Chapter 198 Who can understand Xiao Yuer’s grief?

In order for the martial arts in Rivers and Lakes to develop by leaps and bounds, in addition to their own foundation and hematopoietic ability, the most important thing is to have profit support.

Without income, just talking about ideals can’t make it into a climate.

For example, some schools are engaged in cloth shop business, some are engaged in skin and meat trade, some are bodyguards, and some rely on food to barely maintain their lives.

And Yaochi relied on selling ginseng to maintain the development of the martial art.

There are also three, six, nine grades of ginseng. When some of the extremely valuable ginseng is traded and sold, Yaochi will record the identity of the purchaser in the ledger.

Time, date, etc. will be recorded.

The first is to prevent sectarians from secretly making transactions to fill their own pockets. The second is to build a network of contacts through transactions.

Although this ledger is private, some information can still be found under the means of Charon.

“On June 29th, a jewelry merchant named Li Xiangqi bought two blood mother ginseng essence from Yaochi…”

Chen Mu looked down at the message sent by Heiling, and said softly: “Afterwards, after the investigation of the goddess, it was discovered that Ji Wuming had bought the two blood mother ginseng essence from this Li Xiangqi again, and used it for the owner. Daughter treats illness.”

“The White Emperor Sacred Sword?”

Yun Zhiyue squinted her apricot eyes lightly. “If he bought it to treat his daughter, why did this blood mother ginseng essence enter Xu Wuqing’s body again?”

Chen Mu tapped his finger on the secret note, and said lightly: “This Baidi Sacred Sword is not easy.”

As the former top Dage, he is an invincible existence in his mind. He didn’t want to hang up at the first meeting, which really made him sad.

At the funeral, he personally blew suona for him.

My mouth is swollen.

But now the White Emperor Sacred Sword has something to do with the case.

What role does he play?

“Will it be killing people and overwhelming goods?”

Yun Zhiyue gave her own conjecture. “Someone deliberately framed Yaoying to kill the Baidi Holy Sword, and then snatched the blood mother ginseng essence from his hand?”

After speaking, he found that Chen Mu looked at her with a strange look, as if he was looking at a silly girl.

“Then… Then I won’t guess.”

Yun Zhiyue squeezed out a smile, and sat down beside the man as a green leaf.

The woman felt a little wronged.

People are born to be stupid, so why look at me with such a look.

Looking at the woman’s somewhat sullen and resentful expression, Chen Mu felt hot, holding her delicate and white catkin in his hand, playing with it carefully, and said:

“The death of the Baidi Holy Sword is a bit strange.”

“Why is it strange?”

Feeling the warmth of the man’s palm, a touch of pink clouds quietly stained the woman’s cheeks.

Chen Mu said: “It’s not that he died too suddenly, but that he died a bit miserable, basically completely unrecognizable.”

Recalling the corpse of the Baidi Holy Sword that day.

It is simply impossible to look directly at it.

It was completely crushed by the demon infant, and in the end it was basically a pile of flesh and blood.

It can’t be more miserable.

Yun Zhiyue frowned: “The Demon Infant’s strength is too strong, it can only be an accident.”

“But sometimes accidents may not be accidents.”

Chen Mu smiled faintly. “I was mistaken before. I always thought that the blood mother ginseng essence in Xu Wuqing’s body was given by father-in-law Fang. Now it seems that there are two blood mother ginseng essences, one is given to father-in-law Fang, and the other is given to Xu. Wu Qing.

But according to Xu Wuqing’s family slave’s transcript, it was a woman who gave Xu Wuqing the ginseng. Perhaps this woman… is closely related to the Baidi Holy Sword. ”

“His wife?”

Yun Zhiyue put forward another guess.

As soon as the words were spoken, she closed her mouth quickly, stupid women couldn’t mess with men.

Chen Mu raised his chin and smiled slightly:

“Perhaps, or maybe not, I have an idea in my heart now. If the idea is successfully verified, the veil behind the scenes can basically be lifted.”

Chen Mu took out a piece of paper and wrote down the seven words “Bai Di Sheng Jian Ji Wu Ming”.

Then nail it to the wall.

Using a charcoal pencil to connect several clues at random, the corners of Chen Mu’s lips were drawn up: “Although the most important dark line has not yet emerged, I am already a little eye-catching.”

Looking at the man’s confident and handsome face, Yun Zhiyue’s beautiful eyes began to ripple.

