Chapter 195 I, Zhang Awei, is destined to be no ordinary person! (6,000 words for subscription)

There are not so many coincidences in life.

That day Meng Yanqing said that when he met someone similar to his ex-husband, Chen Mu was just puzzled, thinking that the other party was dazzled.

But when Governor Yu was assassinated that day, Meng Yanqing heard the same voice as her ex-husband, and Chen Mu realized that something was wrong.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world.

Unexpectedly, this’ex-husband’ suddenly came to the door today.

Obviously there is a conspiracy behind it.

The sharp blades swept away like a long dragon, and slashed at the ‘ex-husband’ in front of him.

The latter looked terrified.

“You…what are you going to do!!”

However, looking at the blade without the slightest intention of slowing down, the horrified eyes of the’ex-husband’ narrowed slightly, and a cold glow appeared.

Chen Mu wants to kill her!

This guy wants to get rid of her for a woman?

Yin Hades felt a ridiculous moment inexplicably.

When she came, she actually imagined that Chen Mu would get angry, but the other party wanted to kill directly when they first met, which was obviously unexpected.

I can only say that this guy is full of women in his head!


The surrounding tea bowls trembled slightly.

Yin Hades moved his feet, the table flew up on its own, and turned half a circle in a beautiful arc, avoiding Chen Mu’s attack.


The wooden table was torn apart.

Chen Mu held a shark-tooth knife with the tip of the knife standing on the ground, and looked at the agile opponent with a sneer, “I can’t help it? It’s just a little test.”

At this moment, Chen Mu firmly believes that this person is definitely not Meng Yanqing’s ex-husband.

There is definitely a conspiracy.

Yin Hades patted the sawdust on his shoulder, and said lightly: “Okay, since you have tempted me like this, then I will admit it. In fact, I am a practitioner, because I was chased and killed by my enemies–”

“The No. 1 Yin Hades in the Heaven Court Killer Organization!”

Chen Mu interrupted him.

The eyes gradually sharpened, and the corners of Yin Underworld King’s originally smiling lips slowly solidified, and she looked at Chen Mu with interest.

Looking at this guy who was somewhat despised by her, the corners of his lips curled up.

“How do you know it was me?”

“When you assassinated Governor Yu, you were the last one to come out. At that time, both Meng Yanqing and I were there. She heard your voice.”

Chen Mu didn’t hide it, and slowly said.

Yin Hades patted his forehead, raised his head helplessly: “No wonder you found me so early. It turns out that God helped me. It seems that Xiao Qinger and I are really married.”

“Go to your sister’s marriage relationship!”

Since it was determined that the identity of the other party was concealed, Chen Mu was not welcome.

A little bit, the long knife in his hand slammed down!

A sharp blade of light enveloped Yin Hades’s body.


Accompanied by a crisp sound of metallic sound, the chilly sword tip penetrated the blade light and pierced the surface of the blade.

Chen Mu’s arm was numb, and he stepped back.

Yin Hades gently wiped the blade in his hand with his fingers, and sneered: “Master Chen, since you don’t think I am Xiao Qing’er’s husband, why do I know everything about her?”


Chen Mu was speechless for a while.

He thought for a while, and said coldly: “Perhaps you have known Meng Yanqing’s ex-husband a long time ago, so…”

“Master Chen, Master Chen, do you believe this?”

The corner of Yin Pluto’s mouth opened with a mocking arc. “Then I will tell you the truth. Back then, I pretended to be a merchant just to cover up my identity. I was originally a killer. As for Meng Yanqing, she was just a pawn for me to cover up.”

Chen Mu’s hand holding the hilt of the knife slightly hardened, and the killing intent appeared in his eyes.

At this time, Zhang Awei and Meng Yanqing, who heard the movement of the fighting, came back again, and also heard the words of King Yin.

Meng Yanqing’s beautiful eyes were shocked and puzzled.

The successive bursts of information made her brain unable to think.

Her ex-husband turned out to be a killer?

Too funny and ridiculous.

She felt that Own’s life was already rough and legendary, but she didn’t expect to have another bitter story. God is joking?

Zhang Awei’s heart is complicated, and he didn’t expect Daddy Own to be a top killer.

