Chapter 406: Layers of Fog!

The night was as thick as ink, the waning moon was obscured by thick dark clouds, and the wind coming up outside the window kept whimpering, with the sound of rustling branches and leaves.

The faint yellow candlelight in the temple flickered with the cry of women.

Chen Mu was as cold as an ice cellar from head to bottom.

A pair of eyeballs in the oil lamp stared at him faintly, as if staring at a prey, which made the heart tremble.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind in the temple.

The woman’s red dress was fluttering, revealing a long, sturdy, snowy leg, dazzlingly white, like a coquettish.

A little snake wandered slowly between the woman’s legs, spitting out a cold letter.

Chen Mu swallowed his saliva and prepared to retreat.

But he found that his own body could not move, his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, only the heartbeat gradually accelerated.

At this moment, the woman suddenly stopped crying.

She slowly turned around…

The woman’s body is extremely stiff, like a puppet, and every tiny movement will make a piercing sound.

The slightly rotten atmosphere suspended in the air became stronger and stronger.

As she turned slowly, the woman’s posture became more and more weird, her right hand twisted in a 90-degree reverse joint, her legs bent at her knees, and even her neck began to turn to the right.

Chen Mu suddenly understood something, and his scalp exploded in an instant.

The opponent is not turning around, but twisting his head and limbs!

As the woman’s head slowly turned, Chen Mu quickly closed his eyes.

He was not afraid, but had a hunch that once he met a woman, he might never be able to get out of this temple.

The permeating sound of bone distortion continues, but Chen Mu has already felt the pungent breath of special musk rushing towards his face… The woman must be staring at him at close range!

Who is this woman?

Is it the witch goddess?

Why are they locked in the temple by the villagers?

Chen Mu thought desperately, feeling that he was getting closer to the truth of Wuchen Village, only a veil away.

As he thought about it, his cheeks suddenly became cold.

It was obvious that the woman’s hand was stroking his face.

The woman’s hands were extremely cold, like ice sculptures, and there was a slight tingling when she stroked her cheeks.

Chen Mu tried to hold his breath, not daring to open his eyes.

Gradually, the woman’s hand left his cheek, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a soft, cold and sticky object climbed onto the calf, meandering up…

It’s a snake!

Chen Mu’s spirit was tense.

The snake slowly climbed up Chen Mu’s calf, and occasionally heard the sound of “呲呲”.

Chen Mu’s heart trembled, and he was terrified.

It was also Su Qiaoer’s little snake spirit, which gave people a completely different feeling.

At the moment this snake has no other charming thoughts except fear.

“Dage, don’t bite.”

Perceiving the snake body gradually reaching his thigh, Chen Mu secretly became worried and tried to summon something out of the sky, but unfortunately it didn’t work and he could only pray.

Fortunately, the snake climbed on his waist, and the man was relieved.

Soon, Chen Mu felt a cold thing wrapped around his neck, and also realized that the snake’s head was aimed at him at the moment, and he kept spitting out letters.

Chen Mu didn’t know what the snake was going to do, it was impossible to swallow him in one bite.

Thoughts drifted by, and the snake body wrapped around his neck actually began to exert force.

Chen Mu suddenly had difficulty breathing.

As the snake’s body tightened bit by bit, Chen Mu could even hear the squeezing sound of his throat bone.

The suffocation came, and Chen Mu’s cheeks gradually flushed…

no! If this continues, this snake will be strangled alive!

Chen Mu worked hard to run the Spirit Power in his body, trying to break through the shackles of being fettered. Although the “Things from Heaven” under the arm’s epidermis hasn’t moved yet, it vaguely injects some breath into Dantian.


Finally, after the Spirit Power bursting out of the imprisonment, Chen Mu finally recovered his freedom, and the snake entwined around his neck was also shaken out.

Chen Mu staggered back a few steps, breathing the air greedily.

The air with a hint of rotten smell passed through the throat, and a slight tingling appeared, which proved that the throat bone was almost strangled just now.

He opened his eyes, but instead of looking up at the woman, he stared at the ground.

Until now, he still dare not look.

He understood that the most dangerous thing was not the snake, but the woman.

But the strange thing is that the surroundings have become quiet, and even the air has returned to its temperature, making it quiet.

Chen Mu raised his eyes slightly, there was nothing around him.

The woman disappeared, and the snake disappeared.

However, there was a note on the floor with two words written crookedly in blood:

help me!

After Chen Mu finished reading it, the note seemed to have a reaction, and the writing on it disappeared.

“Save me?” The second monk Chen Muzhang couldn’t figure it out: “What does this mean? Could anyone else be held hostage?”

At this moment, he suddenly remembered an incident he had experienced.

At that time, Su Qiaoer disappeared suddenly in Nanfengruo. He and Yun Zhiyue went to search for it, and finally found a temple dedicated to the goddess Wuma.

And in that temple, someone was vaguely heard calling ‘help me’.

I thought it was an auditory hallucination, but now it doesn’t seem to be.

What is the connection between the two?

After thinking a lot, Chen Mu simply put it aside and continued to look at other places.

He came to the mural again and imprinted the scene in his memory.

“These scenes of sacrificing witches seem to be the same, but if you distinguish them carefully, you will find that some of the witches in the coffin are alive and some are dead…”

Chen Mu murmured to himself as he stroked the mural with his fingers.

Soon, he found an ancient book under the idol, which contained some conditions and processes for the selection of witches.

Chen Mu looked through it carefully, and as his cognition became more and more abundant, the expression on his face began to change.

“Oh, lies and truth coexist.”

Chen Mu closed the book, a taunt crossed the corner of his mouth, then took out his own notebook and recorded some clues on it.

So far, the situation he has investigated is very different from what he once inferred, and the story is also very biased.

Including the cognition and judgment of the second master, basically all are wrong.

“Go back and talk about it.”

Chen Mu stuffed the small notebook into the storage space, turned around and prepared to walk towards the entrance of the temple.

But as soon as he turned around, a pale female face came into his eyes without warning, less than a foot away from him, white as moonlight.

At this moment, Chen Mu almost jumped three feet high, his soul scattered.

But this time, it was not a woman in red, but a corpse—a corpse enclosed in ice.

Chen Mu forcibly suppressed the heart that almost jumped out of his chest, and took a step toward retreated.

Only then did I find that a freezer-like square object appeared in front of me, and some frozen corpses were placed inside.

It is estimated that he accidentally touched some mechanism just now that caused the freezer to appear.

“Strange, are these villagers from Wuchen Village? Why are they frozen here.”

Chen Mu was puzzled and looked at the woman’s cheek carefully.

This is an ordinary-looking but good-looking woman. It seems that she is under thirty years old, and no one cares too much when she is in the crowd.

Looking at it, Chen Mu frowned.

He suddenly felt that this woman had three or four similarities with the second master.

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