Really handsome.

Especially the self-confidence and arrogance that the other party reveals every time the case is inferred, as if it is overflowing with charm in his bones.

That kind of Feng Yiying and cool, that kind of long body jade.

Chen Mu let out a sigh of relief and muttered to himself: “Now there is another doubt. If the blood mother ginseng essence in Father Fang’s hand was given away by Ji Wuming, then what is his purpose?”

Chen Mu thought for a while, but when he turned around he saw the woman staring at him in a daze.

It’s like watching a lover.

I just feel that there is only one me in your heart, and there is only one you in my heart.

Chen Mu’s eyes moved, his eyes fell on the woman’s cherry-colored lips, so he unceremoniously took advantage of the other party’s idiot, and kissed it down.

She wrapped her hands around the woman’s waist, as if to rub her into Own’s heart.

Yun Zhiyue let out a cry, her hands subconsciously pressed against the opponent’s chest and wanted to push it away, but in the end she slowly hung down…’

“Chen Mu, I’m back–”

With a bang, the door opened, Su Qiao’er, who was dangling two braids, walked in, and then stared at the two people in front of him.

The little girl opened her red lips slightly, and quickly covered her own eyes: “I want a needle eye!”

The two were so frightened that they separated quickly.

After seeing that it was Su Qiao’er, Yun Zhiyue couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, blushing and quickly turned around to tidy up the clothes that had been messed up by Chen Mu, her face burning fiercely.

“Knock on the door, don’t you understand!”

Chen Muqi’s teeth were itchy, and he walked over and grabbed the opponent’s braid with both hands, pulling it around like a steering wheel.

Why are there more and more people who are not polite recently, and don’t even know that they’re knocking on the door when entering the house?”Let go of my hair.”

Su Qiaoer snatched the two black braids back and carefully protected them, staring at the man. “Then why don’t you lock the door? The last time you kissed me, you knew that you locked the door. I knew I would kiss a woman inside all day long.”


This girl really doesn’t know how shy she is.

Chen Mu coughed dryly and asked, “Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter.”

Su Qiao’er glanced blankly, and when she saw a teapot on the table, she poured a cup. After moistening her throat, she said, “Didn’t you ask me to monitor that Ji Ping’er? Something has been discovered.”

“So fast?”

Chen Mu’s eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly. “Say, what did you find?”

Ji Ping’er is definitely the key figure in this case.

If you can dig out some clues from her, it will be a huge boost to the case.

Su Qiao’er said: “That Ji Ping’er sneaked out of the palace at the end of her childhood last night, as if she was meeting a woman.”

“It seems? You didn’t see clearly?” Chen Mucan frowned slightly.

Su Qiao’er said in a huff: “I followed a wilderness in the northern area of ​​the outer city, but the formation was set up there in advance. I was almost found out. I faintly felt that the other party was a woman. Anyway, there is an 80-90% possibility.”

Chen Mu was a little puzzled.

Good thing, what did Ji Ping’er run to see a woman in the middle of the night?


Is it also Lara?

“Oh right…” Su Qiao’er said again. “That formation should be the formation of Yin & Yang sect.”

Chen Mu looked at Yun Zhiyue.

At this time, Yun Zhiyue was also stunned, her smart eyes fixed on Su Qiao’er and asked, “Are you sure it is the formation of Yin & Yang Sect?”

“It should be correct. Although I don’t have as much knowledge as my father, some formations still have the ability to discriminate.”

Su Qiao’er said quite proudly.

I patted myself on the chest of some tablet trends.

Yun Zhiyue and Liu frowned: “If it is the Yin & Yang formation, it is very likely that the Yin & Yang sect traitor who stole the Manual, but why does she have a relationship with the princess of Dongyuan Palace?”

“Maybe it’s a deal.”

Chen Mu’s eyes were burning, and he walked to the desk and wrote a few more messages nailed to the wall.

He said in a deep voice, “I have a guess right now, this Ji Ping’er may be the middleman, and Xu Wuqing may have given the tonic in his body.”

The fiancee gives the fiance tonic, how can the latter doubt or even refuse it?

While Chen Mu was thinking about the case, Yun Zhiyue’s eyes flickered.

One of the reasons why they have been unable to catch the traitor is that the opponent’s disguise is extremely strong, and there is no trace at all.

But now I have a clue to the princess Ji Ping’er, is it possible to follow the vine…


Just thinking about it, there was a chestnut on his forehead.

