Chapter 197 Must report to the Lord!

In the morning, the morning sun rises, and a hint of golden yellow appears on the thin window paper.

Under the wait of the sister-in-law, Chen Mu finished washing.

As soon as I stepped out of the room, I saw the two women walking out of the next room, both glamorous and colorful, their faces dizzy and bright.

For some reason, it gives the illusion of a pure sister flower.

Bai Xianyu, who was stretching his waist, looked at Chen Mu’s dark circles strangely, and asked softly: “Husband, did you have a rest last night?”

“Neither I nor Little Brother have a good rest.”

Chen Mu didn’t have a good air.

Recalling the strange noises coming from the next door from time to time last night, he could only toss and turn around, thinking wildly.

What are these two people doing?

Is it pure or not?

Could it be the Tauren plot?

So the question is, who put the hat on whom.

Chen Mu’s eyes fell on Yun Zhiyue’s body, the latter’s starry eyes were always low, and the more flavorful cheeks were stained with a faint glow.

Obviously it looked like…being bullied.

Obviously she is the victim.

Chen Mu took a breath and cast a weird and unkind look at Bai Xianyu.

Just as she was about to say something like “The world is going down,” the woman narrowed her beautiful phoenix eyes slightly, and Chen Mu suddenly shut up, turned and left.

Forget it, gentlemen don’t care about women.

The breakfast was very rich, and Chen Mu ate six Steamed buns in one go.

It’s so fragrant.

However, the other three people rarely fought for a fried dough stick. Chen Mu didn’t expect this. It can only be said that the three monks had no water to drink.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was as harmonious as last time, and it was really harmonious.

The three women laughed and laughed.

Once the topic spreads out, the twitter is basically endless.

Only Chen Mu, like an outsider, couldn’t stop talking, and could only drink soup silently, thinking about the case under investigation today by the way.

Less than eight days before the ceremony.

If the case behind Xu Wuqing cannot be solved as soon as possible, it will be in trouble.

There are many clues now, but they are too fragmentary to pick up at all.

There needs to be a thread to string all these clue fragments together, but this thread is never touched, and I don’t know where to start.

“I hope Vermillion Bird Hall can find some useful information from Yaochi.”

Chen Mu secretly sighed.

As long as we can find out who brought the blood mother ginseng essence from Yaochi, this case can be further explored.

After breakfast, Chen Mu brought Yun Zhiyue, who was reluctant, with him.

“Don’t frown. If you were obedient last time, you wouldn’t have been injured. This time I said nothing to let you catch any traitors.”

Chen Mu took out a transparent silk thread and tied the two wrists together.

It is safest to take this woman with her.

The thread is just a piece of silk, which can be broken as long as Yun Zhiyue gently exerts force, but in the eyes of a woman, it seems to be a red thread.

A tough red line that will never be cut.

Tie the two together firmly.

The woman’s originally resisting heart gradually softened with this red line, and the corners of her lips could not conceal the joy and shyness.

“By the way, what did my lady do to you last night?” Chen Mu asked curiously.

“I won’t tell you!”

Yun Zhiyue’s face blushed’tightly’, and she turned her head away, and her long hair ponytail made of pink silk swept across the tip of Chen Mu’s nose, leaving a touch of sweetness.

Chen Mu sighed slightly: “Grinding ~ tofu is a personal effort.”

…Before going to the six doors, Chen Mu naturally went to visit the beautiful woman.

“Xiao Xuan’er, where is your mother?”

Chen Mu asked when he saw Xiao Xuan’er who was about to go to the college at the door.

Xiao Xuan’er raised her sweet round faces, and a pair of small dimples bloomed with laughter, and said crisply: “Mother is grinding tofu.”

Chen Mu: “…”

Entering the courtyard, and seeing Meng Yanqing, who was sweating like rain, was pushing the stone mill slowly in circles, Chen Mu realized that it was a serious mill.

After experiencing yesterday’s fantasy-like experience, Meng Yanqing did not seem to be affected.

At least it looks normal on the surface.

A little bit of sweat slid down her white cheeks and into the snowy neck, as if she was surrounded by a moist halo under the shower of morning light.

Ripe pomegranate.

Slightly unpicked colorful flowers.

Looking at the dazzling beautiful woman, Chen Mu secretly sighed, “Brother has a blessing.”

“Did you go to the Yamen so early?”

Meng Yanqing smiled, wiped the fine sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, first greeted Yun Zhiyue, and looked at Chen Mu with her beautiful eyes.

Those eyes were extremely gentle, like ink beads that melted after being dipped in ink.

Chen Mu frowned.

For some reason, he felt that something had changed in the woman in front of him, but he couldn’t tell.

