Chapter 489 The mystery is revealed!

Demon fetus! ?

Chen Mu didn’t expect to see the familiar name again here, and couldn’t help being a little surprised.

After experiencing the Wuchen Village incident, several mysteries have not been solved, the most important of which is how the demon fetus came.

In order to avoid being chased by the Demon Slayer, the lizard spirit and the black old demon placed the beads of the demon fetus in Meng Yanqing’s abdomen, allowing Meng Yanqing to successfully conceive the demon.

After that, the second master of Guanshanyuan made trouble from it, and Meng Yanqing experienced two incidents of birthing demons.

Although in the end Xiao Xuan’er became a normal child under the influence of Meng Yanqing’s maternal love, no one knew how the demon fetus appeared, and it became an unsolved case.

Unexpectedly, I discovered how to make a demon fetus here.

This made Chen Mu feel very surprised and shocked.

As one of the ten dark evil creatures of the Xuantian Continent, the demon fetus was first made by the Sky Puppet Master using the Killing Intent of the Dead Infant, and was later improved by the Gu Cult and refined into an evil creature with strong magical power.

The refining conditions and process are extremely harsh and long.

Therefore, in order to successfully refine the demon fetus, in addition to satisfying all the conditions, the refiner must also be super strong.

“Is the demon fetus implicated in Yin & Yang sect?”

Chen Mu kept forming clues in his mind, and a terrible thought climbed up from the bottom of his heart.

He lowered his head and continued to look at the broken “Exorcism Book” in his hand. As the reading progressed, the expression on his face gradually became strange.

“I see.”

After a long time, a gleam of light emerged from Chen Mu’s eyes, condensing into a scorching light.

According to the fragmentary records in the “Exorcism Book”, after the demonic nature of the demonic fetus is removed, it can be refined into a demon spirit.

This is a relatively simple method.

Before that, Chen Mu had discovered the record of the devil’s fetus in Tianjun’s room.

Demon fetus and demon are different.

The demon fetus is a purer evil thing than the devil. It has three souls and six souls. It is contaminated with demon nature at birth, but it can only live to eighteen years old.

If you want the magic tire to have a longer lifespan, it must be completely stripped of its magical nature.

But this is almost impossible!

Because the demon fetus itself is a living person, the demon nature is only a part of the remnant soul on its body. If the demon nature is removed, it is equivalent to killing the remnant soul and directly killing it.

Unless there is a way to replenish the remnant soul, and let the demon nature that was stripped out to survive alone.

In addition, once the devil dies, it is necessary to find a person who matches the fate of Five Elements and sacrifice it in order to continue the life of the devil’s fetus.

At that time, Chen Mu couldn’t figure out why there was a text recording such things in Tianjun’s room. At this moment, he saw the affairs in front of him and probably had some understanding.

In other words, some people created demons in order to get rid of the demonic nature of the demonic fetus.

Who is this person?

Chen Mu’s gaze fell on a bloody handprint next to him.

Although it is a blood handprint, it is not actually blood, but a handprint outlined with red sand seal.

The figure is obviously simple, but it seems to contain countless emotions…suffering, anger, self-blame, and guilt.

Chen Mu looked at the bloody handprint and slowly put his own palm up, a piercing red light suddenly bloomed, and countless messages flooded into his mind, seeming to be someone’s memory.

In the memory, a man sacrificed his biological daughter in order to cultivate the supreme Cultivation Technique.

And this man is the four Elders.

“That is to say, a demon fetus was born 21 years ago. In order to get rid of the demon nature from her, Tianjun separated the demon nature and refined it into a “demon fetus”, allowing both parties to coexist.”

Chen Mu frowned, “Unexpectedly, the death of the devil twelve years later will also affect the devil’s fetus. In order to extend the life of the devil’s fetus, Tianjun found a girl of the same age and the same life style as Five Elements. Sacrifice it, and this girl is the daughter of the four Elders.”

After Chen Mu took out a small book and sorted out the clues he knew one by one, all the events were gradually combined and the dusty mystery was revealed.

He muttered to himself: “If the guess is correct, the magic fetus born 21 years ago should be Tianjun’s daughter.”

So the course of the matter is now very clear:

Twenty-one years ago, Tianjun’s daughter was born, but it was a magic fetus.

