Chapter 437: Unlucky Chen Mu…

This silly girl is not going to commit suicide in fear of sin.

Seeing that Young Siming drank the mysterious potion she made by herself, Chen Mu’s brain was in a daze.

What’s the situation?

While worrying, he quickly shouted: “Girl, don’t do stupid things, let me go first, and you can discuss with me if you have any ideas.”

But then, the scene that made him completely trapped appeared.

The girl unbuttoned his clothes, took out a red, burning bead, placed it on his chest, and then cut a wound with her nails so that the bead was stained with blood.

The burning breath slowly spread with the flow of blood, and soon a pattern of lines was formed in the lower abdomen.

The pattern is similar to Yin & Yang, but it is a bit weird.

Shao Siming took out the ancient book and looked at it carefully. After the comparison was correct, he untied Chen Mu’s belt and took off his trousers…

“Hey, are you crazy!”

Chen Mu was frightened.

The behavior of the other party made him doubt whether the girl in front of him was the indifferent and pure young commander, but the incarnation of a charming woman.

After taking off the man’s trousers, Shao Siming didn’t look at the secret place.

Just place the red beads on the inner thighs.

As the blood gushed out, a weird line was drawn out along the inner thigh, and the scorching breath penetrated into the skin, feeling the whole body being baked by the stove.

After doing all this, Shao Si Ming stood quietly beside Chen Mu, as if waiting for the onset of the drug’s effects.

Only after a long time, no symptoms appeared.

So the girl returned to the table to dispense the medicine, leaving Chen Mu lying almost half-hearted in the corner of the cabin, ignoring it.


The bluish-white fireworks continuously gush out from the porcelain cups, which are exceptionally bright on the dark river surface.

Chen Mu, who was left hanging by the side, didn’t know what to say. He looked down at the lines on his body and muttered, “This girl…Isn’t she thinking of co-cultivating Yin & Yang with me.”

The more the man thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and layers of anger rose in his heart.

too disgusting!

It’s really disgusting!

Although I Chen is a scumbag, he is not a tool for mating!

Such a ridiculous act is really disgusting!

Chen Mu stared at the beautiful girl coldly, his tone was extremely stiff: “I said, can you hurry up, I’ll wait for the flowers to die, hurry up.”

Shao Si Mingming stared at the medicine in front of him, ignoring Chen Mu like air.

After mixing the medicine again, she swallowed it directly as before.

Unfortunately, there is still no response.

Several consecutive failures made Shao Si Ming’s calm and calm eyes a bit of irritability and anger, which is extremely rare in ordinary girls.

Chen Mu sighed and said, “Big Sister, I can’t do it when you dry it so dry. What kind of medicine are you mixing? I know how to do it. Why don’t you let me try it?”

The answer to him was still the girl’s indifferent attitude.

I don’t know how long it took, and Chen Mu woke up from his drowsiness with a ‘click’ of a broken porcelain jar.

The man shook his head, and saw Shao Si Ming clenching his pink fist, with a pink scent lingering all over his body.

The skin on the girl’s neck is like a gorgeous pink, rendering a bit alluring.

She seemed to endure the effects of the drug.

“It works?”

Chen Mu’s spirit was shocked and he took a deep breath, preparing for the next battle that might be more protracted.

The little brother is already ready to charge into battle.

I don’t know how effective this young man is, he should be inferior to the lady, and he can take a move for two rounds at most.

When he was thinking about it, Shao Siming came to him.

But to Chen Mu’s disappointment, the other party did not take off his clothes, just pinched out a gorgeous seal, and then pressed it on the rune pattern on Chen Mu’s chest.

The girl closed her eyes slightly, and a little bit of sweat leaked out of her white forehead.

With close contact, Chen Mu could clearly feel the faint incense coming from the girl’s body.

The pink breath surrounds the young man’s body, penetrates into the skin, then seeps out, and attaches to the pattern on Chen Mu’s chest along the arm, which is particularly hot.

Although the two did not engage in that kind of thing, Chen Mu had a faint illusion that they were having sex.