It was as if years of knots and condensed thoughts were erased, and there was a burst of self-confidence and tenacity that came out of the bones.

“Where’s Awei.”

Chen Mu swallowed the words of comfort he had prepared and changed the subject.

Meng Yanqing looked helpless: “I didn’t come back after I went out last night. I guess I was in a bad mood. I went out for a drink.”

bad mood……

Think about it, too, knowing that all my parents are fake, it’s normal to go out to drink stuffy alcohol.



Seeing Chen Mu who was hesitant to speak, Meng Yanqing’s bright apricot eyes opened slightly.


Chen Mu smiled, walked to the beautiful woman, and removed the strands of black hair that the other party had stuck to Xueli, “Get a good rest.”


Meng Yanqing’s pink cheeks are reddish, and the waves of her eyes are full of Chen Mu’s shadow.

Leaving the courtyard, he happened to meet Zhang Awei.

The other party was exhausted, with deep sunken eye sockets, and a haggard look on his face. There was still some dirt on his clothes, which made him quite embarrassed.

Chen Mu shook his head: “I knew you were so fragile, so I would drink with you.”

Zhang Awei sucked his nose, stuffed the love book into Chen Mu’s hands, and said with tears, “Team leader, it doesn’t work.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Yesterday Xiaoyi said that there was no one in her house. I wondered if the opportunity had come, so I ran over. Guess what, I knocked on the door for two hours, but I didn’t open it. Then I realized that she There is really no one at home.”


Chen Mu didn’t know how to comfort him for a while, patted Ah Wei on the shoulder, and said earnestly: “The lick is a bit too much.”

“You can give me a trick for that team leader.” Zhang Awei looked hopeful.

However, Chen Mu asked strangely: “You now know that your mother and father are fake, don’t you have any sadness and worry? Still thinking about picking up girls.”

“What is there to worry about, mother is still my mother, Xiao Xuan’er is still my Little Sister, aren’t they all the same?”

Looking at Zhang Awei’s ordinary face, Chen Mu understood that this guy was pure heartless.

Of course, this ‘heartless, no lung’ is a complimentary word.

Nothing extra thought.

Like it is like it, dislike it if it doesn’t like it. I don’t think much, although sometimes I think about it.

“Go and rest, today you have a day off.”

Chen Mu smiled and handed back the love book. “Think well and don’t just lick it.”

“What is there to ponder about.”

Zhang Awei scratched his head and walked into the courtyard with a sigh.

Seeing Meng Yanqing in the courtyard, Zhang Awei said hello weakly. When I was walking into the house, I heard a faint voice:

“Xiao Wei…”


Zhang Awei turned his head towards Meng Yanqing, who bowed his head and played with the stone mill, and asked, “What’s the matter? Shouldn’t it be for me to do the work? I’ll sleep for a while, last night—”

Meng Yanqing stroked her hair: “From today onwards, my mother has decided to like someone.”

The courtyard was suddenly quiet.

Zhang Awei opened his mouth slightly, and said with a confused look: “Didn’t you like people before?”


Meng Yanqing was silent for a moment, and went to the kitchen to take out a rolling pin.

Soon, there was a sound of crying and howling begging for mercy in the courtyard.

Returning to the six doors, Chen Mu continued to analyze the case.

Yun Zhiyue, who was tied together by silk threads, could only sit aside, accompany him to read boring files and some fragmented information that he didn’t understand at all.

Recalling how this guy was intimate with Meng Yanqing, Yun Zhiyue said sourly:

“I understand, you guy will be honest only in front of your own lady. If you leave her, you will molested when you see a beautiful woman, completely ignoring others.”

While looking at the dossier, Chen Mu said: “The red flag at home cannot be down, the colored flags outside can be fluttered casually.”


Yun Zhiyue gave a white glance.

Chen Mu smiled, looked down at the clues, and did not speak.

Chen Mu was not very worried about the Heavenly Punishment Spider on his wife and child of the Baidi Holy Sword.

After all, there is formation protection outside the hospital, and there are also special personnel guarding it.

What he cares more about now is how the Heavenly Punishment Spider on Ji Ping’er, as the princess who has been raised in her boudoir for a long time, was infected.

The other party said that he had never seen Xu Wuqing alone, which is still worth questioning.

Maybe that girl was lying.

In addition, the goal of the people behind the scenes should be to sacrifice to the ceremonial ceremony, to use more imagination, or for the aliens hidden in the altar.

So what is their purpose in capturing the alien things?


Since the original plan was to let Xu Wuqing enter the temple hall and then sneak into the altar, why did he have to give him so many supplements.

Chen Mu rubbed his brows, wrote and scratched on the paper, trying to find out something.