No wonder there is sometimes an illusion that I feel that I am the protagonist of this world, as if everything in the world is revolving around him.

It turned out that the killer’s cold blood was flowing in his veins.

He is destined to be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a ridiculous thought, staring at King Yin Pluto and said: “You came here specially, maybe you want me to inherit your legacy.”

The Yin Hades originally froze with a playful expression, and his face began to twitch.

Where is this young man confident.

“Nothing to do with you!”

King Yin Pluto resisted the urge to hit people, his eyes fell on Meng Yanqing’s charming cheeks, and he sneered. “Xiao Qing’er, even if you are a killer for your husband, you are my wife. You will never get away in this life. I have been in bed with you for so many years, can you forget?”

Meng Yanqing’s originally delicate cheeks were full of anger at the moment.

His face was flushed, but because of his emotions, he appeared to be inadequately supplied with blood and pale and weak.

Yes, the other party is right.As long as he is not dead, he will remain his wife for the rest of his life, but…

Meng Yanqing looked at Chen Mu with a miserable expression.

“Daddy will kill you first!”

Chen Mu turned abruptly, tracing the vortex-like ripples of knives, turning the entwined glass sawdust into blades, and attacked the opponent in all directions.

At this time, there is no need to analyze anything. Kill this guy first.

Whether he is real!

“Master Chen, you are very confident of your own strength.”

Yin Hades clearly understood the other party’s intentions, disdain appeared in his eyes, shaking the long sword in his hand.

Jianmang pierced the air and made a “chichi” sound.

Although the assassination of Governor Yu was unsuccessful and suffered a certain amount of injuries, he was still quite sure of dealing with Chen Mu, a second-rate master.

However, at the moment the sword touched her, her face changed.

A slender thread of black mucus suddenly emerged from the opponent’s arm, wrapped around the knife in a blink of an eye, and quickly spread to the blade.

what! ?

Yin Pluto’s pupils contracted, and his fingers slammed on the hilt of the sword.

The huge Sword Qi shattered the surrounding debris into powder one after another, but the black thread still clung to it.

King Yin Pluto resolutely gave up the sword in his hand, his fist crashed, and the mighty surging power drove Chen Musheng back and flew like a flood of unloading gates.

“Very awesome!”

Chen Mu’s eyes flashed sharply, and black liquor gushed out again.

The entire arm turned into a ball of black liquid, and the body rushed over like a quick and agile silver snake.

“Don’t play with you, I’m leaving.”

Realizing that Chen Mu seemed to be more difficult to deal with than he thought, King Yin Pluto suddenly didn’t want to be entangled, and turned around and swept outside the house.

“Come as you want, leave as you want, do you think this is your home?”

“My wife is here, of course this is my home!”

“court death!”

Seeing King Yin Pluto rushing out of the house, Chen Mu tried his best to swipe a knife, and the blade light slashed out, with a huge howling sound!

The surrounding void ripples suddenly seemed to cut water from a knife!

“Too annoying!”

Yin Hades showed impatience, turned around and took a palm.

An invisible air palm print was like thunder shaking the sky, looming in the void, with a faint green light.


With a dull sound, the two moved apart.

“Chen Mu, I’ve played with all the things that kind of woman deserves to like!”

Yin Hades waved his hand and sneered as he swept out of the courtyard.

However, as she turned around, a pulling force came from under her feet, and when she looked down, a black thread wrapped around her ankle.

Before he came back to his senses, the whole body was dragged down.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Chen Mu fiercely rushing towards him, his back like an octopus, rushing out a dense and numerous sharp black liquor!

Yin Hades could break free, but she was a little bewildered by this scene.

Is this guy a human? Or a demon?

Perceiving that her body was entangled in black liquor, she hurriedly waved her palm, accompanied by a huge rumbling sound, the two of them smashed through the wall of the next room like cannonballs, and the gravel and bricks fell one after another!

“Are you crazy?”

Looking at Chen Mu’s red and cold eyes, a deep chill came from the soles of his feet to the sky, and the King Yin Hades cursed.

Who would have thought that this guy would kill his life!

She gritted her teeth and slammed her fist on the opponent’s chest. The violent fist wind burst out with astonishing power, as fast as thunder.