Yun Zhiyue stared at Chen Mu angrily, clutching her head and said aggrieved: “Why hit me?”

Chen Mu smiled and scraped her little Qiong nose: “I know what you are thinking, or that sentence, you have nothing to do with Yin & Yang Sect now, don’t mix with them.”

Yun Zhiyue’s heart is sweet and bitter and helpless.

As the chief commander, how could it be possible to break away from the Yin & Yang sect.

In short, this traitor must be caught.

“By the way, I also found this thing. I found it under Ji Pinger’s bed after she left. It may be helpful to your case.”

Light bulb Su Qiaoer took out a palm-sized brown sandalwood box and handed it to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu looked through it a few times after taking it, and it was just an ordinary wooden box, which felt cool to the touch, and there was a durian-like faint smell after opening it.

“It doesn’t seem to be a big deal, just an ordinary box.”

“Let me see.”

A strange color appeared on Yun Zhiyue’s face.

She took the wooden box in Chen Mu’s hand, carefully observed it for a moment, and said, “If I guessed correctly, this should be the box for incubating the’Heaven’s Punishment Spider’.”

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mu’s eyes burst into sharp light: “Are you sure?”

Yun Zhiyue smiled slightly: “When I was helping Zhang Awei get rid of the Heavenly Punishment Spider, I was already familiar with its breath, and now the breath in this box is basically the same, it can’t be wrong.”

“Very good!”

Chen Mu excitedly slapped his palms, and couldn’t help but kiss the woman’s cheek. “Madam, you are my gospel!”

Yun Zhiyue’s face was red, and she was more heroic in her femininity.

I am very happy to be able to help Chen Mu.

Su Qiaoer dissatisfied: “Why don’t you know thank me, I am the one who has done the most.”

“Come on, let me kiss.”


Su Qiao’er was so scared that she quickly avoided, staring at Chen Mu vigilantly, “You are a big bad guy, you deliberately lied to me last time, so I won’t be fooled by you!”

Chen Mu smiled and stopped teasing her. He went to the desk and wrote the message and nailed it to the wall.

Now the first suspect appeared.

The Heaven Punishment Spider is almost always owned by Ji Ping’er.

But the question is, how did she put the “Spider of Heaven’s Punishment” on the family of Mrs. Xu, Zhang Awei and Ji Wuming.

Especially Zhang Awei, the two have no intersection at all.

“Catch it?” Yun Zhiyue asked.

Chen Mu looked down and thought for a while, then gently shook his head: “Don’t worry, some things haven’t been investigated clearly, so you don’t have to be surprised.”

According to previous temptations at the party, Ji Ping’er is just an ordinary person.

Since it is an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible to breed the “Spider of Heaven’s Punishment”, it must have been secretly given to her by someone behind him.

But the strange thing is, why did she also get caught in the “Spider of Heaven’s Punishment”?

Improper operation?

Or the people behind it are also deliberately harming her?

Chen Mu looked at the sandalwood box, and faintly found a “poison” engraved on the bottom of the box, and murmured: “Punishing the spider is not a poison if it is blunt this day. Why do we need to engrave a “poison”?”

“You guys tell me, who is the person who breeds poisonous spiders in the world?”

Chen Mu asked curiously.

One is a disciple of the Yin & Yang clan, and the other is a killer’s daughter, both of whom are well-informed.

Yun Zhiyue’s lips lightly said: “Generally, only a few poisonous sects can do this kind of thing, but it’s a bit difficult if you let me talk about one person specifically.”

“I know one.”

Su Qiaoer said suddenly.

Before Chen Mu urged her to inquire, she took the initiative to speak: “Our Heaven Court killer has a killer nicknamed “Poisonous Spider”. We like to raise these on weekdays and kill people invisible.”

Poisonous spider?

Chen Mu asked, “Did he come to the capital this time.”

Su Qiao’er shook her head and said in a crisp voice: “I don’t know this. She has been missing for several years. I heard that she used to be closer to the Yin Hades.”

It’s closer to Yin Hades…

Chen Mu was stunned, his eyes suddenly brightened, and a very charming and lustful woman in red-Hong Zhu’er appeared in his mind!

“Could it be her?”

Chen Mu’s brain was spinning quickly, and slowly squeezed his fist.

This is interesting.

