Chapter 435 Young Master’s Life!

Heavenly Dao terrain, only Yin & Yang.

If there is any school of Dayan that can be called a great school that has stood for a thousand years, then Yin & Yang school is one of them.

In the early stage of Dayan’s establishment, Yin & Yang Sect was the first major school.

After that, several forces such as Guanshanyuan and Destiny Valley, relying on the help of the imperial court, gradually reached their peak and suppressed the Yin & Yang sect’s momentum.

So Yin & Yang Zong also began to contact the court.

For so many years, the imperial court and the Yin & Yang sect have always maintained a state of being independent and friendly, neither being overly close alliances, nor undermining each other as enemies.

The Tianjun who became the leader of the Yin & Yang sect can be ranked in the top five of the Great Yan master list.

There are even rumors that he has reached the Realm of ‘Deva’.

However, it was such a legendary tycoon who died in this way, and the murderer was still the mastermind.

This sounds very nonsense no matter how it sounds.

Under the leadership of the female officer, Chen Mu and Bai Xianyu were taken into the house, and the queen mother sat in the room with a bead curtain as usual.

She looked down at the intelligence in her hand, her complexion covered in indifference.

“Yin & Yang Zong Tianjun is dead.”

The queen mother only threw a word.

Before Bai Xianyu recovered from the shock, his first reaction was to question: “Queen Dowager, is this news true or false?”

“The Aijia also hopes to be fake, but it’s a pity…”

The queen mother sighed lightly.

Bai Xianyu’s heart suddenly sank.

The Queen Mother was cautious and cautious in dealing with any intelligence, but this attitude now shows that the news has become true.

This is so absurd that people can’t believe it.

That’s a god.

Why did he suddenly die? It was like hearing the absurdity of a god who died suddenly.

“I do not believe!”

It was Chen Mu who spoke.

He clenched his fist and slowly said, “Tianjun has been training in Closed Door Training in recent years. He has never fought with an enemy or went to any dangerous place to get himself injured. How could he be suddenly killed?

The most ridiculous thing is that the murderer turned out to be Da Si Ming Yun Zhiyue, which is even more nonsense.

Everyone knows that the Cultivation Base has fallen sharply now, and it is very difficult for Elder to win against an ordinary Yin & Yang sect, let alone the Yin & Yang sect. ”

Chen Mu’s remarks are indeed very reasonable, even children can find contradictions.

The empress dowager Zhu’s lips stretched out a curve: “You are right, and the Aijia doesn’t believe that it is the heavenly monarch killed by the chief commander.

As a result, she didn’t have that strength. Secondly, she didn’t have any reason to kill Tianjun. But… She admitted that she was the murderer. How do you explain this? ”

Chen Mu’s face was ugly.

He tried to calm himself down, guessing at will: “Maybe Zhiyue was poisoned by poison and was used by others.”

“The Yin & Yang Sect’s knowledge of Gu objects far exceeds that of other schools. If Yun Zhiyue is really in Gu, how can so many Elders be unable to find out?”

The queen mother shattered Chen Mu’s guess.

At this time, the man felt a mess in his mind, and it was difficult to sort out any clues.

He is 10,000 people who don’t believe that Zhiyue will be the murderer, but the queen mother’s intelligence should not be adulterated.

What exactly is going on?

Bai Xianyu glanced at Chen Mu with her beautiful eyes, with a worried expression on her face.

She is very clear about her husband’s feelings for Yun Big sis, and she understands that the man is in a very bad mood now and is in a state of extreme loss.

After all, this incident happened too quickly, and it didn’t give people the slightest preparation.

Bai Xianyu sighed secretly, and asked softly: “Queen dowager, where is the big Si Ming Yun Zhiyue now?”

“It is said to have been imprisoned.”

The queen mother threw a piece of information beside Chen Mu in front of Chen Mu. “Master Chen, the Ai family knows about you and Yin & Yang Zongda’s orders. Today, I specially called you in, and I intend to send you to Yin & Yang Zong to investigate this case.”

Bai Xianyu’s slender willow leaf raised her eyebrows, and she was a little surprised.

Even if Tianjun is really dead, the Queen Mother only needs to send someone to give condolences, but now she sends Chen Mu to investigate.

Is it possible that there is still a hidden sense in it?

But even if the Queen Mother does not send her husband to investigate, the husband will definitely go to Yin & Yang Sect.

While Bai Xianyu was thinking secretly, the queen mother dropped her eyes on her again, and said lightly: “Xiao Yuer, you should accompany Ai’s family back to the capital first. Some tasks must be entrusted to you.”

Bai Xianyu’s heart moved, and he nodded softly: “Xiao Yu’er would like to listen to the instructions of the Queen Mother.”

“Are you planning to let her go to Destiny Valley?”

Chen Mu asked directly.

This kind of questioning method is quite rude to the Queen Mother at this time, Bai Xianyu hurriedly said in a low voice: “Husband, the concubine will be fine.”

However, the Queen Mother was not angry, and said lightly: “When you finish handling the Yin & Yang sect, the Ai’s family will let you accompany Xiao Yuer to Yin & Yang sect. Because of this, you must go to Yin & Yang sect.”

When these words came out, both Chen Mu and Bai Xianyu were puzzled.

“Why can’t Chen Mu be missing?”

Bai Xianyu asked curiously.

The queen mother smiled and did not answer, but changed the subject: “Chen Mu, if Yin & Yang sect embarrass you, you can transfer to the local garrison guard.”

“Yes, the humble job understands.” Chen Mu responded with cupped hands.

Back home, Chen Mu’s frowning brows remained unfolded.

Bai Xianyu said softly: “Husband, just as my concubine arranged last night, let Man Jiaye accompany Su Qiao’er to Pisces. I will take Meng Big sis and Xiao Xuan’er back to Beijing for the time being. I will inform you through Lingyuan,”

Chen Mu sighed, “You said, why did Zhiyue admit that she was the murderer? Who was intimidated by her?”

Bai Xianyu couldn’t answer this question for a while.

The Yin & Yang case was completely immersed in the dense fog. She had a hunch that her husband’s visit to the Yin & Yang sect would definitely reveal a great secret.

After making careful arrangements at home, Chen Mu said goodbye to everyone and embarked on the journey to Yin & Yang Sect.

Yin & Yang Zong is located in the territory of Xiezhou.

It’s not very far from the borders of the Northern Territory, and it takes only one day at most to travel by water.

Chen Mu naturally chose to take the water route.

During the journey, he tried to sort out the information collected and the things that happened to Yun Zhiyue in the past, trying to dig out some clues.

To say that the most worthwhile information is the last time Yun Zhiyue was attacked.

At that time, it was because a traitor appeared next to her. Not only did she find a killer to assassinate her, but she was also seriously injured in the back. Fortunately, she was rescued in time by Young Master.

However, after that incident, there was no more dangerous incident around Yun Zhiyue.

The traitor also seemed to disappear.

Before Yun Zhiyue had time to say goodbye to him this time, she hurried to the Yin & Yang sect. As a result, only five days later, bad news came.

No one knew why she was leaving in a hurry.

Mrs. Shi also didn’t know.

Inside the cabin, Chen Mu gathered up the densely packed pages, pinched the center of his eyebrows, and felt tired.

“It’s really a fucking girl.”

Chen Mu slapped the table top, his heart restless.

Why is this so?

Zhiyue ah Zhiyue, you must be fine.

Just when the man was thinking about his beloved woman, a breath suddenly swept over the lake without warning.

Chen Mu looked up and saw a beautiful girl in front of him.

It was actually a young man.

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