Chapter 196 There is a reason for the arrangement next door!

There is a quiet atmosphere in the room

The pale-faced Meng Yanqing lay quietly on the bed like a sleeping beauty, still in a coma, and has not yet woken up.

It’s hard for her.

First, the ex-husband who had been dead for ten years was resurrected, and then the ex-husband became a killer inexplicably, and suddenly he changed from a killer to a woman.

In the end, even the two children were not born to him…

If you change to another woman, I am afraid that you will already be insane at this moment.

Even a novel dare not write like that.

Chen Mu frowned, thinking hard about this seemingly clear but rather complicated situation, and the more he thought about it, the more his brain hurt.

On the other side, Yin Hades lay on the table and drew circles.

Having been a killer for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such a strange thing.

Since the lady is still innocent, how did these two children come? Falling from the sky? It shouldn’t.

“Too annoying!”

Yin Hades knocked his white forehead heavily on the table, and then knocked it again and again.

It’s like knocking on a wooden fish.

Chen Mu sat in front of him and stared at her: “When Meng Yanqing was pregnant, did her belly get bigger.”


Yin Ha ha sneered. “I watched her belly grow up a little bit with my own eyes. I thought she was not wanting face because she was stealing a guy outside. I didn’t bother to care about her after that, and I didn’t care about her even more after giving birth.”

Chen Mu asked: “Did you see her being born with your own eyes?”


Yin Hades shook his head, “This is not true. I was taking an order to kill people. When I came back, I would like to be a father.”

The corners of Chen Mu’s mouth twitched when he heard the words ‘Hi to be a father’.

He suddenly discovered that although the Yin Hades was extremely beautiful, he was carefree when he spoke.

“Is there any strange person who has touched her on weekdays.”

Chen Mu asked.

Yin Hades King Zhu’s lips pursed with a cold sneer:

“I’m not a real husband, so why have I been with her all the time. Besides, I often go out on assignments. How do I know who she is in contact with?”

Chen Mu silently rubbed his temples.

What is going on?

He cast his eyes on Yun Zhiyue: “Can you see anything?”

Yun Zhiyue looked at Meng Yanqing who was in a coma, and said lightly: “There is only one possibility for a woman to keep her innocent body, but can give birth.”

“What’s possible?”

“Someone put a magic baby on her!”

Chen Mu’s face changed abruptly, and he asked in a deep voice, “Tell me more specifically.”

Yun Zhiyue’s voice is clear and crisp: “Generally speaking, babies are born from the mother’s womb. But sometimes, some practitioners will cast monsters into babies and put them into the mother’s womb. After a new baptism, it is easy to control them. ”

She took out an ancient book and turned to the introduction about the Demon Infant, and handed it to Chen Mu: “Just read it for yourself.”

Chen Mu looked at the explanation of the demon infant in the page, and frowned little by little: “Are Zhang Awei and Xiao Xuan’er both demon infants?”

“I don’t know, I can’t see it anyway.”

Yun Zhiyue said rather helplessly. “I used Yan Magic to test the two of them, and they didn’t detect any abnormalities. Either they were not magic infants at all, or the magic infants had not yet formally awakened.”

Chen Mu looked down at the pages of the book.

According to the content described in the book, once the Demon Infant awakens, it will completely lose control.

If Zhang Awei and Xiao Xuan’er are both magic infants, then who put them into Meng Yanqing’s body, and what is the purpose of the mysterious person?

“Oh, my poor lady.”

Yin Hades held his fragrant cheeks in his hands, and kept muttering to himself, “If my husband knew you had suffered so much, he would never leave you if he said anything. Don’t worry, your husband has been guarding this time. By your side, my poor little Qinger…”

“Hurry up and get me away!”

Chen Mu cursed in an angry voice: “You have wasted Yanqing’s more than ten years of youth, do you know? You lied to her for ten years, are you a human?”

Listening to Chen Mu’s reprimand, King Yin Ming smiled: “When she married me, it was all voluntary. What did I lie to?”


“Besides, if she doesn’t marry me, can you meet her?”


Chen Mu was speechless for a while.

This woman was right. If Meng Yanqing had married someone else, then this flower would have been picked by someone else.

Now that he hasn’t been picked, he can not only eat meat, but also soup.

Suddenly, Chen Mu felt that the Yin Pluto was a bit pleasing to the eye.

But remembering that the other party had said before that she and Meng Yanqing had rolled over the sheets, Chen Mu was unhappy.

Every cell in his body was filled with sourness.

I have never rolled.

“From now on, you better stay away.”

