Chapter 404

This seems to be the most real killing.

The sharp black mist blade engulfed the storm-like sharpness and fierceness, rushing towards the four females of Baixianyu in the picture.

The fourth daughter is still in a coma, and can’t resist at this time.

Chen Mu rushed up.

Although he resumed his actions, he was unable to stop the little girl’s superb divine power. He could only watch the beloved woman with the blade pierced into the picture…

The extreme anger and heart-wrenching pain were stitched together and turned into a sharp knife that pierced Chen Mu’s heart.

Red lights appeared in his eyes, and thick black liquid oozes from his body.

“I will kill you!”

A giant shark tooth knife appeared in Chen Mu’s hands.

The giant blade slashed at the demon fiercely.


As the giant knife fell, a dazzling white light scattered all over the girl’s body, sending Chen Muzhen away.

The blazing white glow of Chen Mu’s skin seemed to melt every inch of his body with a soldering iron, and his head seemed to be torn apart. As if a cloud of lightning exploded in his skull, he temporarily lost consciousness.

“The son!”

“My son, wake up soon!”


The anxious cry of the girl near her ear gradually pulled Chen Mu’s consciousness out of the darkness.

Chen Mu opened his eyes and found that he had returned to the tiankeng again, soaked in sweat.

Yaya next to her looked at him in fear and worry with her pale face.

Chen Mu slowly stood up with her support, and asked: “You—” After the words, he realized that his throat was dry and hoarse, he couldn’t help swallowing, and continued to ask: “What did you see?”

Yaya shook her head: “The son was engulfed by the yellow sand, and then disappeared. I waited here for a long time and the son didn’t appear. I planned to find Lord Miko, but the son suddenly appeared again…”

Chen Mu closed his eyes slightly and tried to restrain his inner anxiety.

After a while, he grabbed the woman’s arm: “Go to the Miko!”

Chen Mu came to the familiar dark hut again.

Before he could speak, the witch-sama in the shadowy shadow said softly: “The demon has retreated. Unsurprisingly, she should be injured.”

The witch sighed: “Master Chen really surprises us everywhere, he can hurt the devil.”

Chen Mu fixedly looked at her: “Just now I saw the altar formation in the second dimension world, and I also saw… the devil caught my companions and seemed to kill them. I want to know if she really caught them. My companion.”

“The old man cannot answer Master Chen’s question.”

The witch said helplessly, “If you really see it, then maybe she really caught your companion.”

Chen Mu didn’t say a word, and shook his head slightly after a while: “Although I don’t know much about demons, according to her temperament, if she really catches my companion, she will definitely put it directly in front of us instead of using that kind. Form, I guess… She didn’t catch my companion.”

One is Envoy Vermillion Bird, one is Yin & Yang Zongda Si Ming, and the other is Heaven Court’s number one killer. Only Meng Yanqing is an ordinary person.

Except for Meng Yanqing, it is not easy to catch the other three.

So Chen Mu guessed that what he saw was only the illusion displayed by the demon.

Of course, this is just a guess.

After all, the strength of the demon is too strong, it is not equal to the cultivator at all, and it is no different from the real god.

The witch said: “Perhaps, now the second world is dominated by demons. If you don’t kill her as soon as possible, everything will be too late.”

Chen Mu looked down at the dagger that the witch had previously given, with a complicated light flashing in his eyes.

In his mind, he recalled the scene he had seen before.

If the demon really wants to sacrifice the lady and the others at that time, will he kill the demon? Will you kill Xiao Xuan’er?

For a long time, Chen Mu took a deep breath, exhaled the muddy air between his breath, and asked faintly: “Can I still enter the second-level space world now?”

“There’s no way, although the demon is wounded and retreated, she interrupted the passage to the second dimension world.” said the witch. “Master Chen waits two days, the old man will work hard to repair the passage, and will notify you at that time.”

Two days?

Chen Mu couldn’t help but look embarrassed.

He promised to be too ugly and find the antidote within two days, otherwise the people in Dongzhou City will be bombed to death.

“Master Miko, can it be earlier, I still have an urgent matter.”

“The old man will try his best.”