Yun Zhiyue next to her did not dare to bother.

At first she still wanted to help Chen Mu analyze the case, but looking at the dense clues and conjectures, her entire head grew bigger.

Simply sitting on the stool in a daze.

Occasionally, he pulled the long black ponytail to his eyes and counted his own hair.

One, one, pass the time.

Occasionally I picked up the brush on the table and drew freely, trying to draw a Chen Mu, but unfortunately he didn’t have the talent, and finally drew a pig.

It was really boring, Yun Zhiyue put her legs on the table, silently reciting Yin & Yang’s determination.

But suddenly remembering Bai Xianyu’s gentle and dignified image, Yun Zhiyue quickly put down her long legs and sat down tightly, trying to maintain the image of a lady.

Keeping your image is the most important thing around the person you like.

The woman thought to herself.

Finally, his legs were numb, and he glanced at Chen Mu secretly. Seeing that the other party was not paying attention, he quickly changed to a comfortable sitting position and rubbed his legs.

Time passed silently…

Pages of paper filled with conjectures and clues gradually piled up on the desk.

Chen Mu found out some transcripts previously obtained from Xu Wuqing’s slave, and tried to filter out some useful information fragments.


According to the family slave at the time, it was a woman who gave Xu Wuqing tonic.Well, Xu Wuqing knew this person, and he was quite a trusted person, otherwise he would not take any medicine for no reason.

Who is this woman?

Who is the force behind her?

Chen Mu picked up the warm tea on the table, took a sip, closed his eyes and thought.

Slowly, Chen Mu remembered the three assassins who attacked Yun Zhiyue that day. Why did they appear there so coincidental?

You know that Su Qiaoer only revealed the information this afternoon.

It is impossible for the killer to follow him and Yun Zhiyue all the time. If he follows, he should be aware of it.

In addition, the letter of information he found from the killer–

‘The thing is in the third room underwater. ’

What is it?

It stands to reason that when a killer performs a task, he will not carry a key letter on his body, unless…

They saw Yun Zhiyue by accident, and they temporarily assassinated him.

According to this inference, the three assassins were going to send letter paper that day, and they happened to see Yun Zhiyue, so they temporarily voluntarily assassinated.

The question is, who are they going to send the letterhead to?

“Could it be…”

Chen Mu rubbed his chin, his eyes flickered, and a name gradually emerged in his mind: Father Fang?

Fang Gongzheng was in the restaurant box with him that day.

Yun Zhiyue waited outside the restaurant.

The three assassins ran to send letter paper to Gong Gong Fang, only to see Yun Zhiyue alone, so they assassinated.


Chen Mu patted the table, preparing to write down this inference first.

Is it right? Then verify again, as long as you can slowly string together these clues, you can always launch the conspiracy of the forces behind the scenes.


The table next to it shook.

Chen Mu turned his head and looked, and saw Yun Zhiyue clutching her head, looking at him pitifully with a faintly resentful expression.

It turned out that she, who was bowing her head and rubbing her legs, raised her head quickly when she heard the movement of tapping the table.

As a result, he accidentally hit the corner of the table.

It hurts.

“What’s wrong with you?” Chen Mu was puzzled.

Yun Zhiyue sat back in a dignified posture, folded her hands on her thighs, trying to imitate Bai Xianyu’s gentle and virtuous tone: “It’s okay, I just picked up something and accidentally met.”

“let me see.”

Chen Mu pityed.

He quickly pulled the woman over to see if there were any wounds on the other’s head.

As a result, the pulling strength was a little bit stronger, and Yun Zhiyue sat for a long time with her legs in a state of semi-numbness, and her body fell soft and soft, and her head fell in the middle of Chen Mu’s legs…

“Master Chen, there is news from Yaochi, I–”

The door suddenly opened, and Hei Ling of the Vermillion Bird Hall rushed in with a secret note excitedly, and his voice stopped abruptly.

All three of them were stunned.

After the atmosphere solidified for more than ten seconds, Hei Ling turned and left, closing the door smoothly.

Leave a sentence: “Sorry, you continue.”

Chen Mu blinked and looked down at Yun Zhiyue who was dazed: “Did she misunderstand something?”

Outside the door, Hei Ling slapped Own’s head fiercely.

Stupid, knowing that the man on the Lord is an LSP, he must have done nothing good in the house, so he forgot to break in.

It’s embarrassing now.

Recalling the scene in the house, Heiling clenched his fist.

This matter must be reported to the Lord.

The last time I was outside the house, I imagined it out of thin air, and there was no basis for it, but this time I saw it with my own eyes.

Hei Ling stuffed the secret note into the crack of the door, turned and left.

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