Chapter 401 The Devil Is Evil!

The huge head that appeared abruptly floats quietly in the sky, and gradually falls with the sound of the mysterious bell…

The head stopped when it was about 30 meters above the village.

This is the head of a woman.

Looks beautiful.

The woman closed her eyes tightly, her eyebrows dizzy with red lines.

Chen Mu recognized that her face was very similar to the stone statue of the goddess Witch in the temple, that is to say, this is the head of the goddess Witch in the legend!

Everyone in the village seemed to have been cast a hold technique at this moment, looking up at the head floating in the sky in a daze.

There is only emptiness in the eyes, no extra emotions.

The boundary between God and mortal is perfectly divided between heaven and earth at this moment, and there is no resistance in the heart except worship.


Chen Mu pushed the girl, but the latter had no response.

At this moment, as the air fluctuated, Chen Mu suddenly saw a red thread on the center of Yaya’s eyebrows, connected to the center of the half-empty head, as if blood was flowing slowly.

Chen Mu looked at the other villagers, and sure enough, there was a weird red thread on their eyebrows.

The silk threads are like the lifeblood of human beings, which are connected with the goddess of Wu Mo.

“Is this how the goddess Wuma controls the villagers?”

Chen Mu’s eyes flickered.

He hesitated for a moment, quietly fumbled out the shark-tooth knife, slammed his feet towards the head in the air, and then slashed it severely.


Pulling out the majestic sword beam like a huge wave on the head, a hot white light burst out instantly, engulfing Chen Mu in it.

The next moment, Chen Mu fell heavily to the ground, feeling as if his internal organs were about to shift, and the pain was unbearable.

The blazing white light pierced and Chen Mu quickly raised his hand to cover his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the huge head in the air was gone, and Yaya looked at him with a worried and puzzled look: “My son, are you okay? Why did you faint again? Is there something sickness?”

Chen Mu stood up and looked at the other villagers, and found that everyone had returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just now.

“Did you not see a huge head floating in the sky just now?”

Chen Mu asked.

Yaya’s delicate face was blank, and she stared at Chen Mu with strange eyes, feeling like she was looking at a fool.

It seems that in the heart of the village girl, Chen Mu is already confused.

She was worried and said, “My son, or I will take you to Hu Langzhong’s place first.”

Chen Mu rubbed his slightly painful head.

Although his head is sober, it is difficult to think about everything he is in now, as if he was covered with gauze.

But he is sure now.

Although these villagers hid in this spatial world, they still failed to escape the control of the goddess Wuma.

After all, this world was built by the goddess, and she is the absolute master.

“Do you know the Goddess Witches?”

Chen Mu stared at the girl’s eyes, trying to see something.

“My Goddess?”

Yaya froze for a moment, and nodded gently. “Of course, she is the god of our Wuchen Village.”

Chen Mu frowned.

According to the timeline, Wuchen Village at this moment has long abandoned the goddess Wuma and should be believed in as the god of water.

Is it the girl who is lying, or the dust-free village in this spatial world has been changed.

In other words, they are controlled by the goddess Wumo.

“By the way, where is the maiden of your Wuchen Village, can you take me to see her, I have something to tell her.”

Chen Mu said lightly.

Yaya blinked her beautiful big eyes, “How did you know that there is a witch-sama in our Wuchen Village.”

“It’s no secret.” Chen Mu smiled slightly.

The girl’s thick eyelashes trembled, seemingly embarrassed, but her teeth bit her lip and grabbed Chen Mu’s hand: “Go, I will take you to see her. But you must not tell Grandpa, otherwise I will I’m going to be scolded again.”

The hands of the village girl were not as rough as they had done farm work on weekdays. They were rather soft and cool.

“Don’t worry, I won’t say it.” Chen Mu smiled.

Led by the girl, Chen Mu walked all the way through a relatively remote path to the front of a house.

The house is quiet and pleasant, with a string of copper bells at the door.

When the wind blew, the copper bell made a series of slightly sweet sounds, like a girl whispering.

“Shhh, keep it quiet.”

Yaya put her jade finger in front of her lips, and said to Chen Mu.

Then the girl stepped up the ordinary elegant blue embroidered shoes that wrapped her feet, and walked cautiously towards the courtyard.

“Yaya, you violated the ancestral rules again, and came here with foreigners.”

As soon as he stepped into the hospital, an old woman’s voice came from the house, the voice was gentle and majestic.

The girl paused with her feet raised, and her awkward expression climbed onto her small face.

She habitually spit out a small lilac cat tongue, and twisted and said: “Mikomi, people just took this son to visit the village and came to your residence accidentally. It’s really cupped fist. People didn’t mean it. .”

Chen Mu stepped up to the cupped hands and said, “The six doors always capture Chen Mu and have seen Lord Miko.”

“People from the government…”

After a short silence in the house, the witch said slowly. “I don’t know what the so-called Mr. Chen came to our clean village.”

