Chapter 403 The killing begins!

Soon, Chen Mu and Yaya arrived at the Tiankeng.

The diameter of the tiankeng is about 30 meters, and there are traces of charred on the surrounding land.

Sure enough, as Chen Mu had guessed, the huge deep pit in front of him was clearly formed by the impact of meteorites. From the surrounding decayed vegetation, it can be felt that this crater contains a mysterious breath of Death.

“It’s very strange, since this is the third-space world, why the meteorite will hit here instead of hitting the real world.”

Chen Mu asked doubtfully.

The thin tail fingers of Yaya next to her lightly stroked the scattered strands of hair in front of her forehead, and Zhu lips lightly opened: “I heard Grandpa said that there was no sinkhole a long time ago, but it suddenly appeared one day later. .”

“sudden appearance?”

Chen Mu frowned, thinking of a rumor that he had seen on the stone stele of the temple before, and he suddenly felt inwardly.

Anecdotal records on the stone tablet: A huge meteorite appeared in Wuchen Village that year, giving birth to a god.

However, Chen Mu did not see any craters around Wuchen Village. It seems that the crater was transferred to the Third World.

“What does Miko-sama mean, and how do I enter the second dimension world?”

Chen Mu stared at the huge pit, puzzled.

Yaya’s delicate face showed a distressed smile: “I don’t understand what you said to Master Miko, and I don’t know how to help you.”

Chen Mu thought about Shaoqin and said to the girl: “You stay here and don’t move, I’ll take a look.”

“Well, be careful.” The girl nodded, Xingmou concerned.

Chen Mu sighed lightly and slowly walked into the crater. The surrounding air temperature began to rise gradually.

When he stood in the middle of the tiankeng, the temperature suddenly dropped again.

It’s like coming from the crater to the Antarctic ice cave.

Chen Mu felt his own body float up little by little, his feet slowly lifted off the ground, the small stones around the tiankeng trembled slightly, like being absorbed by a magnet, rolling towards Chen Mu…

Gradually, the yellow sand turned into a tornado accompanied by small stone particles, becoming more and more intense, wrapping Chen Mu in it.

At this moment, Chen Mu had only rich yellow sand in front of his eyes, and he couldn’t see anything else.

His head began to dizzy, until he lost consciousness…

Chen Mu was awakened by the strong smell of blood.

When his vision became clearer, the surrounding scene made him immersed in a shock, and he was dull and speechless for a long time.

This is a hill–

A huge hill completely stained red with blood!

The stream surrounding the confluence has turned into a bright red, like a dazzling red Ribbon winding down.

On the hills are slanted sticks of sharp wood.

But the wooden branches were actually covered with corpses.

The corpses were male and female, old and young. They were ragged, with thick and sharp wooden branches piercing through their chests, a fatal blow.

The blood-stained vultures hovered in the sky, making a stern, weird cry.

A round of red sun stood horizontally in the sky, dripping blood and tears.

The Underworld!

This is totally The Underworld!

Chen Mu’s mind was shaken.

So much so that at this moment, he began to believe that this world really has immortals, immortal palaces and underworlds.

Chen Mu looked far away and suddenly realized that this area resembled a picture of Eight Trigrams Yin & Yang.

In other words, here is an altar formation.

It’s exactly the same as the witch said.

Chen Mu subconsciously wanted to take out the weapon, but found that the storage space could not be opened, and even the “Things Beyond the Sky” could not be summoned.

“Is this a second space world?”

Chen Mu was very puzzled.

He walked toward the outside of the altar, but after walking for a long time, he could still only be in this area, and he couldn’t see the end at all.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared not far away.

That is a little girl.

The familiar figure made Chen Mu subconsciously blurt out, “Xiao Xuan’er!”

The other party didn’t move, just stood there firmly.

Chen Mu stepped forward and saw that the girl was enveloped in layers of black mist, and her bright sunny eyes were dead and indifferent.

“Little Xuan’er?”

Chen Mu wanted to reach out and touch, but the next moment couldn’t move his body.