Chen Mu said sternly. “You can’t get closer to Meng Yanqing. Since you are a woman, your so-called husband and wife status does not exist!”

Speaking of this, Chen Mu’s tone became harsh again:

“You are a killer, I am an official, you better be smart. What’s more, you assassinated Governor Yu before, if I stabbed this out, how many days can you live?”Listening to Chen Mu’s threatening words, King Yin Pluto trembled all over, his face turned blue and purple, and pointed to Chen Mu:

“You…you…you are so vicious!”

“Even to rob my wife in front of me! This is a girl who robs the people! Sure enough, every good thing about being an official! It’s all a beast!”

“If you have the ability, grab me too!”


Swearing and cursing, King Yin Pluto hugged his belly and laughed.

Tears of laughter came out.

She put her slender legs on the table, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes, and said in a lazy tone: “Master Chen, your threat is useless to me.”

“Then what do you want?”

Chen Mu narrowed his eyes.

He remembered Su Qiao’er’s evaluation of Yin Hades before.

A moody lunatic.

The woman’s tone was soft and coquettish and lovely: “I don’t want anything, I just think it’s fun.”


“Yeah, I originally planned to taste Xiao Qing’er in front of you as a man and watch you get angry.”

A strange light burst into the beautiful light blue eyes of the King Yin. “But now that you know that I am a woman, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, I just want to review the relationship between husband and wife with Xiao Qinger. Would you like to see it.”

Chen Mu was speechless.

Is this woman sick?

This reminded him of Xue Caiqing, who used to be in Juchun Tower, Qingyu County, who was also a lesbian, and the two were quite suitable.

“I want Kangkang.”

Chen Mu said honestly.

Nonsense, who doesn’t want to watch a wonderful show dedicated by two big beauties?

If so, Chen Mu is willing to find a small bench, drink beer and smash melon seeds to watch the ink technology of the two beauties.


Yin Pluto looked like a smile but not a smile. “Then you just wait, I’ll come to sleep with Xiao Qing’er in a few days, to make sure you enjoy it.”

She got up, stretched, and put her headgear back on.

Seeing that the other party was leaving, Chen Mu suddenly asked curiously: “I think you are a mixed-race, from which country?”

Yin Hades did not answer.

It wasn’t until she walked out of the yard that a voice floated: “The Kingdom of Pisces.”


Chen Mu frowned and looked at Yun Zhiyue: “I don’t seem to have heard of it much.”

“North of Loulan, above Tianhe.”

The knowledgeable Yun Zhiyue explained to the future husband of own fool.

“This is a small country in the Western Regions with a population of less than 500,000. The most famous legend in their country is actually a Magic Treasures called Pisces Jade Pei.”

Chen Mu eyes reveal different color: “Pisces jade pendant?”

“Yes, it is said that this Magic Treasures can’mirror copy’ all living things, including humans, monsters, beasts, etc.”

Yun Zhiyue gave an example. “For example, a fish, after being affected by the Pisces jade pendant, will replicate exactly the same fish, but the internal organs are the opposite.”

Chen Mu breathed in the air, “So mysterious? Is it true or not?”

If this is to copy two ladies, or copy two Zhiyue, wouldn’t it be crooked?

But Yun Zhiyue immediately broke a basin of cold water: “But after coexisting, the two fish will gradually weaken and die over time, and only one can live.”

Chen Mu lost interest at once.

Chicken rib Magic Treasures one.

Yun Zhiyue continued: “Apart from the rumored Pisces jade pendant, the most known to the world is the Pisces Treasure.

A coup took place in Pisces that year, and the regent rebelled.

Queen Pisces sealed all the treasures in the palace in a mysterious place and cursed with her own life.

Only those who have merged with Pisces spirit veins are qualified to enter the gate of treasure.

It is said that the sealed treasures are piled up into mountains, and any piece of porcelain can make ordinary people spend their entire lives.

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but it also proves that there are indeed many treasures. ”

Chen Mu curiously asked, “Are there any people with Pisces spiritual veins?”

Yun Zhiyue smiled faintly: “I haven’t appeared before, because the conditions are extremely harsh. First of all, you have to have royal blood, and secondly, you have to be a daughter.”

“Why is it a daughter?”

While surprised, Chen Mu was also quite dissatisfied.

Shocking and cold, when will we men stand up!

Yun Zhiyuexiang shrugged her shoulders slightly: “I don’t know this. Maybe it’s a custom. Anyway, after the death of Queen Pisces, no woman has ever appeared in the royal family. Instead, there are a few princes.

