Chapter 405: Weeping Woman!

The small courtyard is already dilapidated, and the dark and moist wall skin has long since fallen off because of the lack of sunlight for many years, and the grass in the courtyard is desolate everywhere.

This is the house where Mo Yuner once lived.

Even in the third space world, her house is as dilapidated as in the real world, as if it has been forgotten.

“How much do you know about Mo Yun’er?”

Chen Mu asked Yaya next to him.

Yaya shook her head: “I have no impression at all. If it weren’t for Master Miko, I didn’t know there was such a person in the village.”

Looking at the distressed girl, Chen Mu lost his thoughts.

Judging from the situation of Yaya and other villagers, they seemed to have forgotten some memories when they entered the third space, and only the old witch remembered.

“You wait here first, I’ll go in and take a look.”

Chen Mu walked into the courtyard with the blue bricks in the weeds and pushed open the mottled wooden door of the main house.

There are only a few broken furniture and supplies left in the house.

Chen Mu raised his hand to slap the musty smell on his face, and carefully looked at the situation in the house.

The pots, bowls, spoons and chopsticks on the stove are still lying casually. Judging from the residue and dirt, it seems that they have just eaten dinner and have not had time to wash them.

The small water tank next to it fell sideways on the ground, missing a piece.

After finding no useful clues, Chen Mu entered a small room next to him.

There is a big bed in the bedroom, and a few worn-out clothes and shoes for the little girl.

Two sets of each dress and shoes were made.

There are faint traces of charcoal painted randomly on the walls…

This is obviously the bedroom where the child lives.

Chen Mu carefully scanned every corner of the house. Suddenly, he knelt down, gently stroked the ground next to the bed with his fingers, then looked towards the bottom of the bed, and saw a wooden board that had been opened.

This is not a cellar. The cellar of ordinary people will not be dug under the bed.

This should be a secret secret path.

Chen Mu gleamed in his eyes, pushed the movable bed a little away, and slowly climbed down the narrow wooden board.

About five meters deep, Chen Mu’s feet touched the ground and looked around, and found that the bottom was just a small dark cellar less than five square meters, and there was a ventilated small latrine next to it.

It looks like a temporary shelter for digging.

In the cellar, there are two decayed cotton mattresses, a few empty buckets, food residues and kerosene bottles that have run out of oil.

Until his eyes fell on a bamboo basket in the corner.

Two doll toys were placed in the dusty bamboo basket, exactly the same.

“Children’s doll…”

Chen Mu frowned slightly, picked up the puppet doll, looked at it for a while, and put both dolls in the storage space.

It can be seen that there have been people living here.

And it’s still a child.

Chen Mu closed his eyes and inferred the situation found in the room by himself, and finally came to a conclusion.

At that time, the family had just eaten a meal, and then suddenly something happened. The child was hurriedly hidden in the dug cellar.

However, after the water and food in the cellar were used up, the hungry children could only crawl out of the cellar to find food, and were eventually caught or disappeared.

Is this child the second master’s child?


Chen Mu took a deep breath and had a bold guess in his heart, but there was not enough evidence to show it.

He crawled out of the cellar and left the courtyard.

Yaya, who had been waiting outside the courtyard, saw Chen Mu come out, and asked curiously: “My son, have you found the clue you want?”

Chen Mu shook his head: “No, let’s go back.”


The young girl lightly tapped.

Seeing that the man’s brows were still not open, she stretched out her jade-like hands to gently smooth the wrinkles, and said with a crisp smile: “Everything will be fine.”

Chen Mu smiled and said nothing.

Going back to the small courtyard where Ya Ya lived, the old man sitting at the door with a cane with a stinky face, said coldly, “The old man thought you girl won’t be back tonight.”

Yaya blushed and raised her small chest and said, “Master Miko specially ordered me to look after Master Chen. If you are not happy, Grandpa, you can talk to Master Miko.”


The old man got up and entered the house, leaving only one sentence, “The food is hot.”

“Thank you Grandpa.”