He gradually calmed down and looked at the girl who exuded a strange aura and said, “You are Zhen Zhen, right?”

“choose one.”

The little girl spoke softly.

“What?” Chen Mucan frowned subconsciously.

At this moment, the little girl who turned into a Zhenzhen slowly raised her pale arms, her eyes as deep as the abyss with extreme indifference.

In midair, a picture suddenly appeared.

In the picture, Bai Xianyu, Man Jiaye, Yun Zhiyue, and Meng Yanqing were hung in midair in a coma.

Below are sharp wooden branches, entwined with the breath of Death.

Chen Mu was stunned, and then stared at the little girl: “So in the tomb, you were really lying to me!

You said that your mother abandoned you, you said that the people in the village treated you coldly, and you said you didn’t know why those animals died in the middle of the night… and even their age lied to me!

You will always be a demon, and your existence is killing. It was your mother who killed him, right? ”

Facing Chen Mu’s questioning, the little girl’s expression was neither happy nor sad.

She repeated what she had just said: “Choose one.”

“Why should I choose one?” Chen Mu asked.

The little girl said: “I only need three people to make sacrifices before I can successfully enter the third-level space world. Now that there is one more person, I will give you a chance. You choose one to take home.”

Hearing the little girl’s emotionless words, Chen Mu felt cold all over his body.

This is really a killing machine.

He pointed to Meng Yanqing in the picture: “You kill her as well?”

“If you don’t want her to die, you can choose her.” The little girl looked at Chen Mu plainly and said.

“Choose your uncle!”

Chen Muhan said. “Daddy, whether you are Zhen Zhen, Xiao Xuan’er, or Demon, you dare to touch any of them today, I swear, I will let you die miserably!”

“Will you kill me?”

The little girl came to him and handed a knife to Chen Mu, gently pressing the tip of the knife against Own’s chest.

She said in a bewitching voice: “Come on, kill me now, kill me, you can save all of them. You can also save those people in Wuchen Village.”


Chen Mu found that he could move.

He squeezed the handle of the knife, wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say.

Seeing the tip of the knife pour out a trace of blood in the little girl’s heart, Chen Mu quickly retracted the blade and said coldly, “You want me to kill Xiao Xuan’er. You want me to live my life with guilt forever, you want to Let Yanqing and I become strangers from now on…I won’t let your conspiracy succeed.”

The little girl looked at Chen Mu with a pitying gaze, her young palms gently stroked her cheeks: “Why don’t you understand, I am Xiao Xuan’er, Xiao Xuan’er is the demon, we are one.”

Chen Mu opened his mouth and fell into silence.

The little girl grasped Chen Mu’s hand with both hands, clenched the handle of the knife, and pierced Own’s chest little by little:

“Come on, Xiao Xuan’er is no longer saved. Now you can save everyone as long as you kill me. If you don’t kill, they will all die because of you. Then you will not just live the rest of your life with guilt. ”

The red blood slowly oozes out, like a mournful rose blooming on the white clothes.

Chen Mu’s expression changed.

Suddenly, he yanked out his arm and threw the blade away: “I will not let anyone die. I will try to save them, and I will try to save Xiao Xuan’er.”


The little girl suddenly laughed presumptuously, her smile full of mockery.

The blood in her chest disappeared, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The corner of the little girl’s thin mouth evoked a sneer arc: “This is you humans, always placing hope in your feelings. Because of your emotions, you have lost your friends and relatives, but you can only regret it when you turn down.”

She slowly opened her arms, and the black mist condensed into a blade, floating in front of the screen, aiming at the four daughters of Meng Yanqing.

“There is no absolute perfection in this world. Since you have chosen to save Xiao Xuan’er, you must be prepared to lose them.”


Chen Mu was shocked and rushed over.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Countless black mist condensed blades whizzed towards the four women in the picture…


(Author’s words: I saw a book friend worried that Xiao Xuan’er would have a knife in this case. Let me tell you that there is no tragedy in this case, and all the foreshadowings have been buried. Some people tell the truth, some people tell lies, turn back later. It will start gradually, and the boss behind the scenes will also come out.)

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