These princes are not very worried. A few years ago, another prince was kicked out of his own country because he violated the court rules. ”

Good guy, this is really cursed, even a daughter can’t be born.

Chen Mu secretly complained.

After dismissing the light bulb Yun Zhiyue, Chen Mu stayed alone in the woman’s fragrant boudoir.

Looking at the haggard woman on the bed, Chen Mu grabbed her hand and kissed between her lips, eyes revealing a thousand love and helplessness:

“Women, you said what evil you did in your last life, the experience in this life is too rough.”

From Binh Duong Palace to the resurrection of the “ex-husband”…

This is really miserable.

Thinking back to the experience of this woman when she was a child, it seemed that she had never had a smooth life, and she would always walk on the road of ‘suffering’ and ‘miserable’.

“Mu, Big Brother…”

Nine-year-old Xiao Xuan’er poked her head cautiously and looked worried when she saw her mother who was still comatose on the bed.

Chen Mu beckoned her in and stroked the little girl’s head.

Although Xiao Xuan’er was still young, what happened today clearly made her understand a little bit, and she lost her previous laughter.

“Xiao Xuan’er, your body has been okay, is there anything wrong with the other party?”

Chen Mu looked at the cute and fat baby girl in front of him.

Xiao Xuan’er shook her head: “No, Xuan’er has always been fine.”

Chen Mu felt heavy.

If such a cute little girl is really a demon, then what should I do?

You can’t eat it with stew.

At this moment, Chen Mu suddenly saw a pearl of crystal tears falling from the corner of the eyes of the beautiful woman on the bed, which fell on the pillow like shattered pearls.

It turns out that she woke up long ago…

Chen Mu wanted to speak, but hesitated and said to Xiao Xuan’er, “Take care of your mother.”


The little girl nodded her head heavily.

Chen Mu patted her little shoulder and walked out of the room.

After Chen Mu left, Meng Yanqing slowly opened his eyes, hiding endless hesitation and confusion, and his eyes were full of small scars.


Xiao Xuan’er smiled with surprise.

Meng Yanqing came back to her senses and looked at her little daughter who was not her own, with a complicated expression.

“Mother, are you okay?”

Xiao Xuan’er lay down on the side of the bed and held Meng Yanqing’s hand, her immature voice full of concern.

Meng Yanqing’s body trembled, the hesitation in her eyes gradually faded, and finally turned into a bit of gentleness, and she hugged her little daughter tightly in her arms…

“Mother is okay.”


Chen Mu walked out of the small courtyard with a heavy heart and saw Zhang Awei bathing alone in the warm sun, interpreting sadness.

It’s like a grass that no one cares about.

Put your hands behind your back, raise your chin about forty-five degrees, and close your eyes slightly.

The wind blew by, lifting up some hemlines.

“It’s okay.”

Chen Mu looked concerned.

Zhang Awei did not answer immediately, but after ten seconds of brewing, he slowly said:

“Life is really amazing. I intended to be so mediocre as an ordinary person, but I never thought that the turn of fate would be so fast…Ah.”

The look of loneliness was dyed on the man’s face, outlining the loneliness.

Chen Mu patted him on the shoulder: “It’s okay, don’t be sad.”

“Team leader, look at the setting sun in the sky that day.”

“What’s wrong?”

“…” Zhang Awei held back for a long time, embarrassed. “Wait for a moment, let me think about how to state it.”

“Then you think about it slowly.”

Chen Mu didn’t bother to take care of it, so he turned his head and left.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned back and kicked Zhang Awei’s ass: “It’s silly, it’s awkward when you look at it!”

Zhang Awei lay on the ground with a dog eating Xiang.

In retrospect, I wanted a few words of theory, but found that the other party had already entered his own courtyard, and said aggrieved: “Where do I owe you?”


From a distance, a woman’s sweet voice came.

Tian Xiaoyi looked at the man with his ass upside down strangely, and came over curiously: “A Wei Ge, what are you doing?”

“Ah…nothing…basking in the sun.”

Zhang Awei quickly got up and puffed his chest out. “Did Miss Xiaoyi come to see me?”

“I made some snacks for you.”

The corners of Tian Xiaoyi’s lips raised a gentle smile, and handed over the wooden box containing the snacks. “There are still some for Auntie and Xiao Xuan’er.”

“Thank you so much, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome.”

Zhang Awei scratched his head and smiled.

Tian Xiaoyi lowered her head, bit her lip as if she had something to say, and finally raised her phoenix eyes, and whispered: “A Wei Ge, tonight…I have no one in my house.”

After speaking, he turned and ran away.