He squeezed Su Qiao’er’s face and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect you girl to surprise me everywhere. At last it didn’t hurt you for nothing. Continue to monitor Ji Ping’er and report to me in time if there is any movement. Also, be careful.”

“It didn’t hurt me for nothing. You wrote me the rest of the story, and you agreed to it last time.”

The little girl wrinkled her delicate nose and stretched out her tender hand.

“Be sure next time.”

Chen Mu patted his chest to make sure.

At this moment, he suddenly felt like an old monster at a certain station, and he had to leave the phrase ‘next time’ in the barrage every time.

After dismissing Su Qiao’er, Chen Mu decided to see Hong Zhu’er to verify.

But after the two went to Hong Zhu’er’s house, they found that the woman was not at home, and asked the maids, but they didn’t know where Hong Zhu’er had gone.

Chen Mu waited for more than an hour, so he had to give up.

He was not in a hurry.

Anyway, the Yin Hades would go to Meng Yanqing. With her, Hong Zhuer’s true identity could not be hidden naturally.

“Following me for a day is almost tired.”

Looking at the woman who was following him like a pet, Chen Mu picked up some of the other’s hair and put it behind his ear, and smiled: “Go, I’ll take something to eat to fill my stomach.”

This day, I just thought about the case, and really didn’t eat anything.

Normally he is used to this.

But there are two wives around, so you shouldn’t be hungry. If the child doesn’t drink nutrition after being hungry, it is a sin.

Yun Zhiyue pursed her red mouth and asked, “Don’t you plan to continue thinking about the case?”

“It is necessary to combine work and rest.”

Chen Mu took her to a food stall, “There is still time in the case. Sometimes thinking too much can lead to a dead end. Besides, with such a good wife around, it’s okay to accompany you more.”

“Glib tongue.”

The corners of Yun Zhiyue’s lips curled up, and her cheeks curled up again, trying to put on a fierce look, “You are not allowed to call me like that outside.”

“But I don’t dare to call at home.” Chen Mu said honestly.


Yun Zhiyue flew past the ponytail angrily, ignoring the other party.

It’s rare to have a little temper.

Chen Mu smiled, and ordered a few dishes and a large bowl of juicy chalcedony soup: “Madam, come to me to feed you.”

Yun Zhiyue glanced at her, her eyebrows frowned slightly: “A bowl?”

“Well, husband and wife, don’t worry about it, let’s eat together.” Chen Mu picked up the spoon, poured a spoonful of juice and passed it to each other’s lips.

Yun Zhiyue was annoyed and ashamed, blushing like a persimmon.

There are so many people around, and it’s still in broad daylight, even if it’s a real couple, you can’t ignore the image.

She watched the others secretly, and finally opened her mouth.

Before he tasted any taste, he quickly swallowed the soup and gently pushed Chen Mu away: “Okay, it’s too shameful.”

Seeing the other party silently, he looked subconsciously.

However, seeing Chen Mu holding the spoon and pressing his lips slightly, he couldn’t help but feel ashamed, his whole body was soft, Xing stared at each other.

Why is this guy so thick-skinned.

“Don’t be angry, show you some cooking skills for your husband.”

Chen Mu suddenly got up, said a few words to the stall owner, then took out the ingredients and started washing…

Yun Zhiyue’s eyes widened, and she looked curiously.

She had never heard of Chen Mu’s cooking experience from Bai Xianyu, at most she helped wash dishes, make porridge or something.

The woman suddenly looked forward to it.

However, when she saw Chen Mu approaching with a big carrot, she looked forward to turning into a dullness.

“This is called Huaxin Big Carrot…”

Chen Mutian said shamelessly, “Cut into a few slices, and then dip them into the condiments to make you feel good, for my husband’s cooking skills are not good.”


Yun Zhiyue forced a smile: “Really not wanting face.”

Charon, Vermillion Bird Hall.

Bai Xianyu put her hand on her pink lips, yawned softly, and put the half-processed documents on the table next to her.

I’m really tired, but I can rest comfortably on the bed with my husband.

Looking at the official business still piled up into a hill, the white feather head is as big as an ox.With the arrival of the sacrificial ceremony, the Queen Mother has confessed more and more tasks, and recently the Charon has caught some dishonest guys.

Cases that are interrogated every day must be commented and reviewed.

“By the way, how is the case investigated by your husband recently? Is anyone going to make a ghost in the sacrifice ceremony?”

Bai Xianyu held her fragrant cheeks and looked at Hei Ling next to her.