After all, he is a top player, and I am afraid that he will be seriously injured. Cultivation Base is also on the top floor.

The thread-like black liquid broke apart inch by inch, and Chen Mu flew upside down, accompanied by the sound of a cloth tearing.

At first, the two of them didn’t care, but when there was a chill from the neck, Yin Pluto suddenly realized something was wrong.

Look down–

The clothes on his chest were torn, revealing the beautiful scenery like white jade.

There is also a five-finger red mark on it.

Chen Mu was also stupid.

He picked up the rag shirt in his hand, his eyes widened, and after a few seconds he blurted out: “Are you a woman!?”

Chen Mu’s face was full of disbelief.

what’s the situation?

The ex-husband has become a killer, and the killer has become a woman… Isn’t it funny to me?

But what shocked him the most was that the first assassin of Heaven Court, Yin Hades, turned out to be a daughter. If this were to spread to Rivers and Lakes, it would inevitably arouse heated discussions.


At this moment, King Yin Hades was completely angered, and she took out the black robe to cover her body, her eyes bursting with cold light.

A yin and evil aura condensed all over her body.

“Wait a moment!”

Chen Mu’s eyelids jumped wildly, knowing that this guy was going to make a big move, and said quickly. “Tell me first, what is your relationship with Meng Yanqing’s ex-husband!”

“It has something to do with you!”

King Yin Ming walked towards Chen Mu step by step, and there seemed to be black lotus blooming under his feet.

She swears to beat this guy into a meatloaf!

Just as she was about to start her hands, she caught a glimpse of Meng Yanqing who appeared at the door. The latter lightly covered her lips and clearly heard Chen Mu’s words: You are a woman.

In addition to shock, there are surprises in the beautiful woman’s eyes. Obviously, she doesn’t think Yin Hades is her ex-husband.

Since it is a woman, it means it is a fake.

Yin Hades paused, and a joke appeared in his eyes.

“Forget it, I won’t fight you anymore.”

King Yin Pluto suddenly removed his killing intent and hooked his finger towards Chen Mu, “Want to know the inside story? Come to the house and talk slowly. By the way, I will tell you how slutty this woman is behind her back.”


Chen Mu frowned.

Entering the room, King Yin Hades did not continue to pretend, he tore off the headgear from his face, and tore off the throat knot on his neck.

What was exposed in front of everyone was a rather beautiful face.

Maroon with slightly curly long hair rolled down, unraveling a beautiful rhythm.

Her face is different from other women, her outline is slightly deeper, her facial features are more three-dimensional, with a strong exotic flavor.

Especially those eyes, glowing blue, as if inlaid with sapphires.

Obviously it is a mixed race.

In recent years, trade between the countries of the Western Regions and the Dayan Dynasty has increased, and it has become the norm for many foreigners to marry.

Zhang Awei was dumbfounded.

The heart is also cold.

The bloodline dream of the son of the killer who had just imagined it was shattered in an instant.

“Son, what are you still trying to do? Give your father and me tea.”

King Yin Pluto stepped on the stool with one foot and stared at Zhang Awei with a smile, “You look like a second fool.”

Zhang Awei blushed and picked up the knife on the ground… he didn’t dare to say anything.

Chen Mu stared at her coldly: “Let’s talk about it, why are you pretending to be Meng Yanqing’s husband? What is your purpose of approaching her?”


Yin Mingwang seemed to have heard Tianda’s joke, smiled brightly and mockingly, and looked at Meng Yanqing. “Madam, did you say that being a husband was pretending to be?”

Meng Yanqing frowned.

Although the other party’s demeanor is very similar to that of his ex-husband, he is a woman after all.

She is not a fool, so she can’t say that my husband is a woman.

“Oh, it seems that my disguise is really good.”

Yin Hades sat on the chair with a grin and put his legs on the broken table beside him, taunting. “I’ve been a wife for ten years, and I don’t even know that my own husband is a woman. It’s so stupid to die.”

The atmosphere in the room froze instantly.

Everyone looked at each other.

Chen Mu sneered at the corner of his mouth: “Stop joking, tell me, what is your purpose? If you don’t give me a satisfactory answer today, don’t want to settle down in the capital.”

