Chapter 434 The Yin & Yang Case!

Although the lady’s acting skills need to be improved, with the cooperation of the women, Chen Mu has truly experienced the unique charm of Vermillion Bird and the strong sense of conquest.

Ask a normal man in the world who doesn’t want to pull a tall woman onto the bed.

The Vermillion Bird envoy, who can make the officials of North Korea and China timid, is obviously more attractive.

The only pity is that although Bai Xianyu enjoys the bed with her husband, she is still more traditional in some advanced gameplay, and she is unwilling to accept many tricks.

Compared with Meng Yanqing, who is willing to open up, he is far behind, which makes Chen Mu somewhat regretful.

And he didn’t dare to force it.

After all, a strong woman like Bai Xianyu would really get angry if she gets annoyed.

Fortunately, although there are regrets, Bai Xianyu’s body, identity and temperament are enough for Chen Mu to taste the most refreshing experience, especially the charm of role-playing.

At midnight, the bleak moonlight outside the window leaked in, sprinkling a light silver brilliance inside the house.

On the bed, Chen Mu and Bai Xianyu cuddled closely together.

The misty moonlight reflects the woman’s undulating and exquisite carcass, and against the light, it outlines a hazy and beautiful scene.

The strong and charming atmosphere in the room and the sheets changed next to it all hinted at the fierce battle just now.

Chen Mu smelled the fragrant warm fragrance from the woman, and said softly: “Miss, you said our future children will be boys or girls.”

“The husband must want a boy.”

Bai Xianyu snuggled against the man’s neck and murmured.

In this world, although the ideology of patriarchy has been eased a lot with the promulgation of some policies by the Queen Mother, it is obviously not possible to complete the idea completely in the bones of people.

Bai Xianyu believed that Chen Mu, like other men, hoped that a man would inherit his blood.

Chen Mu smiled and said, “I don’t care. I like both boys and girls, but to be honest, I prefer to raise a daughter. I will be well-behaved and sensible in the future, and I won’t have to worry too much.”

Bai Xianyu was startled, her beautiful eyes looked at the man in surprise.

Seeing the other party not wanting to be joking, the beautiful woman smiled: “The husband is always different from other people. Sometimes the concubine feels that the husband and the queen mother are a good match. After all, your ideas sometimes fit well.”

“Lady, what you said is totally rebellious.”

Chen Mu laughed.

Bai Xianyu’s bare hand patted the man’s lower abdomen, and said in a bad mood: “It’s not that the husband always talks nonsense on weekdays, and the concubine body is also affected.”

She was silent for a moment and said softly, “The Queen Mother should return to the capital tomorrow, and I will definitely go there too. What about you? Are you planning to go back with me, or… to find Yun Big sis.”

Although the man had always said that he would return to the capital, Bai Xianyu could still feel that Yun Zhiyue was worried in his heart.

It’s just that she hasn’t mentioned it because of her being around.

Chen Mu looked startled, buried his face in the woman’s warm and wet hair, and warmed the back of the other’s neck as soon as he opened his mouth: “I will go back to the capital with you. .”

“Actually, you didn’t think about it.”

Bai Xianyu heard the perfunctory attitude in the man’s words.

Chen Mu smiled, thinking for a while and replied seriously: “I really didn’t think about it. There are too many things before my eyes.

Qiao’er’s father Su is still in Pisces. I don’t know what the situation is, I have always promised Qiao’er to save his father. But on Zhiyue’s side, dragging is no way.

In addition, I am also worried that the Queen Mother will let you go to Destiny Valley, so I dare not do other things.

There are also some bits and pieces…”

Feeling the fatigue and distress of the man, Bai Xian Yuyu gently stroked the opponent’s frowning eyebrows, and said softly:

“Actually, you don’t need to worry about your concubine body. Even if the queen mother really sends me to the Valley of Fate, my safety will be guaranteed. What’s more, didn’t you invite Mo Hanshuang senior?

When the time comes, with her by her side to protect me, there must be few people in Destiny Valley who dare to disadvantage me. ”

Chen Mu opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Bai Xianyu continued: “As for the boss of Su, I sent the Charon to investigate before, and there is no news yet, but from Hong Zhu’er’s words, you can tell that the boss is with Hong Zhifan, the two of them. People should be fine.

