Chapter 436 The Inexplicable Young Commander’s Life!

The purple-haired girl floated down at the end of the cabin.

The exquisite purple and white dress shows a slender figure, like a quiet and beautiful rose flower, isolated from the world.

Under the hem of the gorgeous skirt, those calves wrapped in silk are curvy, smooth as water.

If it were to be replaced by the previous one, Chen Mu would definitely molested him.

But at this moment, when he was concerned about Yun Zhiyue, after seeing the young man, his face was immediately happy, and he got up and walked towards the other party: “You are here just right, tell me what is going on. What about Zhiyue? What is it now? That’s it…”

Before the man walked in front of the opponent, Shao Siming gently raised his slender jade finger and swept it away like a spring breeze.

A thick barrier stood in front of the man in an instant.

Obviously, she doesn’t like others being too close to her.

Even if there were some slightly ambiguous actions with Chen Mu before, he still regarded him as a stranger.

Chen Mu couldn’t move forward, so he stepped back and asked, “Where is Zhiyue? How is she?”

Shao Si Ming remained silent as usual.

She took out a letter, turned her crystal-like jade wrist slightly, and saw the envelope lightly falling in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu frowned and opened the envelope.

There is only one flower in the envelope.

The color of the flower is gold, carved from gold, and the workmanship is extremely exquisite. There are seven petals in detail, which are in a half bloom state.

On each petal, a Calabash-shaped pattern is carved.

The magic is that the seven-petal golden flower is still engraved in the pattern, and the petals are still engraved with the Calabash pattern.

It shows that the sculptor’s skill and skill are profound.

“what is this?”

Chen Mu was at a loss.

The young man under the thin purple veil did not speak, but looked at him quietly, his beautiful eyes like a clear lake.

Chen Mu was speechless, and handed over the notebook: “If it is dumb, can you write down what happened to me and what is your purpose for looking for me?”

However, the latter still stared at him calmly.

Neither speak nor write.

Chen Mu reluctantly patted his forehead, and didn’t bother to say sarcasm.

But soon his heart moved suddenly, as if he understood something, he stared at the other party with scorching eyes and asked, “Is this golden flower left at the scene of the crime?”

The girl tapped her head.

Chen Mu heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked: “Did the murderer leave it on purpose?”

Shao Si Ming shook his head.

Chen Mu suddenly said, “That is what you discovered accidentally. In other words, this seven-petal golden flower is the only clue that the murderer accidentally stayed on the scene.”

Seeing the other party’s silence, Chen Mu understood that own guess was correct.

So he asked again: “Did Tianjun die?”

The girl nodded.

Chen Mu took a breath.

Although he had accepted this shocking fact, the man still sighed with the certainty from the young man.

Such a mythical character fell without warning.

“Zhiyue was wronged?”

Chen Mu looked at the attractive girl and spoke tentatively.

But Shao Siming shook his head, took out a cracked small sword from the storage bracelet, and handed it to Chen Mu.

The man recognized at a glance that this little sword was the Destiny Sword that Zhiyue carried with him!

The sword body has obvious cracks and is almost broken.

Seeing the blood on the tip of the sword, Chen Mu’s heart gradually sank again.

He carefully looked at the Destiny Sword, and sensed that the Spirit Power in the sword body was all depleted, and it was now just a handful of ordinary scrap iron.

If you know that the Destiny Sword is damaged, you will also be hit hard.

It can be seen how bad Yun Zhiyue is now.

“So, Tianjun died under this sword?” Chen Mu’s tone was full of sarcasm. “Do you believe it? Anyway, I think it’s very nonsense. Tianjun’s strength, I guess you can’t beat ten of them together, let alone Zhiyue.”

Shao Si Ming remained silent.

The gentle breeze flicked the delicate ripples of the folds of the river, and at the same time it moved the hem of the girl’s skirt.

The long purple hair dances with the wind, and the temperament is cool and beautiful.

