Chapter 402: To Kill or Not to Kill?

“Let me kill the demon?”

Hearing the words of the witch, Chen Mu seemed to have heard a big joke.

Not to mention whether what the other party said was the truth or not, now Xiao Xuan’er is the incarnation of Zhen Zhen, and it must be impossible for him to kill Xiao Xuan’er.

Unless things have really deteriorated, irretrievably, but the situation is not so bad now.

“Why should I help you?” Chen Mu asked lightly.

The old witch in the dark said quietly: “Although you came to Wuchen Village under the banner of investigating the fire, I understand that your real purpose is for the demon fetus.

I believe you already know something about the devil. She is a Devil that is difficult to control. If you continue like this, many people will die. ”

Chen Mu shook his head: “I don’t think so. Since the demon once retained a kind nature, it means that there are some kind emotions in her heart. There must be a way to solve all this.”

The witch let out a deep and helpless laugh, as if she was amused by Chen Mu’s innocent thoughts.

She said with a sigh: “If it were so easy as you said, we wouldn’t be so desperate back then, we can only hide in this space Minor World.”

Chen Mu glanced at the village girl Yaya, who was still confused, and thought for a while and said, “I still have my companions trapped in the second space world. Is there any way to let them in.”

“Your companion?”

The old witch said in surprise. “Can they also enter the second space world?”

Chen Mu nodded: “That’s right, there were secret tunnels to enter from the outside world, and a companion was brought in by Zhen Zhen.”

The old witch’s face suddenly changed, and she said solemnly: “Your companion is going to be in danger.”

Chen Mu raised his eyebrows: “Why?”

The old witch said: “There has never been any channel to enter the space world, and it is impossible for outsiders to enter. But now the devil has specially helped you, clearly wanting to use you to let him successfully enter the space world we are in now.”

In order to let Chen Mu understand the danger contained therein, the old witch tells the story of the matter:

“Back when the demons were killed, we were forced to enter the third-layer space world, because only this layer was specially built for us by the goddess, where we can live. Most importantly, it can prevent evil from entering.

But after all, the demon is not an ordinary monster. As long as she can use a special altar formation to sacrifice several cultivators, she can open the third space world and enter. ”

Chen Mu’s heart was awe-inspiring: “So what you mean is that she deliberately let us go to the second space world, in order to sacrifice us, so that she can successfully enter the third space world.”

The old witch nodded: “The devil’s vengeance is very heavy. After so many years, I still want to kill us, but it has been unsuccessful. But if she can enter the third space world, then we will have no way. Refundable.”

Chen Mu fell silent.

Regarding the truthfulness of the old witch’s words, he made a discount in his heart, and would not believe them all.

But it will not be completely left behind.

After all, both Yanqing and him were led to Wuchen Village by the demon intentionally or unintentionally, and fell into a mystery.

If the demon is really for this purpose, then he must quickly return to the second space world and find Yan Qing and the others.

“By the way, there is another person who doesn’t know if you have any impression.”

Chen Mu asked. “This person is called Feiqiong.”

“Girl Joan…”

The old witch was slightly startled, and said with a smile. “Of course the old man remembers her, but this girl left Wuchen Village with own parents when she was young, and later heard that she became a general.”

Chen Mu brought up another matter: “General Feiqiong was beheaded outside the Meridian Gate because of the involvement of the civet cat prince. What was strange at the time was that her body disappeared the next day.

Later, she turned into a headless general and went to Guanshanyuan to participate in an attack.

So I want to know, has she successfully cultivated the magic power of Wuma, or does Wuma magic exist? Can it bring people back to life? ”

Chen Mu asked a lot of questions in a row.

The old witch was silent for a long time, and then slowly replied: “Speaking of the fact that Mrs. Chen is not afraid of a joke, even our Wuchen Village can hardly judge the truth of the magic of Wuma. Because no one has seen it, only heard of the goddess. You can be reborn by decapitating and resurrecting from the dead.”

“Oh, your words are a bit slippery.”

Chen Mu casually picked up the teacup beside the table and handed it to his mouth. Just as he was about to drink, he put the teacup back and said. “As far as I know, you are controlled by the witch goddess, so there are Gu worms in your body. And this Gu worm represents another meaning of witch magic.”

“No, the specific circumstances—”

Just halfway through the words of the old maiden, suddenly the ground and the entire house shook violently, and countless bottles and cans were scattered on the ground, making a pong-pong-clanging sound.

The three of them were stunned.

Chen Mu wondered: “Are there any earthquakes here?”

But the old witch became nervous and excited, she straightened her back, and her voice was a bit sharp and uneasy: “No, it’s the demon that is digging into the third-dimensional world! She may…may have already started the altar formation.”


Chen Mu didn’t expect that the demon would start attacking so soon.

A cloud of haze came to mind.

My heart couldn’t help but start to worry about Yanqing and Niangzi, and I just hope that they are all right now.

Chen Mu stood up and said, “Master Miko, is there any way for me to enter the second dimension world.”

I have to see it myself.

“Of course there is.”

The old witch said to Yaya. “Yah, take Chen Catou to the Tiankeng in the west of the village, be careful.”


Yaya was stunned for a moment, and pressed hard on her pointed chin: “Okay.”

When the two of them were about to leave, the old witch suddenly stopped Chen Mu and pointed to the dagger on the table: “This dagger is made from ten thousand years of ice soul. Master Chen might as well stay with her first, it’s always useful. While standing.”

Chen Mu thought for a while, then put the dagger away: “Thank you.”


Following the girl all the way, she walked towards the west of the village entrance.

Yaya tried to say many times, but finally seemed unable to restrain her curiosity. She asked, “Master Chen, what are you talking about with the witch-sama? When did the Wuchen Village have a big fire? We… among us What does Gu mean?”

Looking at the girl’s clean eyes, Chen Mu did not answer directly, but actively changed the subject and asked, “What is a tiankeng?”

Yaya gently pressed her ruddy lips and said: “I don’t know too well. I heard from Grandpa that it seems that a huge rock flew from outside the sky and smashed the ground into a big pit, and then there are often dead animals in that place…”


Chen Mu looked strange.

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