Zhang Awei was stunned, with an inexplicable expression: “No one at home is my business?”

When he was in doubt, he suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up, and he took out the love book that Chen Mu had given him from his arms.

After reading a few pages carefully, he patted his thigh fiercely.

“That’s it… it’s done!”

——When Chen Mu returned home, he told Bai Xianyu and Qing Luo about the bizarre incident of Meng Yanqing.

After the two women listened, they were also speechless.

Bai Xianyu shook his head and murmured: “If I hadn’t heard it with my own ears, how could I have thought that there would be such a bizarre thing, then Mrs. Meng is really pitiful.”

Qing Luo’s eyes were red: “A woman has been deceived for so long, it makes me sad to think about it.”

She lifted her lovely round cheeks, and said crisply, “Brother-in-law, or you can just accept her as a concubine.”


Chen Mu was choked and coughed constantly.

Bai Xianyu was expressionless and said lightly: “If the husband has an idea, the concubine will not mind, what do you think of the husband?”

“This… this couple should trust each other.”

A cold sweat broke out on Chen Mu’s forehead, “As the saying goes,’We must be a husband and wife, and I believe that the lady can realize the sincere heart of the husband.”

Bai Xianyu smiled and said, “My concubine has already realized it, my husband’s heart…beats fast.”


Chen Musheng said: “My heart is beating for the lady.”

While speaking, he stared at Qingluo fiercely.

This girl was clearly picking things up deliberately and confiscated all the cucumbers tonight, so that this girl would have nowhere to cry.

In the evening, after the shower, Chen Mu had a lot of muscles and bones, and decided to use practical actions to comfort the lady.

It’s unnecessary to quarrel or something, it’s too low.

The conflicts between husband and wife should be resolved in bed, and ‘applause’ is the best way to resolve emotions.

Under the dim light, a white silk feather in a snow skirt sat quietly on the edge of the bed, sewing clothes, with a focused and beautiful expression.

Chen Mu rubbed his hands and walked over to hug the opponent’s waist.

“Madame, it’s a bit late too, why don’t we think about life first?” Chen Mu said as he took off the other party’s dress.

Bai Xianyu said lightly: “The cloud Big sis is next door.”

Chen Mu was startled, and said in doubt: “What’s the matter?”

“The soundproofing of the room is not very good.”

“Uh… keep things quiet?” Chen Mu suggested. “It really doesn’t work, go to the next door to that girl in Qingluo?”

Bai Xianyu pressed his open clothes, his eyes faintly dimmed, and asked softly: “Husband, do you think I am a bad woman?”

“Of course not, why are you asking this suddenly?”

Chen Mu is inexplicable.

Bai Xianyu was silent for a moment, then suddenly got up and said: “I’ll talk to Yun Big sis, you can sleep alone tonight.”

“not me……”

Chen Mu wanted to stay, but the other party left the house without a word.

What about my little brother?

Next room.

After seeing the white silk feather at the door, Yun Zhiyue was a little confused.

“Cloud Big sis, let me sleep with you tonight.”


So Yun Zhiyue, whose head was dizzy, turned off the light, took off his coat, and slept on the same bed with Bai Xianyu.

In the quiet and secluded night, the two had different heartbeats.

One is faster and the other is stable.

Bai Xianyu smelled the fragrance from Yun Zhiyue’s hair, couldn’t help but leaned closer, holding the opponent’s waist: “Yun Big sis, do you hate me?”

“…Why do you hate you.”

“Because I hate you.” Bai Xianyu smiled, and his tone was frank.

Yun Zhiyue was silent.

“Do you hate me now?” Bai Xianyu rubbed his head and leaned on the opponent’s chest, listening to the puff of heartbeat.




Yun Zhiyue didn’t know what the other party was going to do for a while, and her heart was in a mess.

Is it a showdown or a warning?

At this moment, she suddenly noticed that the opponent’s hand was moving slowly:

“Do you know why I arranged you next door to my husband’s bedroom and me? Because the soundproofing is not good.”

“……not bad.”

Yun Zhiyue bit her lip and her cheeks began to flush.

In the dark night, Bai Xianyu’s eyes were particularly bright and moving: “The husband is next door, and he will hear it.”

Yun Zhiyue’s body tensed subconsciously.

Bai Xianyu said quietly: “I will inspect the goods for my husband first, Yun Big sis won’t mind.”


Yun Zhiyue was startled, and inexplicably remembered that after she was seriously injured, she seemed to have changed clothes for Chen Mu.

His head was hot, and he blurted out: “Your husband has already experienced it.”

Bai Xianyu: “…”

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