My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 434: Guilt and following

 Chapter 434 Guilt and Following

“Mother, I’m just a legitimate daughter like Xiao Yu’er.” Jiang Mu paused and hesitated for a moment.

The old lady looked at him with hatred.

“With Shicheng, are you still afraid that you won’t have a legitimate son or daughter? What kind of family will not be able to fill houses in the future?”

Jiang Mu looked slightly relieved when he thought about it.

 Write a letter of divorce in front of Mr. Xu.

 He also crossed out Jiang Xiaoyu’s name on the family tree.

No one noticed that the auspicious clouds above the Jiang family disappeared at that moment.

The ancestor enshrined in the Buddhist hall predicted that there would be a change at this moment.

 But no one noticed any of this.

Although Xu’s face looked ugly, she did not shed tears. She was heartbroken by the Jiang family.

 In my heart, I felt deep guilt.

 She is sorry for Youran.

 I'm sorry about the Wen family.

 I’m also sorry for my daughter.

 Everything starts from her.

The two of them, Mr. Xu, left the house and were standing outside the gate of Jiang's house.

Ms. Xu held back her tears: "How could he be so cruel to you? You are his daughter."

 “He’s not even qualified to be a mother, let alone a father?”

 Xiao Yuer has no sad emotions at all.

Xu Shi smiled bitterly, whether Xiao Yu'er was so emotionless was a good thing or a bad thing.

Mrs. Xu went back to her natal family. The Xu family loved her deeply, but the power in the family was low.

 When my uncle saw that his family was being bullied, he couldn't help but come to find an explanation.

However, the Jiang family broke his leg bones and sent him back.

 Xu returned home for three days and was plagued by nightmares every night.

On the third day, she said that she wanted to become a monk to pray for the Wen family.

 Everyone in the Xu family held their heads together and cried.

 The old lady even cried while holding her daughter.

However, he saw that his daughter was getting thinner and thinner, and her energy was getting worse and worse. In the end, he had to send her away from home in person.

On the day Xu became a monk, she held Xiao Yu'er's face in her hands and apologized.

"Father is sorry for you, and mother is also sorry for you." Ms. Xu burst into tears.

“Mother is an abandoned woman who was divorced. Even if your uncle, aunt, and grandmother have no complaints, mother cannot drag them down.” If a divorced woman returns to her natal family, it will affect the marriage affairs of her descendants.

 She was also tortured by guilt every day, and only the temple could give her a short rest.

You can also avoid involving the Xu family.

 “Mother, it’s not your fault. It’s fate’s fault.”

 “It’s fate.” Xiao Yuer smiled bitterly.

"My daughter is not wronged." The most wronged person in this life is Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu held her daughter's face and said foolishly: "The word love hurts people, Yu'er, never indulge in love. Wen Mingxuan...he is not a good match." Mrs. Xu finally said this.

 She was raised in a boudoir since she was a child. She disobeyed her parents and eloped for Jiang Mu.

 Where will it end?

 Xiao Yu'er nodded: "Mother, I know everything."

"I have asked your uncle to stay with you temporarily at Xu's house."

 Xiao Yuer sent Mrs. Xu to the temple.

 Come back and have a meal with the Xu family.

 After putting my grandmother to sleep, I went into my uncle's study.

 When we came out again, it was almost dawn.

 Several of Baoyue's personal maids also stayed at the Xu family.

 She was carrying her luggage alone and standing outside the city gate.

It wasn’t until the sky got brighter that I saw a young man in green clothes slowly approaching.

Wen Mingxuan stood under the city gate and passed her by.

 No emotions, no words.

 Like a stranger.

Xiao Yu'er didn't say anything and just followed behind him. Wen Mingxuan is a man. He is very strong and fast. His hair is just as small as a hairpin, and he is so petite that he has to trot to keep up.

 He said nothing.

She didn’t speak either, and just followed behind her silently.

Xiao Yu'er pursed her lips. She couldn't explain how she felt.

  She did nothing, but everything happened because of her.

 Jiang Mu used her marriage as an excuse to get involved with the Wen family.

Even the Wen family was wiped out because of her identity.

 Xiao Yu'er followed him silently.

The sky was scorching hot, making her sweaty and hot, and she followed behind, panting heavily.

Wen Mingxuan never looked back at her.

He kept walking and walking, and Xiaoyuer kept following behind him.

 Until the third day.

"Where's Aunt Youran? Aren't you going to take Aunt Youran out?" Xiao Yu'er felt something was wrong. Mrs. Wen was so crazy now that she couldn't stay away from her.

Wen Mingxuan paused.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "After I was released from prison, I went to the execution ground to collect the bones of everyone in the clan."

“There are so many bones. I have never seen so many bones in my life.”

 “There is also the brother-in-law who hanged himself. Such an amazing and talented person ended up hanging himself to death.”

Wen Mingxuan's tone was slow and somewhat hollow.

 “I took my mother back to Wen’s house.”

“The mother couldn’t find her father, she couldn’t find her grandmother, and suddenly she started yelling again.”

 “I coaxed her and my family went on a long journey.”

“She muttered that her family didn’t take her with them, and she cried a lot.”

“Later, I burned the ashes and waited for them to be scattered the next day.”

 “That night…”

“She held the ashes, walked into the water, and ended her life.”

"I think she is happy. She should be happy to be reunited with her family..." Wen Mingxuan's tone was low, as if to crush him.

 Xiao Yu'er's heart tightened.

 Did the aunt who was always gentle and wanted to be her mother commit suicide?

Xiao Yu'er's eyes trembled slightly, and a hot tear rolled down.

"Why are you crying? You should be happy. The Wen family was almost wiped out, and you also took away the Nine Transformations Golden Pill. You should be happy, right?"

"What do you have to cry about? After Jiang Shi took the elixir, he should be able to become a single spiritual root, right? Your Jiang family is finally going to gain momentum."

 “You should be happy, you are happy! Why are you crying!”

Wen Mingxuan roared angrily, his eyes turned red, and he wiped her tears violently, making her laugh.

"I'm going to break off the engagement with you in public. I'm going to embarrass you in public. Now that the Wen family is gone, are you happy?" Wen Mingxuan pinched her chin and asked her crazily.

 Xiao Yu'er shed tears: "I didn't. I didn't."

 "Hahahaha..." Wen Mingxuan laughed.

  With a smile on his face, he staggered forward.

"What did the Wen family do wrong? What did the Wen family do wrong? The Wen family is full of loyal people, and we don't have a single complaint..."

 “In the end, it was lost in the hands of villains.”

"The Jiang family, the Jiang family is so good. Your Majesty, your Majesty... The Wen family is unwilling to accept it." After Wen Mingxuan finished speaking, he made a puff.

 Suddenly fell to the ground.

"Wen Mingxuan!" Xiao Yu'er rushed forward, saw his face was pale, and felt for his pulse.

 The pulse is weak and the heart is as gray as death. This is a sign of heart death.

If a person’s heart is dead, how can he still live?

At this moment, the sky was getting dark, and Xiao Yuer struggled to carry him on his back, staggering step by step to find the village.

"Wen Mingxuan, just hold on, I'll find the doctor soon." Xiao Yu'er is thin and thin, and Wen Mingxuan is tall. She almost staggers every step she takes.

It rained from the sky at some point.

Xiao Yu'er carried him on his back and staggered in the rain.

This place was deserted. When she finally walked out of the small mountain village, she lost all strength.

 Fell directly to the ground.

 (End of this chapter)

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