My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 433: Mistaking fish eyes for pearls

Chapter 433 Mistaking fish eyes for pearls

 Xiaoyuer didn’t delay too much.

With only half a stick of incense, the prince led people to the execution ground.

 At this time, it was just three quarters past noon.

The prince frowned: "Jiang Mu, you beheaded in advance? Who gave you the courage!"

Jiang Mu had cold sweat on his brows and knelt on the ground, kowtowing continuously.

"Your Highness, this subordinate is in a hurry. It's his fault." No matter what he does, it's just that he didn't kill him on time, so there's nothing he can do to punish him.

 The prince was furious.

 “Come here, send Jiang Mu to the imperial court.”

"Your Majesty has an order to put the Wen family into prison first and then try again tomorrow." The prince looked around and saw that most of the Wen family had been killed.

 The prince took a deep breath.

The Jiang family doesn't know what kind of hatred they have against the Wen family, but they are so cruel and want to crucify the Wen family.

 Leave no chance.

Wen Mingxuan was pushed and stood up, walking forward like a zombie.

Mrs. Wen laughed out loud when she heard that the prisoner was being taken into custody.

"Master, why didn't you wait for me and left? What should you do?" Mrs. Wen vomited out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

 The prince asked someone to hire an imperial doctor to ensure that Mrs. Wen was kept alive.

Wen Ling’s face was pale and his eyes were dull.

Jiang Mu saw that he was a useless person and deliberately wanted him to live a life worse than death. He wanted him to watch his father, mother, brother, sister-in-law and the whole family die in front of him, so he specially asked him to be executed at the end.

 All of this is a torment for Wenling every moment.

The servants of the Wen family who did not want to leave were also beheaded.

 Only a few are still kneeling.

 There are a total of 327 people in the Wen family, from top to bottom, including side branches and subordinates.

Today, there is only a fraction left.

 There is not one out of ten.

 What a shocking number.

Little Yu'er was a little shy, seeing the red color was dazzling to his eyes.

 Jiang Mu went to the imperial palace to receive his punishment.

 Xiao Yuer returned the gold medal to the prince. The prince glanced at her and took the Wen family back to the palace.

"Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Yu'er..." Xu stumbled in. Xu's body was covered with injuries and her eyes were full of tears.

"Xiao Yu'er..." Mrs. Xu burst into tears when she looked at Xiao Yu'er.

 “Bah!” Mrs. Jiang hurried over.

 In front of the public, he didn’t even have time to cover up, and slapped Xiao Yu’er until the corner of his mouth bled.

 “Go back to the house!” The old lady gritted her teeth, her whole body was full of fierceness, she just wished she could be eaten alive.

Mrs. Jiang also ignored the accusations from the people around her. Ever since the Jiang family framed the Wen family, there was no turning back.

 What is face?

 A single spiritual root is enough to change the entire mansion.

 Enough to protect the Jiang family for a thousand years.

"Have you found anything?" Mrs. Jiang lowered her voice and looked at the nanny.

The nanny's eyes flashed slightly: "I found a small box, but it hasn't been opened yet. It has been sent back to the house."

The old lady breathed a sigh of relief, just wishing that the golden elixir was among them.

 Otherwise, everything the Jiang family planned today would have been in vain.

 The old lady’s face became serious, but it was a pity that she had not eradicated the Wen family.

 After returning to the house, the old lady ordered the door to be closed.

“Come here, give me a hundred punishments!” The old lady’s expression was cold and she didn’t even look at Xu’s mother and daughter.

"Old madam, it can't be done. If you give me a hundred punishments, you will lose your life..." said the maid beside him.

"If you lose it, lose it. It's a life. If you had lost it earlier, you wouldn't have caused trouble to the Jiang family! Today, if it weren't for her, how could the Jiang family still have any chance of survival!" Old Mrs. Jiang felt so angry that her heart ached when she thought about it.

“At least I can’t die now. Everyone in the world is watching.”