In order to get rid of the demonic nature of her daughter and make her a normal person, Tianjun used the method in the “Exorcism Book” to strip the demonic nature and refine it into a demon fetus.

However, the demon fetus did not know why, it was obtained by the lizard spirits and placed in Meng Yanqing’s body.

After the demon was born, he was secretly exchanged by the second master of Guanshanyuan and placed in Wuchen Village.

As a result, twelve years later, the demon who had grown into a twelve-year-old girl was sacrificed by the villagers, leading to Blacken, and there was a fire in the Wuchen Village.

In order to restrain the demon, the second master put it into Meng Yanqing’s body and gave birth to Xiao Xuan’er.

And because of the actions of the second master, the daughter of Tianjun could not sense the demon, so life began to dry up. In order to extend her life, Tianjun sacrificed the daughter of the four Elders.

But offering sacrifices is not enough, you must use the power of your own blood to repair your daughter’s broken soul.

According to this inference, Tianjun Death nine years ago was entirely to save his daughter and “send” his own broken soul into his daughter’s body.

“Understood… Everything is understood… It is very similar to my previous guess, I didn’t expect the truth to be like this.”

Chen Mu rubbed his eyebrows and sat on the chair next to him with a complicated expression.

He took out a deed of sale from the storage space.

This is the sales contract of the brothel girl named Yunmeng, and Tianjun will not hide this thing in his own residence for no reason.

What is the relationship between this brothel girl named Yunmeng and Tianjun?

One has a low status and the other has a noble status.

What is the intersection between the two?

Chen Mu slowly fumbled along the edge of the deed, and suddenly he touched a thin hard thread, took it apart, and slid down a thin sheet of paper.

It turned out that there was a mezzanine in the deed, which was deliberately sewn in.

Chen Mu opened the yellowed thin paper, and after seeing the content on it, he had an expression that did not surprise me.

It was Yunmeng’s words that missed her lover.

That woman named Yunmeng was also infatuated, and she still remembered it after being abandoned.

“In the “Yin & Yang Tianyu” given by the ancestor, there is a Cultivation Technique. If the cultivation fails, you will be backlashed, unless you use the pure Yin female body to adjust it in time…”

While thinking, Chen Mu looked through the daily records of Tianjun.

He soon discovered that, 22 years ago, Tianjun had been to Hansong County, Yunzhou, and that was exactly where Yun Meng was at that time.

“The person Tianjun really admires is Xu Tong’er, and the person who admires him is Lan Xiaowan. It is this woman named Yunmeng who has really had a relationship…”

Chen Mu let out a suffocating breath, smiled and shook his head. “You can’t love, but you don’t love… I didn’t expect that the relationship history of the dignified Lord Tianjun would be so twisted and bloody. Sure enough, people are humans, with seven emotions and six desires.”

The only question now is, who is the woman who pretended to be Tianjun for the past nine years?

Or, she is the successor appointed by Tianjun.

Either, she was intimidated by Tianjun with some kind of handle, and she must help disguise.

Chen Mu scanned the record book like a scanner, and finally fixed his gaze on three words——

Valley of Destiny!


Thinking about the tower, murderous awe-inspiring.

The Saint Child who forcibly broke the outer protective barrier, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Yun Zhiyue and Shao Siming in the room, and said with a smile: “Tonight is really not a peaceful night.”

“Looking at how embarrassed you are, it’s really not peaceful.”

Yun Zhiyue said coldly.

While trying to delay the time waiting for Chen Mu’s arrival, she worked hard to gather the Spirit Power in her body, preparing to take a fight with the young man.

During this period of cultivation with Chen Mu, she has gained a lot of Cultivation Base Ascension.

At least it’s okay to have a few tricks with Shengzi.

But looking at the Killing intent in Shengzi’s eyes, this guy seemed to be ready to tear his skin.

“The poor monk begs again.”

Shengzi’s white and handsome cheeks were slightly raised, and a sharp dim light was sprinkled in the candlelight, and he whispered. “Dual cultivation with me, my Esoteric Buddhism fully supports you to become Yin & Yang Zong Tianjun!”

“Do you like dreaming a lot on weekdays?”

Yun Zhiyue sneered.

The holy son sighed, and slowly closed his hands together, and his whole body fainted with golden rays of light, like a holy Buddha coming: “If this is the case, the poor monk can only be offended.”

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