Chapter 487 Good grandson!

Zhou Wan considers himself a love sage.

From the first time he saw Shao Siming, he fell in love with this girl and was willing to dedicate everything to her.

It is a pity that the long-term pursuit did not make any difference.

In the end, he thought that such a woman would never be tempted by men in her life, nor could she be possessed by men.

So he put his admiration on Wucai Luo again.

Although grandfather warned him several times, this silly girl was actually very scheming, don’t provoke it.

There is no way to say about loveliness.

With his own status as the grandson of Yin & Yang, the grandson of Elder, perhaps he can really achieve a marriage and embrace a beautiful woman.

So when the son “bullyed” Wucai Luo, he was extremely angry.

Even if you can’t beat the son, you still have to find some face for the own woman, and teach the other side a lesson.

Maybe this way, I can win a bit of goodwill from the beautiful woman.

It was nightfall, the moon was dark and the wind was high.

Two Yin & Yang sect disciples stepped on the moonlight, tiptoed to a rockery, and walked in front of Zhou Wan in the shadow.

One of them whispered: “Big brother, Shocking Thunder has been buried.”

Zhou Wan nodded in satisfaction, a cold smile evoked from the corner of his mouth, and asked, “I didn’t disturb them.”

The disciple shook his head hurriedly: “No, we buried the Shocking Thunder underneath through a secret tunnel.”

“That’s good, you go back first.”

Zhou Wan took out the rune used to control the thunder and explosion, and said lightly.

Another disciple hesitated for a while, somewhat worried: “Big Brother, will something happen? If Elder knows this, I’m afraid…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it if something goes wrong.”

Zhou Wan said impatiently.

Seeing that the big brother had made up his mind, the two disciples couldn’t continue to persuade them, so they left here.

“Smelly monk, see if you dare to be arrogant.”

Zhou Wan clenched the magic talisman, his bright eyes shot out a sarcasm of cold light, and he turned and headed towards the guest room.


The candle flames in the room flickered with melancholy light, pulling the figure of the Son on the wall longer.

It has been four hours since King Bozang left, and the other party has not returned yet, and the uneasy emotions have begun to envelope in the hut, and the brows of the Saint Child are always locked.

“Holy Son, he… will nothing happen to him, right.”

The middle-aged fan monk, who was an entourage, began to worry.

Shengzi silently turned the Buddha beads in his hand, looked out the window, his tone was as calm as a wrinkled pool: “With the Cultivation Base of the King of Dharma, it is currently difficult for anyone in the Yin & Yang clan to hurt him.”

The middle-aged fan monk’s eyes flickered: “Then the Dharma King hasn’t been here for so long, will he find the’Things Outside the Heaven’?”

Shengzi nodded slightly: “It’s possible.”

The middle-aged Fan Seng smiled and said, “If this’thing outside of the sky’ is acquired by my tantric school, coupled with the command of the chief, this trip to Yin & Yang sect will be considered worthwhile.”

Shengzi looked at the cold tea on the table without speaking.

He thought of Da Si Ming again.

This time he came to the Yin & Yang sect. He thought it would be easy to move the Da Si Ming to cooperate with his cultivation Cultivation Technique. After all, without his help, Da Si Ming would most likely die in the Yin & Yang sect.

Unexpectedly, the woman left no room for compromise.

For the beloved man, he didn’t even want his life, which made Shengzi unexpected, and his heart was quite depressed.

But in any case, he must get that woman.

There are many women in the world that are more beautiful than Yun Zhiyue, but if you want to find such a perfect body, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In addition, Yun Zhiyue is the practice of Yin & Yang technique, which is the most perfect as Human Cauldron.

Now, as long as he waits until the “Things Outside the Heaven” is obtained by the King Bo Zang, he will forcibly take Yun Zhiyue away and leave the Yin & Yang sect.


The rosary in his hand suddenly fell down without warning.

Shengzi was stunned.

His face gradually became difficult to look at, his palms were shaking slightly, and an unbelievable expression appeared in his eyes.

“What’s the matter, Saint Son?”

The middle-aged fan monk who noticed the abnormality asked questioningly.

The son picked up a Buddhist bead on the table, and the sad blood enveloped the beads, exuding a dark light representing the meaning of fall, and projected it in the eyes of the son of Prajna Star.

“The Fall of Life Orb… how could this be?”

Shengzi murmured to himself, and his body trembled uncontrollably. He clenched the Buddha beads tightly and pressed it against his eyebrows.

The middle-aged fan monk next to him was taken aback.

The fall of the Life Orb means that the King Bo Zang is very likely to encounter an accident!

How can this be!

Now that Yin & Yang Zongtianjun is not there, and the power of the chief commander is no longer in the past, who can kill the Dharma King Bo Zang.


Without hesitation, Shengzi suddenly got up and walked out.

The middle-aged fan monk hurriedly followed behind.

But when he saw Saint Son heading towards the tower, he was puzzled: “Holy Son, are we going to find King Bo Zang?”

The holy son walked fast, his handsome face was rather gloomy at the moment, and said, “Go catch the commander’s life.”

“The Lord Nabuzang——”

“He is dead!”


Although he was mentally prepared, the fan monk was still shocked when he heard the news of King Death.

“The Yin & Yang Zong definitely has masters in it.”

Shengzi spit out his breath, coldly said. “It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. We will leave if we arrest the chief commander. The’Things Beyond Heaven’ will be ignored for the time being.”

What the middle-aged fan monk wanted to say, but seeing the persistent gaze of the holy son, he stopped asking questions.

Soon after Shengzi and their front feet left, a strong Killing intent suddenly descended on the small courtyard.

As the door broke open, the influx of black mist gradually turned into a human form.

It is the big Elder who has become half human and half ghost.

At this time, the black lines on Elder’s face became more and more obvious, and the lines filled the whole body like hair. The left shoulder was connected to the body and was occupied by black objects, constantly squirming like a heart.

“Huh? What about people?”

After looking around, I didn’t see the Saints and the others, and there was some doubt in the dark pupils of the big Elder.

The tea on the table is still there, indicating that it has just left.

He looked down at the Buddhist beads on the ground, picked up one casually and looked at it, then crushed it into powder.

“Did you run…”

Big Elder sneered. “It’s better than the old man imagined, and he can perceive the danger ahead of time. But now the Yin & Yang sect is closed, where can you go.”

After speaking, he was going to pursue the Saint Son.

However, at this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly rushed into my heart, and countless thin black lines emerged from the “things out of heaven” on his body, boiling like boiling water.

Without waiting for him to think about it, the ground suddenly rises.


Dust is flying, rocks are splashing!

The terrifying explosion caused a huge wave to all the surrounding houses, the ground also shattered three layers, and the air was cut into a sneer that was particularly harsh.

The whole terrain trembled violently, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

The fiery waves of fire engulfed the house in a flash, turning the murals of tables and chairs into fly ashes, just like the fire of The Underworld, with the breath of Death.

Not far away, Zhou Wan threw the crushed talisman seal on the ground.

He looked at the house surrounded by the Killing Intent, with a grinning smile on his face: “You bastard, even if you don’t die!”

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