"We, Mr. Shicheng, are destined to walk on the great road to heaven. If something happens to the Wen family, she will die. I'm afraid that the world will blame Mr. Shicheng. It will be detrimental to him in the future." The eldest maid often takes small things with her. Yu'er is so kind, I dared to beg for her today. The old lady’s weakness was Jiang Shicheng, and she responded after thinking for a moment.

 “Lock her up first.”

 “Such evil obstacles will definitely not be able to be cured.”

“Let’s go and see something first.” The old lady was not in the mood to deal with Jiang Xiaoyu now, so she had people lock her up without giving her anything to eat or drink.

The Jiang family is closed to the public, and outsiders are not allowed to visit.

As for Jiang Mu, who was questioned by His Majesty, no one paid any attention to him.

 At night, Jiang Mu came back.

Jiang Mu had a dark face, just begging Jiang Shicheng to try and save his face.

As long as there are people in the immortal sect, the mortal family has nothing to fear.

Your Majesty thought that he made a big deal out of such a trivial matter. He was punished by your Majesty for fifty times and was demoted from his official position. He even lost his free time.

The biggest headache for him is that His Majesty wants to thoroughly investigate the Wen family, and he is afraid that his sister's two in-laws will be pushed out to take the blame.

"Brother Shicheng, you must be promising." Jiang Mu didn't understand that he was fighting against the odds.

 The wife and daughter were separated, and even destroyed her husband's family.

 He only has Jiang Shicheng as his godson.

 Three days later.

 The Wen family was rehabilitated.

 Mrs. Wen is crazy.

 Wenling committed suicide in prison.

Wen Mingxuan stood outside the prison with his crazy mother. The sun was particularly dazzling, making his eyes sore.

It only takes a few days.

 The harmonious and happy Wen family will never be seen again.

 Xiao Yu'er stood outside the door waiting for him. Wen Mingxuan looked at him expressionlessly, and the clothes on his body were terrifyingly empty.

Those eyes were bottomless and showed no emotion at all.

"Yu'er Yu'er... Xiao Yu'er... little wife, Mingxuan's little wife." Mrs. Wen let her hair down. She was always gentle and smiled like a child.

When Xiao Yu'er saw this scene, his heart felt heavy and his throat became hoarse.

Her condition is not much better than Wen Mingxuan. She was imprisoned for three days without food or water and was only released today.

She stepped forward and felt the biting cold around Wen Mingxuan.

 “I’m sorry.” Xiao Yu’er felt guilty for the first time.

 As a member of the Jiang family, this is a fact that she cannot change.

Wen Mingxuan glanced at her coldly, his expression cold: "Are you happy now?"

“The Jiang family’s plan is nothing more than the Nine Transformations Golden Pill. I never thought about taking that pill. Why are the Jiang family so cruel?”

“Jiang Xiaoyu, I really regret meeting you.”

Wen Mingxuan held hands with his laughing mother and ignored Xiao Yuer.

Xiao Yu'er said: "Why do I want to meet you?"

Wen Mingxuan went home alone, collected the bones, and dismissed all the remaining Wen family servants.

 He gave all the money he had to his servants.

 The Jiang family is also not at peace.

“Mu’er, why don’t you write a letter of divorce quickly?”

 “Jiang Xiaoyu broke into the execution ground alone, causing you to lose your official status and causing the Jiang family to be criticized by the world. Why don’t you expel her from the house!” The old lady forced Jiang Mu to write a letter of divorce.

Xu and Jiang Mu have had many quarrels over the years, but Jiang Mu has never thought of divorcing his wife.

"Mu'er, Shicheng will take the elixir in three days. Xu's mother and daughter are resentful. If they are in the house, won't they ruin Shicheng's good deeds?"

Jiang Mu gritted his teeth and felt calm.

 There was no turning back for him. He broke off his daughter's marriage and offended the Wen family.

 He can only rely on inheritance.

 (End of this chapter)

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