Chen Mu didn’t mean anything, and opened the skylight and said, “Wuchen Village was burned down by a fire. There are 196 people in the village who have survived. I want to know… whether you are a ghost or a human being!”

The courtyard was silent, and even the air was frozen in an instant.

Yaya stared at Chen Mu in a daze, opened her lips, and after a long pause, she came back to her senses. She hurriedly said to the maiden in the room: “Miko, Master Chen, he…he was caught in a coma before. Saved, something is wrong with your head, don’t be angry.”

However, there was still a long silence in the hut.

The gentle wind blew the bells, but there was no sound, as if they were blocked.

Until a piece of withered yellow leaves fell in the small pool in the courtyard, after ripples appeared, the closed door in front of the house suddenly opened, and a piece of it was deep and secluded, and it was not real.

Is this inviting him in?

Chen Mu raised his foot and stepped into the door, Yaya hesitated and followed behind him.

Entering the house, it was still pitch black.

All the light was blocked, and only one figure was faintly sitting curled up in the corner.

“Please sit down.”

The old man’s hoarse voice sounded.

Chen Mu sat on a chair, and the tea cup on the table automatically showed tea, steaming, which was quite magical.

Master Miko asked slowly: “Does Master Chen know what caused the fire?”

Chen Mu’s eyelids twitched.

The witch obviously admitted that the clean villages of this world are different.

Chen Mu said: “I don’t know, but some people say that you are self-immolation. Although the possibility is very small, maybe… is it true?”

Yaya next to her listened to the conversation between the two, behaving at a loss.

It seemed that the girl was completely confused.

The witch’s dark eyes looked at Chen Mu faintly: “Yes, we set ourselves on fire, and I set off the fire.”

Although he had been mentally prepared, Chen Mu felt a shock in his heart when he heard the witch personally said.

“Why?” He was puzzled.

The witch smiled faintly: “This space world at this moment was created by Lord Wuma Goddess. We have not come in because we don’t want to be controlled by her. However, if we don’t enter here, then we will die by the hands of the devil. .”

“The demon in your mouth is the little girl named Zhenzhen?” Chen Mu frowned.

“Yes, it seems that Master Chen also knows a lot.”

The witch sighed deeply. “We originally thought that we could use a fan to completely change the’evil’ nature in her body, but obviously we overestimated ourselves and underestimated the demon fetus.”

Chen Mu said coldly: “But as far as I know, it was when you were offering sacrifices to Zhen Zhen that the demons in her were aroused.”

“Ha ha……”

The witch laughed. “Humans, you will always easily believe what you see on the surface. You must have entered the second space world and met the girl Zhenzhen. And what you know is what she told you, right.”

Chen Mu did not deny: “I have also entered the temple and heard a turtle monster talk about the things that year.”

“So, you just understand one-sidedly.”

Said the witch old woman. “Did she tell you that her mother imprisoned her in the tomb? Did she tell you that her mother abandoned her. Did she tell you that her father also ran away from home.”

Chen Mu looked down at the steaming tea on the table and nodded gently: “That’s right.”


The witch sighed, “I was deceived by that girl back then until…”

“Until what?” Chen Mu asked.

The witch leaned forward slightly, adding a clear outline in the darkness: “Until I found out…Her mother actually died in the tomb.”

Chen Mu suddenly raised his head, his eyes sharp.

He clenched his fist, suppressed the shock in his heart, shook his head and said: “I don’t believe she will kill…”

“The devil… is evil in nature.”

The witch smiled bitterly. “Zhen Zhen is a good boy, and very kind. It’s a pity that she can’t stop the demon in her body. Blame it. Someone put the demon in the Wuchen Village back then. And Wuchen Village can completely arouse the devil. ”

Hearing this, Chen Mu’s eyes flashed a sharp light.

He asked with scorching eyes: “Mikomi, do you know who put the demon fetus in the Wuchen Village back then?”

“I guessed who put it, but I dare not say.”

The witch shook her head.

Chen Mu gave her the answer: “Is it the second master of Guanshanyuan?”

“Master Chen is very powerful.”

The witch exclaimed, apparently acknowledging Chen Mu’s conjecture.

Chen Mu said: “I once saw a portrait of the second master, in the coffin of the tomb, and I also saw her illegitimate daughter, which seems to be the previous witch. So I want to know, the second master and Wuchen Village What is the origin.”

“The bastard girl…”

An imperceptible smile flicked across the corner of the miko’s lips.

She watched Chen Mu slowly speak: “Her real name is Mo Yun’er, she used to be from our Wuchen Village, and later… she left here. As for why she left, it was also because of the death of a loved one of hers.”

Chen Mu said: “The one who died was the illegitimate daughter of the second master, you made her a witch, but died. So the second master deliberately put the demon fetus in the dust-free village for revenge.”

“Maybe so, but now it’s useless to say anything.”

The witch waved her hand and placed a crescent-like dagger before Chen Mu’s table, imploring her voice. “Since Master Chen can enter the Third Stage world at will, can you do us a favor and kill the demon?”

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