If you are really worried, it is better to let Man Jiaye accompany Su Qiaoer to Pisces.

Mangaya was originally from Pisces and was familiar with that place. She will protect Su Qiao’er very well. ”

Listening to the lady’s arrangement, Chen Mu smiled and said, “So, you let me go to Yin & Yang Sect?”

Bai Xianyu lightly touched the moth: “The concubine always feels that Yin & Yang sect seems to be something wrong recently, especially there have been traitor incidents before.

Cloud Big sis has not fully recovered its strength now, and it is very difficult to resist any danger. Husband should go early, even if Tianjun can’t let him go, at least he should give an attitude. ”

Chen Mu was lost in thought.

Judging from the current situation, Bai Xianyu’s arrangement is indeed the most appropriate and all aspects can be taken into consideration.

As for the task assigned by the chief rudder of the Tiandihui, you can slow down first.

“I think about it first.”

Chen Mu didn’t rush to give a response, rolled over and pressed the woman under him, kissed the other’s cherry lips and smiled.

“It’s said that there is a good wife in the family, so what can I do for my husband. The lady has been thinking about me. It seems that I will repay my husband well, so let’s continue making babies.”

“Don’t, my concubine is already…well…”

The woman’s begging for mercy was blocked. Not long after, a pair of long legs hooked the man’s waist unconsciously.

On the second day, a Charon spy brought the latest news about the Heaven and Earth Society.

According to information, Miss Murong and a group of backbones secretly left Nan Feng Ruo without knowing it last night, together with Ji Wuming and his family.

And shortly after they left, the remaining Nanfeng Rudder personnel were all killed.

You don’t need to guess, it’s the killing order from the rudder.

After that, Zong Ruo sent people to hunt down Murong Ping and Ji Wuming, but they failed.

This made Chen Mu look at Ji Wuming with admiration.

With such a talent, if he can make good use of it, maybe he can really do a big job.

The intelligence also showed that after the Nan Fengruo’s people were killed, the total rudder re-established a sub-rudder, and Chen Mu still served as the sub-rudder.

But everyone with a discerning eye understands that this sub-rudder is just a puppet.

“Lao Ji’s judgment of the situation is still very accurate. I didn’t expect that he would easily bypass the surveillance of the general rudder, and took Murongping and the others away from Nanfeng Rudder, successfully avoiding the pursuit.”

Chen Mu put his heart down and said with a smile. “But Lao Ji and the others are not going well. If they want to stabilize their footing, they will inevitably have to deal with other forces.”

Bai Xianyu said with no good air: “You are also really noisy, and you let your subordinates form an anti-inflammatory force. If you are known by the Queen Mother, there are not enough heads for you to fall.”

Chen Mu showed helplessness: “I can’t do anything about it. Lao Ji is right. We must leave a way out.”

He hugged Bai Xianyu and said softly: “Our husband and wife will not be smooth sailing in the court.”

Bai Xianyu’s eyes moved slightly, understanding her husband’s concerns.

She squeezed the man’s hand, and said softly but very firmly: “Husband, no matter what happens in the future, the concubine will always be by your side, even if you… really want to fight the inflammation.”

Feeling the affection and trust of the woman, Chen Mu was deeply moved.

After a while, Heimeng suddenly hurried over, and before entering the door, he hurriedly bowed to Bai Xianyu and said, “Lord, the queen mother is calling!”

“What’s wrong?”

White Feather frowned.

Heimeng glanced at Chen Mu and said in a low voice: “There was a big news just now that Yin & Yang Zong Tianjun is dead.”


Both Chen Mu and Bai Xianyu were shocked.

“This… how is this possible?” Bai Xianyu’s face was full of disbelief, “How could Tianjun die, fake it.”

Heimeng said solemnly: “It’s true. Now other forces have received news that the Yin & Yang Sect Elder regiment has blocked the entire sect. There is news that… Tianjun was killed.”

“Killed? Who was the murderer?”

Bai Xianyu asked.

Heimeng paused, and said: “The preliminary judgment is that it is the chief Ming Yun Zhiyue. And… it is said that the chief Siming has pleaded guilty.”

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