Chen Mu was about to say something, but the girl suddenly stepped on her feet and came to him, and then slowly pressed her jade hand to the man’s chest…

Chen Mu looked at her behavior and was puzzled by what the other party was going to do.

However, the next moment, a majestic Spirit Power struck, Chen Mu felt a sharp pain in his chest before he could react, and he flew back.

Then he lost consciousness.

When Chen Mu woke up, he found himself curled up in the corner of the cabin by the big five flowers.

He was the only one in the cabin.

He tried to run the Spirit Power to break the rope, but found that his own skill was blocked, even if he displayed something from the outside world, he couldn’t break the rope away.

The rope is a nearly translucent Demonic Beasts soft tendon, with rune wrapped around it, like a bundle of fairy ropes.

Chen Mu tossed for a long time, breathlessly cursed: “This young man is sick, and kidnapped me somehow. Could the murder of Tianjun have something to do with her?”

The man speculated maliciously.

The other party came suddenly, and now tied him again, obviously not wanting him to go to Yin & Yang to investigate the case.

This little girl looked innocent and moving on the surface, but her heart was so dark.

While spitting secretly, the young man suddenly entered the cabin.

She did not pay attention to Chen Mu, but sat at the table for herself, carefully placing some porcelain jars in front of her, her clear eyes stained with persistence and madness.

I don’t know what’s in these porcelain jars, but they are sealed by magic charms.

“Smelly girl, is your brain sick, what do you tie me to!”

Chen Mu asked coldly.

But Shao Siming didn’t pay attention to his intentions at all. He opened the sealed porcelain jars one by one, and then selected a few liquids, mixed them and poured them into the porcelain cup next to them for stirring.

On the side of the table, there is also an ancient book.

While looking at the instructions on the ancient books, Shao Siming carefully prepared the medicine.

This strange scene inexplicably made Chen Mu feel cold.

It always feels like this girl is transformed into a Devil in the laboratory, preparing poison, and he is a test product.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

After Chen Mu struggled to no avail, he stared at the girl angrily. “I’m telling you, don’t mess around. If you need help, please contact me. I’m an expert.”


A cyan flame suddenly gasped from the cup in front of the girl’s eyes, and then calmed down.

Shao Si Ming frowned, seeming to be a little dissatisfied, and continued to pour the medicine in the other porcelain jars into the mix.

Chen Mu saw his back numb.

What the hell is this girl doing, turning into a Breaking Bad?

Time flows slowly.

The boat floats quietly in the river, like a solitary leaf, occasionally rippled.

Strange flames appeared in the cabin from time to time, or weird explosions, if it weren’t for the Shao Si Ming to protect the cabin with Spirit Power, it is estimated that the two would have already sunk with the boat to the bottom of the lake.

Chen Mu yelled for a while and was tired, so he simply leaned against the cabin and pondered the case.

Tianjun is really dead.

The murder weapon was Yun Zhiyue’s Destiny Sword.

At the scene, there is also a mysterious seven-petal golden flower.

What happened at that time?

Assuming that Zhiyue was really the murderer, how did she assassinate with Tianjun’s terrifying power.


Chen Mu had an unreliable guess in his mind.

Maybe Tianjun encountered an assassination at the time, and the assassin was a mysterious master, and the two were of equal strength.

When both lose and lose, Yun Zhiyue suddenly appears.

So the assassin controlled Yun Zhiyue and killed Tianjun, but the assassin accidentally dropped the golden flower while escaping.

If so, it is very logical.

But the question is, why does Zhiyue admit that she is the murderer, and has she been manipulated by others?

Thoughts fluttered with the man’s constant reasoning.

I don’t know how long it took, but Shao Siming suddenly got up and walked towards him, holding a glass of medicine that had just been adjusted in his hand.

“Hey, hey, don’t be impulsive.”

Although he knew that he was invincible, Chen Mu didn’t want to drink any messy disgusting medicine.

However, Shao Siming walked up to him and lifted a corner of own veil, his red lips lightly opened, and he raised his head and drank the potion.

Chen Mu: “???”

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