared.

There is a play!

Chen Mu’s eyes lit up and he flew towards the waterfall.

As he approached the waterfall, he waved his hand and used Spirit Power to split the waterfall into a wide slit, and got into the waterfall. Wucai Luo also followed behind holding the watermelon and picked two fruits in his hand.

The little girl took a bite, and then immediately vomited.

It’s sour and astringent, it’s too unpalatable.

After entering the waterfall, Chen Mu saw a small house built of special iron and stone, filled with gloomy atmosphere.

Chen Mu took out the key and opened the door of the house after trying.

As the heavy iron stone door was opened, what was greeted was a corpse sealed in a special ice coffin.

The body is a girl about ten years old.

Not surprisingly, this should be the daughter of Four Elder.

Chen Mu stepped forward to observe and found that the girl seemed to be just supported by an empty skin, and there were no visceral Meridians and so on.

“How could it be like this?”

The weird corpse made Chen Mu shudder.

He turned his gaze to a Jade Slip next to it. Judging from the texture, it recorded some messages.

On the other side of Jade Slip, there is a fragmented manual.

“Exorcism Book?”

Chen Mu picked up the broken page Manual and barely recognized the writing on it.

When I opened the first few pages, although the font was somewhat vague, after careful identification and reading, a turbulent wave was set off in Chen Mu’s heart.

The content is probably: the manufacturing method of the demon fetus.

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