Hei Ling said respectfully: “Master Chen is still investigating. Although there is no evidence, it is very likely. Moreover, the case also involves the death of Baidi Shengjian Ji.”

“The Baidi Holy Sword…”

A touch of surprise appeared in his eyes, Bai Xianyu asked. “Isn’t he dead?”

“Yes, but maybe there is still inside information.”

Hei Ling said.

Bai Xianyu pondered for a long time, and slowly said, “The Vermillion Bird hall will also check it out. I can’t bear all the burdens on my husband. He is tired all day, so don’t you feel distressed?”

Hei Ling was speechless.

He is your husband, and I feel sorry for a hammer.

But when he heard the words ‘tired all day’, Hei Ling remembered the scene when he went to six doors to find Chen Mu before.

She couldn’t help saying: “When I went to look for Master Chen before my humble position, I also saw Miss Yun…”

“Well, they were together, I know that.”

Bai Xianyu’s eyes slid around and smiled. “But speaking of it, you girl has been fooling me several times.”

“What’s the humble duty?” Hei Ling was inexplicable.

Bai Xianyu squinted and sneered, drew out a stack of paper and threw it on the table:

“It’s written in enough detail. If I hadn’t verified that Yun Big sis is a chaste body last night, I almost believed in your evil.”

Recalling last night’s meaningless verification, Bai Xianyu couldn’t help but flushed.

Following the husband, this guy has learned badly.

But this also made her completely relieved, indicating that these two people did not mess around behind her back.

The depression in Bai Xianyu’s heart finally dissipated.

The so-called Dasi’s fate is still a bit tender after all, even if she marries her husband in the future, it is estimated that her regular wife will be taken to death.

Thinking of this, Bai Xianyu felt more and more happy.

Hei Ling grieved and said: “I also said that before, I just guessed it. But this time I saw it with my own eyes.”

“Edit, continue editing.”

The peerless beauty with a beautiful face smiled faintly, “Then tell me, what do you see?”

Hei Ling held back for a long time, and didn’t know how to speak.

I wanted to write it down, but it was too late, so I simply used a metaphor to say: “I saw Miss Yun eating big carrots.”


“Your husband’s.”


The night sky was dotted with stars, and the quiet courtyard was completely dark.

After dinner, the four of them played backgammon for a while. When Chen Mu, who was about to go to bed, saw the lady holding a pillow about to go out, he couldn’t help but feel confused:

“What? Going to sleep with Zhiyue again?”

“Well, some issues have not been discussed and understood last night, so I will continue to sleep with Yun Big sis tonight, and my husband will rest early and don’t stay up late.”

After Bai Xianyu finished speaking, he left the room.

Chen Mu stayed for a while and looked down at the little brother: “Did you offend someone?”

On the other side, seeing Bai Xianyu’visiting’ again, Yun Zhiyue was also dull and speechless. She wanted to refuse, but the other party lay on the bed for herself.

Lights out…

Everything went back to last night.

In silence, Bai Xianyu hugged Yun Zhiyue’s willow waist and asked: “Yun Big sis, have you done anything with your husband today?”

do what?

Yun Zhiyue remembered kissing that guy Chen Mu, and she didn’t know what to say for a while.

The guilt and shame spread little by little…

“Yun Big sis’s heartbeat speeds up again.”

Bai Xianyu raised her head, her eyes bright in the dark as they did last night, “Presumably Yun Big sis can’t do that kind of thing.”

This is a real inquiry.

After all, the other party is the chief commander, the status is so noble, and he doesn’t look slutty.

It is basically impossible to do that kind of thing.

Hearing this, Yun Zhiyue became more guilty, but still chose to lie: “Your husband and I have never done anything. We have been solving cases all the time.”


The corners of the white silk feather lips curled up.

Yun Zhiyue felt her heart beat faster and faster, as if everything could not be hidden from the other party, she said quickly: “There is really nothing…I just ate a big carrot…”


The smile stopped abruptly.

Listening to the other party accidentally ‘speaking out’, Bai Xianyu left a trace of hope: “Husband?”



After a while, Bai Xianyu said quietly, “Don’t you think it is dirty?”

Yun Zhiyue was confused.

It felt like something was wrong, but I still answered honestly: “It’s cleaned.”


Bai Xianyu turned around, staring blankly at the moonlight through the gap in the curtain.

Tonight, Xiao Yuer sleepless all night.

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