The body seemed to be wrapped in cotton clouds, unspeakably refreshing.

There is even a feeling of soul mingling.

Shao Siming’s breathing became a little confused.

The Spirit Power in her body was consumed hugely with the continuous output of the Seal.

After punching the pattern on the man’s chest into the body, her slender jade hands began to slowly move down, to the inside of Chen Mu’s thighs, and continued to imprint the lines.

Shao Siming’s mind and body are obviously beginning to appear fatigued.

If someone else in the cabin sees this intimate scene at this time, they will mistakenly think that they are doing something.

As time went by, Chen Mu finally noticed the abnormality in his body.

In Dantian’s place, there was a faint scorching breath condensed.

This breath is like a fireball, slowly burning.

But he didn’t feel pain, on the contrary, he was somewhat unspeakably refreshing, as if he was immersed in a warm pool.

In contrast, Shao Si Ming’s situation is getting worse.

The originally flushed snow muscle became a little pale, as if the red clouds were covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the body began to be soft and weak, swaying, like a porcelain doll about to fall.

Until the last trace of Chen Mu’s inner thigh disappeared, the Shao Si Ming finally couldn’t hold on, and fell softly.

And the direction of the fall happened to be between the man’s legs.


Chen Mu subconsciously took a breath.

Looking at the young boy who was almost unconscious in his arms, he tried to break away from the rope to check, but the tough rope couldn’t break.

“What kind of broken rope is this?”

In desperation, Chen Mu could only squirm slowly, straightening the opponent’s body bit by bit.

As for the process, some touches are inevitable.

This is also no way, he can’t lift his pants at all now.

The sky was gradually shrouded by a black curtain, and a crooked crescent moon quietly floated on the surface of the water and moved with the waves.

The two people in the cabin are like a frozen picture.

Chen Mu couldn’t guess what Shao Siming was doing, but he didn’t expect it to be harming him.

In about half an hour, the young man gradually came to his senses.

Ignoring the golden hoop on the side of her cheek, she struggled to get up and leaned against the bulkhead, closed her eyes for a while, and then took a Medicine Pill to meditate.

When his strength recovered a little, Shao Si Ming returned to the small table and put away the medicine.

“Could you please put my pants on first and put my clothes on.”

Chen Mu smiled bitterly.

The girl didn’t seem to hear, she took out a few Monster cores from the storage Magic Treasures and soaked them in the potion.

Looking at those Monster cores, Chen Mu frowned.

He remembered that when he met the young man by chance, the opponent was fighting a powerful Demonic Beasts and almost desperately wounded to get the Monster core.

Now that this girl has so many Monster cores, it is obvious that the other party has killed a few Demonic Beasts.

“Ruthless people.”

Chen Mu shook his tongue.

He still doesn’t understand what this girl is doing to capture such a Monster core? Ascension own strength?

After a while, the Monster core was soaked.

Shao Siming breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully put the changed color of the Monster core into the jade box. After he was busy with his own affairs, he came to Chen Mu’s side.

She took out a white porcelain vial and placed it in the man’s snort.

A slightly pungent smell came out, Chen Mu frowned, and felt a little groggy as he breathed in his nose.

But the drowsiness was only a moment, and he soon woke up.

Looking at the girl’s surprised eyes, Chen Mu shrugged and said helplessly: “Maybe you don’t believe it, but I am invincible. Your sleeping medicine is useless to me. It’s useless at all.”

Shao Siming may not believe in evil, so he tried a few more times.

Originally, Chen Mu intended to pretend to faint, but after being disguised twice, he was seen through by the other party. He simply looked at the other party and tossed and couldn’t help but persuade: “Forget it.”

This time the young man finally gave up his mind.

She put away the porcelain bottle, Meisou caught a glimpse of a brick outside the hatch, so she picked it up and patted Chen Mu’s forehead fiercely.


The man fell to the ground.

Shao Siming patted the dust on his palm, took out a worn-out sack, and put the man in it.

The whole process was clean and neat.

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