“Do not believe?”

Yin Ming Wang Yuzhi stroked own’s long slightly curly hair, biting in his red lips, his sapphire-like eyes were shining brightly.With this action alone, the charm and wildness of a woman are completely released.

Chen Mu was expressionless.

He is not a fool, if it is a woman, then how did Zhang Awei and Xiao Xuan’er come out?

“Okay, then I will speak slowly.”

Yin Ming Wang narrowed his eyes and said softly, “Back then, I was hunted down by an enemy, so I went incognito in Qingyu County. In order to better conceal my identity, I married a farmer’s daughter, Xiao Qing’er. Later, she became a wife at home. , And I mostly go out to kill…”

“excuse me, may I ask.”

Chen Mu asked lightly. “Since you are a woman, how can you have sex with Meng Yanqing…”

“The purple fragrance is scattered.”

Yin Mingwang looked at Meng Yanqing with scorching eyes, and said with a smile. “At that time, this woman was only sixteen years old, no one knew about the relationship between men and women. Basically, when I was in the same room, I used purple fragrance to disperse the psychedelic girl, and then simply hypnotized it.

In addition, I am also quite interested in women, so Xiao Qing’er will inevitably be taken advantage of by me. How can she distinguish between true and false? ”


Chen Mu laughed. “Even if she fooled her, how did that Zhang Awei and Xiao Xuan’er come here.”

“Then you have to ask herself.”

There was contempt and sarcasm in the eyes of the King of Yin Pluto. “My husband is away all year round, and often can’t go home for a month or two. At home, the wife stays alone with her daughter, she must not be lonely, and it’s normal to go out and steal a man.”

“You are talking nonsense!!”

Meng Yanqing’s face turned blue, her body trembling, and she pointed to Yin Hades. “When did I steal a man! My husband is not you at all, let alone a woman! You get out of me!”

“What? You still don’t believe that I am your husband, do you dare not believe it or are you unwilling to accept the reality?”

Yin Hades put his hands behind his head, slowly. “The husband will help you recall. Once you stepped on a stool to clean the kitchen, because you saw a mouse, you fell to the ground and broke your right arm in fear, and spent many days recuperating.

One night you stewed lotus root soup for me, but I was in a bad mood at that time. I accidentally spilled the soup on your body and my skin was hot.

Once you were bathing, and you were so stupid that you accidentally slipped to the ground and almost broke the picture.


The Yin Hades are like a few treasures, talking about the past one after another, as if it happened yesterday.

He also said how much money he spent to marry Meng Yanqing, what happened when he got married, and what he said in the bridal chamber, exactly the same.

Not to mention Meng Yanqing, even Chen Mu was stupid.

He looked at the beautiful woman, who had a pale face and no trace of blood. He covered his mouth with his hands and opened a pair of bright and unbelievable eyes.

The body gradually slumped on the ground.

Yin Hades seemed to be very happy to see the beautiful woman’s expression, and said sarcastically: “So, how can I be a woman to let you have a child? If you don’t look for a wild man outside, how did this child give birth?”

“No…no…I don’t…I…”

Meng Yanqing shook her head vigorously, her red eyes especially pitiful.

Yin Hades continued: “Seriously, at that time you were better able to pretend than me, with a dignified and virtuous appearance, but behind you gave birth to other wild men.

Originally, I planned to check it secretly, wanting to see which wild man you hooked up with, but after observing you for a few days, I didn’t find it, and I didn’t bother to investigate.

Anyway, you are just one of my pawns, you can do it with anyone you like. ”

Meng Yanqing bit her lip, swallowed sobbing, and shook her head desperately: “You are talking nonsense! I didn’t find any wild man outside at all, you are talking nonsense!”Yin Hades sneered: “Aren’t you looking for a wild man now?”


She looked at Chen Mu subconsciously.

Seeing the other party frowning and not speaking, thinking that the other party believed the words of King Yin, his heart was like a poisonous snake, biting her viscera.

Two lines of tears flowed down, staying on the cheeks, gleaming.

“You nonsense! My mother is not that kind of person!”

Zhang Awei raised the knife and coldly pointed at Yin Hades. He knows his own mother better than anyone else, and he can never be that kind of person.