Yaya smiles brightly, her delicate face is even more beautiful

She grabbed Chen Mu’s hand and walked quickly towards the house, then brought the hot food, and looked at Chen Mu with expectant eyes: “Master Chen, try to see how it is, it doesn’t suit your appetite.”

Chen Mu had nothing to eat at the moment, but it was not easy to refuse the girl’s enthusiasm.

He picked a piece of greens at random and asked, “Yah, how long have you lived in Wuchen Village.”

“I have been here since I was born.” The girl said.

“Then have you seen the outside world?”


Yaya pursed her mouth, and finally shook her head, “I haven’t seen it.”

Chen Mu said: “Wuchen Village is one of the few purest ethnic villages of the Yiyuan people. Because of its remoteness, it rarely contacts with other outsiders. Now you live in the world of the third dimension, and there is no chance to go out. ”

The village girl looked lost.

After a while, her eyes suddenly brightened, and she grabbed Chen Mu’s arm and said, “Wait for Master Miko to fix the passage, or you can take me out.”

“I got the gu of Goddess Witch and I still want to go out? Are you not afraid of death?”

Chen Mu shook his head and smiled.

Yaya’s eyes dimmed, her head lowered and she didn’t speak for a long time.

After dinner, Chen Mu returned to the room that Yaya arranged for him to rest, and he continued to think about things while lying on the bed.

Yaya only came here once during this period.

Seeing that Chen Mu had been thinking about the problem and ignored her, he quietly left a cup of tea and left.

In the middle of the night, Chen Mu walked out of the house in the dark.

He will continue to explore and talk about Wuchen Village.

Chen Mu, who was in the dark shadow at this moment, was like a night mouse, quietly passing through the alleyway, looking at the houses.

After observing other houses, Chen Mu decided to go to a place.

A temple dedicated to the goddess Wuma!

When he and Yaya went to Mo Yun’er’s house in the afternoon, Chen Mu accidentally caught a glimpse of the temple, but it was locked.

Of course he didn’t ask Yaya, it’s better to investigate it by himself at this moment.

Ten minutes later, Chen Mu came to the temple.

There was a faint yellow candle flashing in the temple, but the gate was locked with iron.

Chen Mu took out a knife, used Spirit Power’s perception to pry open the iron lock, pushed the door to sneak in, and then quickly closed the door.

The temple is very spacious, and there is a deity enshrined in the middle, which is the goddess Wuma.

Stone tablets stand around.

There are no words on the stele, just a strange circle pattern, which is quite strange under the light of the lights. At first glance, it looks more like an eye, staring at the idol.

Chen Mu carefully inspected the temple, and finally stopped in front of a mural.

In the mural are several pictures of a ceremony in progress.

Each pair is basically the same, a group of villagers gathered around a young girl lying in a coffin, kneeling and praying.

Miko! ?

Chen Mu carefully stared at the girl’s service in the coffin, which was very similar to the clothes he had seen in the coffin of the second master’s daughter.

There was a conclusion in my mind.

It’s just that the girls in these paintings look different.

Among them, one looks very similar to Xiao Xuan’er. It doesn’t look like a painting carved by a human being, but a natural formation.

Chen Mu was about to observe carefully, but suddenly heard a faint sob.

He raised his head sharply, looking for the direction of the sob.

The cry is sometimes near and sometimes far away.

Chen Mu crawled around slowly, and finally he saw a woman next to the corner of a bookshelf on the first floor.

The woman was dressed in a blood-red dress.

With an oil lamp in his hand, his back turned to him, his slender and thin shoulders quivered slightly with crying.


Her cry was like a cat whimpering, especially desolate.

For some reason, Chen Mu’s neck hair was slightly erected.

He took out the short knife and stepped forward slowly, but when his footsteps were only one meter away from the woman, he immediately stared.

However, Chen Mu’s gaze was firmly locked on the oil lamp held by the woman.

In the extinguished oil lamp, a pair of eyeballs were staring straight at him, seeming to have a sneer…

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