The Miko nodded gently, and then told Yaya: “Let Master Chen go to your place to rest first.”

“But Grandpa he—”

“Just say it’s me, and he won’t blame you.”

“Oh, Ya Ya got it.”

When the village girl heard this, her delicate eyebrows were slightly raised, and she happily grabbed Chen Mu’s arm.

“Let’s go, Master Chen, I will take you to rest first.”

Chen Mu looked at the witch in the dark, hesitated for a moment, and left with Yaya.

When he came to the small courtyard where Yaya lived, the old man on crutches raised his eyebrows and started to yell at him. Yaya hurriedly ran over and said as a winner:

“Grandpa, it was Master Miko who asked the son to stay. You can’t ask Master Miko.”

The old man was startled, then walked into his house after a cold snort.

The position of the witch is great.

Chen Mu secretly thought.

Yaya waved her small pink fist, her delicate face was full of triumph, like a kid who had won a boxing guess.

She led Chen Mu into a wing room: “Master Chen, I’ll go cook first. You can rest for a while, don’t be unconscious again. I’ll call you when I’m eating.”

The girl put down the quilt and walked outside, her skirt flying like a saucer.

“Why are you so good to me.”

Chen Mu asked suddenly.

The girl had a jade foot and looked back at the man’s handsome cheeks, her small face was inexplicably ruddy and glowing: “Because you are a good person.”

After speaking, he quickly left the house.

Chen Mu smiled and murmured: “Fortunately, Zhang Awei didn’t let Zhang Awei hear this, otherwise the boy’s mentality would explode.”

He touched own face, very annoyed.

She is handsome and sad.

Chen Mu simply washed his face and threw his tired body on the bed, resting his hands on the back of his head habitually, quietly thinking about recent clues and questions.

There have been too many things recently, from Dongzhou City to Tiandihui to Xiaoxuaner…

I feel that a lot of problems are coming one after another, and I am not spare for a while, piled up into a hill that is overwhelming.

Even the melon seeds in the head are buzzing all the time.

It’s rare to be free now, and you can sort out the clues and see if you can unearth other neglected secrets in Wuchen Village.

Because although Chen Mu had understood the cause and effect, he always felt that he was still in a thick fog and had overlooked something.

What exactly is it, but I can’t say it.

Chen Mu took out a small notebook and wrote a line on it, and ya ya ran in towards sunset and called him: “My son, the food is ready.”

“How can I catch the demon flexibly?”

Chen Mu hadn’t heard of it, so he wrote in his notebook and thought to himself. “The devil in Zhen Zhen was activated back then, forcing the villagers of the dust-free village to come to the space world. The real purpose of the fire should be to burn the devil Zhen.

But afterwards, Zhen Zhen was taken by the second master to Meng Yanqing and put it into Meng Yanqing’s body again in the form of a demon.

What was the purpose of the Second Master’s doing this? Why doesn’t the demon hurt her? Could it be—”

Chen Mu thought for a while, but suddenly thought of something, he stood up suddenly, a sharp light appeared in his out of focus eyes, and a sharp and tight line between his jaw and jaw.

Yaya, who happened to call him several times to no avail, stepped forward to check, and just bent over to push Chen Mu’s shoulders, but the man was together, their heads knocked hard together, and the painful Yaya fell to the ground.

Only then did Chen Mu come back to his senses.

Looking at the painful Yaya on the ground, he hurriedly helped her up: “I’m sorry, I’m in a daze, are you okay.”

Yaya’s forehead was red and swollen, and the crystal tears rolled in her eyes, pitiful.

This look is a bit pitiful.

Chen Mu released Spirit Power, healed the girl’s injuries, and smiled: “Your girl’s head is also hard, and it’s already broken when you change to another woman.”

Yaya stared at Chen Mu angrily: “You did it on purpose.”

Chen Mu said, “If I really did it on purpose, you would have died long ago. Don’t get too close to me next time. For a woman, I’m very dangerous.”

“Why is it for women?”

Zhen Zhen puzzled.

Seeing that the redness and swelling of the girl’s forehead had subsided, Chen Mu didn’t answer her question, and said softly: “Take me to a place where Mo Yun’er (Second Master) once lived.”

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