At this time, Chen Mu’s mind was in chaos.

He certainly didn’t believe that Meng Yanqing would be that kind of woman before, but… he already believed that the Yin Hades was the other party’s ex-husband.

Since the ex-husband is a woman, the child…

Chen Mu clenched his fists and knocked on his forehead a few times, suddenly a quiet light flashed in his eyes, and said to Zhang Awei: “Go to the next door and call me Yun Zhiyue.”

Zhang Awei nodded, gave King Yin a bitter look, and ran out of the room.

Soon, Yun Zhiyue with a long ponytail and full moon white dress followed Zhang Awei into the house, a little surprised when faced with the chaos in the house.

Chen Mu didn’t talk too much nonsense, pointing to Meng Yanqing and said, “You take her into the room to check her body and see if… Is it Chu Jie herself.”

This is the most thorough method.

It can directly prove whether Meng Yanqing has done that kind of thing.

Yun Zhiyue had a surprised expression, and didn’t ask much. She took Meng Yanqing, who was hesitant like a walking dead, into the house.

Time passed by every minute.

Chen Mu was impatient, Zhang Awei stared at King Yin Pluto, and clenched the Pu knife in his hand.

Yin Hades is very leisurely.

While cleaning his own nails, he smiled at Chen Mu and said, “Master Chen, such a not wanting face rotten woman is rare for you, and your taste is really average.”

“shut up!”

Chen Mu said coldly.

Yin Hades raised his white jade chin: “But that woman is pretty good, I miss it very much. After all, I have pityed on the bed several times.”

“Let you shut up! Are you deaf?”

Chen Mu’s eyes were blood red.

But looking at the other’s glamorous and moving face, Chen Mu had something inexplicable in his mind.

He shook his head and quickly discarded the unhealthy scene.

After a while, Yun Zhiyue helped Meng Yanqing out.

Chen Muxin mentioned her throat and quickly asked, “Is she…has it?”

Yun Zhiyue shook her head.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, when he learned that Meng Yanqing’s “Flawless Evidence” was gone, his heart was still lost.

“Definitely not, after all, I took her virginity.”

Yin Hades stretched out own slender fingers, smiling smugly with a bit of cold charm, “I have spent so much money, so I have to gain something.”

This guy actually used his hands–

Chen Mu clenched his fists, wishing Fat to beat the opponent.

But then Yun Zhiyue slowly said: “But… she is still innocent, and she has no trace of having sex with a man.”



Chen Mu and Yin Hades said in unison.

Zhang Awei was also dumbfounded.

Yin Hades retracted his long slender legs and stood up coldly and said, “This is impossible. If she doesn’t steal the man, how did these two children come from!”

“are you sure?”

Chen Mu stared at Yun Zhiyue closely.

Yun Zhiyue said: “Our Yin & Yang sect’s technique of observing the body cannot be wrong. Her primordial yin energy is very pure, without any taint, and she is definitely a pure female body.”

The room was completely quiet.

Everyone fell into a state of bewilderment.

Yin Hades, who had just been joking and provocative, also opened her lips slightly at this time, and quietly pinched his own arm, wondering if he was dreaming.


Meng Yanqing fainted directly.

“Yan Qing!”

Chen Mu and Yun Zhiyue hurriedly stepped forward to check.

“What’s going on? What’s going on? How could she have a pure body.” There was a mess in the Yin Pluto brain, and he shook his head vigorously.

Zhang Awei was expressionless.

He walked outside the house step by step, and the warm sunlight shining down on him, bathing him.

Everything fell apart.

All changed.

The mother turned out to be a pure body, that is to say… they are not a mother-child relationship at all, including Xiao Xuan’er.

“who am I?”

“Where am I?”

“What am I doing?”

Zhang Awei raised his head to look at the blue sky, and the plot that he had seen in the novels gradually emerged in his mind.

A couple of very high standing, on a dark and windy night in a certain month, in order to save the world, they reluctantly secretly put their newborn baby in someone’s room…

A few years later, the abandoned baby relied on his talent and blood to become a top master, bringing the world’s beauties to dominate the world.

“Perhaps… My Awei is going to rise.”

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